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June 16, 1967 • Page Image 6

… protect Jews in Arab countries who are now exposed to "mob violence and inhuman treatment." Israeli Troops at Church of Nativity THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THE RICHARD TUCKER CONCERT SPONSORED BY THE…



…, stirring melodies he has brought back from embattled Israel. Also featuring: Seymour Schwartzman— Baritone, N.Y. Civic Opera Company Dan Frohman Chorus Sinfonietta of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra…

… Directed by: Dan Frohman ALL SEATS RESERVED Good Tickets Available at: $5.00, $12.50, $25.00 and up per seat Contributions Are Tax Deductible CALL: HILLEL CONCERT OFFICE 18501 W. 10 Mile Rd., Southfield…

April 16, 1965 • Page Image 6

…, April 16, 1965 • The Hillel Day School established in 1958, is accredited by the State of Michigan. Our superior General Studies Curriculum meets the highest standards of the Detroit and Oak Park Boards…

… honoree at the an- nual dinner of the Jewish National Fund Council of Detroit, to be held at the Shaarey Zedek on June 16. The JNF's objective is to plant an Isaacs Forest in Israel, as part of the larger…

… arrange the event will be announced in the coming weeks. Mr. Isaacs, who was superin- tendent of the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit from 1919 to toren, Hadoar, Gilyonoth, Shevi- ley Hachinuch, the local…

… course indicated name-calling as the sole defense. Y Son and Oaughter Oeserve die est .. . HILLEL DAY SCHOOL our Announces that Registration is now being accepted for its EIGHTH YEAR Beginning…

… his association with the Detroit schools, he was superintendent of the Indianapolis Hebrew school system. He has been a member of the National Council for Jewish Edu- cation since its inception, a mem…

…- ber of the Hebrew Authors' P. E. N. Club, Zionist Organization and the Hebrew Cultural Society of Detroit. Mr. Isaacs' numerous publish- ed works include "Hasefer Hori- shon" (First Modern Hebrew…

… us to destroy us, but in every generation there rise up against us those who seek to de- stroy us; but the Holy One, Blessed be He, delivers us from their hands. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 21

…22—Friday, December 16, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Successful Bnai Brith Bond Kickoff At the kickoff of the Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith 1966-67 Israel Bond Program, which with advance sales…

…; Mrs. David Levine, Women's Council president; Jack Malon, guest entertainer; Harry Pearson, member of the board of District No. 6; and Alexander Gersuk, Israel Bond chairman of the Metropolitan Detroit

Hillel. Israel Hai celebrations Monday, Mrs. Harry Bodzin, past president of the Bnai Brith Women's Coun- cil, will report on the Bnai Brith Youth Organization, and members will model for the program, "A…

… History of Hats." Dessert luncheon will be served. Friends are invited. • • • BUSINESS AND PROFESSION- AL CHAPTER will hold a Hanuka party after its meeting 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Latkes…

… Councils, together with their re- Bernard Bliefield, Carl Pearl following co-sponsoring lodges and their chapters: Bloch, Detroit Sub- spective fund-raising chairmen, and Allen Weitzman; Arthur Schott and…

… Mrs. Joseph Representing the men's council, urban, Morgenthau, Rex, Tikvab, Rodman report excellent progress Morris Direnfeld, Avram B. Char- Tucker, Zeiger. Detroit Metropolitan Bnai Brith toward the…

… largest fund-raising lip, Julius Kahn, Sol Moss, Panush, goal ever set by Detroit Bnai Louis Weber, Harry Weinberger Councils will be hosts at the cele- Brith. and Schott. bration 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, at…

March 16, 1962 • Page Image 14

…gt THE DE FR OIT JE WI S H F r i day, Marc h r.0 SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Panel Discussion Shaarey Zedek Gives Its Story March 26 on Goals • in Jewish Center Dramatization of Hillel Day School The…

… "Story of Shaarey Zedek" added through the use of the "The Goals of the Hillel Day will be dramatized at 8:30 p.m. actual Ner Tomid of the Willis School" will be the theme of a March 27 and 28 in the…

…." March 26, in the Esther Berman alities from the Detroit stage Wurtsmith, director of staging CONG. MISHKAN ISRAEL: Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m. today Building, 18977 Schaefer. Rabbi Jacob Segal, Noam and…

…. King Saul." follow. Others in the cast include pers. The Hillel Day School, now in TEMPLE BETH EL: At 8:30 p.m, services today, Rabbi Hahn will speak on "The Battle in Our - Schools." At 11:15 a.m. its…

… services at 8:30 p.m. today and 11 by the State of Michigan and is Berris, David Hermelin, Mrs. APPLICATIONS FOR a in. Saturday. Dr. Fram tonight will speak on "It All Began identical with the Detroit Public…

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 27

…• . Jill Naimark Betrothed to Michael J. Kamps 4 5 • t o-nr:r •• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS . a • • ctivities in Society 8 Ili • WICK • • • • • • • • • • illi • • • • • • ••• THE NEW • i Dr…

… Hickory Lane, Franklin. Mr. Gad Rosenbaum of Detroit and Boston will travel to Israel this month with the family of his daughter and son-in-law, Birdie and Yuda Golahny, former Detroiters, to celebrate the…

…, Delores Kellerman, Paula Lichtig and Lorrie Pitts. Expect to Interpret Nelly Sachs' Work Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, in cooperation with the department of Romance and Germanic languages MISS JILL…

…'s visit to De- troit 8 p.m. next Wednesday at Bnai David Synagogue. Dr. Sachar's topic will be "Where American Jewry Differs." Detroit Alumni Chapter of Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity is spon- soring the…

… lecture, open to the community. The Detroit Alumni Chapter is opening this meeting to the public in response to many requests to hear the author, teacher and lecturer. Dr. Martin Naimark is chairman of…

…, David Silver, Samuel Stulberg and Richard Williams. The refreshment hour will be hosted by the Detroit Women of Alpha Omega. There will be no charge. Oaai q3ritiz A ctivities LOUIS MARSHALL LODGE wil…

…:30 p.m. Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. A humorous "Thumbnail Glance at Israeli" will be offered by Renee Rosen. New members will be honored, and there will be a president's report and refreshments…

…. DETROIT LODGE CHAPTER will hold a luncheon noon Wednes- day at Temple Emanu-El. The chapter bowling league will be hostesses. An election of officers will be held. Mrs. Helen Oatman and Monzella Sauer will…

… State of Israel Brotherhood Dialogue Set Bonds was announced by Dr. Jos- eph J. Schwartz of New York, by Pisgah, Round Table vice president of the Israel Bond Pisgah Lodge and Chapter will join Detroit

…. Lee Franklin Weinstock will introduce Fr. Arthur 3. Major General Itzhak Rabin, Is- Loveley, professor of philosophy at rael's newly designated ambassa- the University of Detroit; Dr. dor to the United…

September 16, 1966 • Page Image 3

…■ Hillel Day- School to Start $1 000 000 Building Fund Campaign on October 20th ... Hillel Day School will inaugurate a drive for $1,000,000 for a school building on Oct. 20. Abe Kasle, president…

… of SerVing You During the Past Year. George Ohrenstein Jewelers THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS AN ATONEMENT ACT During Yom Kippur services at Golders Green Synagogue, London, Britain's Chief Rabbi surveyed…

