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July 15, 1966 • Page Image 18

Michigan University, Marquette, is the •1967 generalk-';'' chairman of Michigan Week. His election by the board of governors of the Greater Michi- gan Foundation. was announced by the founda- tion…

… 14th an- nual Michigan Week are May 21- 27. * * DR. SIDNEY B. HOENIG, pro- fessor of Jewish history at Yeshiva University in New York and a scholar widely known for his work in authenticating the…

… Brith Hillel Founda- tions has named Hillel directors at three campuses. RABBI MAX KERT, spiritual leader of Temple Beth Ami in Santa Rosa, Calif., will be director at the University of Georgia. RABBI…

… JOSEPH SCHACHTER, rabbi and chaplain at the Bnai Brith Center at Rocchester, Minn., will be director at the University of Illinois Chi- cago Circle Campus. Rabbi FRANK A. FISCHER, Hillel director at the…

… — Specializing in State University, the University of Beth Mason, sister of the bride, Color Candids and Movies Michigan and Eastern Michigan served as maid of honor. Brides- LI 8-22 6 6 University. A graduate of

Michigan Society for Mental Health, BARRY M. GRANT, trea- surer of the Southfield Board of Education, was elected to the I board of directors of the Michi- gan Society for Mental Health, Oakland chapter…

of Bnai Brith, Michigan Region, was dismissed by the prosecutor before a sched- uled trial Monday. The case against Melvin J. Eh- renfreund stemmed from an anti- Vietnam war peace march down- town…

… Israel sail- ing from New York next Aug. 30. A native of New York, Dr. Hoe- nig received his BS degree from City College in 1927 and was or- dained by Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological…

… Studies of New York University. The $1,000 prize will he presented to Hazaz next .month in Jerusalem for his book "B'kolar Echad" (In One Collar Chain), which depicts the patriotism and self-sacrifice of

University of Georgia, will be as- sociate director at Brooklyn Col- lege. Rabbi Fischer is a former Army chaplain. YITZHAK BEN - AHARON, a leader of the Histadrut General Labor Federation of Israel and a…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 7

…. Speakers — Joseph Meyerhoff, General Chairman of the 1963 United Jewish Appeal and Dr. William Haber, Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan and President of the World ORT. Call WOodward 5-3939. …

… communal needs, bearing in mind Hillel's wise words: "Do hot separate yourself from the community Al Tifrosh Min Hatzibur." Let the Sabbath ServiCe of March 16, 1963, be the occasion when our people will…

…A CALL TO CONSCIENCE by the Rabbis of Greater Detroit The Allied Jewish Campaign is a source of strength for every cause which Judaism holds dear. Not only does it meet the needs of our brethren…

… the educational institutions which guide our children in the faith of our fathers. Throughout Israel's history, the synagogue has always occupied the central place, in the life of the community and in…

… the heart of the individual Jew. The mitzvah of Tzedakah (philanthropy) has always been among his first concerns, calling upon each and every member of the community to share the bounties of life with…

… his fellowmen. To help launch and assure the success of our 1963 Allied Jewish Campaign, and to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the United Jewish Appeal we, the spiritual leaders of this great…

… community in American Israel, now call upon every congregational member to give generously of his substance, of his time, and of his effort to the Allied Jewish Campaign of greater Detroit, and to provide…

… such support to the very limits of his capacity. The synagogues and their spiritual leaders have served as constant reminders to our people of the sanctity and importance of the people's obligations to…

… gather in their houses of worship to give thanks to God for the 25 years of world-wide dedicated services by the UJA and to reaffirm their consecration to the great effort now at hand of the 1963 Allied…

… • 44. Op ••■ Rabbi Moses Lehrman Congregation B'nai Moshe er Levin Rabbi Cong = ration Beth Tefilo Emanuel Congregatio Gemiluth Chassodim Rabbi Samuel H. Prero Congie ation "Young,Israet of Nort est…

April 15, 1966 • Page Image 22

… The top honor in the University weekend at Beth J a cob Cong., of Michigan law school — that of Dayton. editor-in-chief of the Law Review The event, which consists of an —has gone to 23-year-old law…

…- able to students on many campus- es. The Hillel Foundation at the University of Maryland, with the largest campus kosher dining club in the country, provided some 1,650 meals during the eight-day holiday…

…. At the University of Cincinnati, Hillel counsellor Edward Goldman arranged for one of the three food lines in the student cafeteria to serve Passover food with paper plates and plastic utensils. THE…

…, Southfield, and a junior at the University of Michigan, was recently elected to Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. In his three years at Ann Arbor, Brown participated in every Uni- versity Honors Convocation; was…

… student groups. At Yale they conducted a seder for 30 Jewish patients in the campus hospital. A number of Hillel Foundations invited Christian students and clergy to seders. Members of the Catholic Club at…

… Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, including a nun of the Order of Loredo, were among the 110 at MIT Hillel's two seders. Many Hillel directors invited Jewish students who had remained on campus for…

October 15, 1965 • Page Image 1

…- ments? The Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations examined this question recently when students from 123 universities conducted an institute on aspects of Jewish existence today. Many students appeared confused…

… Progressive Education ca Editorials Page 4 t-prm -rFQ017- A Weekly Review Detailed Story on Page 17 of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle…

… yourself ghetto? Such were the questions confronting the Hillel (Continued on Page 3) - - UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA)—The head of the United Nations agency which provides aid to Arab refugees in the…

…Golds Meir Pleads for Coexistence as 'Substitute for Doctrine of War' Remains Temporary Haven for the Oppressed HE JEWISH JEWISH NEWS Pope Paul VI and Quest for Peace * Detroit's Role in…

… Packs Rolls; Five-Year Extension Requested A Study in Identification: Educational Deficiency Causing Lack of Conviction among Youth? By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright, 1965, JTA, Inc.) WASHINGTON — Is…

… it merely coincidental that a disproportionately large number of young Jews are working for the U.S. Office of Equal Oppor- tunity. (Poverty Corps), the Peace Corps, civil rights and pacifist move…

… should I be Jewish? . . . Just because Hitler killed 6,000,000 Jews? . . . What (lees Judaism really offer today? . . . Why .join Hillel when SNCC, CORE, SANE and 'Ban the Bomb' are more active for social…

… justice? . . . What is unique about being Jewish in the _space age? . .. Are not churches and other elements of society striving for 'Jewish' aims of human welfare, civil rights and peace? . . . Is Judaism…

…-areas adjacent to Israel told a General Assembly committee here Tuesday that the "host governments" of those areas—Egypt, Jor- dan, Syria and Lebanon—will not cooperate with him in efforts to rid the relief rolls…

of fraudulent claimants unless certain terms are met by the agency. Laurence Michelmore, Commissioner-General of the agency — the United Na- tions Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 33

…. Joseph Rutzkg of Chicago. The bride-elect is a junior at the University of Michigan, BUSINESS A ND PROFES- from which her fiance was graduated as a chemical en- SIONAL CHAPTER will present gineer. A June 9…

… served. Chairmen are Norman Gitler, Irving Ross, Leon Weberman and Sam Freedman. U-M Art Professor to Speak at Hillel Irving Kaufman, assistant pro- fessor of art, University of Michi- gan, will speak 8…

… be served. * * * PISGAH LODGE will hold its monthly open meeting 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Labor Zionist In- stitute, Sol I. Littman, director of the Michigan Region of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai…

… p.m. Wednes- day at the U-M Hillel Founda- tion Center in Ann Arbor. Prof. Kaufman's topic will be "Jewish Consciousness and the Arts," and is part of a series sponsored by Hillel entitled, "The Jew…

… in Western Culture." Dr. Herman Jacobs is director of the Ann Arbor Hillel Founda- tion. preview of the 12th Annual Antique Fair and Art Show, 9 p.m. March 23 at Temple Israel." There will be hors d…

…'oeuvres and music and the guests will have a sneak preview of 32 ex- hibits which will open the fol- lowing noon. The show will run through Tuesday, March 26. Michigan artists' pottery, silver sculpture and…

…, publicity; Mrs. Jos- eph Bean, cashier, and Mrs. Al- bert Weiss, hostess. The check don are in charge of ticket sales. Dealers from Michigan and the midwest will display old-world objects, Americana, Old…

…a Brith Actcytties MISS GEORGENE LEV1N Dr. E. Berkovits Champagne Party Will Spark to Address Next Temple Israel. Art-Antique Fair Sellers of 10 tickets are in- room will be handled by the to a…

… Center. The program will in- clude a candle-lighting ceremony honoring the Gertrude Steingold Class as well as the members of 13 years and over; also sam- plings from prize-winning skits. Refreshments will…

… Bri•h, will discuss "Anti-Semit- ism—A Dead Issue or A Living Virus?" A question and answer period will follow. Belle Man- ning, interpreter of American and Jewish songs will also be presented. Leonard…

May 15, 1964 • Page Image 35

… retire- dinner of the Hillel Day School, of the theme committee. Dr. Paul by Martin Goldstein. Makeup will ment from the Michigan State Senate brary Forum 8:15 p.m. May 27 in at the termination of his…

… his friends who paid or 739,600 of Michigan's people • BEAUTY UN 3-8982 tribute to him for his service to were in the 18 to 24 age class. By SIONAL CHAPTER will meet 8:30 Hillel Day School and countless…

… the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, to a close an illustrious senatorial ish Theological Seminary, Abe PISGAH CHAPTER will hold the career of twenty-four consecutive Wayne State University, will be…

… at the tion of Tribute to Senator Charles now therefore be it erected in cities throughout the Labor Zionist Institute. Master of S. Blondy." Louis Levinson initiated a move RESOLVED BY THE MICHIGAN

… from the Senate ber of the Michigan Senate, speaking to this country since 1945. individually and collectively, bid bers and their families, including upon completion of this term, was their esteemed…

… this year's Michigan Week in "Miller Hi-Lites." with Al Miller his activities in Leo Goldman. For information, aisle of the Senate to receive the on harmonica and Michael Miller everything they do…

…. Doris and in Young Judea. Blondy nual state observance May 17-23. Joanne Goldman; and the "Mike Recognizing his vigorous leader- The theme is "Michigan—Great Gold Quartet." Coordinators of the ship in the…

… present the Center Library. set for Wednesday evening, June Herbert, research director of the be done by Judy Weil, and Rudolph term; and 24, will be addressed by Dr. Max Michigan Department of Economic…

… Labor Zionist rights of the common man, and thus Michigan has the greatest sup- Institute. Luncheon will be served. gram, a special scroll will be pre- Want ads get quick results! all men, a career based…

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 30

… schools of 10 Midwestern universities and colleges, includ- ing Wayne State University and the University of - ,- Michigan. He will speak at the Wayne State University Law School, 3:30 p.m. March 26, in…

… the April 27 banquet L. Well Award since it was estab- Maurice Bordelove, past grand master of Michigan 100F, will be honored by the Jericho Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows at a cabaret…

…'s spirit and determination during the Six-Day War in June, will be a guest at the annual donor luncheon of Yeshiva University Women's Organization Wednesday at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York. • • • The board…

… program at the Jewish Center, 3 p.m. April 7. Dr. Jacobs is a professor of gov- ernment in Mi- ami University's college of arts and science in Oxford, 0., has hosted a series on the National Educational…

… govern- ment and American government at Hunter College before joining Miami University. HAVING A WEDDING or BAR MITIVA! REGISTER YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS A f THE BEAUTIFUL EMBASSY MOTEL 14380 W. 8 MILE…

…• • 30—Friday, March 15, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News Israeli song writer NAOMI SHEMER, whose "Jerusalem of Gold" (Yerushalaim shel Zahav) served as a stirring symbol of Israel…

of overseers of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America has named two Philadel- phians, Joseph Daroff and his brother Michael; three from New York, Jack A. Goldfarb, Maurice Nessen, and Herman C…

