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July 14, 1922 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1922-07-14

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America and other countries a number of so-called free-think-
' er. v, who are radicals in their political open ions, and who have,
without adopting any other religion, placed themselves outside
the pale of Judaism. This contingent is, however, by no means
fixed. The attitude of antagonism to Judaism frequently gives
Published Weekly b y The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.
way, in later life, to a return, at first grudgingly and diffident,
Joseph J. Commie., President
but afterwards with increasing willingness and earnestness.
In general politics the Jews range all the way from ultra-
arch 316,
, 19 at he t Postoffice at Detroit,
Entered as second-class matter M
I conservatism to the radicalism of the confirmed Socialists.
Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
In Jewish affairs in general there are the Zionists and their
factions and the anti-Zionists, as well as the "middle of the
General Offices and Publication Building
road" contingent, who are not opposed to Palestinian Zionism.
850 High Street West
CAI. Address: but are not in accord with any of the other phases of Jewish
Chronicle Nationalism, or of Congressism, that recent product in Ameri-
Glendale 8326
can Jewry, which instead of uniting the Jewish people threatens
to drive a further wedge between factions.
Then we have a considerable contingent of Jews who are
not actively affiliated with the synagogues or the community
Subscription, in Advance-- ...... _..-..- ................................. $3.00 Per Year
except as contributors to the Jewish philanthropies.
No person with ordinary common sense or unbiased judg-
To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter must reach
ment would ever believe that all these elements in Jewry can
this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
Editorial Contributor i be gotten to act together for religious, political or economic
aims. There is only one basis of unity amongst them, and that
subjects of interest to arises when their brethren are made the victims of persecution
The Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on
and of the other iniquities which the Jew-haters conjure up.
the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for
In such instances there has been, in the past, and will be in the
view expressed by the writers.
future, the common action which charity and mercy create and
Tamuz 18, 5682 foster. Much as we may deplore the differences which exist,
July 14, 1922
we can be truly thankful that there is some approach to Jewish
During the absence from the city of our regular editorial contributor, solidarity when the call goes out to the Jewish people to help
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, he will be responsible only for such occasional their brethren in a great emergency.—The Jewish Exponent.




(Copywright. 1921.

By Judith Ish-Kishor.)