August 16, 1968 • Page Image 20

…Honor Wenokurs' Golden Wedding THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, August 16, 1968 Rabbi Schostak to Wed Miss Bobrowsky of NY In honor of the 50th wedding an- niversary of their parents, Mt. and…

… at the Hebron Rabbininical College in Jerusalem and holds an MA in guidance and counseling from the University of Detroit. A fall wedding in Forest Hills is being planned. FRANK PAUL and his…

… COM. Late registration for kindergar- • ten and first grade students will be munities... Rabbi Simon Murciano, headmas- held at Hillel Day School through ter of the school, and Mrs. Robert Aug. 30, 9 a…

… in Detroit. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Maurice Zeiger of Harding Ave., Private and Commercial Shows Oak Park, and the late Mr. Zeiger. 547-0896 545-2737 The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs…

… QUANTITIES LAST BREAST OF BEEF CHUCK ROAST CART WHEELS PICKLED TONGUE Hillel Day School to Hold Registration to .Aug. 30 The Allan Fraibercrs Honeymoon in Mexico trimmed TRIMMED 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 24

…- "77 • Beth Hillel Dinner to Toast Israel THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Friday, May 16, 1969 The idea that every congregation in Detroit should organize a tour of Israel among its members was…

… been demonstrating their love for Israel by way of contributions, shall also express their devotion by coming to Israel in person." Reuven Goldstein, the represen- tative in Detroit of El Al Israel…

…,000 IN MERCHANDISE AT YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD 15140 W. 0 • tomms••••••••..••..•••: TRAVELING Regular services will be held at Beth Isaac of Trenton, Beth Hillel, Mishkan Israel, Downtown Synagogue…

… Midwest, will head the program at the Beth Hillel Israel 21st anniversary dinner honoring Max Blum, 6 p.m. Sunday in the social hall of the congregation. Blum, a leader in the congrega- tion for over 20…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 8

…- victions for trying to leave Israel illegally, officials said. Their names were withheld. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 8—Friday, December 16, 1966 For Some The present commemorative edition, prepared for the…

… passbook or maturing certificate of deposit from any financial institution and we will handle the details of transfer. in 1Vl ichigan Hillel Foundation Given Grant for Jewish Studies WASHINGTON, (JTA…

…) — Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Charles E. Merrill Trust to en- courage Jewish study, scholarship and research among Jewish fac- ulty members on the university campus…

…, it was announced here. It is the second Merrill Trust grant to the Hillel Foundations for the development of organized pro- grams "that seek to familiarize the Jewish intellectual on the campus with…

… high 41/2% per annum, compounded quarterly. METROPOLITAN FEDERAL SAVINGS DETROIT / 19830 West Ce•en Mile Road at Evergreen / KE 7-3400 DEARBORN / 13007 West Warren / 584.7650 UTICA / 45676 Van Dyke…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 28

… inter- ested in participating in the plan- ning may contact Allan Gelfond at the Center, DI 1-4200. Friday, December 16, 1966-29 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hillel Social to Star `Censored Sensation' The…

… annual Hanuka social given by the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at Wayne State University will be held 8 p.m. Sunday at Hillel House. A new "Censored Sensation" will be introduced. Dancing, singing and…

… refreshments will be featured. Admission is free to members upon presentation of their mem- bership cards; nonmembers will be charged a nominal fee. All Detroit area college students are welcome. They Made the…

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 34

… Jewish president. Music and Entertainment The 'Rosenblaf Orchestra Detroit's Most Recommended Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University is hosting a sleigh-hay ride at Roy's Ranch 8:30 p…

…THE DETROIT 34--Friday, February 16, 1968 JEWISH NEWS Israel Tour for Teens Youth News . ': 2-5.--';'?" 2`'"Z-7:11".--'7'4;-"2" in Planning Stage for 68 Histadrut Israel 'Teen Town' NEW YORK…

… Charles Hoptman, president of the Mr. and Mrs. Group, City of Hope, which is sponsoring a Teen-Hope- Hop 8 p.m. Saturday at the University of Detroit ballroom. With them are (from left) Irwin Nathanson…

… WSU Hillel Sponsoring Sleigh-Hay Social Birth Announcements Feb. 10—To Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Soloway (Susan Alpert). 27125 Aberdeen. Southfield. a daughter Alene Edythe. • • • Feb. 10—To Dr. and Mrs…

…-agers program. Last summer, students who par- : ticipated in the tour included from Michigan: Beth Fischhoff, Sharon Milinsky and Deborah Pollack of Detroit; Barbara and Gary Goren and Lynn Coville of Southfield…

… Zionist Cultural Center in Southfield for the purpose of explaining the scholarships that are being offered by the Zionist Organization of Detroit for prospective summer campers in Israel and for a student…

… Zionist Organization of America. The De- troiter, attending the school on a scholarship he won among a number of contestants as an awardee of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, is Mark Goldsmith. He is…

…. Sheldon Dolivek (Beverly Roth), formerly Rabbi Milton Arm, chairman of of Detroit and now of Thousand Philip Slomovitz Scholarship i Michigan Region of Hadassah is Oaks, Calif., a son, Brian Steven. the…

… Bichman), fund sponsored and administered help them separate "myth from the Z i o n i s t Organization of fact." 21325 Colwell, Farmington, a son, by Detroit. Rabbis, youth group directors Neal Eric…

… greet More Youth News (Leslie Victor of Detroit) of Bos- the assembly. For information rage 35. call the ZOD, 353-3636. ton,- a son, Alex DanieL ' • • Distinctive Ceremonies a Specialty) 342-9424 itt…

April 16, 1965 • Page Image 34

Detroiters to Play Active Role at N.J. Hashomer Parley Ten Detroit delegates will attend the national convention of Hashomer Hatzair at the move- ment's training farm in Heights- town, N.J. next…

… week. Detroit Hashomer Hatzair chair- man, Baruch Fischhoff will deliver the keynote address on national education. Representatives of the New York, Los Angeles, Toronto and Montreal branches of Hashomer…

… Hatzair will participate in discus- sion on world problems, social standards and strengthening of Jewish consciousness and halutzic (pioneering) activity in North America. Detroit delegates will leave for…

… $959 TOTAL COST For full particular* contacts HISTADRUT SUMMER CAMP in ISRAEL 19161 Schaefer UN 4-7094 'REGISTRATION CLOSES APRIL 30 COLLEGE STUDENTS Exciting 8 Week Youth Pale Hillel Students…

… Start Research United Hebrew Schools Superintendent Albert Elazar suggests a "plan of attack" for a research project planned by the seventh grade of Hillel Day School, shown here in the UHS library. The…

… Metropolitan Detroit Science Fair which closed this week at Cobo Hall. There were 1,500 exhibits up for competition this year. Stephen, 15, won in the biology category with his experiment on parasites found in…

… available. In addition to the formal pro- gram, the Makela will join with the audience in singing traditional Passover melodies, and refresh- ments will be served. Bruce Kut- nick, Detroit director, has…

…-6, 7-11 and 12-15. Call Frank Leiderman, educational di- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS rector, UN 1-6696, for information. 34—Friday, April 16, 1965 Ask the Folks Who've Had Want The Best? Bozo the Clown…

