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October 01, 1943 • Page Image 47

…A ltai= lavish Periodiail Carta October 1, 1943 (Continued from page 11) ib- ht ns lie do ti- lls • IS DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle CAMP kir us to CLIFTON AVINUE…

…-sons! Socials take a great deal of planning and here the girls on the campus have the best oppor- tunity to be of service. They are the new civilian leaders and have proudly inherited the Hillel cabi- net posts…

…. The Hillel director is always NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS! Lorenzen's Flower Shop Flower for Every Occasion 16457 Woodward Avenue TOwnsend 8-6232 Flowers by Wire—F.T.D. SINCERE HOLIDAY GREETINGS Edward…

… C. Levy, Inc. TRUCKING CONTRACTOR Cinders, Slag for all purposes 8810 DIX AVE. VINEWOOD 2.0771 Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our Detroit Friends! MAX ELKIN MOUNT CLEMENS…

… permis- sion to visit the military infirm- aries and hospitals, and his com- forting letters to the parents are a valuable contribution to home morale. Apart from specialized service, the Hillel facilities…

… services which the Hillel head- quarters provide. diers, in their off-periods, welcome the respite to come to a camp- us with its widened opportunity for companionship with young people. The primary…

… responsibil- ity for the camp program rests with the Jewish Welfare Board. The Hillel Foundations have gladly offered their cooperation in this program, for their estab- lished facilities naturally attract the…

… servicemen. At the Univer- sity of Illinois, for example, only 13 miles from Chanute Field, where there are often more than 1,000 Jewish men in training as air mechanics, the Hillel building is used as…

… ancillary headquarter by the Jewish Welfare Board. The J. W. B. representative and the Hillel director work out joint plans to serve hundreds of Cha- nute Field men each week. The Michigan Foundation is…

… Godsend in the dovetailing of the Hillel civilian and military program. Happy New Year To All! Another area of Hillel service involves the continued relation- ship with students who have gone into the…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 43

…Ti 7 - 4' October I, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle II FROM CAMPUS TO CAMP Hillel's Program for Jewish Students in Uniform quads, along the campus, or down college…

… and the specialized facilities Detroit and Chicago which the Hillel Foundation pos- sessed, admirably fitted Hillel to assume the largest responsibility for the Jewish trainees on the BARBECUE and By…

… campus. At the presen t the streets. These youngsters, writing, 118 universities are in who will number 150,000 by the the Hillel orbit. On the other end of 1943, are all part of the hand, the Jewish…

… life on the campuses and how the Bnai Brith, through its pay; they are under rigid mill- campuses where its ow agreement Hillel Foundations and Counselorships, is serving the student discipline. But they…

… are back er was available. The agreement trainees, from the theme of this study by Dr. Sachar, who in school for the concentrates! made it possible for two great developed the Hillel wartime program…

… 'flitted to lapse into a wartime become largely technical. trainees. war than the American college. non-essential. Their teaching I II Jewish life on the American The Hillel program for the Students are in…

… guidance and stimula- Jewish companionship. and sorority rushing, and the tion, through the Hillel Founda- Regular religious services are other carefree concomitants of tions and their carefully develop…

…, the dent constituencies, Hillel sent cial arrangement with the Com- Insurance khaki of the Army and the Air trained leaders, usually rabbis, mandant, it is possible to hold Corps, the blue of the Navy…

… HASHONAH GREETINGS tural and religious values vital very welcome break in routine, and relevant for the college gen- and B'nai B'rith's Hillel Directors DEXTER - WEBB orations. and their student cabinets go…

… to The transformation of the great lengths of resourcefulness BEAUTY SHOP campus into a military reserva- tion brought new and challeng- General Wrecking Contract' rs ing opportunities for Hillel serv…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 40

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle October I, 1943 GOOD WILL given last year at the Starr King Church. Although its situs is gage on an Episcopal church, pm- School for the Ministry…

… writers. Fifty each Hillel director at the University for all to use according to their ties of ad 'fifths. In Canonsburg., Pa., Harry Katz, son of Jewish of the selections were Protestant, of California…

… of higher education west of Bnai Brith's Hiller Foundations bi Harry Kaplan, director of Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, the Alleghenies and a shrine of continued to play an especially the Hillel

… Foundation there. A St. Augustine, John Calvin, John the Presbyterian Church. In De- valuable role in strengthening new chair in Jewish studies, de- Wesley, Rabbi Hillel and Si. troit, the Round Table of Catho…

… Judah I. Goldin. former ing the Christian Church, bring isterial Association elected a Ne- Hillel director at the University to a crescendo the message of g ro clergyman president and a I of Illinois, as…

Hillel Foundations ly Bells of the Trinity Methodist enlarged the playground of a in recognition of the impac Catholic church, paid off a mort- made by Hillel Foundation couri on Christian students who…

… hay taken Hillel credit courses in Jewish literature and history. Inter-faith student fellowshil, at American universities were an- other impetus to good will in action. In New York City, thy…

… Metropolitan Hillel Council ceived a fund from the famiL of Morris Furman to establi...., inter-faith fellowships at the in. , leges in New York as a memoriiil to Burton J. Furman, U. S. N., Jewish war hero…

…. ZACKHEIM INSURANCE AGENCY 11'13 Majestic Building CAdillac 4257 -4258 NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1103 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg., RAndolph 2927 149 E. LARNED STREET DETROIT LENOX 753C WALTER…

June 01, 1945 • Page Image 4

…- ing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Telephone RAndolph 7956. Subscription rate $3 a year; foreign T4 a year. Club subscription of one Issue a month, published every fourth Friday ir the…

… month, to all subscribers to Allied Jewish Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, at 40 cents a club sub- scription per year. Entered as second-class matter August 6, 1942, at the Post…

… mother first covers her eyes with herd hands before lighting the candles. • Children's Corner THE STORY OF HILLEL This story of Hillel begins with an eniscide on a cold winter's day. Although he was…

… where, through a skylight, he could listen to the discussions below. It was bitterly cold; snow began to fall, and Hillel was soon overcome. The teachers suddenly realized that the hall had become…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 7

…. A discussion on Palestinian prob- lems followed by supper was sponsored recently by the Pres- byterian student group on campus. More than 15 members of the Hillel Student Council attended. Detroiters

…A merican ,etvish Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Friday, February 1, 1946 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronic!• ✓ Bnai Brith bighlights ,t( ADL Seminar The…

… Altman, membership chairman, is in charge of the Tea. She is assisted by Kay Pen- nington. U. of M. Hillel On Friday evening, Feb. 1, Dr. Salo W. Baron, Professor of Jew- ish History, Literature and…

… Insti- tutions at Columbia University, de- livered the First Annual Henri- etta Szold Memorial Lecture at the Hillel Foundation. Sponsored annually by the Hill11 Foundation in cooperation with Avukah…