Mexico's offer of a stretch of land
to the Jews for colonization purpose's
again brings in the limelight of Jew-
4. A king who was descended from ish activities the great literary gen-
ius, Israel Zangwill. As father of
5. The first human being to taste of the ITO, the Jewish Territorialist Or-
Vladimir Jabotinacy.
When you read the story of Vladi- the tree of Knowledge.
ganization, Mr. Zangwill rejoices in
mir Jabotinsky, it reminds you of the 6. .A brother of Joseph.
the progress made by the territorial-
heroes of the olden times; and yet Mr. 7. The son of Elkanah.
ist idea for the establishment of a
Jabotinsky is a living, breathing man, 8. A wise king.
Jewish State, as opposed to the Zion-
and left America only a few weeks 9. Another word for the East.
ist ideal. The fact that an offer for
ago. Ile is a soldier, a speaker and an 10. The enemy of Mordecai.
colonization of Jews is made by a gov-
inspiring leader. Do you know that 11. The city that Jonah was sent to ernmental body causes the ITO'S
prophesy against.
it was he who first thought of having
guiding spirit to interpret the signs
Read down the first letters and you of the times as meaning progress for
a Jewish Legion in the recent war?
the name of a great Jewish territorialism. Mr. Zangwill seems to
Yes, he knew very well how glad the
Jews would be to fight for the deliver- Philosopher of the 18th century.
overlook the fact that similar offers
ance of their ancient country, Pales-
have been made from time to time and
tine, from the careless rule of the
few were ever taken seriously, except
Turks. I am sure you remember how
those that were made to the Zionists
the Jewish young men went from Can-
This letter was sent in by Dr. Cof- offering them land substitutes for
ada and the United States and Eng- fee, who is Roger's father. And as Palestine.
land to join the Jewish Legion and to Roger is in the hospital and has been
The mass of Jewry, thinking in
fight under their own blue and white sick, we must answer him before any- terms of the Jewish future and the
flag for the safety and peace of Pales- one else this week. Ile writes:
Jewish welfare, has paid little atten-
tine! And Vladimir Jabotinsky was
Dear Miss Ish-Kishor, while getting tion to territorialist offers because
better in the hospital, I have plenty Jewish hopes for an independent ex-
always at their head.
Another courageous thing that Mr. of time to solve your puzzles, and en- istence as a national entity have a
Jabotinsky did was to organize a lit- joy doing it very much. Today the spiritual and historic connection that
articles in this column as bear his signature.
tle army of Zionists for self-defense paper arrived with an acrostic which compel the mind as well as the heart
when the Arabs in Palestine tried to I have worked out. Your little friend, of the Jew to think of a homeland only
massacre the Jews. The British, in Roger Coffee.
in the sense of re-establishing the land
to satisfy the quarrelsome Ar-
P. S. My sister Marian and I en- of our ancestors. A Jew settling in
The home is the foundation of civilization, and the idea of order
abs, had to put him in prison for that. joy the Sabbath Angel very much, and the Argentine or in Mexico will natur-
It is an old and accepted proverb that force cannot arrest home building is one of the first thoughts of man. The home But as they themselves secretly ad- we are always glad to read your page. ally do on as an individual seeking a
the progress of an idea. Like many old and accepted proverbs, is essential to the perpetuation of mankind and too much im- mired him for what he hod done, he Roger lives in Oakland, ('alifornia. means of improving his economic con-
portance cannot be placed upon the preservation of the home. didn't find it hard to escape. And We wish you a quick recovery Roger, dition. But the .few as colonist and
it is not reliable.
he left Palestine, he has been and love to you and your sister Mar- pioneer in l'alestine finds himself in
When the liberal and progressive world learned of the das- Civilization had its origin in the first home built by mankind since
all over the world, working, ian. Your answer was right, but don't an entirely different position. Efforts
tardly murder of Walter Rathenau, it consoled itself with this and developed in accordance with the home conditions. The traveling
speaking and arousing the Jewish peo- tell it, for we must give the other of settlers in Eretz Israel evoke a re-
thought: "Such a foul crime can only defeat its own purpose; higher the standard of home life the higher the standard of ple everywhere to work for the "Bank boys and girls a chance to guess it. sponse from the Jewish people at
of the Foundation" -- The Keren
large. Chalutzim who go to Palestine
German public opinion will be so violently outraged that Rathe- civilization.
are recognized as the vanguard of
A Dream of Palestine.
It matters not how much one may accomplish in the field Ilayesod, which is the savings bank
nau dead will be a more powerful force for progress and inter-
in which the Jewish people is saving
their people, as the representatives of
of science, art, music, business, politics, literature, statesman- for its future home.
national amity than Rathenau alive."
One night when I had gene to sleep, their nation, and their activities be
But is this true? Will the gain balance the loss? Will the ship or any other sphere of activity, if his home life is not of That shows you a Jewish boy can I dreamed I was another child;
conie the affair of their fellow Jews
revulsion against the German monarchists and reactionaries off- a high standard, his great achievements sink into comparative grow up to be a hero nowadays, too! I dreamed I walked upon the sand, in every nook and corner of the globe.
The efforts at settling Jews in ter-