…. Rothen- berg; and Joseph L. Mendelson, from Washington, D.C. • • • Detroiter Dr. E. G. KAPLAN, first vice president of the Midwest Podiatry Conference, will speak on surgery of the pediatric patient •at…

…. Kaplan is chief of staff at Civic 11 , .pital. Dr. Irvin Kanat, also of Detroit, a member of the American Podiatry Association board of trustees, is on the pro- gram. • * * DANIEL MANN, national execu…

…-; five director of the League for Labor Israel and the Labor Zionist Organization of America - Poale Zion, left for Israel to finalize plans for the special Labor Zionist conference to be held in Israel…

June 15, 1962 • Page Image 10

of Shakespeare's "Mer- chant of Venice," put on by the campus. theater last February, were continued by Rabbi Na- thaniel Zimskind, Hillel director at the university. According to Rabbi Zimskind, a…

… refused the Hillel director's request for cancellation of the "Merchant of Venice" pro- duction, Rabbi Zimskind carried his protest to Dean John 0. Edson, of the university's Col- lege of Arts and Sciences…

… the solid protection of bank safety... 11514 PLUS .... ... INTEREST Protests Lodged Against Georgia U's 'Merchant of Venice' ATLANTA, (JTA) — Protests against a University of Georgia production…

…, editor supporting Rabbi Zimskind's protest. The protest had been sent at first to Dr. Leighton Ballew, chairman of the university's speech department, who had scheduled the Shake- sperian play. When Ballew…

…. How- ever, the Shakespeare play went on as scheduled. The part of "Shylock" was played in the production by Prof. Richard Weinman, a member of the university's faculty, who, ac- cording to Ballew…

… link in the at the fair which opened last TEL AVIV — With a special chain of commerce and friend- Thursday. The African Day cere- The daily d e c l a r e d that message from President Kennedy, ship which…

… joins our two coun- monies were featured by the ap- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire tries. I wish it every success." pearance of P r e s i d e n t David to The Jewish News) ; sources in the West German hailing…

… Israeli - American ties„ More than 100,000 visitors 1 Dacko, of the Central African 1ERUSALEM—Israel has re- Treasury Department said that ! c eived a $25,000,000 loan from the chancellor's promise was the…

… Levant Fair here, with 32 have already viewed the exhibits i Republic. West Germany, which has prom-' not an unconditional assurance countries represented, m a r k e d iced another loan of the same that…

… the total loan would be U.S.A. Day Sunday. Monday was amount before the end of the mae. d i African Day, with 10 African curernt fiscal year, Maariv, the . states represented among the ex- leading…

December 15, 1961 • Page Image 17

…• The Department of Michigan Jewish War Veterans recently preienied 18 American flags to neighborhood Brownie Scout troops in Oak Park from the Clinton, Dewey and Einstein schools. The presentation…

… took place in the auditorium of the Dewey School. Mrs. Jack Iden, patriotic instructor for the Department of Michigan, officiated. The response was made by Mrs. Joseph Goldman, neighborhood. Girl Scout…

… ly Park Library and f. y was co-owner of the Cambridge Book Shop. • eu Siwp_. otany2. ,94t. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Decemb er 15, 1961 The Board of Hillel Day School announced this week…

… will be followed by Detroit Chapter of Hadassah dyed Friedman, University South; • Lamps • Shades • Tables will hold a "Golden Ball Rally" and Irving Auslander, Wyoming. a discussion forum on "Are…

… transferred to the Jessie Chase Branch Li- brary, 16101 Grand River. Miss Hagberg has been head of the Mark Twain Library, Gratiot and Burns; for the p. years. In the children's s. ed Joan Igoe, who f in…

… Buffalo, N. Y., an Mass., replaces Lou Coleman, as en's assistant to Miss Ethel Karrick: As first assistant, Eugene Lar- son has taken over the duties of Miss Lorraine Newman who re- tired last June. The…

… Sherwood Forest Library has not had a youth librarian for several years, but this fall Mrs. Gladys Dahlberg has been given t e special assignment of wor th reading needs igh school stu- an erg was recent- de…

… that a spe- cial scholarship foundation has been set up by the family of the late Helen Rosenberg, in her memory. Mrs. Rosenberg was the wife of Julius Rosen- berg. The memo- rial project, to be called…

… fourth academic year last September with an en- rollment of close to 90 students. Friends and members of the family who wish to honor the memory of Mrs. Rosenberg may send their contributions to the Helen…

… Rosenberg Scholarship Foundation, Hillel Day School, 18977 Schaefer. Sherwood Forest Branch Library Lists Staff Additions, Appointments — Jewish War Veterans Give Flags to Oak Park Brownie Scout Troops 17…

December 15, 1967 • Page Image 25

… in the college of education at East- Donations may be made to natural science The academy, ern Michigan University. Her MAEDC, Box 100, Detroit; Mrs. founded in 1652, slelects half of its fiance is a…

… appreciation by Col. Thomas E. Dennis, com- manding officer of Michigan Re- cruiting, and Sgt. Bill Nemeth, lo- cal recruiter at 10300 Joseph Campau, Ham- tramck. Coleman reired from the Army in 1965 after 24…

… Pembroke, Huntington Woods (LI from readers of the Jewish 2-1243); or Chet Popp, 19740 Sex- News, Hawthorn - Northville Chap- ton, Southfield, (353-6345.) ter Michigan Association for Emo- The bus is used to…

… Association of Southeastern Michigan, Inc., elect- ed LOUIS CHERNOFF as presi- dent at a recent meeting. Vice- presidents are E. C. Anderson and Donald Weisman; treasurer, Her- man Broder; secretary, Leonard…

… 1959, died in a Houston, Tex., clinic. He was 62. Mr. Konigsberg, who headed the Michigan delegation to the Inter- national Israel Bond Conference in Jerusalem in 1958, was a mem- ber of Bnai Brith and…

… leader of the Jewish community. Sen. Cohen is also vice president of the Victorian Friends of the Hebrew University. * • * Dr. BENJAMIN B. ROSEN- BERG, executive director of the Combined Jewish…

…Army Salutes Health Club Director Rona Berg, Jack Benton Engaged to Marry James Coleman, director of the men's health club at the Jewish Center, is pre- sented a U. S. Army certificate of

… years' service. Since his retirement, his work in behalf of Army recruiting has not diminished; he has been instrumental in establishing counseling programs and has been an adviser to many young men in…

…. children of Northville State Hos- pital. FOR THE BEST IN The time has come to replace MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT the bus, and a new, 16-passenger, blue and white beauty has been selected. Chapter President Wil…

…- And His Orchestra liam McSweeney died this fall with his dream of presentation incom- DI 1-1609 plete, but the bus will bear his MISS RONA BERG name as a memorial for his many J. J. CLARKE STUDIO Mr…

May 15, 1964 • Page Image 21

… off the pad at the Waldorf-Astoria with an 8 a.m. breakfast on May 18, sponsored by New York area alumni of Michigan State and Wayne State Universities and the University of Detroit. Tribute to…

… the panel "Struggle" which provides the im- pact of the war for Israel's inde- pendence; in turn, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver and Dr. Emanuel Neumann, past Presidents of the ZOA, are shown in their memorable…

… Norman Furman, acting manager of Radio Station WEVD. Broadcasting on 1330 Greenberg Novel, Dr. Bokser's Book Win JWB Prizes Michigan Day Set at World's Fair Hundreds of Michigan's citizens, prominent in…

… the fields of industry, labor, business, education and gov- ernment, will invade New York May 18 for a day-long program celebrating Michigan Day in New York and at the World's Fair to sing the praises…

of the Wolverine state. Governor George Romney will head the delegation. Michigan Day is the opening of the annual Michigan Week cele- bration which proclaims the things which make Michigan a great…

… state. Michigan through its "day" in New York intends to tell the na- tion as a whole about Michigan's industrial might, its financial sta- bility, its 11,037 lakes, its count- less miles of streams and…

… forests, and its longest shoreline of any continental state, all of which help to make it one of the nation's top tourist attractions. Michigan, once labelled a problem state, has solv- ed its problems and…

… today is now one of the most attractive states for new industry. The Michigan delegation, corn- ing by special planes, train and car, will begin arriving in New York May 15. The Michigan Day program gets…

…'Anti the Desert Shall Bloom. . . Typical construction scene in Israel as seen through the windows of a building shed presented by Rassco-Rural and Suburban Settle- ment Company at the American…

…-Israel World's Fair Pavilion. Israel Pavilion Broadcasts ZOA's Fair Exhibit Depicts Evolution of the Jewish State An exhibit illustrating the stages of evolution of the Jewish State from illegal immigration…

December 15, 1967 • Page Image 17

… JEWISH NEWS Youth on the Move an ASP student. She is from the University of Michigan. Among the record number of 700 U.S. students studying at the Hebrew University this year is JUDY GOTLIB, 20, of 2017…

… Carolina. He attended the University of Michigan and Flint Junior College and is a mem- ber of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity. They are planning a June wed- ding. 0 tleS CLOTHES 19132 LIVERNOIS ...JUST OFF 7…

… guest. Rabbi Applebaum was the spiritual leader of Temple Beth El from 1945 to 1953. Rabbi Hillel A. Millgram of Cong. Beth Israel will participate in the ser- vice, as will Rabbi William A. Greenebaum II…

… Wabash, Flint. Judy is studying under the American Student Program (ASP) sponsored by the America n Friends of the Hebrew University, which this year has sent 176 U.S. students to study in Jerusalem. The…

… your ove and taste. BARBARA BERENBOIM Harvey Charles Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Gordon of Hampden Road, Flint. Miss Birenbolm will be grad- uated from the University of Mich- igan in April…

…. Her sorority is Alpha Epsilon Phi. Mr. Gordon received a bachelors degree from Cran-1 brook Academy of Art and a mas-r ters degree from the University D YOUR MEN'S HANUKA STORE IS — 1 of North…

…Flint Community News Temple Beth El to Commemorate 40th Anniversary Temple Beth El of Flint will commemorate its 40th anniversary with a three-day celebration this weekend under the co…

…-chairman- ship of Dr. Nat Gross and Saul Syde. On Nov. 18, 1927, 32 men and one woman signed the articles of association establishing the first Reform temple in Flint. Several former Rabbis and lay dignitaries…

… have been invited to participate in religious ceremonies today and Saturday. On Sunday, the observance wil conclude with a banquet. Today at 8:30 p.m., Rabbi Mor- ton M. Applebaum of Akron will be pulpit…

…, the present rabbi of Temple Beth El. George Olds, a past president of Temple Beth El, is chairman of the Friday night Subcommittees Will Consider Allocations of UJA Funds A series of subcommittee meet…

May 15, 1964 • Page Image 33

University of Michigan and the University of Michigan School of Law. He was affiliated with Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. An August wedding is planned. Shrivers Are Named Honorary Chairmen for Israel Bond Ball…

…, UAW president. August Scholle, presi- dent of the Michigan State AFL- CIO, is the dinner chairman. The dinner is sponsored by the Trade Union Division of State of Israel Bonds. Various facets of the…

…- versity of Michigan; Council Pres- in UAW's Mazey Tests Israel-Made Car Mark Kings Cited as Foster Parents to 57 Children Pa rker-Blumberg Engagement Is Told Noted Community Leaders to Speak at Israel…

…. Eugene J. Blumberg of Amityville, N. 1.7 Miss Parker attends the Uni- versity of Michigan School of Nursing, where she is a member of Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority. Her fiance is an honor graduate of the…

Hillel Day School Friends to Give Award to Artist With Winning Design R. Sargent Shriver, Jr., director of the United States Peace Corps and of President Johnson's anti- poverty drive, praised Israel…

… the winner in com- petition for the best design for a tribute card cover to be used by the Detroit Friends of Hillel Day School. Mrs. Samuel Danto, president of Detroit Friends, said a $25 U.S. Savings…

…Announcement was made this week of the program for the Senator Philip A. Hart testimonial dinner to be held Sunday. May 24. 6 p.m. at Cobo Hall. Senator Hart will be honored in recognition of his…