…. Cohen, Director and Student Cantors Eugene Malitz of Detroit and Morris Stulbe^g of Marshall. An informal social hour, under the direction of Frances Pearl, of Newark, New Jersey, concluded the evening…

…'s program. The final Mixer of the fall se- mester will be held at the Hillel Foundation on Saturday evening, Feb. 2. The party will have as its theme "A Night at the Circus," with re- freshments…

…. Arrangements for the evening were made by the Social Commit- tee under the direction of co- chairmen Barbara Levin of East Chicago, Indiana, Marshall Wal- lace of Detroit and Student Di- rector Betty Friedlander…

… of Bridgeport, Conn. Ethel Isenberg of Detroit, Rita Hyman of Miami, Florida and Student Director Edythe Levin of Kew Gardens, New York, are in charge of the entertainment. Louis Marshall Women Mrs…

… classical and jazz as- pects of music. Communal Situation Assembly on Feb. 9 A public meeting, to which all Detroit Jews are invited, will be held at Cass Technical High School, on Saturday evening, Feb. 9…

… Palestine Appeal, who re- cently visited Palestine. William Friedman, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit, will greet the six-hundred out-of-town delegates representing the organized Jewish…

November 01, 1946 • Page Image 10

…Friday, November 1, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten Hillsdale's Batimgartens Donate Another $50,000 to Hillel Project Congregational Activities Rabbi Levi to Discuss FEPC in Sermon Nov. 8 Dr…

… Young Israel of Detroit, religi-. ous, educational and social organ- ization of orthodox' young men and women, will present the world-renowned Cantor Leibele Waldman, of New York, accom- panied by a nine…

… institute of the Detroit Round Table of Catholics, Jews and Protestants. Nov. 13, at the downtown YMCA. Other speakers at the luncheon will be George Ford, pastor of Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church, New…

…' $150,000 towards the erection of a Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Home on the Northwestern Uni- versity campus , at Evanston, Ill., western University, the other has have donated an additional $50,- just…

…, the United Jewish Dr. A. L. Sachar, national direc- Appeal and Mr. and Mrs. Baum- tor of the Bnai Brith Hillel garten added $12,500 to his gift, Foundations. a total of $ 27,500 to this agency. The…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 8

… Serve on Agency Boards social functions. Hillel Abrams Detroit's young adult community is With great enthusiasm, the Junior Service Group augmented by the Jewish organizations at Wayne Un- inaugurated a…

…YOUNG ADULTS: Their Organizational Set-Up Promises future Leadership for Detroit Jewry . By RUTH MIRIAM LEVINE Detroit Jewry's highly-organized, alert young adult community will shortly swing its…

… not been seen here since before World War II. The last time the young adult community hit such a peak was in the spring of 1942, when the Junior Service Group and the League of Detroit Jewish Youth were…

… association with Judaism. Detroiters at the national conference were Mr. and Mrs. Yehudah Rosenman, Helen Alpert, Na- talie Gaines, Lenora. Gaines and Ruth Miriam Le- vine. 'Jerome Kelman, Harold Plotnisky…

…, Hillel Abrams and Joseph Weinman among the organizers. Pre-war con- gregational young people's clubs were revitalizedeand several new ones form- munity and of guiding the majority of the young people ed…

… program aimed at developing future iversity. IZFA and the Wayne Hillel Foundation are leaders, people who would be thoroughly grounded in important educational and cultural groups for the col- the ideals of…

… constitution to provide • Jewish medical fraternities at Wayne and a Jewish dental fraternity at the University of Detroit. for two junior directors and elected Leonard Baruch, president of the Young Adult…

… large share of re- ducts a full program of service, philanthropic, cultural sponsibility in the Community Chest Red Feather drive. and social activities. Although the Detroit groups are While social…

…. The young men and women of Detroit have national channels. Both organizations convened here in formed a wide range of organizations, including re- July and Charlotte Waterstone became the first na…

…- ligious, cultural, fraternal, social and, of course, Zionist tional BBYW officer from Detroit. Harry Mirvis heads , groups. the regional unit of BBYM. Zionists Foster Youth Activity Bnai Brith is another…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 16

…, executive director of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit; Dr. Abbe Hillel Silver of Cleveland, national chairman of the United Pal- estine Appeal; Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the Jewish National…

…Page Sixteen Friday, January THE JEWISH NEWS , 1943 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Looking in on Some of the Impressive Sessions of the Jewish National Fund Conference Held in Detroit Last Week-End- AWA…

… com- mittee, addressed the session on Saturday night. He was presented by William Hordes, president of the J.N.F. Council of Detroit. Speakers appearing in this photo- graph include. Isidore Sobeloff…

… Fund of Amer- ica; Sidney G. Kusworm, national treasurer of Bnai Brith; Mendel N. Fisher, national J.N.F. executive director; Rabbi Morris Adler, who spoke for all the Zionist groups in Detroit, and…

June 01, 1945 • Page Image 12

…- liver the principal address. The highlight of the evening will be the installation of the Hillel student council and officers. Betty Korash of Detroit is the new president. Judith Jacobs, Detroit; Betty…

…Friday, Juno I, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Leas' Chronicle Page Twelve 'Joint Bikurim Festival Raises Zionist Chief Zionists to Hold $600 to Inscribe FDR In Golden Book To Speak Here…

… the operetta "Ruth" in English while the Farband stu- U. of M. Hillel To Present Awards The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion, University of Michigan, will hold its annual installation and award supper…

… this Sunday eve- ning, at the Fundation. The awards supper is to honor outstanding Hillel members and citizens. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, di- rector of the Foundation, will serve as toastmaster and will de…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 14

…Friday, March 1, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen enter Activities Jewish Goldfarb Heads Dr. Van Paassen Cushman Next To Speak Mar. 14 JWB Lecturer At Shaarey Zedek Wayne's Hillel those…

… which constitute the Center . Sport Nite March 5 Women's Division of the National "Sport Nite" at the. Twelfth munity Center. The following Organization of Detroit at the Jewish -Welfare Board. They in…

… Monday evening. start at 9. Refreshments' will be . served. • The first officers of the newly established Bnai Brith-Hillel Foundation of Warne University include Sam Goldfarb, presi- dent; Sol Sachs and…

… Marion Kop- nick, vice-presidents; Betty Cha- fets, secretary. Other members of the Hillel student council are: Jack Belkin Jordan Drews, Rita Green, Fred Green, Gerald Manko, Bernard Rosenberg, Mildred…

… Rabin, Bill Schoenfeld, Hubert Sidlow, Ade- line Subar, Bette Weinberg and . Joseph Yanich. - The Hillel building on Second 'Ave. will be ready for use this ' - . week. March of Time Film On Greece at…

November 01, 1946 • Page Image 8

… Shaarey Zedek, Detroit, will be guest speaker at the fireside discussion at the Uni- versity of Michigan Bnal Brith Hillel Foundation, Friday evening, Rabbi Rosenstock will review Mil- ton Steinberg…