And all the winds were hot and mild
set the interrupted work of the brilliant financier, diplomatist insignificance.
ritories such as Mexico are interest-
Israel Zangwill.
It has been largely due to the great stress placed upon the
and peace-maker? Will the dark forces of Kaiserism and anti-
and will be watched by American
This is the name of an author who And in a city where I came
Semitism live to rue the clay that Walter Rathenau fell by the home by the Jews from their earliest history to the present has
The camels walked with heavy loads Jews particularly. Regardless of the
written more interestingly and
or failure of the venture, how-
hand of their assassins?
cleverly about Jews and Jewish life I had a most peculiar name,
When the dreadful storms of persecution waged against them than any other man writing in Eng- And drove two asses on with goads. ever, it is regrettable that such minor
It is not a question to be easily decided.
affecting, a small number,
The reports which reach us from Berlin indicate that it was they found their harbor of refuge where the light of family lish today. When people want to
of an interesting book about the "Sholom!" I said to all who passed, should serve as a means of even in the
anti-Semitism even more than reaction which was the cause of devotion and unity was continually kept alive within the do- think
with the great
"Sholom!" each person answered
the name of Israel Zangwill
Rathenau's death, Some of the details of the report are revolt- mestic circle and served as an inspiration to bear the ninny Jews,
task of Palestinian reconstruction.
conies to their mind at once. Would'nt
today charged
ing in the state of mind they reveal. It is said that officials of trials they encountered in the outside world.
you like to hear how he became so And then I woke and wondered where
with the responsibility of filling a task
That very pleasant land could be
While it is natural that we all wish to enjoy as much finan- famous?
the German Foreign Ministry greeted the news of the assassina-
for which it has been waiting these
About 50 years ago, Isreul Zang-
tion with exclamations of "Thank God, there is one Jew less!" cial prosperity as possible, let us not be so absorbed in the will
two thousand years, and the success
was one of the several hundreds
and the like. One of the papers of Hugo Stinnes (the greatest attainmentof wealth that we have no time to give to the up- of little
or failure of the Jews to live up to
boys who went to the Jews'
their responsibility will mean their
personal enemy of Rathenau, and an arch anti-Semite) made building of the home.
Free School, in London, England.
honor or shame. What is needed to-
A beautiful house with handsome adornments does not When he grew older and passed his
a kind of celebration out of the news, and signalized the hor-
day is a united front for Eretz Israel
rible event by launching a movement for an international ant-i make the home by any means. Love, kindness, unselfishness examinations, he became a teacher in The Bank of the Fountain—An
rather than an experiment in Mexi-
the same school. In his spare time,
Semitic League.
he wrote stories and comical articles
By Frieda Weinschel.
A part measure, then, of the contrary effects of Rathenau's plain little cottage.
for several London papers. Then one
"Why do we need our land? We
A Triumph for Zionism.
death will have to be sought in its effects on German anti-
Our homes are not merely places of abode where we sleep day, he had a misunderstanding with are happy here!" This question may
There can be no doubt that the over-
Semitism. Now that anti-Semitism, carried to its logical con- and eat, but they are the sanctuaries where we enjoy the the directors of the school, and gave be answered in ninny different ways. • helming
vote of July 4, in the Brit-
his position as teacher. This, In Egypt we were slaves. We toiled
clusion, has robbed Germany of its most capable servant, will blessed companionship of our loved ones, and should be ruled up
though it seemed at the time, a piece until we were worn out. God gave us ish House of Commons, in favor of the
public opinion rise in fury and carry on a consistent and un- by the highest standards of morality and religion.
of the government for
of bad luck, was really the beginning our land, and when we had our land,
Pleasure is essential to everybody, and is very beneficial if good luck, for from that (lay on, we were powerful, respected and fear- the establishment of a Jewish Home -
wavering war with the traitors of the republic?
for the Zionist ideal.
"Yes!" answers sentimentality. "Perhaps!" answers cold when indulged in to a moderate degree, but it is unfortunate Zangwill gave up all his time to writ- ed. But we lost it. Since then we Col. John Henry Paterson
recently de-
From his knowledge of Jewish have been pilgrims ' and wanderers
common sense, that there are so many people who are such pleasure seekers ing.
of Lords "cut
life he made up stories so truthful over the face of the earth. In Spain
Of course, there is no doubt that for the first few weeks that they are unhappy if they cannot have some form of amuse- and so interesting, that the Jews in we were tortured and put into prison no ice," and the overwhelming vote of
there will be a general condemnationfo the act. There have meat all the time. Their home seems to be entirely void of London enjoyed every word that he for wanting to live Jewish lives. In the Commons proves that the former
England, about the fifteenth century. leader of the Jewish Legion was right.
been nation wide demonstrations against the murder, nation- attraction to them.
Then came his big chance. (You we were money-lenders, but what did The only representative body in Eng-