… Cultural Home Life Area Code 203-325-2231 Daniel Trutzky, Director Leading Families of Detroit Select The Roosevelt School WE RENT ::::k NEW CONTINENTAL MOHAIR .`, Tony Martin Dress Suits • f' '.4…

October 16, 1964 • Page Image 24

… 85 selected teen-age musicians, will present a concert at Detroit's Masonic Auditorium The 85 young members of Saturday, Oct. 24. Israel's National Youth Symphony Gadna orchestra is probably "Gadna…

… at noon! times are adjustable. ! All events take place at Hillel zation, ushered at the annual open for a nominal fee. house for parents of Southfield At a brunch, 11 a.m. Sunday, House, 4841 Second…

…. High's students on Wednesday. Hillel will present Eeta Freeman, The primary and final elections who will give a talk and show Junior Music Study Club, in Senior Government Day will be , held within the…

… YORK (JTA)—Mayor Rob- the Detroit public schools, who Rabbi Classes announced by ert F. Wagner welcomed officially Max Kapustin are Talmud B'rak- will speak on "Opportunities in 97 members of the Israel…

Detroit Oct. 24). The mayor issued a proclama- 4 p.m., Sunday. Each auditioner ested in music. For information, will be asked to sing a song of his call Judy Offman, president, 273- tion declaring that the…

… on a current Jewish issue. There will be refreshments, Shab- launch its youth program with an the Engineering Society of Detroit. assembly for all children in the bat songs and Israeli dancing. About 2…

…,000 American firms and community 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Young Israel building. Refresh- businessmen are making business THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ments will follow the program. ' in or with Israel. 24—Friday…

June 16, 1961 • Page Image 2

…Purely Cornmentary K lutznick's Book_ Controversial, and Thought-Provoking By Philip Slomovitz Chicago Leader to Address Hillel Dinner June 28 Philip M. Klutznick, former president of Bnai Brith…

…, the Presidents' Conference, Kennedy, as a member of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations The Hillel Day School of De- in its modest experience, has demonstrated that voluntary co- and as the U…

…,000,000 * • * here. Both new branches, which mark, without even touching such large cities as. Detroit, Cleve- Philip Klutznick sticks to his point regarding the controver-, sial issue 'of unity in Jewish life. He…

June 16, 1967 • Page Image 20

… Workshop, Boston, Inc. announced the appointment Miss Barbara Linden as educa tional director for experimentatiol in the arts to run from July 30 t i Sept. 1. Miss Linden, a native Detroiter is the daughter…

… Roven Ava Lepofsky Engaged to Ronald J. Wagner THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Frida y , June 16, 1967 ; : • ! — • 1. • • • • • • • • BE A GUEST AT YOUR OWN PARTY! mEAT KOSHER PARTY TRAM OR DAIR Y…

… meetoommoometomeemeeme tom oelmoi Rabbi Israel Goodman taarjosi 41,97, * Islands honeymoon, the couple will live in Detroit. Conducted Wedding LS D t CO I Lin C° lokshen Soup Delite with Greenfield's Noodles You…

… Lepofsky is majoring in elementary education at Wayne made at a special meeting. dedica State University. Mr. Wagner is ed to Israel's emergency June 7 it majoring in business administra- Cong. Hillel, by…

… • Detroit and Michigan !- JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit by Tel.: UN 2-5820 lb. lb. EST" SUMMER DRAPERY STORAGE Let our trained technicians take your draperies down for the summer! Your home…

… ST — LONGER PREEI Our exclusive DUST REPELLANT FABRIC TREAT- repels d dust, de- MENT actually fading an guards against terioration. FIRST CHOICE OF DETROIT'S FINEST INTERIOR DECORATORS TW 1…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 34

… College of Detroit). Just a that seemed to meet the needs of modest offering of six or seven students? courses given weekly at the Hillel First, there were several Hebrew Foundation. language courses. Many…

… really is sexual freedom with a new ra- tionale, other have asked for a clear description of Jewish morals and ethics. Surrounding all this, was the changed atmosphere at Hillel where students had come to…

… at the June 4 annual dinner spon Station: WWJ sored by the Detroit AJC chapter Feature: "Fragments," eighth at the Great Lakes Club. AJCommittee Sets Annual Meeting and final drama in a "Righteous…

…. * * * IN CONTACT Time: 10:30 p.m. Sunday Station: WJR Feature: "In Contact," the pro- gram of the Detroit Interfaith Broadcasting Commission," is host- ed by Hal Youngblood. Hannah Schloss Reunion to Be…

… senior in sociology who returned and grad wives were also evident), from a year abroad in England, of Conservative Jewish back- I plans to work in an eastern ghetto ground, mostly from Detroit oi…

… high school, or they had only for his level of intelligence and attended Sunday school. The for- maturity. mer pattern was prevalent among those from Detroit, while the sec- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ond…

… pattern was more common Friday, May 16, 1969-35 among those from New York. Few had attended any Jewish day school. CANDIDS The high number of Jewish stu- dents from Detroit active in the Belt Midrash, even…

… in compari- son to students from elsewhere in Michigan, may have some significance. The Hanna Schloss Old Timers will celebrate its Detroit Chapter President Lewis 15th reunion 6:30. Grossman…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 24

… men that were on the face of the earth." (Numbers, 12, 3.) 19th Century Explorer He must be as patient as Hillel. Edouard Foa, 19th Centurry The Talmud, Tractate Sabbath, French-Jewish explorer, was one…

… 30B says: "A person should always be as patient as Hillel." of the pioneering explorers who He must be as dedicated as opened up central Africa. He was Rabbi Hiyya, of whom Rabbi among the first to…

… survey the French Congo and Dahomey terri- Yehudah Hanassi said: "0, how great are the deeds of Hiyya." tories. Friday, December 16, 1966-25 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS "They spread a knowledge of Tora very…

September 16, 1966 • Page Image 26

…26—Friday, September 16, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS SYNAGOGUE URVICES TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Sabbath services 8:15 p.m. Friday. Rabbi Rosen- baum will speak on "Prayer—What Does It Do?" Wendy Brawer…

…." TEMPLE BETH AM: Services 8:30 p.m. Friday. Rabbi Jessel will speak on "Is This Fast More Than You Can Swallow?" CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 6:30 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will deliver…

… Mile Just West of Greenfield Leather and Glove Cleaners 10612 W. NINE MILE ROAD—OAK PARK, MICHIGAN Happy New Year oteatium. -91u. Suede and Leather Cleaners 7575 PURITAN — DETROIT, MICH. Koliday…

… Cambridge 13403 W. 7 Mile, 1 Blk. E. of Schaefer And Offices Throughout Greater Detroit MIAMI (JTA) — The new build- ing of the South Dade branch of Beth David Congregation was ded- icated here. The new…

… CO. Alport Scrap and Salvage Co. AND 7900 Dix Avenue MARVIN LEADER CARPET SALES, Inc. Detroit, Michigan 48209 New Location: 18222 LIVERNOIS at Curtis Same Phone Number: TY 5-8400 Telephone 843…

August 16, 1968 • Page Image 19

… follow. The public is invited, * PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT CLUB will hold a luncheon busi- ness meeting 11 a.m. Monday at Cong. Beth Hillel, according to Mrs. Sam Nadek, president. Plans will be formulated for…

