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April 29, 1955 • Page Image 1

…Democratic World Acclaims Israel On 7th Independence Anniversary Notables to Participate In Detroit Celebration This Saturday Evening NW. - NW THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper, Incorporating The Jewish Chronicle VOL. 27—NO. 8 "17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit‹qpii). 7 April 29, 1955 x-Mufti Emerges as Bandung's Evil Spirit Haj Amin el Husseini, .collaborator with the Nazis duri...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Allied Campaign Approaches By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Albert Einstein: A Chapter of Miracles in World History Three-Quarter Mark; Workers Rally Set for Next Tuesday Albert Einstein is not to be evaluated, in the sense that one evaluates Franklin D. Roosevelt or Winston Churchill or Harry Truman or Chaim Weizmann. There are great,men—and we have just mentioned several among the great—but -Einstein was above greatness. He represen...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 3

…Red China Backs Arabs at Bandung Continued from Page 1 LONDON, (JTA)—An anti-Is- rael resolution was adopted by the political committee of the 29-nation Asian-African confer- ence at Bandung, Indonesia, Marking an important victory for the Arab states participating in the parley. The resolution, which was adopted unanimously, called for "the implementation of the United Nations decisions on Palestine and the achievement of the peaceful settle...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co, 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich.. VE.• 8-9364 Subscription S4 a year, Foreign $5. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942, at Post Office, Detroit, Mich., u...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 5

…A Parade of Ilonoigi Impressive Program for Israel's Continues for Salk NEW YORK, • (JTA) — The parade of honors for Dr. Jonas E. Salk, conqueror of dread polio, continued this week. Fore- most among them was the award in Washington of a cita- tion by President Eisenhower. The President presented cita- tions to the famed researcher and Dr. Basil O'Connor, presi- dent of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, at a White House ceremon...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 6

…d--DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, Friday, April 29, 1965 IN '55 THE NEEDS ARE GREAT-ARE . - WE? We have worked, we have given, we have built, we have. ac- Complished 'wonders. We cannot now afford to be compla- cent. We cannot risk watching our achievements crumble away, bit by bit. We cannot be indifferent to those ! whose needs we have not yet .met. They need our help to find seCur- ity, freedom, health, dignity. The tremendOus worldwide respo...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 7

…Around the World 0 • A digest of current worldwide news reported by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1 United States WASHINGTON—The convention of the Bnai Brith Women's Supreme Council has criticized the McCarran-Walter Act for discriminating against immigrants because of their national origin and race . . Vice President Nixon has announced a conference of representatives of . state and municipal agencies concerned with the elimination of di...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 8

…My Humble Thanks to Parents and Community . I have a goodly inheritance! ' —Psalms, xvi. 6 With thanks unto the Lord, I humbly express my debt of gratitude to my parents, for their great legacy which has inspired me to continue their charitable work in our community. My Father's devotion to the Synagogue and his life-long activities in behalf of the improverished and less-fortunate; my Mother's devotion to the Yeshivah and her piety—...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Labor Zionists to Launch WA Efforts Rhodes No To Head Colincil At Chicago Midwest Conference At the Community Council del- Nations; Mrs. Ada -Sereni, be- loved Israel heroine; Baruch egates' assembly, April 25, Sam- Zuckerman, a member of the uel J. Rhodes was nominated for Executive of the Jewish Agency president, to succeed Sidney M. for Palestine; Dr. Sara Feder, Shevitz, by the nominating com- faculty member of the Univer- mittee, headed ...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 10

…Rabbi Segal Talks on Einstein To Young Married Couples SYNAGOGUE f SERVICES CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Sabbath services at 7 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Israel I. Halpern will preach on "Selection or Election." The Bar Mitzvah of Arthur Genser will be observed. TEMPLE ISRAEL: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Rabbi M. Robert Syme will preach on "The Ifs of Jewish History." The Bar Mitzvah of Mark Avrunin will be observed. CONG. B...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 11

…victory over human suf- Sen. McNamara Asks $10,000 Annual Awai d to Dr. Salk orable fering." the associates of Dr. Salk . and were Conducted. He remarked, "I complete text of Senator Mc Namara's speech in behalf of On April 18, Senator Pat Mc.- Senator Herbert H. Lehman, Israel bonds, in San Francisco. I very proud of the role play- of New York, has inserted in This speech was quoted in The Namara, of Michigan, introduced the staff of the Un...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 12