wide denunciations of those who are prepared to crush Ger-
People who do not enjoy home lose much that is good in will
be amused to see that America they do to get out of debt? Why, as land of importance has given the gov-
many in order that they may crush the Jews. But bitter ex- life. The automobile and the moving pictures are the most gave it to him!) The Jewish Publi- everywhere, it was easy to torture and ernment an encouraging vote to con-
perience has taught us Jews that anti-Semitism, once it takes popular attractions for people today, and there are some per- cation Society of America asked Zang- kill . us. In Russia we were chased tinue with the policy for the establish-
of a home for the Jews.
deep root, is not so easily destroyed. It has a vicious tenacity sons of the opinion that they are among the greatest factors will to write a novel—a complete story from town to town. In Poland, oh, ment
Of interest in the Colonial Secre-
enough to fill a book—about Jew- those dreadful scenes. The blood of
that single events can seldom, if ever, dislodge. Anti-Semitsm that undermine the home life at present, but we believe that long
tary, Winston Churchill's statement
ish life and Jewish characters. And the Jews just ran in the streets.
murders, single and wholesale, have been frequent in our his- they are beneficial if they are utilized properly.
Zangwill, then 28 years old, wrote the
There are many other answers to to the House of Commons is the ref-
tory. Seldom have they resulted in a decrease in anti-Semitism
Boarding houses, apartments and hotels are thought by "Children of the Ghetto." That was this question. We have Palestine, but erence he made to the support elicited
we can use it, we need to build among Jews the world over for the
many people to be the most prominent agencies in the destruc-
the world, Gentiles, as well as houses, schools, stores and so forth. CRUM' of England and he allies. Mr.
The general proposition that force does not repress an idea, tion of family life, because they destroy the individuality of over
Jews, have read it. And since that Imagine yoorself looking at Palestine Churchill valued that as a holy agree-
itself generally weak, is weakest in this case. There are numer- the human being and foster a spirit of indolence that must prove time Zangwill has kept on writing in the future. Instead of the dry rocks ment between two peoples which Eng-
ous historical instances of ideas that have been repressed by harmful to those indulging in this manner of living. We would books and plays, both on Jewish and and the wild NUR, we see trees, land on her part, must keep by ful-
her pledges. No Jew can fur-
not be too severe in condemning this mode of living, as we are on general subjects. You will enjoy houses, gardens and people running filling
doubt the sincerity of the Brit-
One thing the death of Rathenau will unquestionably do: it of the opinion that although there may be numerous persons reading, his "Ghetto Tragedies," "King to and fro. Do your share and we ther
ish government, and it is now certain
of Schnorrers," and "Dreamers of the shall have Palestine.
will bring, and has already brought, the issue to a head. Shall congregated under one roof, there can be ideal homes in apart- Ghetto" as soon as you are old enough Note—I wish Frieda had written that the declaration made in 1917,
hatred of the Jews in certain section of Germany be allowed ments if the spirit of home making is there.
to understand them.
her address at the head of her article, favoring a Jewish homeland, will be
Zangwill has always been active in for then I could have printed it, and made good. That the agreement be
fl h t the detriment of the welfare of the country? Shall
Our home should be the shrine of our happiness and devo-
the Zionist movement, and although you would know where she lives. totally binding, it is now for the Jews
the propaganda of that section of the German people outweigh tion. It should be the place where we manifest all the best many Zionists do not agree with his Please remember to write your ad- to keep their part of the bargain.
all considerations of the future of the country as a whole? that is in us.—Jewish Review and Observer.
ideas, they all agree that he has dresses, boys and girls, at the head of
Again the sentimentalist answers no, and again the cynic will
shown a very deep and sincere inter- anything you send me.
Students in Need of Help.
est in the fate of the Jewish People.
point to a dozen countries of the past and of today which have
Dr. I. Altshuler of our own city is
situation. Can you not come in con-
David's Shield.
done themselves harm for the sake of nurturing Jew-hatred.
in receipt of a heartrending appeal
tact with your local aid societies in the
I like to look at that one star
from Jewish students at Bern, Swit-
And what of the general political situation in Germany?
effort to help us? We will never forget
Try this puzzle, which was made up
zerland, in which he is urged to devise
That comes before the dark.
Will Rathenau's death permantly strengthen the republic? It
this kindness.
by Martin Rosenrnan, 1402 Union It makes me think of Davids shield,
means among professionl Jews and
is a painful question. Leader after leader of liberalism has
Hoping that you will immediately street, Brooklyn, N. Y. You first
othei is for lending assistance to a star-
That's on the holy Ark.
attend to our urgent need and thank- work out these jumbled names:
gone down in Germany, murdered in cold blood. Public opinion
ving number of Jewish students who
Appeals For Students.
ing you in advance, we remain,
1. Mlooens,
Then when night really comes and all "lack the most elementary needs of
is outraged, but politics are not directed by public opinion only.
daily life, let alone money with which
