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February 10, 1922 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1922-02-10

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THEVeritorriEwistitijkox ix



Reports coming from numerous when he finds that his hair has grown.
cities throughout the country indicate During a later scene, when the Philis-
that Ilebrew circles everywhere are tines are gathered around him, mock-
watching with an anxious eye the re- ing- the prisoner, Samson is inspired
sult of the Hebrew play to be staged by his lover, Bath-Ami, pulls down
by the pupils of the United Hebrew the pillars with all his might, and the
Schools of Detroit on Sunday eve- house falls, burying all in it.
ning, March 6, at Orchestra Hall.
The role of Samson is to be played
"Samson and Delilah," the play in by Jacob Kadushin, 15 years old, who
question, which was written by Ber- has previously taken part in Ilebrew
nard Isaacs, superintendent of the sketches and has won much praise for
United Hebrew Schools, has already his acting. Ile is one of the most ad-
been proclaimed a great success, due vanced Hebrew students in the city.
to the efforts put into it and the nu- Betsy Ulanoveky takes the part of
merous interesting features intro- Delilah. Bessie Riske fills the role of
Ziallponith, Smasun'a mother, while
The leading feature of the operetta Mollie Weiner acts the smybolic fig-
is the music written by Cantor A. ure of Bath-Ami.
At a meeting held Thursday eve-
Minkowsky of the Shaarey Zedek
Congregation. Those who attended ning, Feb. 9, at the Wilkins street
rehearsals nay that the music is bet- Talmud Torah, Joseph H. Ehrlich,
ter than last year's, and the music of chairman of the committee in charge
Cantor Minkowsky of the previous of the play, reported on the activities
year's operetta received much favor- of the committees in charge and heard
able comment from critics.
reports from others in connection with
Morris Kirsch is giving up all of the sale of tickets, preparation for
his time to the training of the chil- the play proper, publicity, etc. Much
dren and is confident of the success enthusiasm is being displayed and a
of the play. The teachers of the corn. tremendoue success is being looked
bined schools and Recreation Commis- forward to.
sion workers are doing their utmost to
supersede lain year's success and to
assure for the Hebrew play a place
as a standing institution in the Jew.
ish year's activities.
The first act in the play shows a
field in the vicinity of Zorah. Men
A long felt want in Detroit for a
and women are busily engaged in
chiropractic school resulted in the es-
binding sheaves. The cry comes that
tablishment in 1920 of the Alma Chi-
the Philistines are coming, and out
ropractic College by a group of peo-
of fear, the people propose offering
ple interested in the profession from
sacrifices to the Philistine god, Dagon.
various points of view.
Zlalponith, the mother of Samson,
The purpose of the college, which
comes in and scolds the crowd for
the blasphemy, with the result that is located at 2709 Woodward avenue,
the idols are broken and a prayer is to teach the science and the art of
Chiropractic and to give a sound
offered to the God of Israel.
The second act shows Samson on training in the fundamental sciences
his way to marry a Philistine girl. upon which any system of the healing
Despite the pleadings of his elders, art must be based .
Practice of the profession in Mich-
Samson is immovable and he remains
resolved to carry out his scheme. The igan requires practitioner to present
of a high school education
scene following shows Samson's fu-
ture parents-in-law talking about the and to pass exmainations in anatomy,
hero of the play. They are not at all embryology, histology, pathology,
pleased with him. But Samson soon physiology, chemistry, bacteriology,
diagnosis, hygiene and public health.
enters, the wedding taking place.
The third act, taking place in De- These required subjects are taught
lilah's home, Delilah is persuaded by at the Alma Chiropractic College, in
the Philietinian high priest to find addition to the science and art of
out the secret of Samson's strength, chiropractic.


and this act shows the shearing of the
hair of the hero and his imprisonment
by the Philistines.
In the fourth act, Bath-Ami, the
lover of Samson, who is, in the play,
a symbolic Jewish figure, pleads with
Samson to avenge himself for the
wrongs done him. The hero rejoices


Has moved to 5827 Hastings St.,
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complete line of high
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4261 Woodward, near
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The Chronicle has in its em-
ploy three collectors. Before
paying any money to collectors
on The Chronicle, insist that you
sec proper credentials, showing
that the collector is a bona fide
agent of this paper.