…Tercentenary Art Exhibit to Close- President of NCJW Meets President Eisenhower Mrs. MOISE S. CAHN, of New Orleans, presi- dent of the National Council of Jewish Wom- en, is thoroughly enjoy- ing her recent visit with PRESIDENT EI- SENHOWER. Mrs. Cahn, only Jewish leader in a group of 20 women to exchange views with the President, appealed to him to make specific recommenda t i o n s to Congress for revision of the • McCarran - Walter tmmig...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 13

…omen MJAS SHALOM SISTERHOOD will hold its annual Indoor Gar- den Installation Luncheon at 12:30 p.m., May 10, in the syna- gogue social hall. Mrs. George Liss, Sisterhood president, has selected Mrs. Philip Helfman as chairman. Assisting her will be Mesdames Jacob E. Segal, in- stalling officer; Max Biber and J. E. Segal, script; George Bas- sin and Harry Spoon, social; Max H. Goldsmith, decorations; Sidney Shevitz, music; Harry Nachman, Al...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 14

…Mrs. Green Heads State Dental Group Mrs. Henry Green, of 19717 Roslyn, was installed as presi- dent of the Women's Auxiliary to the Michigan State Dental Association in a ceremony April 19, at the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel. The post, highest possible of- -1W ice in the state's women's dental groups, is now held for the first time by a Jewish wom- an. Mrs. Green was selected from among members of the Auxiliary from all parts of Michigan. Mrs. Gr...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 15

…Adiviiieo in Societv Mr. Morrey Shepherd and daughter, Lorraine, of 19767 Sor- rento: have returned from a three-week visit with relatives and friends in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kaminsky and children, formerly of Cortland Ave., are now residing at 23431 Harriet Ct., Oak Park, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Zelig Landy and family, formerly of W. Grand Ave., are now in their new home at 23441 Harriet Ct., Oak Park, Mich....…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 16

…AJC Arts and Crafts Leaders Guest speaker at the recent arts and crafts dinner of the Allied Jewish Campaign was Rabbi HERBERT A. FRIEDMAN (third from the left), United Jewish Appeal's newly-appointed executive vice-chairmen. With Rabbi Friedman are (left to•right) NATE BALABAN, division counselor; DAVID GOLDBERG, vice- chairman; HARVEY WILLENS, chairman ; LEONARD N. SIMONS, pre-campaign, and HERBERT A. ARONSSON, printers and pub- lishers sec...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 17

…■ •••••••••• ■ •• ■ 111. Tales Out of School "The Youth of a Nation are the TrUstees aj Posterity."—Disraeli By By Rena Katz Joni Handleman Central High Mumford High The great event is drawing near. Amidst the flurry of make-up, Athenian robes, sing- ing, and dancing, 'Lites are put- ting the finishing touches on their biggest production in years. The public is invited to see the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakesp...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 18

…JSSB, Resettlement Service Meeting, To Be Held May 10 Sheila Sedman Wed o Eli Finkelstein The annual meeting and elec- tions of the Jewish Sodial Serv- ice and Resettlement Service will be held Tuesday, May 10, 8:15 p.m. at the United Hebrew Schools Esther Berman Branch, Schaefer at 7 Mile. Mrs. T h eodore Bargman, president of JSSB, and David Rosin, president of Resettlement Service will report on activities of the past year. • A highlight ...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 19

…Beth Abraham Congregants Shaarey Zedek Lagers Win Pay Honors to Rabbi Thumim Congregational League Title DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-19 Friday, April 29, 1955" William J. Beal, early agricul- tural scientist at Michigan State College, was the first to cross- fertilize corn, ushering in hy- brid corn. Honors and tributes will be Now 81, Rabbi Thumim lives heaped upon Rabbi Joseph Thu- alone with Mrs. Thumim at 3317 mim at a testimonial dinner Colli...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 20

…--The Suburban Community- Dr. Shmueli to Speak At Ernanit-E1 Service t 20—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 29, 1955 Oak-Woods Bnai Commemorating the seventh S ets May 4 Program anniversary of the founding of the new state of Israel, a special Oak-Woods Chapter of Bnai service will be conducted by Brith will offer its second an- Cong. Emanu-El at 8:15 p.m., nual Mother and Daughter Af- By today, in Tyler School, 14700 W. fair on Wednesday...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 21

…News Brevities Leaders of American Reform Judaism will pay tribute to Dr. SAMUEL S. 'HOLLENDER, gen- eral chairman of the Combined Campaign of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion, at a dinner in Palmer House, Chi- cage, on May 17. The occasion will mark the 100th anniversary of the introduction of Reform Judaism in this country. • * * VLADIMIRITZER E M E R G- ENCY RELIEF ORGANI...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 22