… championship of human rights and his friendship for Israel. Guest speaker will be Emil Mazey, secretary-treasurer of the UAW, who has just returned from a trip to Israel. Honorary chair- man is Walter P. Reuther…

… labor movement have joined to honor Hart. Shimon Moratt, labor coun- selor of the Israel Embassy in Washington, w i 11 present an award to Senator Hart on behalf of the State of Israel. Rabbi Morris Adler…

… and Rev. James E. Wadsworth, Jr., of St. Mark's Community C h u r ch, will pay tribute to Hart. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Clement H. Kern of Holy Trinity Church will pro- nounce the invocation and the Rev…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 31

… international stature as a religious artist and a forerun- ner of the "new Jewish art move- ment," will present an illus- trated lecture Sunday at the Uni- versity of Michigan Hillel Foun- dation. Part of a coast…

…, Bev- erly Lynn, to Richard Boyd Roland, son Of ;Mr. and Mrs. David Roland of -Farmington. The bride-elect attends Michi- gan State University. Her fiance was graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan

… Lb Noted Artist Katz Speaks at U-M Hillel When Nazi forces laid waste the Jewish quarters of the Polish town of Tomaszow- Lubelski in September and Oc- tober 1942, only a handful of Jews escaped the…

… this week at Hadassah House. Dr. Leonard Moss, chairman of the Sociology and Anthro- pology Department, Wayne State University, will talk to Schaefer women 8:30 p.m. Thursday. He will discuss "Basic…

University of Mis- souri. His works have been ex- hibited in major museums across the country. . Germany and gave testimony in Stuttgart about the Nazi mur- ders in Tomaszow-Lubelski. Any person who survived…

… — Pros- pects—Goals" 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day at the Jewish Center. Stan- ley J. Winkelman, president of the Council, will preside. Toubin is a graduate of Ye- shiva University and was or- dained at the…

… Jewish Theo- logical Semin- ary. His ad- vance studies at Columbia University were in ' his- tory and eco- nomics. He w a s formerly executive di- rector of the American Jew- ish Congress and is current…

…Continuing the Council's ob- servance of its "then and now" 25th anniversary theme, Toubin will evaluate the effect of the American environment on his- toric and traditional Jewish values, and…

… corresponding changes in the role and function of the American Jewish Com- munity. The American Associaticn for Jewish Education is a central coordinating body of the Ameri- can Jewish community con- cerned with…

… the improvement of educational standards in the Jewish school systems. It is representative of and serves all denominational and communal Jewish schools. Toubin's presentation will be preceded by…

January 15, 1965 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National…

… strengthen, students' ties to the peoplehood of Jewry," at a session of Hillel Foundation directors. It was the separatism along Conservative, Orthodox and Reform lines that was deplored as the competitive…

… blind to reality to attempt today to write out of Jewish life an element that may number nearly a third of American Jewry. Therefore, when a Conservative rabbi, the director of the Hillel Foundation - at…

… the infancy in the study of ceremonial art is made in "Jewish Ceremonial Art," by Dr. Joseph Gutmann, director of the The Hillel Foundations directors made a Jewish Museum of Hebrew Union College in…

… the University of Chicago—Rabbi Max D. Ticktin —said: "There is need to enlighten Orthodox students that Reform is not one step removed from apostasy. or contrawise, that Orthodoxy is not mere blind…

… an exaggerated midway path to an easy way of being a Jew. The universities especially are today dominated by a spirit that lures the youth in varying directions, and what we are faced with is a lack of

…, Michigan Association. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE IIYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This…

… Sabbath, the 13th day of Shevat, 5725, the following scriptural selections will be read in .our synagogues: Pertatenchal portions: Exod. 13:17-17:16; prophetical portion: Judges 4:4-5:31. Lirht benshen…

… aspect of schisms that are dividing rather than fusing Jewish loyalties. While it is true that the totality of Jewish life, the "pluralism of ideals," as one director interpreted the need, that is of the…

… utmost importance in assuring dedication to Jewish principles, the issue as it was presented at the Hillel Foundations meeting undoubtedly in- volves much more than seems to trouble the religious…

May 15, 1964 • Page Image 32

…-elect is a senior at Michigan State Univers- ity. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wald of Avon Ave., Oak Park, attended Wayne State University. Sinai Hospital Needs Volunteer Craftsmen The…

… joining Zucker the staff of the National Jewish Welfare Board as director of na- tional services. Currently on the faculty of the graduate school of social work of Michigan State University, Zucker has held…

… profession and public. * DR. EMANUEL APPLEBAUM, headmaster of Hillel Day School, will co-lead plenary sessions at the annual conference of the National Council for Jewish Education open- ing Thursday in…

… in the world. The collection re- ceived its only showing at the University of Arizona Art Gallery. * * * Dr. S. NORMAN FEINGOLD, na- tional director of the Bnai Brith Vocational Service, has been…

University's board of governors, presented out- going President CLARENCE B. HILBERRY with a portrait of him- self to be hung at the university. LESLIE SCHMIER, immediate past president of the WSU Alumni As…

… Movement," published by Wayne State University Press. It is a moving account of a very vital undertaking and of a great dream and is especially relevant as background material for the study of the movement…

…People Make News Former N.Y. State Supreme Court Justice SAMUEL I. ROSEN- MAN has resigned as a member and cochairman of Mayor Wag- ner's Committee on the Judiciary due to "other professional com…

…- mitments." * * Mayor ROBERT F. WAGNER will confer the Medallion of the City of New York on Rabbi HER- BERT S. GOLDSTEIN, of the West Side International Syna- gogue, New York, in recognition of Rabbi…

… summer. This is the second such institute Baum has attended in successive summers. He is a member of Northwest Young Israel and of the board of education of Beth Yehudah Schools. • * * HARRIS WOFFORD, an…

… asso- ciate director of the Peace Corps who during the 1960 Presidential campaign suggested the famous telephone call of the late President John F. Kennedy to Mrs. Martin Luther King, will address the…

January 15, 1965 • Page Image 25

…. of M. The eighth annual lectureship in the series of Zwerdling Lectures at the University of Michigan will be given by Pere (Fr.) de Vaux on "The Hebrew Patriarchs and History" Jan. 21-22. Sponsored…

… by the university's department of Near Eastern lan- guages and literatures, jointly with the Bnai .Brith Hillel Foundation and Beth Israel Con- gregation, the se- lries is endowed 'by brothers Mor- ris…

… San holds honorary doctorates from Francisco. The bride's parents are Mr. and the universities of Dublin, Aber- Mrs. Ben B. Galleon of Briar Dr., deen and Louvain. Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lester A member…

…activities in Society Cantor Hyman Adler of Cong. Bnai David, accompanied by Bella Goldberg, was guest performer at a Jewish Music Month meeting held by Bnai Israel Sisterhood, Pontiac. The group…

… and Maurice Cohen. Rabbi Moses Lehrman, spiritual leader of Cong. Bnai Moshe, has been invited by the President Johnson Inaugural Committee to attend the ceremonies in Washington on Wednesday. At 8:30 p…

….m. services today, the Bar Mitzvah of Gary Steven Zelt- zer will be observed at Sholom Aleichem Institute. Howard and Nancy Nudell joined their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Nudell, 14220 Pembroke, Thursday in…

… celebrating the couple's 25th wedding anniversary. The Avi Club will meet 2 p.m. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherr, 18170 Ilene. Leonard Levy, Bride to Live on West Coast . '2t'N condemn 250…

…,000 babies each year. March of Dimes funds have pro- vided most of the financial support for construction of the Salk Insti- tute for Biological Studies in San Diego, which conducts research in to birth…

… defects. (Attending a recent nationwide conference of March of Dimes volunteer leaders at the Salk In- stitute was Sylvia Danto, of Hunt- Archaeologist-Bible Scholar de Vaux to Discuss 'Patriarchs' at U…

…, Joseph and Abraham Zwer- dling in honor of their parents, Vanx Mr. and Mrs. Fr. de Osias Zwerdling. The series opens 4:15 p.m. Thursday with a lecture on "Abraham the Hebrew" (Gen. 14, 13) in Angell Hall…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 27

… days have begun at the University of Michigan for Ellen Katz, Phyllis Hurwitz, Shirley Ler- ner and Valerie Scho. Elayne Ris- kin is leaving for Eastern Michigan University and Scott Feller is on his way…

…. Benzion Gotlib, has completed her sophomore year at the Uni- versity of Michigan and is taking her junior year at the . Hebrew University of Jerusalem. • * • Martin Edward Weisberger. son of Dr. and Mrs. 14…

… the Flint Chapter, Ameri- can Trial Lawyers Association and . a member of the board of the Flint Urban League, died Aug. 31 at age, 33. Mr. Abram, who was born in De- troit, was a graduate of Michigan

… 1958. He was a, partner in the law firm of Leitson, Dean, Dean, Abram, Segar and Hart. A member of Flint's Temple Beth El, Mr. Abram also was a member of the American, Michigan and . Genesee County bar…

… to Cornell. Bud Rosenberg will be going to Central Michigan and Mike Alexander, Pola Sorkin and Brian Polisky will attend Flint Community Junior College. • • • Judy Gotlib ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs…

…. Marshall Miller, past On Things" we give which president of Michigan Federation Livernois are so much appreciated. of Temple Sisterhoods, at an in- With doctrination meeting Sept. 12. The general membership…

… inaugurating a joint 'study 19301 Livernois nr. 7 group to be led by Rabbi Hillel Milgram three Tuesdays a month EMILY BROWN, Bridal Consultant at the BelliSrael _Synagogue and the fourth Tuesday in the form of

… State University in 1954 and Wayne State University's law school in 1957. He worked in the mortgage division of the American Savings and Loan Association in Detroit until opening law offices in Flint in…

…Ti nt Community News Noreen Kasle Engaged to Arnold S. Schafer MISS NOREEN KASLE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kasle of Flint announce the engagement of their daughter Noreen Laura to Arnold Stewart Schafer…

…. A June 30 wedding date has been chosen by Miss Kasle and her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schafer, also of Flint. Robert Marc Abram, Flint Attorney, Dead Robert Mark Abram, past presi- dent of

January 15, 1960 • Page Image 20

… LORBER, Mrs. SOL LIFSITZ, Mrs. FANNIE ROSENBERG, University, University of De- Mrs. ADA FELDMAN, staff director, Mrs. LOUISE OZER, DAVID LOVE, Mrs. HARRY . troit, University of Michigan STERNBERG, Mrs…

… next Ager, president; Esther Wolok, Delight Leonard A. Grushko (Rhoda meeting of the PTO of the vice-president; Lillian Katz and Coggan), of 15315 Miller, Oak Hillel Day School, at 8:30 p.m. Ig a e…

… Resv. UN. 2-7642 Mrs. Emanuel Applebaum, Esther Halpern, hospitaler; J. ' in Detroit Jan. 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Hospitals & Homes president of the Hillel PTO, Simkovitz, sgt. - at - arms; and SEVEN MILE…

… tickets for the five Detroit per- formances of the Metropolitan Opera next May will be made available at reduced prices to students at four Detroit-area colleges and universities, Mrs. Henry Ford II…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fr iday, January 15, 1960-20 Gail King Married Reduce Opera Price for College Students in Double-Ring Rites A substantial number of Senior Adults Bring Cheer to Youngsters…

…; general chair- man, announced. Mrs. Ford said the Detroit A group of senior adults and volunteer workers from the National Council of Jewish Grand Opera Association, spon- sor of the Metropolitan's ap…

…- Women pause in front of the Council Activities Center prior to taking puppets, dolls and other pearance, has arranged for sale items to children at the Juvenile Detention Home. All of the gifts were made…

… by the senior of 500 tickets for each perform- citizens at the Activities Center. Pictured, left to right, are Mrs. IRVING GOLDMAN, Mrs. ance to students at Wayne State LAWRENCE WEINER, Mrs. SARAH…