(Concluded from I'age One)


(Concluded from Page One)
different from Bolshevism. As ex-
ample he cited the "clean-out" of the
Communists from the Forward, a
lewish Socialist daily. Jews inter-
e sted in this type of extreme radical-
ism form but a negligible quantity, he
declared. The best answer to the
charge of Bolshevism on the part of
the Jews of Eastern Europe is found
in the attitude of the Bolshevists,
themselves, towards the Jews. The
Soviet government has actually clas-
sified the Jews as belonging to the
Bourgeoisie, carrying out this classi-
fication by their systematic prosecu-
thin against the Jews.

turned to the banqueters and de-
I dared that the delegation had not
' come for dinners and feceptions, but
for practical results in the Zionist
' cause. American Jews must prove
that the messages they circulated to
the nations of the world through the
American Jewish Congress to the ef-
fect that they favored l'alestine for
the Jew were not mere statements,
but must be backed by practical ef-
forts that will materialize the expres-
sions of the Jewish masses.

Hacked by Restrictionist..

Message from Ukraine.

Dr. Goldstein, in an eloquent ad-
dress following the dinner, brought
to Detroit Jews a message from their
Ukrainian brethren. He drew a pic-
ture of the condition of the Jewish
people abroad and demanded in their
name that the American Jews give
of their material wealth that the
doors of the Holy Land may be
opened to the Chalutzim who are
streaming to the borders of Palestine,
but who cannot enter because Amer-
ican Jewry has not yet supplied the
means of establishing industry and
commerce in the land.
Dr. Goldstein. addressed to the
American Jews the question of how
many of their children know and un-
derstand the Hebrew language, how
many of them learn and appreciate
Jewish culture, Jewish ideals, and
urged that they do not miss the op-
portunity of establishing a center
where the Ilebrew language will be
a living tongue; of building a home
where Jewish history will again be

Two or three of the extreme re-
strictionists members of the commit-
tee, particularly Representative Ra-
ker of California, continually hacked
Mr. Marshall with questions, trying
to utilize every point that he scored
as a justification for restriction. Thus,
for example at one point of his tes-
timony Marshall made an eloquent
plea for the orphans of the Ukrane
the course of which he manifested
Professor Warburg dwelt on the
great emotion; 250,000 Jews had been
slaughtered in that region, leaving
ne practical questions of Zionism. He
s" discussed the Keren Ilayesod budget
thousands of orphans, who were with-
and told of the purposes to which
out care, and whose condition was be.
yond parallel. the monies will be devoted. Ile told
of the needs of great RUM that would
Mr. Marshall presented the Jewish
"case" with great vigor and skill. make Palestine "the California of the