…• Sends Israel Greetings to Capital Dinner COV. WLL:tliTtS Continued from Page 1 CJ " "It is wonderful to see the progress here and to feel the determination of the people. I am happy to join my col- leagues in acclaiming the aim • for a better world in which all can live so that the Brother- hood of Man and democracy can go forward in peace." Gov. Theodore R. McKeldin, titf Maryland, who was re-elected president of the American-Israel So...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 23

…• Yeshiva University's Dean Sar To Address Mizrachi Mass Meeting Roger J. Pernick Named to Brandeis Dean's List - Samuel L. Sar, dean of men at Yeshiva University, in New York, will be principal speaker at a mass meeting planned by the Mizrachi Organization of Detroit at 8:30 p.m., May 7, at Young Israel Center. • The program is planned to re- port progress on the construction of Bar-Ilan., University a n d• to hear reports". : 1 on the pr...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 24

…CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Deadline for dis- play 'classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charge $1.00, or $2.80 per column inch. LARGE. well furnished room In single home. Good transportation. TR. 5-2651. NICE clean room, telephone privileges, „good transportation, gentleman pre- f,tv„.. --;,:il. TE. 4-7467. BEAUTIrw.., roo...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 25

…-4-rowmow•swolaww•.. 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17—HOUSES FOR SALE TULLER nr. 6 Mile 5 a. 4 income bung. exc. cond. in & out, auto. hot water, stoker heat, carpeting, screens, storms, upper rents 580. $3,500 will handle. TUXEDO-PETOSKEY 2 bedrms., attic, only 5 years old, gas ht., auto. hot water, large corner lot, nice bedrms. Assume G.I. mort- gage, $2,400 dn., 569 mo. Here's a real buy l MR. GENTILE, UN. 1-4918 FRANK J. HANNIFAN PRAIRIE N...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 26

…17-HOUSES FOR SALE 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 26-LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE SANTA BARBARA near 7 Mile Road. Face brick, 3 bedrooms and den. Tile kitchen with breakfast nook. 1st. floor lay.; recreation room, carpeting and drapes. Sprinkling system. drive. ga- rage. An outstanding buy. WE. 3-6300. M•-ccury Realty. OAK PARK-Moritz. 6 rooms, face brick. 3 years. 12x18 living room, carpeting. custom drapes. Paneled den. 10 foot solid drive. Schools. shopp...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 27

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-27 Friday, April 29, 1955 Monument Unveilings (Unveiling announcements may be in- serted by mail or by calling The Jewish News office, VE. 8-9364. Written an- nouncements must be accompanied by the name and address of the person making the insertion. There is a standard charge of $2.00 for unveiling notices, measuring an inch in depth.) Mary Klegon and Freda Law- rence announce the unveiling of a monument in memory of t...…

April 29, 1955 • Page Image 28

…Women's Division to Observe 'G' Day Sunday cD 2,000 Allied Jewish Campaign' Court Clears Workers to Solicit 15,000 on Dr. Ohrenstein of Annual 'Great Day for Giving' Smuggling Charge Sunday, May 1, is "G" Day—a great day for giving. It will see more than 15,000 general solicitation contributors in the Women's Division pledge individual gifts to a force of approximately 2,000 volunteers—gifts that will bring desperately- seeded aid to Jewish...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 1

…We MOWN Our Loss! Blessed the Memory of Albert Einstein All mankind sits in mourning over the passing of the world's greatest scientist, the devoted Jewish leader, the defender of the rights of all downtrodden, the supporter of Israel—the man who more than any other person in generations has earned the right to be called a genius—Prof. Albert Einstein, His memory will live os a blessing for all generations to come. Editorial, Page 4 The ...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary Dr. Salk `VeryReliableMan,' By EDWIN A. BELLER tCc.pyright 1955, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Daniel and Dora Salk live in a announcement; Everywhere, the Salk is a member of the alumni five-room apartment in upper Salk serum was being likened to group — he interned at Mount Manhattan. Ordinarily , it's a the Schick test for its impor- Sinai Hospital. israet's Seventh Anniversary Mount Sinai and Dr. Schick quiet place...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 3