…, daughter seats, and $3.95 for $6.50 seats. A catered luncheon iIi honor Home Relief Society is plan- of Mr. and Mrs. Jack King, of Mrs. Harry Jones, who is co- ning a luncheon on Jan. 25, at The 50th wedding…

… anniver- of Rabbi and Mrs. Herman Monica Ave., became the bride ordinating opera activities Boesky's, when newly-elected sary of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deutsch, of 3445 Fullerton, will of Sidney Konikow, son…

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 24

… Jay R. Weill, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Weill of Silver Spring, SUNDWY EINLY—WITH Pk/MONA-01 Md. The bride-elect attends the University of Michigan. Her fiance lb. attends George Washington Law School in…

of Mich- rim ball 9 p.m. Saturday at Cong. igan, where she earned her bachel- Beth Hillel. or of science degree in education. George Grossett and his or- She is working on her master's de- chestra will…

… Brandeis Women to Have Ball The 20th aniversary of the Women's Committee established a founding of Brandeis University makeshift library in a converted at Waltham, Mass., the first barn with 2,000 volumes…

… to serve Jewish sponsored, non-sectarian the students. Today, the Brandeis university in America, will be ob- library system, supported by 75,- served by the Greater Detroit 000 members of the National…

… will be used to These programs are open to meet the growing needs and de- young men 18-30 and women 18-26. mands of the university library. A special membership card will be In 1948, The Brandeis…

University available during that week. MRS. BRIAN MORRIS * * * For information, contact Barry Barbara Ann Brenner and Brian Kaplan, chairman, 535-4296, or Franklin Daniel Morris were mar- Fred Rose of the…

… Brandeis University Couretas and Joan Newman. Susan National Women's Committee Glue of Lancaster was flower girl. celebrates the university's 20th anniversary April 7, these women Arthur Morris of Lancaster…

University North, Mrs. Milton Freedman— agreed to merge into one group. 1 4 * Mrs. Julius Pollak, Eye Bank chairman, advises that there are a number of eye banks outstand- ing and suggested that they be turned…

… Ann to Kenneth Harris Gold, Purim Ball Saturday son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gold of The Criterion Club for single New York City. Miss Brody is a adults will present its annual Pu- graduate of the University

… provide the music. gree at Columbia University. Mr. The ceremonial coronation of Gold is a graduate of Babson Insti- "Queen Esther" will be preceded tute of Business Administration by a grand march, social…

November 15, 1968 • Page Image 28

… daughter Rochelle Terry to Charles Jay Markle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Markle of Camden Sq., South- field. Miss Platt attended Michigan State University and was gradu- ated from Wayne State Univer- sity…

…' Mrs. Fruitman of the Bnai Brith Michigan regional advisory board Girls Program. of the Anti-Defamation League. Special guest Mrs. Perlman She and her husband reside in Oak — will be Adam Wade, star of

… Council and director of local affairs for the Michigan Six Meter Club: -- - Blood Bank Rally Set by Bnai Brith Councils Drzai Britiz Rochelle Platt to Become Mrs. Charles J: Markle . Activities GEORGE…

… Wednesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Mrs. Lee Franklin Weinstock, first I love a hand that meets my own vice president of program, will with a grasp that causes some introduce Mrs. Philip Fealk, past sensation. F…

…28—Friday, November IS, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BB 'Women of Valor' to Be Guest at Honor Roll Luncheon Thursday Planners for Bnai Brith Women's honor roll luncheon for "Women of Valor," to be…

… to Pay of Metropolitan Detroit will hold an honor roll luncheon for its "Women Honor to Mrs. Fruitman of Valor" noon Thursday at the Mrs. Gordon Fruitman, president Town and Country Club. of the Bnai…

… Brith Women's Coun- Women attending the luncheon cil of Metropolitan Detroit, will be are contributing $100 or more to honored at a testimonial reception the 1968-69 Bnai Brith Services 8:30 p.m. Thursday…

… Mesdames Jack Sayles, Philip ber of Handler Fealk and Ber-, , , , , „„ Chapter, has been a member of Bnai card Bliefield. Brith Women for Keynote speak- 20 years and has er will be Mrs. served the coun…

…- Louis Perlman of cil in many capa- Highland Park, cities. She is a Ill., past interna- member of the tional president of Regional Board, Bnai Brith Wo- Bnai Brith Youth men and founder Organization, and…

… "Hallelujah Baby" Park and are the parents of two sons and grandparents of three. at the Fisher Theater. The ap- pearance of Wade ,has been ar- Mrs. Charles Galinsky, past ranged through the cooperation…

September 15, 1961 • Page Image 21

… Westhampton Ave., Oak Park. The bride-elect is a senior in the College of Education at Wayne State University. Her fiance is a student in the Col- lege of Architecture and Design at the University of Michigan

… and has been serving as University 'of Delaware Hillel Foundation counselor, offers, in this im- portant • book, "An Analysis of the Basic Concept _ s of the Jewish Religion!' He explains that although…

… AGVA 'Testimonial AGVA Week (American Guild of Variety Artists) will be cele- brated throughout the country Oct. 9-16, it was proclaimed by President John F. Kennedy. AGVA Week in the Michigan- Ontario…

…' from needy Jews, feel united with the Michigan-Ontario area will Jews, therefore I am a Jew ... receive The Honor Award of Beause I read Jewish litera- the Year. Mr. William Boesky, ture, pray to. God in…

… Adminis- tration. A memb of the ologi- sociation, e American ersonnel and Shumake Guidance As - ciation and t Michigan Reh. I- itation Asso lion, he rec ed his B.A. degr at the Uni sity of Michigan Wayne…

… Public Accountant, as a member of the Probate Judges Retirement Board. A Wayne State University graduate, Adelson is in partner- ship with his father Maury J. Adelson. He is married to the former Iris Bank…

…• • MISS MYRNA MIRAL Dr. and Mrs. Solomon P. Miral of Sussex Ave., Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter, Myrna Corinne, to Frederick Loceff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Loceff of

… thentic Jew and His Judaism," holiness in modern living. published by B 1 o c h, Rabbi In h i s analyses, Rabbi Leonard B. Gewirtz admonishes Gewirtz presents interesting the readers: concepts of the art of

… party, or dancing he keeps a healthy balanee a Trailechs' at a traifah Bar between the world of activity Mitzvah party. What it means and the world of contempla- to be a Jew also a mature- tion. As the…

… and act, are explored along the graded steps of from many different ap- prayer. As . he prays regu- larly and with conviction, his proaches". whole character and person- ality become transformed. Such…

January 15, 1960 • Page Image 10

…. Prepared by Robert Shosteck, national director of research for BBVS, and Alfred Jospe, direc- tor of program and resources for the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dations, the booklet is designed, as its name…

… life on campus. The main portion of the vol- ume is a listing of "selected colleges," which have at least minimal appeal to Jewish stu- dents. Michigan colleges and univer- sities are among those listed…

…, to- gether with information about fraternities, Hillel Foundations and counselorships and number of JeWish, enrollment. for orchestra, also chamber music, are further testimony to his talent." It is…

… statement are pledged to secure public deposits, including deposits of $17,441,912.54 of the Treasurer, State of Michigan, and for other purposes required by law. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation…

… music, on Hazanut, on creative efforts, is much more valuable. The writing of the book was made possible for Holde, who studied at Berlin University and was a music critic and conduc- tor in Frankfurt…

… informative volume, "Jews in Music," by Artur Holde, published by Philosoph- ical Library (15 E. 40th, N. Y. 16). Tribute is paid in this volume to the "polished technique and penetrating interpretation" of the…

… last Ossip Gabrilowitsch, who "came from the great reservoir of Eastern European musical performers." Mention also is made of Mrs. Gabrilowitsch — Clara Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain—"who had an ex…

…- cellent alto voice." "Fascinating as a pianist," is the way Holde describes Gabrilowitsch, t h e late conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The three Detroiters who are included among the Jews in…

… music are Julius Chajes, Jason IL Tickton and Sey- mour Lipkin. Tickton is mentioned as one of the "American ,synagogue composers." The author fails to make note of the fact that he also is an able…

… teacher—on the faculty of Wayne State Uni- versity's school of music—and is the musical director of Tern- ple Beth El, where he is ren- dering valuable services. Lipkin, whose name is mis- spelled, also is…

August 15, 1969 • Page Image 24

University of Michigan. Mr. Castleman was graduated from Wayne State University. where he majored in accounting. An Oct. 5 wedding is planned. Orchestra and Entertainment 647-2367 MUSIC IN THE FASHION OF

of Syracuse. will reside in Shaker nr. . -• h their three chil- • dren. luncheon. 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. Lee Franklin Weinstock, program chairman, an- nounces games will be played…

… STERN has been nam- tee. Ravitz, a member of the cab- ed a resident manager in Oakland inet of the Michigan region of the caligrapher and has prepared a County for Charming Co. Inc., one Anti…

University. He is currently serving as chairman munity affairs serving as an indus- try chairman and board member of the United Jewish Appeal and the United Foundation. He and his wife, the former Jayne Kay…

University of Brussels. in whose cam- * * * paigns for Israel NEIL RUDIN, son of Mr. and Rosender he has sold Mrs. Sam Rudin of Tracey Ave., $100,000 worth of Israel Bonds Urban Alliance, Inc., in its rat- has…

… been appointed assistant pro- and succeeded in planting more fessor of languages at the State ing of candidates for office at the than 1,000 trees in Jewish Na- University of New York at Buf- next…

… Region, Luria Brothers and Co., Inc., it was an nounced by Carl S. Ablon, president of Ogden Metals, Inc., a subsidiary of the Ogden Corporation. Joining Luria in Detroit in 1967 as an ac- count executive…

…, Jones was pro- moted to district-manager in De- troit in 1968. He was formerly sec- retary-treasurer of Jones Iron and Metal Co. of Detroit. A graduate of Harvard. Jones obtained his MBA from Suffolk…

… District 6 Trophy for 100 per A Mission cent membership retention this LANDAU have joined - for Cancer's Defeat" on behalf of year. * * the American Medical Center at i ute ublic BUSINESS AND PROFESSION…

…- Denver. In a one-m mute service announcement filmed for AL CHAPTER will have its annual showing over local television sta- barbecue 6 p.m. Tuesday at the lions across the country, the two home of Sylvia…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 7

… campuses. Leading poets, writers and lecturers will be made available for presentations on campuses, and Hillel Founda- tion libraries will be provided with basic works of literature both in the original and…

… Blocks East of Greenfield, Corner Sussex OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 6; MON. & THURS., 9:30 TO 9 Open Sunday 11 to 4 WE HONOR MICHIGAN BANKARD and SECURITY The Trimlinev extension phone. Scandalously easy to use…

…. You don't stretch to c ll. The dial comes to you. Tiny disconnect button lets you re-dial without hanging up. Six zingy colors. A.wild idea for an extension phone. Michigan Bell Pait of the Nationwide…

… increased interest in the Yiddish language among col- lege students, the convention also announced a joint Farband-Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation program for furthering interest in Yiddish on university

…Israel, Angered by Jordan Gov't.s Refusal to Cooperate on Refugees, Complains to UN (Direct JTA Teletvoe Wire to The Jewish News) them to return to the West Bank "based on conditions of special…

… against their will." UNITED NATIONS — Israel The Israeli letter pointed out complained to Secretary-General U that "the attitude of Jordan has Thant Wednesday that while its caused serious concern to the…

… government was "directing its ef- government of Israel which takes forts to alleviating the consequen- a grave view of this attempt ces of the hostilities" of the Six- by Jordan to use hum'an plight Day War…

… and was seeking to re- in the pursuance of its hostile store normalcy and peaceful con- political objectives." ditions, including the return of Ar- The letter advised Thant that Is- ab refugees to their…

… homes in ter- rael would "allow former West ritory occupied by Israel, "The gov- Bank residents, holders of prev- ernment of Jordan is conducting a iously-issued permits, who were campaign of increasing…