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLig and The Legal airon2= Page Eight Northwest Maps Officer Induction Leeman President of Ahvath Achim Chinese Nuns Make Cover for Torah Sobeloff to Install New Leader…

… Sermon Is Guest Speaker Is on Stories at U. of M. Hillel MAURICE SAMUEL amuel Awaited at Shaarey Zedek ; Maurice Samuel, noted author, ranslator and publicist, will speak on "The World of Sholom Alei…

…'s recent book, "A Partisan Guide to the Jewish Problem." Preceding the discussion, Sab- bath eve services will be conducted in the Hillel chapel by Rabbi Her- schel Lymon, director, and Morris Stulberg and…

September 01, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Thursday, September 1, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Two 4 Detroit Men Are Named to str ct 6 Bnai r t Posts Aged Home Croup Maps Silver Event Mona Coblentz, Molly Lee, Belle Smith, Chalamas…

… Tigel and Syl- via Weider. ,•- ■ • 7 irx • The 25th anniversary celebra- Also Mesdames Charles Blauer, i h B i Di Leon Dreylinger, Frank Green- tion of the Women's Auxiliary, Four Detroiters have been ap…

…, Greater Detroit B. B. mitteeman and past-president of tion. Sam Leib, District 6 presi- Council president, was appointed the B. B. Council, will speak. dent, will be installing officer. Ar- as district…

… chairmiin for the 1949- Raymond Gilbert, accompanied thur Murray dancers will enter- 50 district convention to be held by pianist Rochelle Schanes, will tain, Phil Kramer, chairman, an- in Detroit. He was…

…. tor in 1916. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the Dexter Karbel will head Hillel work • • • The Russian government ac- Recreation. for the area. He is a past-presi- JOHN ELIASOHN cused the Americans of being…

… League officers are Lillian Rabbi Zager Chapter dent of the Greater Detroit B. B. • • • spies, since Mount Ararat over- Burke, president, and Jean Segal, The first meeting of the fall Council, and a member…

… of the pointments, Louis Barden, past- looks Russian territory, Cele Bean, Ann Jacobson, Gladys season is set for 8:30 p.m., Wed- National Hillel Commission. president of Tikvah Lodge, was Klein, Rose…

…. Yudkoff was chosen chairman trans' affairs. • • • special board meeting is slated of the finance council. He is a ------- — for Thursday, Sept. 1, at the hoMe Detroit Units past-president of the District…

… INSURED of Sadie Markman, 3358 Grand Grand Lodge. The Detroit Lodge -and Chapter avenue west. In addition to the above ap- will combine their first meetings The bowling league will begin in the form of .a…

… Aug. 31. The event was in line with the policy of the Greater Detroit B. B. Council to entertain patients at veterans hospitals. • • • GIVE US A TRUEFORE YOU BUY See Our Two TOP Men for the TOP Deal…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 15

…Friday, October 1, 1948 5 DETROIT JEWISH CTIRONICLE Mary-Co-Round Pare Mite* hood, JWV auxiliary, Sheruth League and the Women's Auxili- ary, Jewish Home for the Aged. Formal presentation of a…

… the New Semester With Gusto As Detroit SOS Day Nears (This is the first in a new series by Mary A. Cooper, our "Mary-Go-Round" girl, who is now enrolled at Ann Arbor. She will tell you all the dope…

… about Detroiters at Michigan and at other out-of-town colleges. To reach her, write her at Stockwell hail, Ann Arbor, Mich. Do not write to the Chronicle office—and if it's not about college people, do…

… that way, nois and David Kreger at Ober- lin in Ohio. though!! • • • Will write you again in a few weeks. HILLEL OPENED the portals of its beautiful new home the first weekend to welcome all new Jewish…

… students. Howie Freeman, proxy, was receiving. Spotted Detroiters Joan Su-eating. Arlene David- son. Al Freedman, Mickey Wen- okur, Bob Siegel, Bill Altman, John Greenberg, Doug Schubot and Bob Radner…

…. • • • Responding to appeals for the assistance of organized "woman- power" in the Detroit SOS drive of Oct. 31, presidents and com- munity relations chairmen of groups affiliated with the League of Jewish Women…

…'s Organizations rallied Monday at the Art Insti- tute and pledged their full co- operation. Mrs. Harry Singer, co-chair- man of the Greater Detroit SOS Committee, made a stirring plea for contributions of complete…

… Griswold Street Office provides specialized banking services for Detroit's financial district, as each of our thirty older offices provide spe- cialized banking services keyed to the needs of the districts…

… onvenience, of course, is a factor in the increasing preference of Detroit- ers, a preference which has given this bank unquestioned leadership—but there are may other tangible factors of even greater…

… importance in National Bank of Detroit services. Detroit Atraits Israeli Artists W hether your banking needs are Detroit Jewry is eagerly await- ing the appearance Oct. 10 at Masnnic Temple of two of Is…

August 01, 1947 • Page Image 7

…Page !levee DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, August 1, 1,47 10,000 Jam N.Y. Rally to Denounce British Piracy' in Seizure of Exodus NEW YORK (JTA) — Ten thousand persons jammed into Madison Square…

… of the passengers to France. Dr .Abba Hillel Silver, chair- man of the council, condemned the "policy of talk and delay of our own government" and asked "is there no Truman policy for our people…

… Beaches;" "We Support Resist- ance by the Yishuv;" "When Will Truman Speak Up?" and "Jew- ish Heroes Die." By acclamation, a resolution was adopted expressing "indig- ABBA HILLEL SILVER nation over the acts…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 7

…, (JTA)—The Anglo-American Committee of A group 'of Detroit furniture InqUiry on Palestine opened hearings here Jan. 25. in the dealers, meeting at luncheon last circular half of the Royal Empire Society…

…. Community Council Asks Ferguson Help Break FEPC 'Snag' Jewish Community Council of Detroit, which. has been partici- pating in the campaigns for FEPC legislation, has wired Senator Ferguson commending him…

… Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation on Saturday evening. It will be "A Night at the Circus" with refreshments, entertainment and games. Mr. and Mrs. Max Eskin and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Glass will be chap…

… CAMPING AND 7 YEARS NAVAL EXPERIENCE TOwnsend 8-4619 Registrar: Camp Michigama, 2745 Cortland, Detroit 6, Mich. _Discount for Cask & Corry 1 WED., FEB. 6, 8:30 P. M. ART INSTITUTE Write or Phone .1…

… next rally on Thursday, Feb. 7, at Rose Sittig Cohen Auditor- iurn at 9 p. m. For Information and Reservations Michigan's Largest Exclusive Curtain Laundry :.HOgarth 1010 Detroit Women's Division of…

… Jewish efforts. The speaker indicated that it is not enough for Palestine Jewry to participate in a resistance movement, that it is necessary to create more settlements, to U. M. Hillel Holds Term's Final…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 48