Most of the members of the committee Orient," and painted a vivid icture
seemed impressed, however, more with of the land which he described as
"a world in miniature." Palestine
his earnestness than his argument.
has every conceivable climate, as well
His appeals seemed to leave them un-
as every conceivable attraction for all
affected with the exception of Chair-
man Johnson, who has of late been men, he said.
Rabbi Hershman Toastmaster.
showing more and more inclination to
be liberal. He, however, is clearly
Rabbi A. M. Hershman acted as
under the influence of his restriction- toastmaster of the banquet as well
ist colleagues, and is afraid to show as chairman of the meeting. Mr. So-
too sympathetic an attitude.
kolow spoke in English, Dr. Goldstein
Hies Defended.
in Yiddish and Professor Warburg in
At the evening session of the Com- German. Mr. Sokolow, in the course
mittee, Mr. Marshall made a defense of his remarks pointed out that the
LONDON.—(J. C. B.)—Sir Stuart of the charges against 111AS. Ile ex- delegation came to the United States
Samuel, for missy years president of plained the good work for immigrants, in the interests of the Keren Ilayesod
the Jewish Board of Deputies of the both here and abroad, in detail. An- at a great sacrifice. Ile himself, he
British Isles, has given notice that swering the accusation that the IIIAS said, was needed in the capitals of
he will not be a candidate for office made money out of the immigrants, he Europe; Dr. Goldstein had a great
at the next election.
said that the only profit realized by work in Europe, while Professor War-
The Board of Deputies has consid- IIIAS from this source was interest burg should have been in Palestine
ered the question of giving repre- from money deposited with IIIAS for devoting himself to the cause of es-
sentation to the Anglo-Jewish Asso- transmission to relatives abroad. This, tablishing the Hebrew University at
ciation and the Reformed Syna- however, was just one-sixth of the ex- Jerusalem. Professor Warburg, Mr.
gogues, provision for the inclusion of pence required to operate the benefi- Sokolow said, will yet carry out the
which would be made in the revised cent work of HIAS, and the rest of great task of the establishment of the
the funds of the organization came Ilebrew center of learning.
from contributions throughout the
Joseph Barondess, well known
orator, also spoke, and made the ap-
for the Keren Ilayesod. Among
4259 Woodward Ms.
defense of the ugly testimony of Ken. the pledges that were made was a
Charles' Style Shop is one of the neth Roberts, at a previous hearing, gold watch presented by Maurice
newer mercantile establishments of involving an alleged embezzlement by Schwartzberg as his only material
Woodward avenue, but its fame has a 111AS director, of 200,000 francs possession. Mr. Sokolow recognized
from immigrants. A thorough inves- Mr. Schwartalserg as the grandson of
spread rapidly since its doors were tigation by Mr. Bernstein of IIIAS,
a great Polish Rabbi whom he knew
opened, Dec. 1, last year, and at the based in part upon a report from personally. Mr. Schwartzberg ar-
present time the proprietor, Charles Judge Pam of Chicago, Mr. Marshall rived here from Poland one year ago.
In opening the masemeeting Mon-
D. Mishy, is doing a capacity busi- said, revealed the utter untruth of
the entire insinuation. The real facts day evening, Rabbi Hershman de-
ness. He features a number of na- were, Marshall said, that an agent
clared that "Israel was, is and shall
tionally advertised lines of haber- for a I'aris steamship company deliv- be. If the people want Palestine,
dashery, including high grade shirts, ered forged passage tickets, ordered they shall have it, and if the people
Varsity underwear and pajamas, Wil- by 111AS for immigrants, and IIIAS will be for Palestine, Palestine will
in now suing the company for a re- be for the people."
son Bros. underwear, pajamas and fund. Instead of being the defendant,
"The Jewish people have the power
hosiery, Monito hose and Arrow and as alleged by Roberts, the BIAS rep- to turn the prophecy into history,'
E. & W. collars. Everything in the resentative was the plaintiff against he said. "The British declaration has
way of men's furnishings can be the real culprit, who escaped in an been made a world declaration. Now
aeroplane to Germany.
there is only one power that can ren
found displayed here in a complete
Throughout the testimony represen- der that declaration safe, and that
and attractive manner and when one tative Siegel, endeavored to reinforce power is the Jewish people."
looks at the price of tags, one can and help Mr. Marshall's testimony by
Mayor Greats Sokolow.
readily see why the shop is doing such variousquestions and statements. Rabbi Hershman then introduced
a large business. Our motto is sour- Representative Sabbath, of Chicago, Mayor James Couzens by saying the
tee), and service to please every the other Jewish member of the corn- the latter had much to teach us be •
mittee, was absent, being out of the es ,„ he made pledges and redeemer
client. Telephone Glendale 6663.
on given
owi a rousing
mayor h a rth,
that I sse of
e ir
t i naszh,s
tl i t
= man in the whole universe, in refer-
= ring to Nahum Sokolow. Ile wel-
a corned the great Jewish leader to De-
= troit and said that Mr. Sokolow will
= always be welcome in this community.
=, "We in Detroit respect the Jew for
his civic patriotism," said Mr. Cou-
=I zens. "The American of Jewish de-
= scent has the respect of every other
nationality. We are as one people and
the Jew is helping us to knit this
= union closer together. There is no
= civic movement in which you will find
the Jew absent. He has repeatedly
—= demonstrated sane thought and good
= citizenship, and is firm for the things
that better living conditions among
Mr. Sokolow was introduced at the
massmeetni- by Rabbi Hershman as
= one who has a three-fold •atchout-
having one eye on the clock of events,
= at the same time keeping an eye on
E Palestine and on the people of Israel.

JIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111 111 111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M



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while the Jews are not a nation rep-
resented. When the Jews become a
nation in their own homeland, there
will be no more massacres, for we
will be represented in the League of
Nations. Massacres are made against
a defenseless people, and we are de-
fenseless because we are homeless.
We have friends in all countries in
the world but they cannot help us.
We must now help ourselves.
"We feel secure here because we
are prosperous. But there were other
times when Jews were prosperous in
many countries. The Jews were, for
example, in their highest glory in
Spain, but the reaction of the Span-
ish people took place in 1492, with
the institution of the Inquisition. Al-
though it was thought that an Inqui-
sition cannot re-occur because of our
civilization, yet it has been repeated,
in Moscow, Poland, the Ukraine,
"Every small nationality in the
world has become a nation. The
Poles, the Czecho-Slovaks, the Irish,
are free. Do the 'Jews want to be
like the Gypsies? They are the only
people without a home. All languages
have homes, but the language of the
Prophets has no home, and now we
have the opportunity of our life as a
people since the Dispersion of 1,800
years ago.

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Cherish Peace Ideal.

"We are not going to Palestine as
politicians for a political struggle, but
as agriculturists with the peace ideal
in mind. The Jewish people in Pales-
tine will never be a warring power.
It is established by an agricultural
people and these Jewish farmers will
never look with favor or war, be-
cause war kills their industry. No
agricultural neople are keen for war,
it is an admitted fact.
"It seems to me it is good Ameri-
canism for Americans to favor a Jew-
ish state. My idea of Americanism
is that of the pioneer spirit. Ameri-
cans are pioneers and Zionism is a
pioneer movement."
Dr. Goldstein followed Mr. Soko-
low with an address in Yiddish. "We
live in a great time, but the present
generation is smaller than our time,"
he said. "For 2,000 years we didn't
exist as apeople. For the first time
since the Balfour Declaration, the
nations speak of the Jews as a peo-
ple. This is a wonderful change and
a great era in our life. But this may
become a tragic event. If the Bal-
four Declaration had come in the
time of our grandfathers, if it had
been made 50 years ago, the answer
would be quite a different one. Our
grandfathers would not only pay the
tithe, they would not only give a
tenth of their earnings and posses-
sions; our ancestors would have given
more than Ma'aser. They would glad-
ly pay three times Ma'aser. Because
for centuries they dreamed and
hoped, looked forward to the day and
cherished the desire of seeing the
Holy Land rebuilt and rehabilitated.
Our ancestors would not have kept
the Gentiles waiting who have given
us a chance for Palestine."




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Professor Warburg Speaks.

Professor Warburg spoke briefly
of the needs for Palestine and spoke
the concluding words at the mass
meeting in the interests of the Jew-
ish homeland. Immediately following
his address, II. Goldman, as chairman
of the Detroit Keren Ilayesod corn-
mittee, presented Mr. Sokolov., with
a check for $25,000 for the fund on
behalf of Detroit Jews. Mr. Baron-
dess again made the appeal for addi-
tional pledges and cash contributions.
The delegation was accompanied to
Detroit by Dr. Celina Sokolow, daugh-
ter of Mr. Sokolow and his personal
physician. Dr. Sokolow was enter-
tained by a number of Hadassah
members on Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Ralph Davidson. Dr.
Goldstein is the nephew of Mrs. Belle
Goldstone of Virginia Park, by whom
he was entertained during his stay
Prior to his leaving Detroit, Mr.
Sokolow complimented J. Miller,
the Michigan state director of the
Keren Ilayesod, for his work in the
interests of the movement and urged
him on to greater efforts for the