… violence, unable to make use of them before both of the prospective returnees -Aug. 31 to return to their former vituperation and direct incitement homes within a fixed period of and of the Arabs in Israel…

May 15, 1964 • Page Image 26

… author of "To the Hanging Gardens" was graduated from De- troit's Central High School and pursued his studies at Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and Columbia University. He taught…

… lecture which is being sponsored by the Morris and Emma Schaver Publication Fund for Jewish Stud Dr. Efros ies, the WSU chapter of the Hillel Foundation and the Wayne State University Press. The WSU Press…

… "Solitary Life of Man" in "Great Jewish Short Stories" published by Dell. He is married and has one daughter. His father, Isaac Litwak, one of I Michigan's leading labor leaders, has for years been among the…

… attends the Univer- sity of Michigan, where she is affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Mr. Lumberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lippman Lumberg of White Pine Dr., Birmingham, is a graduate of U. of M. and a…

university professor who had an affair with the wife of a close friend; whose own wife had had illicit relations with another member of the group that frequented the night club; another teacher in the group…

… * Hamburger Steaks * Minute Steaks COOLIDGE at 10 MILE - LI 8-6800 Israel Efros, professor emeritus and honorary president of Tel Aviv University and professor at Drop- sie College, Philadelphia, will lec…

…Detroiter Prof. Leo E. Litwak Writes Atlas-Lumbetg Rites Set for December an Impressive Sociological Novel Leo E. Litwak, 40-year-old De- troiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Litwak, now has a record…

of many years' recognition of his literary talents. For some time now, his short stories have appeared in an- thologies and in the 0. Henry Annuals. Nov he takes his place among the country…

… plied to the name of the night club upon which the characters converged during and towards the end of a two-day drama — the length of the entire development of this story. * * * It is a tale about a…

of the relationship of his wife and his friend, and his own financial involvements had driven him to overeating and over drink- ing. * * * It's a sad tale of an involved group of people whose abnormal…

November 15, 1963 • Page Image 22

…. Slosson to Speak - at Ann Arbor Hillel Dr. Preston W. SlosSon, for- mer professor of history at the University of Michigan, will speak 8 p.m. Wednesday at the U-M Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill, Ann Arbor…

of the country's most distinguished Christians — Gov- ernor George Romney — joined with Israel's Minister of Justice, ti Dov Joseph, in elevating the Israel Bond projects to new O heights, when they…

… spoke, on 0 Nov. 7, at - the Masonic Temple, A at the dinner of the Detroit Israel Bond Organization. • A total of $205,000 in Israel Bonds was sold at the dinner. Conducted under the chair- M manship of

… Max M. Fisher, with co David Safran assisting during 7-1 the Israel Bond sales period, the r-4 meeting resulted in added sales which are expected before the 0 z end of the year to boost Detroit's 1963…

… total to more than $1,600,- 000. .- 1:1 In his illuminating address, w Governor Romney told how he had imbibed knowledge of and faith in Israel through his Mormonism and how the Mor- mons had predicted…

… long ago the emergence of the State of Israel. He expressed his delight at being at the dinner, first out of his friendship for Max Fisher, and secondly "because of my admiration for you as a people." He…

… said he had learned much about the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel Bond efforts dur- ing the time he had spent at the dinner with the Jewish leaders ;t and he injected a note of levity 6 P into the…

… not adopted, I may be • to Israel with a suitcase of ds to sell to the Israelis." e Governor told of his ughter's experiences w i t h wish children while at Hamp- on School and he paid tribute to Jewry…

…'s idealism. "The children of Israel had the greatest impact on the world," he said. He praised the Jew's "sense of destiny" and said it was fortunate for ,1 ‘ the world that out of this im- pact arose a…

… general respect for God. Reading from his Bible the text of Moses' admonition to Israel, he emphasized the pro- phetic influences of faith upon mankind. Describing the survivalism of the Jews in spite of

January 15, 1965 • Page Image 24

… degrees at Wayne State University. He is working toward his master of laws degree in the field of taxation. He lists memberships in the Oakland County, Detroit, Michigan and American Bar associations as…

…, South- sor of sociology and director of the field. Center for Sociological Research, Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine's 8 p.m. Western Michigan University. class will be on the history of The couple was married in…

Hillel Foundation board of sponsors; Gorge Bassin and Dan- the national commission of the lodge Israel Bond iel Weinbaum, Honoriams and chairman, with Anti-Defamation League. Memoriams; Theodore Thomas, fu…

… attended Wayne eon will take place noon Feb. 10 342-9424 State University, and her fiance at- in the social hall. • Distinctive ceremonies of District Grand Lodge No. 6, tended Walsh Institute of Account…

… CLOTHING Saul Dorwman, hostesses; Herman served, and admission is free. 7651 W. McNICHOLS at Santa Barbara Einstein, composed of survivors Avrin, treasurer; Joseph Katchke,1 UNiversity 4-7408 programs…

… 2-9686. Registration is served. 4, * * 28 at the McGregor - Conference at 9 a.m. TIKVAH CHAPTER will hold its Of THE Center, Wayne State University. initiation of the Emily Fleischer Theme for the…

…Adas Shalom Women Map Donor w Sydney L. Ruby in Running for Oak Park Judge Lyn Brozgold to Wed Pioneer Women Plan Oneg Shabbat Gerald Zeff in June Detroit Council of Pioneer Wom- en will hold an…

… oneg shabbat in honor of Tu b'Shevat at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Labor Zionist In- stitute. The program, under the .direc- tion of Mrs. Frank Rath, Council education vice president, will fea- ture a…

… guest speaker, Dr. Sylvan Ginsburgh, Hebrew educator. There also will be a play reading, "This is Israel," by members of the Pio- neer Players, singing led by Mollie Weisberg and a Yiddish interlude by…

… Mrs. Harry Mondry. Chairman will be Frances Shayne. Refreshments will be served by members of Sharona Chapter, host- esses for the afternoon. The public is invited. For infor- mation, call Pioneer Women…

August 15, 1969 • Page Image 15

… was being termi- nated in Israel for lack of funds while a new appropriation has been requested for operating expenses and new buildings at the Ameri- can University of Beirut. They replied that it was…

…Beirut Univiersity to Receive U.S. Funds at the Expense of Israel (Continued from Page 1) State Department officials were asked why vital research of possible immediate value to the United States…

… important to keep Lebanon friendly to the United States and to follow the guidance of Rep. Otto Passman, Louisiana Democrat, on the Beirut appropriation proposal. Rep. Pass- man is chairman of the House Ap…

…. A class of Is- raelis jet pilots were graduated after specialized training on the Phantoms at George Base. Defense officials indicated skep- ticism about an aspect of the press reports on the…

… purported new Is- raeli bid which alleged Israeli in- terest in getting Phantoms equip- ped to carry nuclear weapons. They said Israel has repeatedly denied possession of such weapons and therefore would not…

… buy additional F-4 Phanom jets which recently received a consign- ment of F-104 jets from the United and Skyhawks to maintain air superiority over its Arab neigh- States, was seeking to hire U. S. Air…

… Said. According to Donald Seaman, during the Johnson administration, the United States has delivered the Soviet Embassy in Cairo has more than half of 80 Skyhawks. maintained silence on the alleged Last…

… Dec. 27, the United States Russian casualties. But the re- agreed to sell 50 Phantoms to Is- ports were the first of their kind rael. A number of Israeli pilots since the Soviet Union began tc have…

…'S WEAR COVERS IT ... IN STYLE NORTHLAND CENTER EL 6-6540 EASTLAND CENTER DR 1-3760 6513 WOODWARD 's',VOR TR 2-8883 Security Charge • Michigan Bankard & Diners Cards Honored Congregation Beth…

Hillel 19371 Greenfield at Vassar BR 3-0570 Announce Their Ticket Sale For High Holiday Services Sundays: (Beginning August 24) 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays: 9 a.m.-1:15 p.m. In Their…

December 15, 1967 • Page Image 11

… The course is conversational He- brew. It is taught for 90 minutes every Friday afternoon by Rabbi Nathan Gaynor, director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation on campus. "WE DEAL RIGHT THE FIRST TIME…

… Course CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Ten Jewish professors at the University of Illinois, whose faculty credentials range from economics to marketing to metallurgy, attend the same class here each week, as students…

…El Fatah Renews Terrorism; Jordan Tells Christian Arabs to Stay Out of Israel TEL AVIV (JTA) — Explosives planted by saboteurs damaged the fuel storage tank at a water pump- ing station south of

… Kibutz Maoz Hayim in the Beisan Valley Satur- day night. The footprints of four persons were found leading to the banks of the Jordan River about 85 feet away. It was the third ma- jor sabotage attempt…

… last weekend. Six members of an El Fatah ter- rorist unit were killed, and a n•im- ber arrested, Friday, in a com- bined action by Army security forces and border police near Nablus, in the occupied West…

… Bethlehem. The Amnesty Review, quarterly publication of Amnesty Interna- tional, reported there were only between 200 and 400 Jews still being held in Egyptian jails and that they were "treated well, or at…

… least not any worse than the other inmates." The periodical al- so asserted that there were about 3,000 members of the outlawed Moslem Brotherhood imprisoned in Egypt hat called the government's claim…

… that at least 70,000 persons are incarcerated a "highly exa ,, gerated figure." The Tel Aviv newspaper Maariv, reporting on Wednesday that only 200 Jews remain in Egyptian in- ternment camps out of 500…

… arrested during last June's Six-Day War, said some of those released were per- mitted to emigrate to Italy and France and efforts are being made to secure the release of the remain- ing internees. The fair…

… treatment accorded Egyptian nationals by Is- raeli occupation authorities in El Arish and Gaza is believed to have contributed to a relaxed attitude on the part of Egyptian authorities toward Egyptian Jews…

July 15, 1966 • Page Image 16

… at the University of Michigan. It is said that too many church members are working at the tailor- ing trade: Tailoring their religion to • fit' their prejudices.—Carters- ville (Ga.) Bartow Herald…

…-FRIEDMAN. At a re- cent ceremony at Beth Hillel Syn- agogue, Wilmette Ill., Rochelle Ann Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Friedman former ly of Detroit, was united in mar- riage to Camilo K. Schmidt…

… MasterS Degree in Nursing Service Administration from Wayne State University in 1958 and a year later became in- service supervisor at Sinai. Mrs. Lodge was named assistant director of nursing in 1960 and…

…-elect attends Wayne State University, her fiance, a graduate of Wa y ne State Univer- sity where he was affiliated with the Sigma-Alpha Mu and Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Fraternity, is attending graduate school…

… II and a member of the nursing pro- fession for 21 years, has been named director of nursing at Sinai Hospital. Her appointment was an- ;,-. -wmm;g flounced by Syd- C. Peimer, .Sinai administra…

… Phoenix, Ariz., with the AAF. She came to Michigan in 1949 as the inservice supervisor at the Maybury Sanatorium in Northville where she remained until 1956. Mrs. LOdge returned to school and received her…

… had been acting director since Oc- tober of last year. She resides at 15026 Auburndale, Livonia, with her husband, John, a senior de- signer-draftsman for the Livonia Transmission and Chassis Division…

…, Ford Motor Co., and their four children, John, Kenneth, Larry and Mark. 13th Century Financier Benedict of Winchester, a lead- ing 13th Century British - Jewish financier, was a senior official of King…

…. Edward and Queen Eleanor. When It Comes To Noodles .. . Greenfield's MRS. DENNIS BOWMAN Roberta Sue Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Ruby of Woodville Place, Southfield, be- came the bride of

… Dennis Arthur Bowman, in a recent ceremony which took place at the Kingsley Inn Lodge. Rabbi Leon Fram and Cantor Orbach officiated. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Buren Bowman of Six Mile Rd…

September 15, 1961 • Page Image 16

University and re- and Mrs. Isaac Nagler of Ann -.inday. Time: 10:30 a.m. S Tithe: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. ceived a Master's Degree from Arbor. Station: WWJ-TV. Station WCAR. the University of Michigan where The…