….333•033.3.—,334:3 Friday, April 22, 1955 ' 344,waio** 3011T$,13,••■•.3,1333. COPENHAGEN, (JTA)—Julius Bomholt, Danish Minister of Education, and other represen- tatives of Danish cultural and educational life were present at Center's Annual Meeting Sunday The Jewish Community Cen- ter's 21st annual meeting, Sun- day, 2 p.m., at the Davison branch, will be addressed by Harvey H. Goldman, president, George D. Keil, chairman of...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Wrong Ingredients for Peace Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspape rs, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35., Melt-, VE- 8-9364 Eubseription S4 a year, Foreign S5. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942, at...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 5

…Dr. Einstein and Madame Curie Art Institute Gets Community Gift ? Campaign Re-orts Continued from Page 1 $2,275,079 Total Simons, Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Feinberg, Lawrence Continued from Page 1 • When the noted French nuclear physicist, Mme. IRENE JOLIOT-CURIE, toured major American cities, she visited with Prof. ALBERT EINSTEIN at Princeton, N. J. Congress Moves to Honor Salk for Polio Conquest WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Rep. Brent Spenc...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 6

…6—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 22, 1955 . . This is why Israel was• born THIS IS THE SCENE that is most typical of the young. State of Israel — seven years old this month. Since Israel's birth 750,000 immigrant men, women and . childrtn have poured from ships and planes—to find safe refuge at last from war's havoc, oppression's blows and the tyrant's grasp. For Israel was born to be more than another State.. It was born so that ...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 7

…7-Year-Old Susan Goldberg to Turn Vol, Opening Y eshivah's Laven Building DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-7 Friday, April 22;- 1955 Hannah Schloss Old Timers grogram e, Council to Act 'on - Pretty little Susan Sima ter and Sturtevant. Constitution Change Goldberg will be • called on next The honor was given to seven- Sunday to officially open the , year-old Susan in memory of her On Monday Evening grandparents, Morris. and Tzipa Sidney M. Shevitz, Je...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 8

…8 DETROIT JEWISii NEWS, Friday, April Xi, 11,35 BETH YE UDAH SCHOOLS DEXTER. AT STURTEVANT Invites the Community to Dedication Ceremonies SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, ONE O'CLOCK Members of the Families, Individuals and Groups Listed, Below, to be Accorded Special Memorials and Honors in the New Building, Will Gather AT NOON in the Mogen Abraham Synagogue, Dexter at Cortland. Brief, Outdoor Ceremonies Will Be Followed by the Formal Opening of Do...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 9

…Around the World . • • Jewish Women to Hear Violinist Selma Weill Eisenhower Expresses Faith in. Free Men. on Anniversary of Liberation The Detroit Section,.National Council of Jewish Women, will hold its annual luncheon meet- ing at Northwood Inn at 12:30 p.m., May 2, with Mrs. Arthur I. Gould, president, presiding and' Mrs. Nathan Schlafer serving as chairman of the day. After installation of officers, Mrs. Sidney Marwill, program chairm...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 10

…I The Suburban Communit Beth Shalom Awaits Go-Ahead From Zoning Board on. Build into, By the Oak - Woodser decision until Tuesday, at which the residents and synagogue of- Members of Beth Shalom Synagogue await a decisive step ficials will renew discussion. The site was originally next Tuesday, upon which rests the possibility of erecting its chosen for the - synagogue congregational structure this structure because of its easy accessibili...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 11

…, DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-1 1 Friday, April 22, 1955 SERVICES SYNAGOGUE Re-Elect Dr. Sidlow Shaarey Zedek President CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Sabbath services at 7:05 p.m., today. At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Joel Litke will preach on "Moral Leprosy." The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Werner will be observed. CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: At 9 a.m. services Saturday, Rabbi Israel I. Halpern will preach on "Israel's Birthday." TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 12

…Glowing Tributes to Harry Madison Extended by JWV, Community 12—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 22, 1955 Two New York Physicians Win Hebrew U. Honors "It is I who should be giving toward the principles of his own all of you a testimonial dinner, organization, he has never lost rather than you turning out to honor me," spoke a modest and sight of the goals of the entire emotional Harry T. Madison last community. To Harry T. Madi- Sunday ev...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 13

…om en (More Clubs on Page 17) HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will meet at 12:30 p.m., Monday, in the home of Mrs. Abraham Schmier, 3557 Sherbourne. Ger- trude Leve Blum, known pro- fessionally as Jean Lawrence, will entertain with a musical program. • • KINNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the home of Mrs. Oscar Warren, 2655 Leslie. Isaac Finkelstein will review "A Treas- ury of Yiddish Stories." • • • CAREER GROUP, Na...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 14