… and dessert will be served by Mrs. Geer. All Alpha and Beta groups are invited. Custom Fitting I THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Beth El Marrieds Plan Annual Rummage Sale Edward Bayer Weds Israeli, Laurette…

September 16, 1966 • Page Image 63

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 16, 1966-63 40—EMPLOYMENT 50—BUSINESS CARDS CLERK-TYPIST needed for school. Full-time. Oak Park area. 548-8224, call Mon. 40 - A--EMPLOYMENT WANTED…

… Fenkell, died Sept. 10 at age 63. Mr. Rosenberg, 2531 Whiteleigh, Bloomfield Twp., was a life resi- dent of the Detroit area and be- longed to Temple Israel, Bnai Brith and the Detroit Men's Chap- ter of…

… chil- dren and grandchildren. RABBI JOEL LITKE of Congregation Beth Hillel LOUIS S. AXELROD, 19135 GERTRUDE SIKOV, 6343 Cur- Birch Ridge, Southfield, died Sept. tis, died Sept. 11. She leaves her 8…

… Las Vegas; two brothers, Beach, formerly of Detroit, died including Harry of Detroit; two Sept. 9. She leaves her husband, sisters, including Mrs. Sam (Don- Milton R.; a son, Harvey; three na) Trabman…

… of Detroit; and two daughters, Mrs. Geraldine Wein- grandchildren. garden, Mrs. Adele Steinberg and * * * Connie Lovinger of Waukee. SARAH GINNS, 19377 Winthrop, Mrs. gan, Ill., two brothers, one…

…. POSNER Acknowledges with grate- ful appreciation the many kind expressions of sym- pathy extended by rela- tives and friends during the family's recent be- reavement. Serving Detroit's Jewish Community…

… Yeshivath Beth Yehudah onezef,-z-%, f 8 DETROIT MONUMENT WORKS of Congregation B'nai David Will Participate in These Service PHILIP LANGWAID, PRESIDENT LEO B. FURST) SAMUEL S. PORTNER HARRY PORTNER…

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 23

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Women's CluL activities Music Study Club will meet noon OAKLAND HILLS CHAPTER, KNOB CIRCLE CHAPTER, Wom Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Her- Women's American ORT, will meet en…

… PARK NSHEI HABAD Detroit Sym- are: Mesdames Harold Alexander, STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 phony Orchestra Sheldon Gilbert, David Moss and p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Since coming Martin Zeldes…

…, Chasnick and Mrs. Lee Weisberg. hour will precede the program. • Tickets will be available at the Mizrachi Women, will meet noon Monday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Pro- door. BETH ABRAHAM SISTERHOOD • • • gram…

… chairman Mrs. David Liebow will meet with the men's club 8:30 DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, has arranged to have Mrs. M. Gali- p.m. Monday in the social hall. A City of Hope, will hold a board son give a cosmetic…

… Workman, Tuesday, and will continue weekly 1 Guild of the Jewish Center. under Detroit librarian, will review a . t h r o u g h April 9 in the youth the direction of Harriet Berg, to current best seller…

… linguistics. Mr. bard Branch, Detroit Public Li- planned by the Music Study Freedman received his AB from brary, will present a review of Women's Choral Group, under the the University of Michigan and is Henri…

… Council of Metropoli- tan Detroit, will be reviewed 2 p.m. today at Young Israel of Green- field. Representatives of Young Israel Council, the trustees of Independ- ence Hall and a member of HUD, (the…

… this facility. The building will be erected in Elmwood Park, on urban renewal land, in cooperation with the fed- eral government and the Detroit Housing Commission. ./////, DIAMONDS „-_11G.11…

… Artist 20211 GREENFIELD ROAD NORWAY BUILDING • SUITE 7 DETROIT, MICHIGAN 411235 CALL 272-5770 FOR A FREE BOOKLET A salute to red, white and blue in Springs newest striped acetate knit with mandarin…

September 16, 1966 • Page Image 31

…Gets 351 for Bnai Brith Oritk Annette Jacobs Married THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Hadassah 'Telethon' to William Soloway Activities Leonard Blondes of Silver Spring, Md., 37-year-old Mary- land state…

…- AL CHAPTER will stage a fashion show 8:30 p.m., Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. The latest in fall and winter styles will be shown in various sizes, and a complete out- fit will be awarded as a prize. Re…

…. Guests are invited. I Men's Clubs DETROIT LODGE 55, Knights of Pythias, will herald its forth- coming "Knight on the Town" show with a big parade through Oak Park Sunday. Knights in ar- mor on horses…

… 4.5166 MI 7-0059 MI 6.5323 Teams of Hadassah Detroit Chapter members will conduct a citywide telethon to promote a successful honor roll campaign this Sunday and again on Oct. 2. Friday, September…

July 16, 1965 • Page Image 19

… at the door. * * * Larry Margolin, president of MOTOR CITY LODGE announces the 14th annual picnic for Sunday, Aug. 1, at Oak Park Community Park„ on Picnic Area No. 3, west THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS of…

…. and Mrs. Jo- seph Grossman and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel' Grossman. The couple has 13 grandchildren. DICK STEIN Detroiters Win Posts in National Bnai Brith & ORCHESTRA LI 7,2770 J. J. CLARKE STUDIO…

… -the triennial convention of Bnai Brith in Tel Aviv, on his return announced the election of three Detroiters to national posts of the Organization. Morris Direnfeld was named a member of the Anti…

…-Defamation League Commission; Milton Wein- stein, a member of the Hillel Foundation Commission; and Al- fred H. Bounin, member of the Adult Jewish Education Commis- sion. JACK BARNES - THE NEW mil %diet Suburban…

… Islands, the newlyweds will reside in Detroit. Federation Honors the Memory of Julius Rosenwald A large CHICAGO (JTA) bronze plaque honoring the late Julius Rosenwald, not only as one of Chicago's great…

… GUARANTEED a member of the board of direc- CONSOLE & GRAND PIANOS tors for many years beginning in 1908. His contributions to the Associ- NEW SUMMER HOURS ated Jewish Charities and his in- DETROIT BIRMINGHAM…

April 16, 1965 • Page Image 20

… be special sermons in Detroit area synagogues on the first two days, Saturday and Sun- day. Reform temples plan services the first night and day only, and will recite Yizkor prayers on the seventh day…

…. Herbst, director-general of the EEC Commission. Want ads get quick results! THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, April 16, 1965 7 today and Saturday. On the first day, Rabbi Yacov Lipshutz of New York…

… SS. to Wayne State Students The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at Wayne State University will serve hot Passover lunches to stu- `Song of Terezin' Cantata dents and faculty 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. That…

…'s to Premiere in Cincinnati Monday through Thursday for a nominal fee. For information, call CINCINNATI — Mezzo - soprano Hillel House, TE 1-0129. Three Rivers, Mich. Jennie Tourel will appear at the…

…•11•011 01 0111111.0.10.0411 0MOillo Cranbrook House Motel Adas Shalom Freshmen wish the entire Jewish community Raising Funds for Israel of Detroit and its suburbs Freshman Chapter, United Syna- gogue…