… Shel Shalom Famous Cleaners Restaurant 2nd Blvd., Cor. Canfield Detroit ..4stosefive...: um Le Shono Tovo Tikosevu Feigenson Brothers Co. 3579 Gratiot Le Shono way in bond sales, frequently…

… were converted into civilian defense headquarters and Red Cross workrooms. Hillel Foundations became defense reg- istration centers. One year after Pearl Harbor, 48,000 Bnai Brith members were actively…

… the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel were serving in the nation's fighting forces. Seventy- nine have already died in their country's service and 61 have been decorated or cited for bra- very. What…

Detroit, and Donald HurwitZ, former New Haven Jewish Wel- fare Fund executive, who for several months have been work- ing closely with Herbert H. Leh- man's Office of Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation…

… Race Problems Helen C. Bryant, candidate for the Detroit Common Council, is enlisting Wide support among elements in the city. Known as a liberal and able person, being a practicing attor- ney in…

… improvements as means of eradicating causes of racial strife. Buy More 4c Bonds In I 5704 Tovo Tikosevu Detroit Woolen Mills 1452 Randolph Le Shono Shanah Shel Shalom Shanah Shel Shaloro Tovo Tikosevu…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 15

…Afflericatt Yetvish Periodical Cotter Friday, March 1, 1946 CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle From All Over the Country Nationally Known…

Detroiters, residents of Michigan, and other cities. He has also received letters of com- mendation from nationally-known Jewish leaders and non-Jews, among whom are the following: Private and Professional…

… read your first instalment and can merely voice the hope that when com- pleted this series of essays will appear in a more permanent form." Dr. Abba Hillel Silver PRESIDE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN…

… increased use PRESIDENT, DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY—"It goes without saying that I shall want to read the entire series." of electricity contribute to this latest rate reduction. Dr. Raymond C. Miller…

… DIRECTOR, DETROIT HISTORICAL SOCIETY—I read with great interest your first article on the Historyo f the Jews in Michigan and would appreciate a complete series." Dr. Thoburn Brumbaugh EXECUTIVE SECRETARY…

…, THE DETROIT COUNCIL OF CHURCH- ES—"I shall be happy to have the entire series of articles on the History of the Jews in Michigan." In short, it is enterprise at work ... enterprise with know-how and a…

… goal. The goal is the best electric service in the world at rates that are fair am! reasonable. Mrs. Elleine Stones HEAD OF THE BURTON HISTORICAL COLLECTION OF THE DETROIT PUBLIC LIBRARY, commended…

… Mr. Katz for his articles and stated that the Library is keeping a clipping book of these articles. Leonard N. Simons MEMBER, THE DETROIT HISTORICAL COMMISSION—"Detroit Jewry is lucky to have an…

… Magazine_ THE DETROIT EDISON co. r …

March 01, 1940 • Page Image 3

… i Bnai Brith Bowling Congress in auxiliary will take place on Tues- Dayton, 0., on Feb. 25. Though the Detroit Hillel Foun- day, March 5, at the home of dation team and the Detroit Na- Mrs. Harry D…

…0 4imericam 'apish Periodical Coffer 3 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle March I, 1940 J. N. F. Auxiliary Detroit Hashomer Luncheon Rally Hatzair Sending Chalutzim to Zion The…

… will leave for the Hashomer training farm in New York State prepar- atory to her departure for Pal- estine. Miss Moser, prominent in Detroit Zionist work and Jewish welfare activity, has been one of the…

… most e nergetic leaders in the Detroit Ken of Hashomer Hat- zaid. Her departure for the Sho- mer training farm, at Liberty, N. Y., for a year of agri- cultural training preparatory to her aliyah to…

… Palestine as a mem- ber of the third American kib- butz of Hashomer, marks an ad- ditional link of the Detroit group of the movement with the Jewish Homeland. Shonnie, as Miss Moser is known to her many…

… educated in Detroit, Shonnie is now starting the period of what shomrim call in Hebrew "hag- shamah," self-realization. The Detroit ken of Hashomer Hatzair also announces the ar- rival and settlement at the…

… Sho- mer training farm of Kurt Kulka, another of its members. Kurt, a lad of 19, came to Detroit from Vienna, Austria, following an- schluss of Austria. In happier days Kurt was famed in Austria as an…

… Olympic swimmer and a violinist of note. His tale of es- cape is typical of the horror which Jewish youth must face in Central Europe. In Detroit he became associated with Hasho- mer through whose ranks he…

… Menachem Ussishkin. Former members of the Detroit ken of Hashomer Hat- lair now integrated in the chal- utz life in Palestine are Levi Shapiro, Esther Weisinger and Yirmiyahu Haggai, son of the educator and…

… Made in Detroit Will Deliver Two At a meeting held in Congrega- tion Shaarey Zedek, Tuesday eve- ning,a local committee was or- ganized to assist Menahem Beige!, executive director the Alumah…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 46

… the Hillel Foundations, Dr. Sachar brings long administrative and educa- tional experience to his new post. Formal inauguration of the university and installation of the B PANDEIS A Happy New Year To…

… All My Customers LOUIS COHEN Detroit Kosher Meat Market 8833 Linwood Friday, October 1, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Forty-six TY. 6-3195 president will take place Oct. 7 effort has…

…, These supplies were raised chiefly through citywide SOS door-to-door collection cam- paigns in U.S. cities. The quota for the one-day Detroit - SOS drive Sunday, Oct. 31, is 500,000 pounds of clothes and…

November 01, 1946 • Page Image 1

… Organization of America as a result of action taken at the 49th annual convention under the leadership of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, who was re-elected president. The movement's expressed militancy developed as a…

…. chairman of the Jewish National Fund Council of Detroit: Judge Picard; MRS. JACK ROSENTHAL, chair- man of the annual donor event of the JNF Ladies Auxiliary; MRS. IRVING SHEVIN, presi- lent " of the…

… in the Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund last week by Daniel G. Cullen of Detroit. Deeply moved by the message for a Jewish Palestine brought here by Mr. Mowrer, at the meeting at the Shaarey…

… Zedek on Oct. 22, arranged by the JNF Council of Detroit, Mr. Cullen contributed a sum for the redemption of five dunams of land in Palestine, thus providing for a Golden Bog inscription. World News…

April 01, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Page Eleven DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, April 1, 1949 Halevy ,Concert Slates Met Tenor Past President Junior Group Opens Drive With $21 000 Gifts Pled(ed , Opera tenor Richard Tucker With…

…, in May, 1930, has added her pictures to the col- lection. clot 4 a C o t ll y LW CIII BAN1( proudly dedicate Detroit's newest banking institutio n, Shapero Gets Civic Backing Nelson S. Shapero…

… WEDNESDAY GROUP fl fr rr rl Or , The Intercollegiate Zionist Fed- eration of America group at Wayne University will meet at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday at Hillel. "New Events and Effects in Is- rael" will be…