…-TV, Chan- "Echo from the Israeli Hills." resume studies at the University s. Grunt's Own Home Made Meicholim! Presented by the Jewish Com- of Michigan. The bridegroom is nel 2. Feature: Rabbi Morris Adler…

… bride wore a gown of ivory eir Many Feature: "The Wisdom of she held a teaching ntship. Feature: Rabbi Benjamin Gor- peau de soie with matching Dior Hillel," written by Marc Siegel, Their Kindness relick…

of Cong. Beth Aaron, the Her fiance also double bow headdress and short Mrs. Balaban's Illness University of Mi veil. She carried a spray bouquet Temple Beth El Choir under will be presented. * * * the…

… njoy- ay in ed p o teams eve e Lu- Ma•nic Auditoriu enoff, b utz and Ge who will be he world's Franc scatti, turns to fists, re v . to orium Jan. y in Mr. and Mrs. David M. Zellman of Monica Ave. have…

… returned from Huntington, W. Va., where they attended the wedding of Nancy and. Gary Tarbis. The occasion was also the celebration of their own 45th wedding anniversary on Labor Day. They were accompanied by…

… Concord Hotel in Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. The Cornfield Family Club will meet 8 p.m. Sunday at the home of the Mannie Cornfields, 24747 Pierce, Southfield. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wenokur and children, Alan and…

… Gilbert, New York concert baritone and former Detroiter who has performed for Leonard Bernstein and many other notables of the music world, is visiting, with his wife, Joyce, and daughter, Karen, at the…

… home of his parents, Mr. and MISS NITA D Mrs. Irving Gilbert of Cloverlawn Ave., Oak Park, during the holiday season. Gilbert is appearing as guest cantor at Temple MRS. MONTE NAGLER Dr. and Mrs. Adolf W…

…. Lowe of Israel for the High Holy Days. Parkside Dr. announce the forth- Susan Simons became the coming marriage of their daugh- ■04 ■ ■ ■ bride of Monte Jay Nagler Sept.- ter, Nita Diane, to Leonard 3 at…

April 15, 1966 • Page Image 19

… _ Ypsilanti announce the engage- ment of their daughter Charlene to David A. Kott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Kott, 4753 W. Outer Dr. Miss Feller and her fiance both attend the University of Michigan. The…

… entire afternoon occurred the JNF auxiliary, a member of when a hospital superintendent Hadassah, life member of Bar-Ilan University and member of Hillel spilled a glass of water. Day School, as well as…

… BRACELETS Hundreds to Choose From * * * * * &q Oil. mei Suburban Rebecca Panush Saks Nominated Michigan Mother of the Year * * * * * Sale! Rebecca Panush Saks, mother of four leaders in. the Jewish…

… com- Famous Maker munity, was nominated for the honor of Michigan State Mother of the Year. Mrs. Joseph Saks, 18700 Ilene, SUITS is the wife of the late Abraham KNIT SUITS Panush, with whom she started…

…• Peller-Kott • Wedding to Take Place August 7 Association for Advancement of Hebrew Set Up in New Haven NEW HAVEN (JTA)—A group of local Jewish leaders have formed the Association for the…

… Advancement of Hebrew Educa- Sarah Levin of Greenfield Ave., who recently returned from a tion to disseminate the teachings three-month stay in California, hosted a Passover tea for the board of Judaism in the…

… New Haven community. members of Club One, Pioneer women. Irving Rohinsky, president, said Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Stone, 19343 Greenfield, spent 10 days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mills, former…

… Detroiters, in Encino, that the new group will use public Calif. Miss Connie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mills, spent an ex- forums, lectures by rabbinic and tended visit with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A…

…. Weiss of Pinehurst lay leaders and will publish a newspaper. Ave. activities in Society "And now Sylvia will read the feer kashes for us." MISS CHARLENE PELLER Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Peller of

…. m. Sunday at the Labor Zionist Institute. * * PURITY CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star will meet 4 p. m. Monday at Eureka Temple. * * * * outside world" is, once a year, gefilte fish, soup with…

March 15, 1963 • Page Image 34

… State University, will be the speaker at a meeting of the Hillel Day School P.T.O., 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Oak Technion Chapter Park Jewish Center. The topic of discussion will Will Hear Herman, be…

… can be mailed to his attention, care of the Jewish Community Council, 163 Madison, Suite 225, Detroit 26. Hillel Day School P.T.O. to Hear Lloyd The activities of the. June graduating class have been…

…. announce the engagement of their daughter, Irene Frances, to -Martin H. Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bar- - ney A. Ross of Greenview Rd. • The bride-elect is a student - at Wayne State' University, ;-.School of

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 15, 1963 — 22 Irene Rubin Will Wed Martin Ross MUMFORD U S. I G By RUDENE MEYERSOHN - - MISS IRENE RUBIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Rubin of Pennington Dr…

… Music Education. Her fiance is a graduate of Wayne State College of Business Ad- ministration. A June 9 wedding is planned. ' Suggestions Invited on Zionists' Israel Independence_ Program Plans for the…

… forthcoming city- wide celebration of the 15th anni- versary of Israel's independence will be one of the principal items to be discussed at a special meeting of the Zionist Council of Detroit noon Wednesday at…

… get- ting underway under the aus- pices of the newly elected class officers and the committee chairmen. The officers are President Mickey Eisenberg, Vice-Presi- dent Marty Katz, Secretary Vicki Miller…

…, and Treasurer Ross Fridson. The chairmen of the various committees are program, Steve Fisher and Susie Levitt; prom, David Av- rin and Merle Weston; social, Steve Lefkowitz and Marilyn Pershin…

…; commencement, Patty Parker - and Bruce Finsilver; finance, Ross Fridson; flower, motto, gift, publicity, . Nancy Lui and Jimmy Parker; and honors convocation, Judy Mill- man and Marty Greenberg. One of the…

…-1897, or Mrs. Leslie Bloom, 862-3257. The next open meeting of the Mumford Parent's Club, 8:15 p. m. Wednesday, will be de- voted to a discussion of the basic required subjects that stu- dents must have in…

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 28

… Sayles, past president of the women's council and vice chairman of the Michigan regional board of the Anti-Defama- tion League. Installation chairman is Selma Cohen, and reservations chairmen Mesdames…

…- Teachers Worshops rolled in a five-year pharmacy Leah Porat, program director of curriculum in Michigan for 1967- Kol Israel, the Israeli radio net- and en . 89 of these students are work. will appear at the…

… he served. Feature: "Songs of Israel" with Hillel and Aviva and host Cantor Harold Orbach, Weinstein Presents TIKVAH CHAPTER will hold its installation of officers noon Tues- day at Beth Hillel

… squad he succumbed to his For tickets, call the Farband of- Distributed is Detroit and Michigan by: wounds. I fice, 864-6608. JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit Tel: UN .2-5820 …

… the award were the Time: 8 a.m. Sunday Station: WKNR Feature: Rabbi Isaac M. Kagan will speak on "Elijah's Challenge." Dr. Irving Block, professor of phil- osophy at the University of West - _ ern…

… will hold its installation of officers 7 p.m. Tuesday at Bnai David Synagogue. Incoming pres- ident is Mrs. Gerald Bernstein: vice presidents. Mesdames Sey- more Resnick, Alan Figot, David Bergman and…

… Ernest Eick and Marvin Salomon. • • 4' TIKVAH LODGE will initiate its class of new members 8:30 p.m. Thursday at Workmen's Circle Center. The ceremony will be per- formed by past presidents of the lodge…

…. Maurice Raznick is program chairman. The Sisterhood Singers of Cong. Ahavas Achim, under the direction of Cantor Simon Ber- manis, will perform. Guests are welcome. Refreshments will be served. • • ISRAEL…

… CHAPTER will hold its installation of officers dinner-dance 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Northwood Inn. Admission is free. Refresh- ments. Installing officer will be Mrs. Harry Bodzin, past president. For…

… reservations and information, call installation chairman Mrs. Hy Dorfman, 353-5711, -or Mildreth Rubinoff. 547-1947. • • DETROIT LODGE CHAPTER will hold its annual luncheon and installation of of f i c e r s…

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 18

… Our Children Today." CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 6:25 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "The True Qualities of a Leader." TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Rabbi…

… Organization of Detroit Harry M. Shulman, President 2641 Woodstock Drive, Detroit, Michigan 48203 Israeli Historian Zvi Ankori to End Series With 'Jerusalem' The final lecture in Adas Sha- lom's adult study…

…18—Friday, March 15, 1968 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS' TEMPLE BETH JACOB of Pontiac: Services 8:30 p.m. today Rabbi Berkowitz will speak on "How Much Does Judaism Offer?" ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE…

…: Services 6 p.m. today and 8:50 a.m. Saturday. R'bbbi Segal will preach on "The Art of Numbering." TEMPLE ISRAEL: Purim family services 8:30 p.m. today Dr. Fram will speak on Purim Up to Date." Phillip Karlin…

…, Bar Mitzva. At 11 a.m. Saturday, Michael Bruce Snyder, Bar Mitzva. YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST: Services 6:20 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Prero will speak on "Meeting the Problem of Educating…

… Rosenbaum will discuss "How Much Should We Compromise?" Mark A. Felsen- feld, Bar Mitzva. YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS: Services 6:25 p.m. today. At Youth Sabbath services 9 a.m. Saturday, Henry Bodzin will…

…- day. Rabbi Halpern will preach on "Attributes of Leadership." CONG. BNAI DAVID: Services 6:20 'p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Satur- _ day. Ernie Ekelman and Keith Epstein, Bnai Mitzva. BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE…

… Relations at Temple Beth El Catholic College Adds Rabbi to Teach Judaism BOSTON, (JTA)—Stonehill Col- lege, a Catholic institution, an- flounced appointment of Rabbi Samuel Ruderman of Temple Beth-El, Fall…

… mem- ber of the faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary and of Con- necticut College. Community leaders will touch on crucial issues of our time, 7:30 p.m. March 24, at Temple Beth-El. State Sen…

…. Coleman A. Young will present "Crisis in Black and White—Detroit, 1968," to be fol- lowed by discussion groups, aided by key members of Detroit's Negro community. The temple's community affairs Pioneer of

December 15, 1961 • Page Image 12

…. _William B. Hutchinson, director of Wesley Foundation Rudlph Boyce, president of the Wesley Board of Truste Leonard Wilcox, vice president of the Religious Cente of Directors. The Bnai Brith Hillel

…- gregations. Steiman, staff clinical psycholo- gist at Ypsilanti State Hospital and consultant to the Vocation Rehabilitation 'Department of Michigan. He is also a consult- ing psychologist at the Hebrew…

…New Chief.. Rabbi of Turkey Invested • ISTANBUL, (JTA) —Turkey's new Chief Rabbi, David Asseo, was invested in elaborate cere- monies at the Main Synagogue of Istanbul. The ceremony was attended by…

… Governor Refik Tulga, other Turkish officials, consular corps members, heads of the various churches and Jewish community representatives. After receiving the golden chain carrying the Tablets of the Law of

… the Chief Rabbinate, Rabbi Asseo made his first ad- dress, pledging his efforts for the wellbeing of Turkish Jewry. He plans to visit top officials in Ankara to confer on pressing Jewish communal…

… problems soon. Orthodox Marriage Code in Free Booklet SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Malka in honor of the Koznit- W. Ten Mile, when parents will Margolis will be observed. CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Sabbath services…

…- ering People" this evening. Rabbi Hahn will speak on "The Courage to Be" Saturday morning. The Bar Mitzvah of Robert Bruce Crane will be observed. CONG. TFILO EMANUEL TIKVAH: Sabbath services at 4:45 p…

… 1st Major ,Contribution PIGGY BANK MAINTENANCE SERVICE For only Pennies a Day I you can protect your business equipment • I * * * 3 1 3 25 - I Evenings: U. 7-3912 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 15787…