….4111.0.1 ■ DON FROHMAN CHORAL CONCERT DON FROHMAN, Director 100 Glorious Voices Assisted by Members of the DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Assisting Artists — Duo Pianists Rebecca Frohman — Marion Hahn…

… SUNDAY EVENING, MAY Ind, 8:30 p.m. DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS Reservations LI 5-5680 or DI 1-2413 …

October 16, 1964 • Page Image 14

… country at United Nations conferences on social security. But his wife, Batsheva. was in Detroit on unofficial business, visiting her "adopted relatives" in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. William Hordes of Marlowe…

… attention Sunday, Oct. 25 when it came to Zionist activi- at Cobo Hall, it ties. A textile manufacturer, he w a s announced 30th Anniversary Banquet was elected several Limes to the by Hillel L. of Arlazaroff…

… Furthers Endowment to Yeshivath Beth Yehudah his devotion to the welfare of the metropolitan Detroit community and his support of the ideals of democracy in education. • COMPLETE HOME REPAIRS • VIOLATIONS…

…, Jack Lipowicz, presdent; Mrs. Solomon, Mr. Solomon, and Marsha Seig, secretary of the organization. The Bialistoker and Western Aid Society of Detroit has recently merged with the Bialistoker and…

… Brisker Aid Society of Detroit. How- ever, before going out of existence the Bialistoker and Western Aid Society sought to embellish its exemplary record of philanthropic achievement by making a lasting…

… impression of its good works upon the metropolitan Jewish 'community of Detroit. Towards the end of the summer, the Bialistoker and Western Aid Society made a contribution of $3,000 to the Building Fund of…

… York City, with an enrollment of 850 children between the ages of four and twenty-four. Yeshivath Beth Yehudah has served the religious, educational and cultural needs of the Detroit Jewish community for…

… half a century. It is now in the midst of a building campaign, gathering funds to aid in the construction of its new $350,000 site at Southfield, Mich. Adv. 14—Friday, October 16, 1964 THE DETROIT

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 10

…r 1: 10—Friday, February 16, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Flint News 1 Flint's Young Leaders See 25 Pct. Hike in UJA Giving Over 1967 at Dinner At Flint's first Young Leadership Division…

….m., Phoenix Club. Beth Israel Religious School PTA will meet 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at the synagogue: The program will be a seminar on Friday night observ- ance in the home, led by Rabbi Hillel Millgram. For parent…

… Appeal and in 1964 received Max M. Fisher of Detroit, president Leaders from 80 communities — Detroit's highest Jewish communal honor, the Fred M. Butzel Award. of the United Jewish Appeal, will A noted…

…-chemical indus- As chairman of the board of try. directors of Detroit's non sectarian United Foundation — the nation's largest community chest — and as UJA president, Fisher holds two of the top humanitarian posts…

… in the United States. MAX FISHER who made further extensive on- the-scene surveys of the war-inten- sified humanitarian needs in Israel. Fisher has been active in the philanthropic life of Detroit

… for a quarter century. He is executive committee chairman of Detroit's Jewish Welfare Federation, a di- rector of the Greater Detroit Hos- pital Council and vice president of Sinai Hospital, where a…

February 16, 1962 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, February 16, 1962 — 26 National Insurance Award Winner Irving Weisberg, an associate of the Herman Fishman Insurance Agency, 10101 W. McNichols, received the…

… ADLER of Cong. Shaarey Zedek has been informed by Dr. Alfred Jospe of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation that a contract has been signed with the well-known publishing house in Rio de Janeiro for the…

…. Hirsch. * * DR. MEL RAVITZ, member of the Detroit City Council, will serve as discussion leader on the film, "Who Kills the Tiger," at the Sixth Film Clinic sponsored by the Detroit Council of Parent…

… same curtain time. Among the cast are Rita Licht- man and James Goodman. * * * The world acclaimed SAN FRANCISCO BALLET will per- form at the Masonic Auditorium Feb. 25, 2:20 p.m. * * * DETROIT COUNCIL…

… Stempel. The public is invited. * * * LAUREL VAN DER WAL, young space scientist and 1961 winner of the Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award, has a timely subject for her Detroit Town Hall appearance…

… Isra of Detroit wil discuss the an banquet of hat organization Drapries • Slip Covers FREE COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE 12749 Linwood TO 5-0722 - THE JE Time: 11 Station: Feature: omit…

… or Write 3343 Gratiot Detroit 7, Mich. Valley Water J …

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 27

…, Inc.,. New York, public relations representatives for the exposition in the United States. 28—Friday, May 16, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS r a rricti lasts Settle in Farmington activities in Society…

… Brith Hillel Foundation officers and board of directors for next year. • and of the Union of American Ile- BRAVERMAN'S Portraiture of Distinction Formals - Condids - Direct Color The bride's Victorian…

…. After a honeymoon in Puerto Rico, the newlyweds reside in Farmington. . At the next event of the Detroit Israel Bond Wonieti's Division, May 27, at the Pontchartrain Hotel, Mrs. Yosef Tekoah, wife of the…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 36

…. „:.-or ■ U Models Bnoi David paved street MORTON a EL. 3-2177 • Detroit Sewer, Wafer and 44,4 a • 1st Floor Laundry Room • Built-in Dishwasher, Oven, Range • Full Dining Room allik $32, 950…

… MEADOWS — SOUTHFIELD 4 BEDRM. COLONIALS 3 BEDRM. RANCHES lovely family room, finished recr. room. Well located near synagogues. Hillel and shopping. Realistically priced at $31,000. Good terms avail- able…

…. sep. din. rm., blt-in Family Harding, Raines, Borgman, Kingston and Sussex * OPEN SUN. 2-5 Friday, December 16, 1966 - 37 DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 17—HOUSES Director of Sales SIDNEY S. BARON HOMES…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 29

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Federation Women to Close Season Albert Vorspan Addresses Brotherhood Gordon-Stulberg Vows American- Jewry Is Called to Task to Be Solemnized in July for Exaggerating Black…

… in Detroit last Friday. ished. They are very 'Jewish.' The The 200 lay leaders from ; black mother who says 'I want my throughout the country were at- kid educated and I'll drive you tending the spring…

…- a mother-daughter luncheon noon demned statements by the presi- ! Phi Kappa Phi honorary society, ing of society." tion dinner 7 p.m. Tuesday at Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. A dent of the Zionist…

… final discussion. Reservations are being taken by the Bnai Brith office, 341-0863. Spreen Talk Monday The 10th annual Bnai Brith "Ad- ventures in Human Relations Ser- ies" will close with Detroit Police…

… SOLENDER, former director of annual meeting of the Detroit the Skokie Jewish Community Cen- branch of the National Conference ter in Chicago, has joined its over- of Christians and Jews, to be held seas…

…. The luncheon meeting will be Metropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith Council and the Bnai Brith Wom- en's Council of Metropolitan De- troit, in conjunction with the Anti- Defamation League. Horowitz…

…, director general of the addressed by Stanley J. Winkel- JDC, said the appointment was man, member of New Detroit, Inc., part of the technical assistance who will discuss current issues in- program for…

September 16, 1966 • Page Image 35

… Club, organization for single adults, will hold a Yom Kippur Night Ball Sept 24 at Cong. Beth Hillel. The public will be wel- come. Larry and his Seven Sounds will provide the music for dancing ; with a…