In the end it is the leaders who count. Public opinion, disor-
3. Esaehman,
A thousand, thousand David's Shields to pay examination fees and with '
Detroit Jewish Chronicle:
ganized, leaderless, is always powerless. It is powerless in Editor,
which to continue their studies."
A group of young Jewish men and
Russia, where a minority rules because it alone is organized women, students of the various facul- "Jewish Academic Aid Association, 5. Diaaohb,
A translation of the letter reseived
by Dr. Altshuler is published else-
ties in Swiss universities, are menaced
and has leaders of ability.
Then you read down the first letters KING VICTOR EMANUEL
where in these columns, and the con-
Meanwhile the leaders of reaction stay, the Ludendorffs, with dire want and starvation if Jews
and find the name of a son of Jacob.
speak for themselves. Dr. Alt-
general and Jewish professional
the IIindenburgs, the Stinnes, the Helferichs. They may be in in
Isn't that a nice mixture?
shuler, in his anxiety to he of assist-
men in particular do not at once come GENTILE GRADUATE
a minority, but they will triumph unless the opposition has to
ance to the University of Bern stu-
their aid. As reader of your col-
Genevieve Mervis' acrostic has been Jewish community assisted in the ex dents, is devising means whereby a
umns I could not fail but observe your
committee of Detroit Jews will be
Is this theory aid and comfort to assassins? Perhaps. But deep sympathy with those who suffer,
and girls have answered it. And they Victor Emanuel to this city. Numer- formed for the purpose of raising a
matter where they are. I am in re-
it is not intended as such. The German government, like other no
sum of money sufficient to offer at
of a letter addressed to me by
governments, has not repressed murder with a strong hand ceipt
the Jewish Academic Aid Association fred Benesh, a well-known lawyer and working it out, and the best proof of reception committee, while a special least temporary relief to these stu-
because it relied on public opinion to combat the effect of the of Bern, Switzerland, which speaks of vice-presdient of the Cleveland Lodge
with their answers. The right rabbi waited on the king and held a
The doctor's efforts should receive
murders. But it must be recognized that this policy leans on suffering nothing short of heartrend- of the order of B'nai B'rith, is in re- letters
conversation with him. The Jew- the encouragement and co-operation
ing. I enclose a translation of the let- ceipt of a letter from James Platt solution is "Disreli." Now let's see long
a broken reed. Political murder must be met with swift, sum- 1 ter
what Bernard Covit is going to ask ish section of the town was decorated of every conscious Jew. The majority
which I beg you to publish.
White, of Williamstone, Mass., in us.
Zionist flags draping many houses. of the Jews resident in the United
mary and relentless punishment. It must call for stern punish-
Yours sincerely,
which he severely criticizes the atti-
Groups of young Zionists took part in State( are not here so very long as to
ment not only of the cowardly instruments of the murder, but
I. ALTSIIULER, M. D. tude taken by Harvard University 1. The greatest Jewish law giver.
A Jewess who saved her people. the processions, marching to the tune
of the still more cowardly inciters to murder.
A translation of the letter received towards Jewish students. Mr. White, 3. The first maker of wine.
(Turn to last page.)
of their own orchestras.
That is the moral of this theory. And the moral must be by Dr. Altshuler follows:
who is a Harvard graduate of the
widely preached and understood.—The Day.
"We appeal to you as a former stu-
"Many gentile graduates will stand
dent of the University of Bern to help behind you in the fight against the
us in our present need. You are very pettifogging slovishness of narrow-
well familiar with the local situation minded vulgarians who dare commit
Again—A Sale Which Is Truly
as it affected us in years past, but you such a caddish act in an instution of
There is no more convincing demonstration of the defective are not at all acquainted with our great tradition.
knowledge of Jewish .conditions on the part of the great ma- present need and want. All our re- "I have a library of modern drama,
for help are exhausted. Our the most complete in the world, which
jority of people outside of the Jewish fold than the constant sources
is without any means I had bequeathed to Harvard Univer-
reiteration of assertions of Jewish solidarity. Sometimes the association
whatever. Many students lack the sity. I will now cancel the bequest as
statement that such a condition of solidarity exists is made in most elementary needs of daily life, I have no desire to give my much-lov-
Van Raalte Glove Silk
a spirit of admiration, as showing how the Jews have managed, let alone money with which to pay ex- ed collection to an institution trying
fees and with which to con- to compete with Henry Ford."
by acting together, to overcome many adverse influences. More amination
their studies. Because of this
In conclusion, Mr. White urges a
frequently it is expressed in terms of reproach, as indicative of tinue
lack of funds, their hopes are well- boycott of all Harvard periodicals.
the alleged conspiracy, the theory as to the existence of which nigh shattered and their aim in life
is the product of the disordered brains of false leaders of is to be denied. As vou see, the situ-
From the Talmud—Do not put any-
is very bad. Wo e ask you, there-
the people. The conspiracy is supposed to aim at Jewish domi- ation
to do everything within your body to shame in public. To do that
nation of the religious, political and economic affairs of a large fore,
Silk from Top to Toe!
power to rescue us from our direful is as bad as shedding blood.