… contribution when Methodist Bishop Marshall R. Reed (right) presented the Wesley Foundation check for $96,000 to Milton M. Weinstein, president of the Religious Center corporation. Looking , on, from left, are v…

…-3151 PINSKER PROGRESSIVE AID SOCIETY I 1 EASY TERMS RASKIN TEEN TOURS The Quality Western Tour for Teen-age _Girls 16th season Limited group size Professional staff Under personal direction of WE'RE AS NEAR…

November 15, 1968 • Page Image 36

… old and new architectures. It was University of Michigan Law School. Artists, will head the program. the Neve Shalom temple of He is affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau Kasle announced the committee…

… Paramaribo. Fraternity. Miss Glaser is attend- planning this communitywide affair The new 1968 stamps also are ing the University of Michigan. includes Mr. and Mrs. Philip executed in a variety of colors. s…

October 15, 1965 • Page Image 30

… Art, Science and Literature of the University of Michigan, at the testimonial din- ner to be given by the Detroit l'ien's ORT Chapter, Sunday eve- ning, Oct. 31, at the Pontchartrain Hotel. Dr. Harlan…

… Hatcher, president of the University of Michigan, will be the guest speaker. Last Week's Winner of the Harry H. Platt, president of the "RASKIN new ORT men's chapter, will be the toastmaster. Brief…

… the United States and Canada. For informa- tion, call the University of Detroit ticket office, 342-1029. * * The world - famous ROYAL DANISH BALLET launched its current North American tour with a gala…

… Institute, award winner at the Society of American Graphic Artists, Boston Museum, Syracuse University, School of Visual Arts, among oth- ers. * Two renowned European musical groups will appear at Detroit…

… 500 years, appears on Oct. 31. TEL AVIV — Ten Jewish college students from the United States will spend a year of study at an Israel university under a scholar- ship program financed by the Bnai Brith…

…Testimonial Dinner for Haber Attracts Nationwide Interest Spokesmen for leading Jewish Dr. William Haber, president of movements will join in honoring American ORT Federation, dean of the College of

… addresses BIG BABY BONUS" expressing appreciation for Dr. MRS. FRANK ZEDDE Haber's numerous contributions to (11 lbs., 4 oz.) world Jewish movements will be Congratulations on the birth of your given by…

… prominent leaders. daughter and we hope the RASKIN PRODUCTS you received helped Herman A. August is chairman make your first week at home easier. of the dinner arrangements com- RASKIN FOOD CO. mittee…

…. Messages of greetings and com- Oct. 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald mendations for Dr. Haber are B. Pinsky, 8432 E. Jefferson, a pouring in to the local ORT office in advance of the dinner, indi- son, Illya Nikolas…

… in announced membership of the new Woods, a son, Steven Mark. men's chapter has been exceeded, * * * and he extended an invitation to Oct. 4—To Dr. and Mrs. Mark others to join and to participate M…

April 15, 1960 • Page Image 2

… lifetime—he had been emigrants from Bohemia. National Press Club is the following: ceived his Ph.D. at the Univer- completely selfleSs, and the The author of "Northwest 14 sity of Michigan in 1935, made…

… version. Why does the official USSR version differ from the one Given 1MA Award tribute significant amounts to Jewish causes . . . Hillel clubs Tam have created a number of Jewish Welfare Funds, and…

… activities among Jewish students in colleges and aim. in the atomic bomb, and he universities . . . These activities are being carried on under the The texts are not alike. Since the chairman of the National…

… every university and chev has, however, failed to answer any of the pressing questions college which has a sizable enrollment of Jewish students . . posed to him either on his visit to the United States…

…• Purely Commentary Paperbacks, Covenant Books Add to Jewish Pnlblication Society's Literary Services By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ coast. It is a story of pioneer- The Jewish Publication Soci- a nuclear…

… chain reaction in a large mass of uranium ..." ing, of the adventurous travels ety of America gained addi- Khrushchev's Reply to Query About Soviet Jewry Wise mentions the fact that of Louis Fleischner…

… and his . tional status this week with pa- at National Press Club Luncheon: Two Versions perback reprints of notable Einstein was offered the presi- brother, Jacob, across peril- When Soviet Premier…

… Nikita Khrushchev was in Washington, classics and the extension of dency of Israel when Dr. Chaim ous roads, towards Oregon. These pioneers settled there, he addressed a luncheon meeting of the National…

… Press Club. A Weizmann died in 1952. This is cz 74 question was then addressed to him regarding the status of the Covenant Books series. in the Willamette Valley, and the concluding tribute to Ein…

…- Published jointly with Meri- they led the way towards the Soviet Jewry. Books , JPS has re-issued stein: com- Crosscurrents Press of New York has just issued a volume, d ian "In his efforts to under…

November 15, 1968 • Page Image 30

… bride-elect, daughter of the late Mr. Saks, is a graduate of the University of Michigan where she was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority. Dr. Shumaker is a graduate of Dartmouth College and…

…. Kollek is also expected to discuss final plans for the estab- lishment of a Jerusalem branch of Yeshiva University. ROBERT N. CANVASSER, past president of the men's club and young married group of Temple…

…. • * tinguished Fellowship in Education COMMUNITY CURRENTS for 1968-69 by Brandeis University. Time: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Station: WJBK U.S. District Court Judge' Feature: Chaim Potok, author of CHARLES R. WEINER, was…

… jointly of the forthcoming Lubavitch sponsored by the department and Hasidic concert at Wayne State NEAR NORTHLAND • 39%2323 the Herzl Institute. University will be presented. Hy Herman I - ROSEN OPTICAL…

…• 30—Friday, November 15, 1968 Rickel Saks to Be [rife of Dr. Shumaker THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS JESS People Make News The appointment of Rabbi DAVID MOGILNER of Philadel- phia to the post of

… national Ramah director was announced by Dr. Louis Finkelstein, chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The chancellor an- naunced a reorganization of the Ramah Camps, with supervision of

… their over-all educational program- ing the direct responsibility of the new national director. -2 a ABBA EBAN, Israel foreign minister, and WILLIAM 0. DOUG- LAS, associate justice of the Su- preme Court…

…, are among some 200 notable sponsors of a dinner for AVRAHIM SCHENKER on his 50th birthday and his aliya (emigra- tion) to Israel, it was announced by Dr. Joachim Prinz, chairman of the sponsoring…

… him to bed for several weeks. Mayor TEDDY KOLLEK of Jerusalem left for New York Tuesday on a visit in connection with the sale of a book on Jerusalem which he wrote in collaboration with Moshe Pearlman…

… Beth El and a member of the temple board, was elected to the executive board of the National Federation of Temple Brother- hoods and to the board of the Jew- ish Chautauqua Society at the 22nd biennial…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 8

… serves as president of Inde- ependence Hall,' the board of trustees consists of Norman SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) — A former Jewish welfare fund ex- ecutive who now teaches sociology at the University of Texas…

…Young Israel Gets Federal Grant to Build Housing for Elderly A federal allocation of $2,987,000 has been awarded to the Young Israel Council of Metropolitan De- troit to construct a 19-story. 216…

…- unit apartment building in Elm- wood Park downtown. The project, Independence Hall, has been three years in the plan- ning stage. from its inception as an idea of Rabbi Samuel H. Prero until its approval…

… by the U.S. De- pa rtment of Housing and Ur- ban Development this week. Rabbi Prero said construction of the high-rise apartment, on a 6.88-acre site of u r b an renewal land, will begin early in 1968…

… and should be c o m - pleted by sum - Rabbi Prero mer of 1969. Because it is a nonprofit organi- zation, Young Israel will be re- turned the seed money it put into the project. Rental will range from…

… kitchen facilities although there will be a kosher snack bar as well. Each apartment offers special ties arises, Young Israel will build in that area. The nearest house of worship is Downtown Syna- gogue…

… half a mile away. Bus serv- ice runs in front of Elmwood Park. In addition, there will be a com- munity hall within the building. Despite the suburban boom, Rabbi Prero said 'he and the In- dependence…

… Hall trustees "feel definitely there will be a move- ment hack into the core city. At , ".: : any rate, people of an independ- ent nature can't always afford the Allan suburbs." Besides Rabbi Prero, who…

… at El Paso, charged last week that the Jewish leadership in America is generally made up of "marginal Jews" with a low commitment to Jewish values. This description of the American Jewish leadership…

… was contained in a controversial report made to the convention here of the American Sociological Association by Dr. Ralph Segalman, formerly executive director of the Jewish Community Council of El Paso…

September 15, 1961 • Page Image 13

… by Wayne State Uni- versity and the University of Michigan. Attention will be given to the relation between religion and science, the problems of Biblical authority, determina- tion and free will, the…

Hillel Founda- tion at Wayne State, Fr. Walter Gouch, director of the Univer- sity's Catholic Newman Foun- dation and Rev. Hubert G. Locke, counselor in the Office Of Religious Affairs at Wayne. The course…

…Bond Drive Speakers to Appear at Synagogues on Yom Kippur; Early Purchases Are Reported Nationally known speakers will continue to appear in our synagogues on Yom Kippur on behalf of Israel Bonds…

…. The speakers will include Maurice Samuel, Dr. Frank Kingdon, Col. Shaul Ramati and Robert Lurie. Samuel, author of "The Sec- ond Crucifixion" and "World of Sholom Aleichem," will speak on Kol Nidre…

… night, Tuesday, at Mishkan Israel, and during Yizkor service on Yom Kippur at Bnai Moshe Synagogue. Kingdon, author, newspaper columnist, commentator and friend of the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, will…

… Beth Moses-Evergreen Congre- gation. Col. Shaul Ramati, Midwest Consul of Israel in Chicago, a hero of the Israeli War of Independence and the Sinai Campaign, will speak at Young Israel of Greenfield and…

… Young Israel of Oak-Woods. Appearing at Beth Aaron Synagogue will be Robert Lurie, Israel Bonds Midwest Speci- al Events chairman and former Mis- souri State Israel Bond The Sidney J. Allen Building…

… in president of the home; Max M. Fisher, president of the Jewish • WSU-UM Adult Ed Offers Course in Religious Problems Registration is being accepted for a course entitled "Contem- porary Problems…

… in Religion," dealing with current problems that arise out of the inter-re- lationships between religions and contemporary culture. It is offered this fall by the Division of Adult Education, sponsored…

… nature of religious language. Lectures, selected readings and discussion will be the basic sources of material for the course. The instructional staff will be Dr. Max Kapustin, director of the Bnai Brith…

September 15, 1961 • Page Image 18

… Jewish problems. Several of the new courses are being offered in cooperation with the Wayne State-Univer- sity of Michigan Division of Adult Education. These include i "Ideas That Have Changed Man- kind…

… varlet of ch the bottle or case liquor your needs. . . OILS -6800 . . . and CHARGE IT! MITZ4.17Z7 88/pr. ✓ 3205 W. McNICHOLS RD. (at Wildemcr• • DETROIT 21. MICHIGAN

…Lloyd Meeker, assistant to the dean of admissions at Brandeis University, will be guest speaker at the opening f a 11 meeting of the Detroit Chapter, Br r d e is ational sit y W en's Corn- ttee, 12…

…- turn to Cafe Galerie, 19940 tiy- ernois, for a two-week engage- ment beginning Wednesday. The duo has been on a nation- wide tour of club and university performances. Ben and Adam sing in Spanish, French…

…:30 .m. Sep '7 t T e Emanu- Back Row: Irvin H. Steinberg, Keidan; Richard Presidents of the 27 chapters and Council of nounc the Bnai Brith Women's Council of Metropolitan Karson, Tucker; Byron Lloyd, Oak…

… Josp a of Metropolitan Detroit: Mrs. Alfred E. Lakin. Laws, Mrs. David Grosberg. k, " Mesdames Leon Dreylinger, following women as Council Master File, Mrs. Henry Klegon. 9);" Jerry • president; Charles…