…••••••••••0111•000000••••••••••••••••••••••• 11001116 • • Friday, September 16, 1966-35 • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 4 THE NEW Strong Expose of Nazi Crimes • • in 'Landscape in Concrete' • • • • Jakov Lind was a mere child of 11 when the Nazis came…

… wedding an- niversary Sunday at the Rubaiyat Continental Restaurant, Ann Arbor. Mrs. Elden is the former Blanche Sandorf of Bay City. Mr. and Mrs. Elden were married in Detroit and have been residents of…

…- ment of butterfly orchids and Stephanotis, centered with an or- chid. Bridal attendants were Mrs. David Berent of Detroit, matron of honor, and Linda Pasick, Linda Surath, Rhonda Cash of Midland, Judy…

… Shapiro of • Houston, Tex., Linda Schwartz of Toledo, and Mrs. Richard Shell of Detroit, bridesmaids. Best ,man was Dr. Martin Lee of Dansville. Pa., brother of the bridegroom. Another brother, Dr. Lawrence…

…. Guests were seated by George Economy, Joel Bennett and David Drachler, all of Detroit. The newlyweds will live in Ann Arbor. • • • • • • • • ..;:;:, ,..1.0:...,. • • • • MRS. ROBERT LEE : HOLIDAY…

… mind • • and the Germ an crimes. Fall Lipreading Classes Adults may now enroll for fall classes in lipreading and auditory training at the Detroit Hearing Center, a United Community Serv- ices…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 36

…'s brunch hosted by the officers of Detroit Friends of Yeshiva University, 11 a.m., May 25, at Town and Country Club. Rabbi Miller's visit precedes the 14th annual din- ner of Detroit -:*-- Friends, to be…

… of the board of Yeshiva University, and permanent chair man of Detroit Friends, with Stan- ley J. Winkelman as dinner chair- man, Morris Karbal and Edward C. Levy, as co-Chairmen, David Goldberg…

… single adults American Jews. will close its social season at Hoffer added that it was "totally a Maytime Ball 8:30 p.m. Satur- unthinkable" of a world existing day starting at Cong. Beth Hillel. without…

… Interior Decorating 8520 W. NINE MILE ROAD 546-0930 Oak Park, Mich. MICHIGAN BANKARD HONORED 546-2080 00 0 013 00000000 0 1300 000 0000. 0 0000000 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS …

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 20

…20—Friday,• February 16, 1968 SYNAGOGUE THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I SERVICES TEMPLE BETH JACOB of Pontiac: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Berkowitz will speak on "The Ten Most .. ." TEMPLE BETH AM…

HILLEL: Services 5:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "Thou Shalt Not Covet." THE NEW TEMPLE: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Conrad will speak on "Address: The Ten Commandments…

…. Pioneer of the DAN ASHER, executive director Day School Movement of the Jewish Federation of Rari- tan Valley, N.J., has been ap- in Detroit pointed to the newly - created posi- tion of consultant on…

…- Detroit, Michigan employment, adequate school facil- ities and housing. Joe Sacco They said that "it may be If I can be of any service or assistance I would necessary to cut our defense bud- appreciate your…

… Camp Sessions: June 25-July 15; July 16-Aug. 5; r =MINN ■I•■■ Aug. 6 - Aug. 26 .M1=1 •••111 1■1, RABBIBE NJAMIN SHANDALOV Director will be In Detroit March 3, 4, 5. SUNDAY, MARCH 3-2 P…

….M. WORKMEN'S CIRCLE OF DETROIT 18340 W. 7 MILE ROAD KE 7-5440 AT YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD 15140 W. 10 Mile Rd. Rabbi Shandalov will show camp slides and dis- cuss the coming year's camp program. Parents…

June 16, 1961 • Page Image 16

…16 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June 16, 1961 — Yeshivah PTA Elects Mrs. Abrams President The Parent - Teachers' Asso- ciation of Yeshivath Beth Yehu- dah elected Mrs. Hillel L. Abrams…

…—Pilot Plant of a New Society" at a meeting of API-Hashomer Hatzair 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Hayim Greenberg. Center. ROSENBLAT 0 ST Detroit' F and i E rtainment S ecia Weddin ar Mitzvahs UN 4-023 J. Wedd…

…, Detroit Alumni Chapter, recently held its annual installation. Those installed for the 1961 - 62 administration were president, Dr. Franklin Solway; vice president, Dr. Joseph . Gross- man; treasur- er, Dr…

…. Phil- lip Sherman and the installing officer, Regent Gerald Freed- man, provided the after-dinner ceremony. Past President plaques were presented to:, Dr. Leo Shipko, Detroit Alumni Chapter; and…

Detroit Alumni Chapter. * * * BY'S BRAVERMAN'S KOSHERfik;FATS Lb. $109 RIB STEAK, T Lb. SS` CHUCK ROAST I 1st etiriG A Ai CHOPS . . Lb. 89c BREAST of BEEF, Trimmed Lb.. 79c Lb. 8sc CORNED BEEF CHICAGO…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 23

Detroit to HostAlpha Omega Dental Fraternity When All Else Fails — Synanon, 'Friendship '66' Convention Dec.- 27-Jan, 1 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Friday, December 16, 1966 ' Jim Middleton…

… dope use. a Susan Parker, 24, is in Detroit "The underlying problem is still there," he said. Using Syna- with her husband Don to help serv- non's definition of an addict as ice a new branch of Synanon…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 39

…. Robert Levy (Sally Jo Rubin), 25589 Briar, Oak Park, a daughter, Dana Sue. * * * April 11—to Rabbi and Mrs. Jef- frey H. Tigay, former Detroiters of Connecticut, a son, Hillel Yair. * * * ' Feb. 16—To Dr…

…40—Friday, May 16, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS St. John Believes Israel Strongest Now, Although Peace Not Soon in View Having just returned from an- other tour of Tunisia and Morocco, and in the…

… course of his travels having continued his studies of conditions in the Middle East, Rob- ert St. John, noted author, lectur- er and broadcaster, stated on his one-day visit in Detroit, Wednes- day that…

…'s Evolving Society;" and Prof. Leo Diesendruck, national president of Poale Zion, the United Labor Zionist Organiza- tion of America, will talk on Labor Zionist delegates from Chicago. Cleveland, Detroit

… rights movement. His account of the sen- sational Leo Frank trial of 1913, "A Little Girl Is Dead," was pub- lished in 1965. Cohn is a member of the City Plan Commission of Detroit, secre- tary of Sinai…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 19

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, December 16, 1966 Top Fashion Designers to Show Latest at Hadassah Matinee Hadassah's paid-up membership , matinee will be enhanced with the appearance of…

… meeting of the board of the Detroit Women's Di- vision, American Jewish Congress, Mrs. Arnold Frank, past presi- dent of the division, was installed as a member of the Society of Guardians of the National…

… S. Diamond, Jo- seph Ehrlich, Max Frank, I. Jerome and April 3, Mrs. Joel Litke of Hauser, William B. Isenberg, Beth Hillel. All members of affiliated sister- L. Jackson, Harry L. Jones, hoods are…