(Concluded from I'age One)

commence work in Eretz Israel. It
next became imperative to establish
suitable conditions for the acquisi-
tion of the soil and for its coloniza-
tion. The Keren Kajemeth has
therefore out of its funds endeavored
to create such conditions which would
promote all activities in the direction
of national settlements and has there-
by facilitated the establishment of new
self-reliant colonizing institutions.
Now that after San Remo the diffi-
culties in the way of acquiring land
have been overcome, and the supreme
Zionist body has proclaimed the Keren
Kajemeth as the instrument of Jew-
ish land policy in town and country,
Came for Purpose.
has returned to its original task by
= "I didn't come to preach or orate it
asing the national possession of
E and afford you a means of enjoy- Ch
to 75,000 dunam
the be
_ ment," Mr. Sokolow began, "but for
'T' hus we' ve
beginning of a
...-, a special purpose, and I do not aim
true national
al settlement policy, but
= to appear before you under false
our work is yet far from fulfillment.
llm ent.
= pretenses. The time for speeches has
Only last year did the Keren h
and the time has begun for meth purchase
ha land to the value of
= acting. We come to the American
70 000 ro cs de s, a and in ° doin g
a thin o it
. t.
= Jews to ask them to become the prin.
'has' incurred liabilitiese for
= rival builders of Palestine. Balfour
while ahead. Yet and e this is a a n ece
= has made his declaration on behalf
city; these pledges must be redeemed
= of the British government and has re-
and further expense must be incurred
= affirmed it two weeks ago at Wash-
is so as to prepare
land for the cry-
= ington. Now our Zionist program
of the e t houssnd
ii of our
= no more a proposal, no more a dream.
ds fleeing
eeing . 0 Eretz Israel on
It is a reality and an international IT:l '-ose soil lies their only hake of work
i r
= fact. If the Jews fail the world wlil and life. For them a
large reserve of
.--'' be disappointed in them and will be-
=, lieve the charge true that the Jews Iliad must be provided.
The twenteith anniversary of the
•=. prosper only 101411 mixed with alien Keren Kajemeth calls to all its
,= peoples.
friends, calls the whole of the Jewish
"We are not 'getting Palestine for people to heart-searching and to


the Zionists, but for all who come work. Let us celebrate the jubilee
= and want to work out their futures year of the existence of our popular
and destinies there. Palestine was treasure by redoubling our zeal and

= given us not in the name of the Zion- dedicating our energies to promote its
-=-. jets, but in the name of the entire aims. The fundamental basis of the
= Jewish people, and we are dory- national colonization has been and
= bound to the nations of the world must always be the soil. 'Geulah
E _ to make good the trust they have Titnu Laarez.' Redeem the call of our
= placed in us.
fathers• open the sources of new life,
"The opportunity is 'within the 0 tha t `
Icoancd• ashia, l1 the people of
:-=- grasp of the Jews, and if they fail to ' the
' t laan-d Ph's.
= grasp i , evil conditions that befell
t rplpe leis '
This call of the J ewish
an c people
-7s i them in the pant 1,800 years will s lamed by Dr.
Ch i NS ''' eizmann for
r Chaim
=, continue. We thought some y ea" the 7:1'"orid Zionist Organization, and
= ago that persecutions of the Jews by
eesrs. Ussishkin and Schocken
were a thing of the medieval ages, for the Board of Directors of the Jew-
but in the days of the Wor ld War ish National Fund.
= and after the war,
witness t h e tho
sands of Jews who gave their lives
VIENNA.— (J. T. A.) — The 45

in the massacres in Europe and the
Jews interned at the Zalaegerszeg
E.- Near East.
camp include 13 Hungarian Jewish
Must Be Rep

"Pact s have happened and are not men, women and children, a report

E- ,

fill111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIIIIME1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rE finished. They are bound to happen n the Nepszava of Budapest states.

. _


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