… Aft dull full ;; INS I BANK PENOBSCOT BUILDING DETROIT A.Y. Cool.* VKTOR L. STOCK Me. Coda": CITY rrrr er r e rr err er r e rr Corporation Member Federal Reserve Sygem — Member Federal…

August 01, 1947 • Page Image 10

…Friday, August 1, II147 DETROIT IZWISH CHRONICLE Page Ten In the Realm of Local Society Sets December Weddino . Date Mr. and Mrs. Ma: tin Butzel honored Sally Brown and her fiance Richard…

…. Leonard Levine, were co-hostesses at a shower at their home recently honoring Yvette Brenner of Detroit, form- erly of Bay City. She will , be- come the bride of Theodore Man- dell of Detroit, Aug. 24…

… to the Women's Grand Lodge District 6 at its recent convention in St. Paul, Yetta Yates, newly elected president of the Marshall unit, reveals. Mrs. Bank has been active as Hillel chairman in her own…

… chap- ter as well as in the Greater Detroit Women's Council. At a special fund-raising meet- ing last week, Rose Gurwin, chairman, announced the pro- gram for the coming year which will be highlighted by…

August 01, 1947 • Page Image 14

… Seizure NEW YORK.-.Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, chairman of the Ameri- can Zionist Emergency Council, which speaks for all official Am-, erican Zioni st organizations, called the seizure of the vessel "Exodus…

… little girl who has exchanged burned-out lamp bulbs at an Edison office. She'll tell you she was treated like a debutante shopping for sables. For, although Detroit Edi- son supplies eight million new lamp…

… indirect lamps and stock on display. torcheres. PICKUP AND DELIVERY ALL PARTS OF DETROIT HOUSE OF LAMPS 168-11 Livernois Ave., Phone UN. 2-9339 Next time you need lamp bulbs, take your burned- out ones…

December 01, 1944 • Page Image 15

… Brith. Hillel Home, a may be consulted at the- office fied the Detroit:Town Hall • audi- , for postwar security. Good hours of the Jewish Social Service Bu- resolution was adopted pledging ence at the…

… from the 10 a. m. Wednesday. Rates: 25c a line. fairs, will be the speaker for the Minimum charge 50c. Detroit Town Hall in the Cass At the Meeting of the Michigan World. Jewish Congress names of Jewish…

Hillel ceremony' includes missions over Germany, Italy by the BEN STONE FAMILY. Prof. • James K. Pollack,• Dr. MRS. FANNIE WASSERMAN, - neighborhood within a walking dis- tance of Chicago Blvd. The home…

….Stason, vices were held. at Lewis Bros., Call TY. 7-3232 over the week-end, MILTON HINDUS, outstanding Harvey -Steadman of Lansing, Detroit, on. Nov. 22.. Burial was box formation he was flying in or.-TY. 4…

…, Paul child. Will exchange 3-room apt. about these four Nazis . . . Ed Dec. 8, for the Detroit Town Lewis of 3311 Taylor Ave.; two TO. 8-6189. toured Italy on a motorcycle be- Hall in the Cass Theater, at…

… 11 • brothers,' Lou Herschberg and WOULD like to rent home to couple. fore returning home and enter- o'clock. Abe Herschberg of Detroit; four * * * TO. 7-2611. tained the boys practically every sisters…

… hold accessories. Highest wages paid. Ap- Mrs. Robert Morrison of Detroit. the first open meeting of ;this of Young Israel. ply Newman's Style Shop, - .7136 W. * * * * * * Warren. season on Sunday, at 2…

…. hand-loomed elastic and material. girl with a picture future. She Written law prefers laymen, but at a recent meeting elected the Health - and surgical belts made to • * * * the doctors at North Detroit

Detroit from Wilno sneezing with violent fervor un- Ricardo Cortez won a rhumba privileges. NO. 5423. in 1914? died Sunday. Funeral til someone reminded him that on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 12:30 p.m. contest at…

…. His brothers Beach; and a son, Louis M. of SELLING YOUR CAR? • Mrs. Rappaport 'pulled over to Detroit. .Funeral :services were are Mendel, Lipa, Eli and sister, the curb and brought her sports held at…

June 01, 1945 • Page Image 3

… will conclude the annual meeting of the state council. Special clinics will be conducted of the following com- mittees. membership, ADL, con- servation, AZA, Hillel, Vocation- al Guidance, War Service…

… lodges in Detroit will attend. Harvey S. Steadman of Lan- sing, president of the Council, will be in charge of the meeting. He will be assisted by Jess Fei- ler, Milton M. Weinstein, Alfred W. Keats…

…, Samuel W. Leib and Harry Schwartz of Detroit; John Merdler of Saginaw; Rabbi Mor- ton M. Applebaum of Flint, and A. B. Roman of Bay City. Noted Yeshivah Appeals for Funds The local Vaad Hayeshivoth…

…, committee for the support of charitable institutions of the Michigan Synagogue Conference, in conjunction with the Merkaz Harabonirn, Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Detroit, urges all friends of Torah and…

… of 800 students from all states, Canada and Europe. Rabbi Moses Maydenbaum is the official representative of the in- stitution in Detroit. Contributions should be sent to the Vaad Hayeshivoth, 12219…

… Dexter. Hadassah Urges Hard Work CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal chronicl. NW Auxiliary to End Aesculapian Group Season on Saturday Elects Officers; The…

… Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of CINEMA—"Zoya," Soviet film America. biography of Zoya Kosmodem- yanskaya, is having its Detroit is premiere, with a special English text written by Howard Fast…

… David Sells $276,000 in Bonds The Bnai Brith Girls Council of Detroit is sponsoring its first annual fund raising affair, a car- nival, at 8:30 p. In. this Satur- day, at the Jewish Community Center…

…, and Jeanne Cohen, publicity. The Bnai Brith Girls Council of Detroit sponsored the second oiitiation and installation affair May 31, at the Jewish Center. Mrs. Samuel Aaron was the speaker. Marion Aaron…

… in Detroit, are sought by David Motel Roudan- sky, their nephew, born in Ur- burg, Lithuania, and now in USSR. Kedi Baer is sought by Joyne Here, now in Switzerland. David and Maurice Friedman, born in…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 17

…Friday, October 1, 1918 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Seventeen Review of Events of 5708, Most Joyous in Centuries By SAMUEL PRASNER THE YEAR 5708 will go down in Jewish history as marking one…

… partition was shown by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, chairman of the American sec- tion of the Jewish Agency. He told the United Nations that the Jewish Agency would accept partition "most reluctantly" be- cause…

…. Dr. York Times of August 15, 1948, Abba Hillel Silver called Aus- had, among its headlines, the fol- tin's statement a "shocking re- lowing: "Israel Bids UN Set Truce Limit; Demands Peace or versal" of…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 8

… Palestine into two territorial states—Arab- ic and Jewish. THE JEWISH NEWS U. M. Hillel Leader To Address Junior Service Group Sunday Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, director of the University of Michigan Hillel