…14 Beverly Blau Wed To Merton Segal — DETROIT JEWISH NEWS' Barbara Bloom Wed Friday, April 22, 1955 Drive to Replenish Clothing for Needy School Children To Charles Leuchtman JWV Activities e ngagemento Co-operation of parent s,- teachers and school students is asked during the Spring Public School Clothing Drive, April 25 through May 6, to replenish stocks of used clothing given free to needy children to keep them in school. Heavy dem...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 15

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-15 Friday, April 22, 1955 Honeymoon in Haiti After April 3 Wedding MRS. RODNEY G. LANDSMAN In a double-ring ceremony on the afternoon of April 3, at Tem- ple Israel, Sandra Olive Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Gilbert, of Ohio Ave., became the bride of Rodney Glenn Landsman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Landsman, of Fleet St. Dr. Leon Fram and Rabbi Morris Adler officiated. The bride wore a gown of Ital- ian si...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 16

…Betrothal Told MISS SHELIA SEDMAN Mr. and Mrs, Morris Sedma.n, 11336 N. Martindale, an- pounce the engagement of their daughter, Sheila. Joyce, to Eli Finkelstein, son of Mrs. Fannie Finkelstein, of 1€890 Prairie. News Brevities JERICHO LoDpE, Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet at 8:30 p.m., Thesday, in Jericho Temple, 11331 Linwood. Ernest F. Rossi, of the Mayor's Committee on Narcotics, will speak on "Difficulties of the igarc...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 17

…Miss 'Goodman Engaged To Seymour Levine ornen .3 (More Clubs on Page 13) 5: AVIVA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet Wednesday evening, i_n the home of Mrs. E. Bauman, 17357 San Juan. Louis Redstone, noted local architect, will speak on his recent trip to Israel. Guests are welcome to, attend. * * * WOMEN'S DIVISION, Sholem Aleichem Institute, will hold a lecture-luncheon on April 30, in the home of Ruth Gasman, vice-chairman, 3287 Richton....…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 18

…▪ SS—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 22, 1955 Tales Out of School '"The Youth of a Nation are the Trustees of Posterity."—DisraelL April 17—T6' Mr. a n d Mrs. Irving Barit (Nita Hitow) of Bay City), of 22030 Whitmore. Oak Park, Mieh., a daughter, Karin Beth. • * April 11—To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Marcus (Anne Bluish), of 4.219 Tyler, a son, Howard David. * By By . Rena Katz Joni Handleman Central High liumford High * * The family o...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 19

…meet- DETROIT JEWISH NEWS--19 African Conference now meet- ing at Bandung, Indonesia, have Friday, April 22. 1955 launched a diplomatic drive to have the question of Arab- - Israel relation placed on the would prefer to see such a conference agenda and to se- resolution s h el v e d without cure backing for a resolution any vote. condemning Israel. for "aggres- A primary • interest of the Direct JTA Teletype Wire what was the reaction of UN su...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 20

…Philip Hand Leman —Octogenarlan Prominent Detroiter Honored By Family on 80th Birthday Workmen's Circle 'In Freedom's Light' Cantata on TV To Present Annual Sunday as Tercentenary Feature -0 Service Awards "In Freedom's Light," a can er of the s ca.nata, Zinovi Hist Highlighting this week's ac- tivities at the Workmen's Circle will be the ninth annual Com- munity Service Awards presen- tation, scheduled for 8 p.m., Sunday, in the Circle Cen...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 21

…Danny Raskin's I On the Record By NATHAN ZIPRIN LISTENING **MI wax.s.ssoma A BIT OF disa 'n data . . . while visiting Jackson State Prison to attend Passover seder and services for Jewish inmates. 57 ACRES WITHIN the mas- sive walls make up the largest prison in the world . .. with so many cells that it would take an inmate 17 years to occupy each one . . . ( anybody want to volunteer to find out for them- selves?) . . . 25,000 towns in ...…

April 22, 1955 • Page Image 22

…Nazis Re-Indicted in Story of Martyred Girl House of Dolls' Has Powerful Moral Mandate' • Another great document is be- ing published today as a re- minder of the Nazi horrors and as a warning against their repe- tition. "The House of Dolls." original- ly published in Israel, is making its appearance today. in a trans- lation from the Hebrew by Moshe M. Kohn, from the press of Simon and Schuster (630 5th. NY20). Its author is "Ka-tzetnik 13...…

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