Walter Rathenau Stronger Dead Than Alive?

The Home In the Development of Civilization.

Are We United?



part of mankind.
The solidarity of the Jews, their unity in thought and action,
is, as a matter of fact, entirely visionary. In the matter of re-
ligious belief there are three clearly defined parties in Jewry.
These are the orthodox, conservative and reform schools of
thought. Even among these three divisions there are sub-divi-
sions, not always clearly defined, but often in evidence on a
number of issues of vital importance. The divisions are not as
numerous as in the Christian world, which might afford some
consolation were it not for the realization that the principal
reason for this is that there are not so many Jews to divide.
There are, it is true, only three distinct organizations of a de-
nominational nature to denote and accentuate the differences
that exist in the religious household of Israel. After a whole
century of vigorous polemics the truth has dawned on the com-
batants that it is always necessary to acknowledge accom-
plished facts. It has also been recognized that the different
.anches can act together in many religious matters. No doubt
in due course this recognition will lead, as it certainly should,
to substantial benefits to the cause of Judaism.




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Nature and the Poet

My Rabbi was Nature—she set me to learn,
She taught me to sing and she taught me to play;
She taught me to think and to feel, day by day,
And all that is beautiful, swift to discern,
The heart must be fresh, and the brain deer and steady,
The scales and the measure be waiting and ready,
And I, after all, have become—why you know it;
A poet, my brothers, a poor Jewish poet.


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