… of Michigan. Jewish Workers Committee After a week's vacation at Detroit Jewish Workers Com- home, he left on Friday for Phil- mittee to Aid the Families of adelpIlia to enter the Wharton GM Strikers…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 6

…Friday, October 1, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page SIx (1-7Bnai Brith Highlights 3„,, Tikvah Lodge to Hear Carlisle `Roving Reporter' to Tell Experiences John M. Carlisle, Detroit News…

… Israel as It Pushes $75,000 Drive In its fund-raising leaders, the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Wo- men's Council has a staff that it feels is second to none. One of them is Mrs. Sam Gold, who as ad…

… following chairmen: Fund- raising, Marion Plotkin; pro- gram, Frieda Ersher; member- ship, Lillian Onrich; conservation, Carolyn Lemberg. Sinclair; Hillel, Fay Also BBYO, Naticy Miller; ADL, Hel- en Gershune…

… Renovated Detroit 21, Mich. UN. 4.9796 The Knights of Pythias De troit Lodge No. 55. and the Pythian Sisters. Greater De- troit Temple No. 152, take this opportunity to thank all those who so very gener…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 31

… present at the last meet- - ing of Young Israel, has been sent by the organization in pho- tostated form to the following 55 Young Israelites in the armed forces: Pfc. Hillel Abrams, Cadet Seymor Adelson…

… the Young Israel family of Detroit, including its members, students in its --Classes, and wor- shippers, numbers a following of 500. The annual affair of Young Is- rael,. proceeds of which are used to…

… was in danger of falling to the Nazis. MICHEL GIBSON 10, under the auspices of Detroit Icuf. As a one-man show, Mr. Gib- son has acquired fame in many communities. His Jewish recita- tions and songs…

… congrega- tions to assist in this important effort during the Holy Days.. The appeal, signed by Osias Zwerd- ling, president; Morris Mohr, chairman of the Detroit region, and Rabbi M. J. Wohigelernter…

… purchasing power of its seat- holders. "You may contact our office or Mrs. Samuel S. Aaron of the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Coun- cil (To. 7-1755) for helpful in- formation, suggestions and as- sistance in…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 2

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Two News Bulletins Nadich to Speak at Welfare Federation's City-Wide Conference ALBANY -- Two bills to establish a state-supported university…

… independence to Transjordan as a "crying contradiction" of the Jewish demand for recognition of Palestine as a Jewish state. * * * * * NEW YORK -- Dr. Abba Hillel Silver and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, joint chairmen…

… an- nounced here. * * * * * WASHINGTON — Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, president of the Zionist Organization of America, in a communication addressed to Zionkt Regional and District Regional officers, this…

… El. Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 2:15 p. m., at which time formal /organization of the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit will be effected. The United Jewish Appeal is about to…

… conduct a $100,000,000 campaign for refugees, overseas needs and Palestine, and the Jew- ish community of Detroit has ac- cepted a $2,000,000 quota as its share of the national goal. A new plan proposing…

… reorgani- zation of the entire Detroit Ser- vice Group, and the Federation itself, provides for a continuing concern on the part of all Jewish women for the causes and agencies supported by Federation…

… prominent ‘1,1410eMeMeleleleViAlieW IMMAr in initiating projects with other MOSS concerns in the development of Palestine. Profits were first real- KOSHER CATERING CO. ized in 1941. 5028 Joy Road In Detroit

… Correspondent of the Detroit News John Carlisle was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his reporting in the Southwest Pacific area theater. His human story of one of the war's most costly campaigns against the…

June 01, 1945 • Page Image 10

… prob- War Chest Drive, to be held Walsh, Democrat, of Massachu- lem, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver told Oct. 8-31. setts. an audience of 1,500 Mizrachi More than 100 civic, church and women from the New York…

… by original methods. This is the most drastic of cur- PICK-UP AND DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF rent immigration bills introduced DETROIT and SUBURBS . .. MAIL ORDERS FILLED during the present session of…

…- cratic Jewish Commonwealth." The 12 from Michigan are: Dr. Selig S. Auerbach, Port Huron; Rabbi Jacob M. Brown, Detroit; Rabbi Moses Fischer, Detroit; Rabbi Leon Fram, Detroit; Rabbi Alfred L. Friedman…

…, Benton Har- bor; Rabbi Irving Ganz, Bay City; Rabbi Joseph E. Krickstein, Mt. Clemens; Rabbi Arthur B. Le- bowitz, Lansing; Rabbi Jacob J. Nathan, Detroit; Rabbi Israel T. Notis, Saginaw; Rabbi Edward M…

…. Tenenbaum, Saginaw; Rabbi Max J. Wohlgelernter, Detroit. 71 Chaplains Included The signatories to the appeal, comprising Conservative, Ortho dox and Reform Rabbis, and the appeal were made public by Dr. Felix…

Hillel Silver, Milton Steinberg, Samuel Thurman and Stephen S. Wise. Speak for Millions Declaring that "we speak for millions of Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike," the appeal em- phasizes the plight of…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 13

…Americas Ads* Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO October I, 1943 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle i.Fred M. Butzel, Vice-Chairman of 1944 War Chest Campaign…

… party tion--consists of more than 500 will be conducte • sponsored by the Lt. Eli Levin Chest of Metropolitan Detroit, from Nov. 1 to Nov. 16, in orde 1 • Frequent contact is maintained A novel method for…

… heartfelt grati- for the year's activities, I should Pfc. Hillel Abrams, Cadet Sey- various activities. This year's their contributions, please cail tude and my pride in the fine like you to bear in mind that…

… in the Detroit Institute of or send direct to her home, 2916 organizations through the con- over the world, the needs of the tributions made last fall to the Jewish agencies, as well as all Harry L…

… YEAR TO ALL! f Detroit will this year again • FOR A HAPPY AND PROS- ionsor civilian defense and war tiort activities; participation in PEROUS NEW YEAR co mmunity endeavor; support of P alestine Yishub…

… children of vari- The Officers and the Staff of the A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Al! ou s age groups. The Detroit Yo ung Israel family — including Detroit Suspender 8 Belt Co. LA SALLE • 1 The…

November 01, 1946 • Page Image 1

…Amtericam sewing Periodical Center CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 Thirty-On e AN UNAFFILIATED, Years of Service to Detroit Jewrt, ■ eroit- Jewish Chronicle INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SEE…

… TIIE NEW FASHION PAGE and The Legal Chronicle Vol. 48, No. 44 ON PAGE 12 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1946 10c a Copy; $3 Per Year ZIONISTS SEEK MEMBERSHIP OF MILLION Surrender Mandate…

… retired Oct. 24 as r bi of Shaarey Zedek and as unanimously named rabbi emeritus. Rab i Morris Adler, as- sociate rabbi, was elected Detroiter Is Named to Executive Board ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. —The Zionist…