…. Gor- Smith. prepared by Sam H u n t e r. Women interested in joining a study group may call any of the above study group chairmen. There are 39 covered bridges renovated) i n Parke County, Want The…

… Best? Ask the Folks Who've Had SAM BARN ETT and His Orchestra LI 1-2563 EDAH STUDIO Fine Photography dids Professionally Finished or Appointment Phone * * * * * * * * * Bnai Brith Women of

… Halberg. Community Service, Mrs. Harry Bodzin, Mrs. Albert Lee. Date Clearance, 'Mrs. Herman Auster. Dolls for Democracy, Mrs. Morris Pleason. Fund Raising, Mrs. Alan Nathan. Hillel, Mrs. Fred Weinstein…

…, Greek, Russian, English and Hebrew. They • won plaudits for their eight-month concert tour of Eu- rope, also. The singing team has recorded for Electra and Columbia. For information, call Tzvi Wachtel…

July 15, 1966 • Page Image 12

… letters that the clergy and wardens of the church were dis- mayed that such smearings could 1 03 1 0 W. 7 MILE RD. happen and added that the Nazi DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48221 slaughter of European Jewry could…

…- seling Service. He is completing a bardment of War- saw. two year masters program through the University of Detroit in pas- His birth in toral marriage counseling. 1880 and his un- usual liberation from…

… Zeitin will conduct the service. Services 9 a.m. Saturday. Leslie Beare, Bar Mitzvah. CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 7:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Steven Geiringer, Bar Mitzvah. TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services…

…. Mitchell Stuart Solomon, Bar Mitzvah. Regular services will be held at Downtown Synagogue, Beth Isaac, Cong. Beth Moses, Young Israel Center of Oak-Woods, Temple Beth El, Cong. Ahavas Achim, Adas Shalom…

… Synagogue, Cong. Bnai Moshe and Temple Emanu-El. Cong. Beth Jacob of Pontiac Mobilizes Teachers, Welcomes New Members Sherwin Birnkrant, president of Congregation Beth Jacob of Pon- tiac, announced this…

… week that plans are now being made, under the leadership of the newly elected spiritual leader, Rabbi Philip Berk- owitz, to organize the religious school, to foster an adult education program and to…

… Beth Jacob by Rabbi Berkowitz. Applicants for membership are asked to contact the temple any week day. Birnkrant pointed out that while the vast majority of Beth Jacob members are Pontiac residents, the…

… membership includes those from a number of nearby commu- nities, including Royal Oak, Troy, Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills. . Congregation Beth Jacob was founded in 1923 by 12 Pontiac residents, including…

…- uate student of the Lubavitch yeshivot—Gimpel Hirsch, a senior at the yeshiva in Newark, N. J., and Rabbi Abraham Blesofsky, a post-graduate student in the Brook- lyn Central Yeshiva—are in De- troit as…

… members of a worldwide "Jewish peace corps" touring group that is visiting more than 100 communities with messages from the Lubavitch movement. Meeting here with individuals, rabbis, synagogue officials…

January 15, 1960 • Page Image 2

…'s Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation, Wednesday, at the Jewish Center, 18100 Meyers, will be Prof. William Haber, of Bernstein Prof. Haber the University of Michigan, and Philip Bernstein, executive…

… manager in the Chicago clothing firm of Hart, Schaffner and Marx. He is chairman of the Bnai Brith National Hillel Commis- sion which administers the Hil- lel Foundations for Jewish youth on the campuses of

of space that is required for a cartoon: Just reproduce the world's map and paint on it the swastika, since hatred has encircled the universe. Then quote for the culprits the Ten Commandments and re…

…." March 16—Dr. Israel Kazis, rabbi, Temple Mishkan Tephila, Newton, Mass.—"Messianism in the Age of the Talmud." March 23—Prof. Shelomo Gel- tein, visiting professor of Arabic at the University of Pennsyl…

… and other West German officials on the issues involved in the recrudescent wave of anti-Semitism. We see no sense in such procedures. If all the past conferences with Adenauer and other German leaders…

… failed to stem the tide of hatred, then the solution must be found in other directions. They can be searched for from the desks of the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti…

…-Defamation League of Bnai Brith and other move- ments. They can be done over the telephone — and per- haps the activities should be extended through the church pulpits and radio and television airways. We repeat the…

… question: what's the sense in sending emissaries, when the anti-Semitic sin is so evident and its crime is admitted? The Jewish organizations wouldn't think of sending emissaries to every capital of the…

… we reserved our 'energies for activities on the home fronts, for international educa- tional purposes, to enlighten our own people on the need for the retention of calmness as well as for the strength…

…- ening of the courage with which we always meet trage- dies and external attacks. Insofar as the worldwide anti-Semitic catastrophe is concerned, the responsibility for its eradication, and for the removal…

September 15, 1967 • Page Image 19

… Women, will hold its an- nual "Cash Shower" luncheon 12:30 p.m. Monday at Cong. Beth Hillel. The program will feature Rabbi Milton Arm of Cong. Ahavas Achim as speaker. Israel Emergency Fund proceeds will…

Michigan Society of.Neurology and Psychiatry, who will discuss "Is Drugs a Tool of Rebellion by Our Youth?";' Rabbi M. Robert Syme of Temple Israel, who will explore "Is Religion Still Meaningful to Our…

…, former president of the Michigan Chapter and national president of the American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Luncheon reservations are being taken by Mrs. Jack Litwin, 342- 3731…

…- versity of Detroit and was chosen by U. of D. as the Mother of the Year in 1957. She has eight chil- dren. • ' • • BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY NA- TIONAL WOMEN'S COMMITTEE, invites the public to its first fall…

… Sinai and associate profes- sor of rehabilitation medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, will be featured speaker. Dr. Hornet's topic, "Energy. Facet of Rehabilitation Medicine," will…

… their daughter Lea to Leslie Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose of Avon Ave., Oak Park. The bride-elect attends Wayne University's college of education. The future bridegroom also at- tended Wayne…

… served. Mrs. Leonard Hack, vice president in charge of membership, has planned the pro- gram with Mes- dames Martin Herman, Albert Weiss and Sidney Wittenberg. Members of the hospitality com- mittee are…

… - Mischakoff, vice president in charge of program. The operetta to be presented is "Captain Love- lock" by John Duke, Directed by Alice Engram, the pianist-accom- panist is Eugenia Huntoon and the choreographer…

… is Jean Deer. • • • ,DETROIT CANCER FIGHTERS, City of Hope, will hold its Door-to- , Door March for the nonsectarian medical center Sept. 24-26, accord- ing to Mrs. Bernard Gerson, chair- man, who…

… is currently seeking vol- unteers. Prospective workers may call Mrs. Gerson at TO 9-7898. The first general meeting of the season will be held 8:30 p.m. Monday at Bnai David Synagogue. Mrs. Joseph…

March 15, 1968 • Page Image 2

…. As a professor of economics, then as head of the economics department of the University of Michigan and in the past few years as dean of the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science and…

… was not unusual for G. Mennen Williams, as governor of Michigan, to call him at midnight, drive in from Lansing to Ann Arbor in the wee hours of the morning and plan with him how to approach the state…

… is now possible for ORT schools to function among the major educational efforts endorsed by the government of Israel. He has been an inspiration to Hillel Foundations and he has helped immensely in the…

… question: "On What Basis Should a U.S. Stamp tion of making the Israeli pres- idency a political office. Be Issued?" The query was based on this challenging complaint: A Michigan Congressman has taken…

… advancement of the Hebrew University, in support of United Jewish Appeal drives and other causes. His retirement from the U-M deanship fortunately will give him more time for the numerous causes with which he…

… has become linked. With deep regret, the university community sees him leave his post. America and its Jewish citizens rejoice that he will carry on his tasks in behalf of the sacred movements with…

… Graham, the former president of the University of North Carolina invited me to the school and I had a picture taken with him. When it appeared in the Ciarlotte News, the Jews figured 2—Friday, March 15…

of "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The meeting was a "teach in" on the plight of Soviet Jewry sponsored by the London Region of the Inter-University Jewish Fed- eration and the youth section of

… Sephardic Congregations of Britain, Sir John Lawrence and Gordon Hausmann, of the London University's committee for Soviet Jewry and Bert Ramelson of the British Communist Party. Prof. Schapiro said that his…

…Purely Commentary Dr. William Haber's Gigantic Role Prof. William Haber has emerged on the academic scene as one of the great architects of modern approaches to learning and to community planning…

October 15, 1965 • Page Image 15

… excellent service to his clients and our organization during this month. Mr. Krause is a graduate of Michigan State University. He is active in the MSU Oakland Alumni Club. You may reach Mr. Krause at…

… taxi drivers in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, are not Jewish . . . But ask anyone of them to drive you to the Jewish community headquarters, or to the synagogue located close to the community…

… headquarters, and you do not have to give him the address . . . Situated in the heart of the city, the imposing building of the synagogue stands out with its Hebrew inscription hammered out in gold over the…

… entrance, welcoming "the near and the far" into its premises ... Few come there except on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, despite the fact that Sweden has now a Jewish population of about 12,000 . . . And…

… when the Jewish community of Stockholm needed a rabbi now, after the death recently of its chief rabbi Prof. Kurt Wilhelm, it had to import him from the United States . . . The induction ceremony of the…

… young American rabbi— Dr. Morton Narrowe, who served as rabbi in the U.S. on one of the satellite bases near Cape Kennedy—was a big event in the Stockholm Jewish community . . . But it was attended by…

… in Sweden is very limited. . It would have been even more limited, were it not for the fact that of the 12,000 Jews residing in the country now, about 6,000 are comparative newcomers—Jews who settled…

… in Sweden during or after the war . . . Of all the countries in Scandinavia, Sweden was the only country which was not invaded by the Nazis, and thus became a haven of refuge for the more than 6…

… to their native lands from where they escaped during the Nazi regime . . . Thus the number of Jews in Sweden, which reached 18,000 during the war years and immediately after the war, dwindled to 12…

…,000 now . . . This is double the original number of Jews who resided in Sweden before the war .. . This increased stream of "Jewish blood" had done much to maintain Jewishness in Sweden, where assimilation…

December 15, 1961 • Page Image 14

…, nationalistic or religious argu- ments" in pursuit of Jew-baiting, Dr. Salo W. Baron, professor of Jewish history at Columbia University declared here at the Conference on Jewish Social Studies . . . A new $50…

…- ate national director of the National Corn mittee for La- bor Israel, as the principal' speaker, will analyze thee:k present situa- tion in Israel and the Mid- dle East. Stolar sky will report to the…

… leadership of the organi- Stolarsky zations divi- sion, made up of 60 societies. A report will be given by those who attended the 38th anniver- sary campaign conference last month in New York. A reception for…

… volunteer workers was held Thursday, at the Labor Zionist Institute. In- dividual work assignments were issued to the volunteer workers. It is anticipated that a substan- tial part of the 1962 drive will have…

… been completed before the official opening of the campaign announced for Jan. 16. George Gaynor Given PTA Service • Award More than 600 parents, teach- ers and children paid tribute to George Gaynor…

… e r vice Award by school principal En- rico Giordano, marking the first time the award has been given to a parent at Pepper School. If you like CHEESE KREPLACH Around the TPorld .. A Digest of

… World Jewish Happenings from Dispatches of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Other News-Gathering Media. United States , NEW YORK—The American Jewish Committee has hailed the World Council of Churches…

…' "forthright condemnation of anti-Semitism as a sin against God and man, and the need to eradicate the historic accretions of prejudice in religious teach- ings" . . . Two national women's groups, the Young…

… Women's Christian Association and the National Council of Jewish Women, approved a 10-point code of action for their members which stresses opposition to prejudice, at a joint meeting . . . A gift of $5…

…,000 for Arab refugees was announced last week by the Ameri- can Council for Judaism's Philanthropic Fund to help demon- strate "its humanitarian, non-political concern for the welfare of the less fortunate…

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