… FOR BRISS, PIDYON HA-BEN & ALL OCCASIONS ORDER YOUR NEW YEAR PARTY TRAYS NOW! S • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • Roasted Whole Chicken or Turkey with Stuffing, Detroit Socialites will hold an • Cheese…

June 16, 1961 • Page Image 25

… may be helpful in furthering their plans for the future, will hear Mrs. Rose Buchalter, Jewish Family and Children's Service; Rabbi Max Kapustin, Bnai 'Brith Hillel Foundation, Wayne State Uni- versity…

… Rd. Karlson, former producer of Ribs "The Untouchables" . . . An- Phone KE 2-8175 other who will be coming back to Fidelman's for the celebra- tion is ex-Detroiter Herman Co- hen, Hollywood producer of…

… graduating . . . It's College of Osteopathic Medi- cine and Surgery at Des Moines, Ia. * * * PROUDEST BOY AT the in -- final game of the Detroit-Cleve- • HOUSE land series at Tiger Stadium OF "THE 49th COUSIN…

… Youth, VARIETIES Chapters; United Synagogue ball glove with him and broke Detroit Youth; Young Israel; and Zionist Delicatessen & Restaurant_ Youth Groups. it in with a neat one-handed For Reservations…

… Marshall Bnai Brith Lodge, received two awards for membership and fund raising and is still kept busy on retention. * * * JAMES COUZENS AT G NFIELD DETROITER SHERRY KAYE DINING ROOM • C TAIL LO G is playing…

…, ACCOMMODATING UP Pr Dr. Earl Rudner of Detroit, ises. Special Luncheons and Dinners. Menus changed daily. Open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. TO 125 GUESTS. - BRoadway 2-0644 medical health officer stationed on the island, is an…

… Middle East. Paradiso Cafe — - CARL'S MIIIIMINmIlM11111•111MINNIIMIONIN111111111111 25 - TH E DETROIT JEWIS H NEWS — Frid ay, June 16, 1961 Communist Germany Decorates 'Loyal' Rabbi …

June 16, 1967 • Page Image 39

…Morris Zuroff Dies; Was Active Detroiter Morris Zuroff, owner of Zuroff Furniture on Twelfth St. for more than 45 years, died June 9 at age 80. Mr. Zuroff was born in Russia and came to Detroit in…

… 1913. An active Detroiter, he was life mem- ber of the Jewish National Fund. and held membership in Mizrachi Organization, Odd Fellows Jerico Lodge, Yeshiva Yehuda, Bani Da- vid Congregation, Beth Tefilo…

… of Detroit. He was a member of the Montefiore Lodge #12, Free Sons of Israel and was founder and past president of the Seven Mile-Livernois Merchant's Associ- ation. Mr. Greene is survived by his wife…

…, must Club and the Detroit Chapter of not keep crossing his path. — Baba Hadassah, died June 9. Metzia, 75b Mrs. Cole, born in Boston 75 Rabbi Baruka of Huza frequent- years ago, was a graduate of the ed…

… the market of Lapet. One day Boston Latin School and taught Elijah appeared to him there, and music. She came to Detroit 40 Rabbi Baruka asked him: "Is there years ago. among the people of this market…

… collectors ization and the Hillel Founda- of alms collect both from Jews tions. The fund will provide main- and Gentiles, and feed the poor of both, visit the sick of both, bury ly for travel exepnses. both…

…. KRELL of Chi- cago, formerly of Detroit, died June 8. He leaves two brothers, Harry of Grand Rapids. and Leon; and a sister Mrs. Elizabeth Krell Schlafer. Interment in Detroit. * * LELA LOCKMAN, 13850…

… June 10. She leaves a son, Harvey Alan Warto- sky; and brother, Raymond Stein- berg. • ) * SHIRLEY WEINSTEIN (Schlus- sel) of Phoenix, formerly of Utica, N.Y. and Detroit, died June 9. She leaves her…

… husband, Yale, two daughters, Janice and Ann; two brothers; and three sisters. Inter- ment in Detroit. r t WE REMEMBER rr-orx 7117117 Iq During the coming week Yeshiva Beth Yehudo will (*some the…

… George A. Miller Kalman Shapiro Jacob Franovitz Rachel Marwil Rebecca Medow Michle Eisenman Oscar I. Steel Yeshivath Beth Yehudah 15751 W. 101/2 Mi. Southfield Phone 353-6750 Sidney A. Deitch DETROIT

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 16

…Friday, December 16, 1966-19 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS omen's eltub activities GOLDA MEIR CHAPTER, Pio- neer WoMen, will meet Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., at the Labor Zionist In- stitute. "Doctor Zhivago…

…. * * * BETH HILLEL SISTERHOOD will meet 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the synagogue. Luncheon will be served, and Mrs. Frances Keeps will review Bernard Malamud's "The Fixer." * * * BAGLEY G R 0 U P, Hadassah, will…

… luncheon. * * DETROIT LADIES AUXIL- IARY, American Medical Center at Denver, will meet 1 p.m. Tues- day at the Jewish Center. There will be a luncheon. * * * JEWISH WOMEN'S EUROPEAN WELFARE ORGANIZATION will…

…. Proceeds go to var- ious charities. * S * DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, City of Hope, will meet 8:30 p.m. Monday at Rosenberg Caterers. A "grocery game" is scheduled. ,i, • Ikri4M101 mobi l D0,10 - (im…

December 16, 1966 • Page Image 17

… Fixer' — How History Makes Heroes." CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "Confrontation Is the Answer." CONG. BNAI JACOB: Services 4:45 p.m. today and 9…

… ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE $499 With Hotels, Complete Sightseeing and Transfers For Brochure With Complete itinerary on Tours from $535 Call MIZRACHI OFFICE 17596 Wyoming, Detroit 48221 DI 1-0708 NEW…

… later in the Diaspora, the petition for rain is inserted into the liturgy. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Musical Program to End Be th Aaron's Adult Series The eighth and concluding ses- sion of the Beth…

…! In last week's Jewish News, a book was reviewed called "OBJECTIVE TRUTH CONDEMNS ALL POLITICS" the headline read: "Detroit's Arthur Wakefield Issues Volume Urging Unity of Religion, End to…

February 16, 1962 • Page Image 23

… held Feb. 28, Agar, worthy matron, LI 6-1860. ical * * * according to Mrs. Israel Fuchs. For reservations, call UN 2-1470. PYTHIAN SISTERS of Great- * * * er Detroit Temple 152 will *en- JUNIOR PRIMROSE…

… Auditorium of the Univer- 8 a.m. to and Pauline Pringle, secretaries; sity of. Detroit, 4000 Florence, at Sarah Ginns and Bessie Solo- 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25. Problems facing the Constitu- way, trustees and…

… League for Peace and Freedom. Rabbi G. Frankel. Chairmen of the group are Mesdames A. Hillel Theater Party Feldman and A. Sandweiss. * * * Hilley Day School will pre- KE 7-1100 OAK PARK CHAPTER, Or- sent a…

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 28

… and instllation I and head of the division of voca- of these nobles in the North•es tional education and applied arts Detroit and suburban group o , and science. Moslem Temple: president, Wil He has…