… Columbia University. to place the question of Palestine ed establishment of a Jewish ing of the Detroit ZOA district Home for the Jewish people in In 1905 he was ordained- as - on the agenda of. the United…

… single country to evening. - tion exercise he delivered the ject of Palestine and the British Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, who was bear. It isn't right for the Unit- ACTOR IS NARRATOR re-elected pretident of…

… second term. In an address, estine, not to take a share In noted author, and Ralph Bellamy, CALLED TO DETROIT at this session of the United Na- Dr. Silver bitterly attacked the Jewish Agency executive for…

… Zionist Farber of Congregation Shaarey The urgency and international as- Goldmann for allegedly ignoring have we had one for more than movement in America unified as Zedek in Detroit accepted a call pect of…

… greatly less- dynamic political policies of Rabbi Zedek. On August 24, 1907, he Dr. Silver also criticized Dr. ened and if other interested pow- Abba Hillel Silver enthusiastically. preached his inaugural…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 4

…, PaIcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World Photo Service. Published every Friday by Jewish News Publishing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Telephone, RAndolph 7956. Sub…

… of Detroit, at 50 cents a club subscription per year. Entered as second-class matter August 6, 1942, at the Post Office at Detroit, Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879. The Weekly Sermonette By…

… DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER Rabbi of The Temple, - Cleveland, Ohio (Copyright, 1942, by Independent Jewish Press Service) MAURICE H. SCHWARTZ and PHILIP SLOMOVITZ, Publishers BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAURICE…

… well be that our internal fight is more serious of it. .ewry, who were among those assembled at the Jewish ' an the external one. No Substitutes rational Fund conference in Detroit last week-end, took…

… rightful place within rational Home in Palestine will be honored. p eoples of the world is : What has happened to the thous- the generous pattern of Judaism. the pattern must be Juda- Dr. Abba Hillel Silver…

… massacres of of God and the quest of God. .om the conference in Detroit be broadcast to the world, J, It is folly and worse at this 6 ws Hitler-occupied territories and points out that a E large, in order…

December 01, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Alfferkall I Ntish Perk Thursday, December 1. 1919 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE rage 10 Tells Donor Plans MRS. MAX H. ELIAS, presi- dent of the Zedarah Club, an- nounces the group's 18th an- nua…

… director. Information booths will be un- der the direction of Rabbi Max Kapustin, Wayne U. Hillel di- rector. Bnai Brith Youth Organization will have a display under the direction of their - director…

… over there—the ' And do Jewish girls despise one from Collingwood avenue, housework? "I'd like to meet Detroit. She wonders whether I the woman who doesn't. i also l houseork." T hey'v Jewish girls are…

… me by mail) VOICE DETROIT AND, FROM THOUGH THAT Minne- speak up, but the editor says this Korostisherer Aid to llo hi Lunc h eon ilelehilanimUr 10th annual luncheon of Good Will Gif Ili() Grants…

… the Negro commun- donor luncheon of the Bnai silty of Detroit. The tour will end Moshe Sisterhood will be held at the Urban League where tea Dec. 12. The cantata "What Is will be served. Those…

…-dance to he held Detroit lady quotes figures: In Dave the lower income status interwar- , A gas burner show is being Sunday at Bel-Aire. Diamond and his orchestra will riage has ended in divorce 2 to…

… Baths and scientific mas- sage. Hours form Detroit. M.C.R.R. leaving Detroit at 1 p .m. will be met at Niles. Fun too—DANCING NIGHTLY In our Marine Bar . . . Whitcomb orchestra. Outdoor sports. Modern…

… Resertations—Detroit Office argest ( ZVEE SCOOLER Yiddish Humorist and Ato••locuist MRS. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN National President, Paosseer Women's Organisation • America Cantor David Putterrnan Park Ave…

February 01, 1946 • Page Image 15

… week about the U. of M. Hillel players who appeared on the BB Business and Professional group's banquet at Latin Quarter. The singing trio, Arthur Mayer, Arthur Mar- key and Eugene Malitz (the stu- dent…

… the lead- ers of tomorrow's Jewry, one thinks, "It's a good thing to have a Hillel." BICARDI LOUNGE and BAR Fine Food and Entertainment ETHEL VER-LEE, Mgr. CASS and COLUMBIA blk. from Film Exch…

… that the George Surowitzs were blesed with twins recently — boy and girl, if you please. Each weigh- ed 7 1,4 2 lbs. Mrs. S. was a Zeichner girl of Detroit (Sylvia). It's a Lovely Spot! The Newly…

Detroit's Elite Dine at Lovely. Sylvia Rhodes, contralto, and Pat Burke, tenor, make a fine combination on the "pop tunes" thtI, evoke much favor- able comment a n (I applause. .. There's Mar- cya and Rene…

… club of the same name, is indeed proud of the reputation he enjoys as the operator owner of one of Detroit's most delightful spots.. . One is tempted to just gorge on the ex- cellent food and cocktail…

… Hearty at II Page Fifteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle a.. Opea Every Night ITALIAN RESTAURANT THE THREE CORNERS SIBLEY • CLIFFORD - CASS Phone Open from CI. 4184 TIll • A…

August 01, 1947 • Page Image 11

…'1/2 Wallace Ave., Los An- geles, formerly of Detroit, a son, Alan Michael. a a July 16—To Mr. and -Mrs. Jo- seph Brod (Betty Deutsch), • of Northlawn Ave., a daughter, Helene Carol. « • July 16—To Mr. and Mrs…

… of the Louis Marshall Chapter and chairman of the Hillel Committee, when she was appointed as trustee to the district at its recent conven- tion' at St. Paul. Mrs. Bank has been extremely active in…

… Bnai Brith activities both in her own chapter and in the Greater Detroit Women's Council. At a special fund-raising meet- ing Rose Gurwin, ad-chairman, announced plans for a cooper- ative fund…

…- July 23—To Dr. and Mrs. Da- :=7 7 _ Silverware Dealers in Detroit. cursion to Bob-Lo. vid Arthur Roth (Alys Kaufman) = Choose from of Youngstown, 0., a daughter, MISS SYLVIA !CORNFIELD Gail Ann. Mrs…

… . Schmilowicz Seeks Sister Here An earnest appeal to the Jew- ish community pf Detroit to help him locate his sister is addressed to the Jewish News by David Schmilowicz of Soriano, Italy. His sister's name is…

… Mrs. Sam Adler, born Fanny SOimilowicz in 1902 at Velatin, Czechoslo- vakia (now Russia). She has lived in Detroit since 1919 and has three - children, Rosa, Jacob Moses and Aaron Yizhock. He has not…

… conjunction with several hike units, qbapter One, Zionist Organization of Detroit, will pres- ent an all-day outing at Pointe Pelee, Ontario, Sunday, August 3. All young men and women in- terested in attending…

… are in- structed to meet at the car exit on the Canadian side of the Detroit-Windsor tunnel at 10:30 a. m. Afternoon activities include swimming, rowing, running and beauty contesst. Hikes and treas…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 19