…. personnel special- A- * ist in hospitals, community agen- TA U EPSILON RHO LAW cies, government FRATERNITY, Detroit Graduate and industry; and Chapters, has elected the following Dr. Hamburger is a consultant…

Detroiters Fleeted to ORT Board retardation. You should know about them. Write for a free booklet. The President's Committee on Mental Retardation Washington. D C. 20201 Name Address City State Zip Code…

… of a doctor." PRESENTS 2 Detroit Banks JWV THE J V W PLAYERS will hold a tryout meeting at 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the home of Doris Sandler, 13320 Woodvale, Oak Park. They are working on "Commerci…

DETROIT AUXILIARY 135, will day. meet 1 p.m. Thursday at the Labor Dorothy Feinberg, Dr. Gerald 19492 Livernois Avenue Zionist Institute. Prospective mem- Freedman and Aaron Gornbein, bers are invited. will…

… public is invited Reception for Lawyers at no charge. Refreshments will be served. A military man will introduce a military man when Israeli Col. WE RENT AND SELL Yaacob Kaplan appears in Detroit 8:30 p…

… Corp Reserves. Speaking for the Jewish National Fund Foundation in Detroit, Col. Kaplan will give a personal an- alysis of the Six-Day War. Before Col. Kaplan's address, Criterion Club Will Hold…

… according to Judge Joseph Per- nick, chairman of the JNF Foun- Post-Valentines Dance dation in Detroit, there will be a The Criterion Club for single cocktail period. Judge Pernick will preside, and adults…

February 16, 1968 • Page Image 32

…32—Friday, February 16, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News 200 U.S. Leaders Sponsor Walter Reuther Chair on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy at Rehovot Walter P. Reuther, president of…

… as an assistant manager of tute of Science , the Detroit office with the respon- has been made! sibilities in the sales department. Marks has been public by Dewey 'n the securities D. Stone, chair…

… establishment is who is currently directing a JWB Study; Dr. BENJAMIN M. KAHN, tion elected the folowing officers: the only salon using throw-away national director, Bnai Brith Hillel DRS. SOL LUFT, president…

… sociological aspects of Women of Detroit presented WIL- address a special national Zionist Organization of America breakfast LIAM WETSMAN, director of the "Drug Addiction and Habituation" at the 15th annual…

…. SALMAN GRAND of burger, a Visiting associate profes- vices at Lafayette Clinic, "The Detroit was elected a member of sor of the University of Pittsburgh, General Problem of Addiction and the national board…

…- Ravitz, WSU associate professor of writing on the Jet Set, will be De- search fellow in the physics de- sociology and Detroit Common troit Town Hall's speaker at Fisher partment of the University of…

… Congressmen, among them Sen. Philip A. Hart and Reps. John J. Conyers Jr., Charles C. Diggs Jr., John D. Dingell, William D. Ford and Lucien Nedzi, all of Michigan; 74 American labor leaders. Among the Detroit

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 50

… • APPT. 543-2346, 357-0580 OAK PARK 1 331 1 WOODVALE Adas Shalom site and Hillel. Asking $43,900, will accept land contract 14. 4. 4. 4. 4. ... .. V.411117,11, 5".0•7•71 47:1•77.1*.76111SNO3r…

…-5 . . MEUOY THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS LIBRARY, FAMILY ROOM SEPARATE DINING ROOM AND a 1ST. FLOOR LAUNDRY ROOM in a spacious Brand New 4- bedroom, 21/2 bath brick Colonial with basement and attached 2-car…

…, range, dishwasher and disposal • Private Cul-de-sac streets prevent thru traffic • Extra large yards for family fun • Concrete drives and walks, underground utilities • Detroit water and sewers. All…

August 16, 1968 • Page Image 14

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, August 16, 1968 Synagogue to Be Depicted on Stamp in Surinam THE HAGUE (JTA) — The re- storation of a 283-year-old syna- gogue in Surinam, Dutch Guiana, will be…

…, Bnai Mitzva. CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 8 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Stanley Dushinsky, Bar Mitzva. BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE:' Services 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Stewart Davis and Michael…

… Return of CANTOR RICHARD TUCKER Planning the Sept. 18 Bnai David Testimonial Dinner, which will honor Dr. Maurice M. Silverman, Detroit area surgeon and a long- time leader of Bnai David, are (from left…

August 16, 1963 • Page Image 12

… the named principal of the Hillel Transportation Available for School and Nursery right to represent Detroit Jew- Day School. Cantor Gruen, who studied ish youth at the conference in with famous cantors…

… of the Jewish tradition the staff of the United Hebrew propagated by the Nazis and which is Israeli law today is Schools under the supervision At All Detroit $51 of Rabbi David Jessel of Beth…

August 16, 1963 • Page Image 14

…Friday, August 16, 1963—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS-14 World Youth Conference in Jerusalem Rejects Zionist-Oriented Recominendations JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ur- gent appeals to Soviet authori-' ties to…

…. They were Bnai Brith, Hillel,'United Synagogue Youth and the National Federation of Tem- ple Youth with a total mem- bership of 250,000. One of the most disputed proposed resolutions called on Jewish…

… Preparation TRANSPORTATION IS PROVIDED School office, open daily. Phone KE 7-5440 Mordecai Teiler, Director (affiliated with United Hebrew Schools) YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT 17376 Wyoming Avenue…

February 16, 1962 • Page Image 14

…14 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, February 16, 1962 — Yivo Announces Annual College Essay Contest The Vivo Institute for Jewish Research has announced_ rules for its 14th anual essay contest…

DETROIT: Sabbath services at 5:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Prer speak on "The Goals of Jewish Education Clearly CONG. GEMILUTH CHASSODIM: Sabbath servic 3-Day UAHC Executive today and 9 a…

… tribute to wo to be Ba Mitzvah at fund raising. She is a for- Future institutes will focus the late Prof. Hillel Vavli, Temp,. '+anu- c ool teacher and on other problems of concern March 28 at the Jewish…

… financial po- by Zinovi Bistritzky the De- Jews, regar troit - Symphony Orche a; the sition. Adas Shalom Choir, dire d by Israel Fuchs; Adele Br 48th Semi Annual mezzo-soprano; and Bella Gold- REDFORD-DETROIT

… Holtzman. Hyman Krupp All For Sale cket chairman. For tickets, Northwest Detroit likes this Show N 4-7474. Antique Show Center Theatre presents— "AN N I VE RSARY WALTZ" 8:30 Curtain Saturday and Sunday…

… Reservations or Information Write or Call, Hotel, St. Joseph, Michigan, YU13-2501. MICHIGAN 3 hours from DETROIT via Golden Belt Expwy. (Route 94) ALL THIS AND MORE from S4 y,: OtEN " TEAK 'ROUN0k, a d oda b…

May 16, 1969 • Page Image 26

…Cluh omen's THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • • • ctivities TEMPLE EMANU-EL SISTER- PHI DELTA EPSILON AUXI HOOD will hold its installation IARY will hold its annual lunch L- fred Lindenbaum, Mitchell…

… Ben Levenson, vice president the Cong. Beth Hillel. Mrs. Milton Theodore Kohn, Leslie Ruby, Ro s; SHERUTH LEAGUE will meet Radner is chairman of the nomin- art Hirschbein, Israel Besser a nd b- 12:30 p…

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