… party of the Detroit League of the National Home Youth Education League, at the initial meeting of the year, held at the home of Mrs. A. B. Chereton, announced that the club donated 100 hospital gift…

…-Rosenfeld: Mrs. Fara L. Rosenfield and Lawrence Kemp were married Thursday after- noon, Sept. 23, in Ann Arbor. Rabbi Jehudah Cohen of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation per- formed the ceremony. For the present, Mr…

…. and Mrs. Kemp will reside at 9360 Genesee Ave., Detroit. * * Ravid-Beresh: Mr. and Mrs. Seymour S. Ravid of 2903 Clem- ents Ave., announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Ruth, to Harry Beresh, son of…

…, ticket Honor Roll Campaign chairman, Wilshire Hotel, TO. --- 8-6887, will have tickets mailed Detroit Chapter of Hadassah or delivered. Tickets may be will conclude its annual Honor obtained also from…

… members of Roll Drive at the Detroit Insti- the Detroit League. tute of Arts, Tuesday, October Mrs. Sol Levy, 18975 Fairfield 12, at 2 p. in. Mrs. David Green- Ave:, chairman of the program berg, of New…

…. piratory diseases, and through the Detroit League's fund rais- Victory Workers, formerly ing . projects, the Jewish com- known as Victory Girls, have be- munity of Detroit is given an gun to pack boxes for…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 54

…—as those who heard her addresses in Detroit and elsewhere can testify—but also illustrates the book with 32 photographs she took of the Ex- Theological Seminary Gives Honor Degree To Gen. Eisenhower NEW…

Hillel Silver, chairman, American Section Jew- ish Agency for Palestine; Dr. I. Goldstein, who will. preside; Eli- ahu Epstein, Israeli representa- tive to the U. S.; Dr. Emanuel Neumann, president…

…! Pfeiffer Brevity:Ls Co., Detroit and Flint …

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 16

…Friday, March 1, 1946 Page Sixteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Bnai Britb bighlights Ilalevy Society to Present 21st Annual Concert Aviva Chapter to Hear Mrs. Penfil, Sunday…

…, president. Aron, director of Wayne Univer- Because of his position and tional Jewish Welfare Board. vine, Esther Levy, Helen Rubin. Hillel Foundation. leaderership among Americans, it Mr. Frank has been the…

…, Eileen Faye, vocalist, will provide Marshall Women, received the Program Starts Here Council award for securing 'the Collingwood the music. The Souvenir Book The Detroit Ostrower Relief Committee follows…

…. Louis Marshall Lodge Detroit Lodge Aux. refreshments to speakers' topics will be the agenda of the Detroit Lodge Auxiliary meeting next month. Mrs. (Rabbi) Max Wohl- gelernter will be the principal…

… speaker. Eight cases of canned goods were recently shipped for European Relief by this group. The Detroit Lodge Auxiliary is GOOD MUSIC JONAS LAURENS TOwnsend 5-6411 After 6:00 P. M. QUALITY MEATS…


October 01, 1948 • Page Image 9

…New Year Arrives With Solemn Detroit Synagogues Schedule Services for High Holy Days Canadian Zionist Unit Seeks Representation On U. S. Arm of WZO bservances Seek 12,000 Volunteers for 1948…

… Community Chest Drive MONTREAL, (JTA) — The Detroit Jewry joins with Jews throughout the world, Civic-minded Detroiters are house-to-house solicitation and it executive board, of the Canadian usher in the…

… out' that with , more important." Many Detroit congregations distributing the honors of open- an important part in upbuilding the distribution of Red Feather Call or write the Central Vol. • have…

… University Hillel Founda- Sunday and 8 a.m. Monday and tion, will conduct these services Tuesday. The sermon will be de- livered at 11 a.m. by Rabbi Joshua and preach the sermons. Sperka, who has chosen as his…

… Art itz, , commander, 16246 Muirland, Institute) where Rabbi. Samuel UN. 4-1964. The post meets at Teitelbaum, director of the Hillel 8:30 p.m. every third Thursday of 9030 TWELFTH ST., Near CLAIRMOUNT…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 14

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle 12 J. N. F. (Continued from Page 1) blessings of their labor, and the vitality of their renaissant spirit. Far from injuring our neighbors, the…

… United Nations now re- veal its plans for solving the problem of world Jewish home- lessness and clearly also state their policy touching the Jewish National Home. Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, emphasizing the…

… Jewish Center Order of The World War, Detroit Chapter. The pledge should be carefully studied and carried out meticulously. —Editor's Note. MRS. MARTIN KRAUSS on Dec. 18. The following officers were…

… Jewish Na- tional Fund. Dr. Abba Hillel Sil- ver declared that Dr. Goldstein had in every year of his adminis- tration raised the J. N. F. to a higher level. Dr. Chaim Weiz- mann in his message to Dr. Gold…


August 01, 1941 • Page Image 1

…' America "(wish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 941 he My, ions He- khi. he ;old- man on- one :ont- Detroit Jewish Chronicle SECTION ONE and The Legal Chronicle VOL…

…. 43, NO. 31 DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST I. 1941 Teat ;ivies the the hem- ;reat Jews Forced To Dismantle Soviet Forts ET Nazi Revenge Schemes Affect Jewish Communities you store sting the…

… Congregation An Interview with Hillel Rogoff be swifty cleared front the blood stream of the world. No one who believes that the democracies will win the war can possibly, with any rationality, contend that…

… Mirage of Anti-Semitism Hillel Rogoff's shy smile wid- ened into a grin and emerged a guffaw. "A ghetto in this country? You're crazy," he said. I had epitomized the fear of some Jews that war, diverting…

… Morris Garvett, who presided over the meeting, announced that the Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur services of the new Tem- ple Israel would be held in the auditorium of the Detroit Insti- tute of Arts, at…

April 01, 1949 • Page Image 10

…12—THE JEWISH NEWS The Young Adult Community Four Detroiters Attend Young People's League Synagogue Conference April 6 Reservation Deadline Set for Council Model Seder Renee Joseph, Helen Noble…

…, Dorothy L. Rosen and May Zorn have been elected to represent the Young People's Society of Cong. Shaarey Zedek of Detroit at the 22nd annual national con- vention of the Young People's League of the United…

… Delegates to the Young Adult Council will meet at 8:30 p. Monday, April 4, in Butzel Hail. The agenda will include dis- cussions on a summer camp for young adults, to be located near Detroit; a dormitory for…

… out-of- town Jews attending colleges or working in Detroit. and a report on the Young Adult Council art exhibit and plans for the future in Jewish art, n-Jusic and litera- ture. Because of the community…

… Service in Town prominent community leader, speaking on "New Events—Ef- OPTICIAN fects in Israel" at 8:30 p.m. Tues- Optical Service day, at Wayne Hillel House. Pal- CALL and DELIVER estinian dances and…

… POWDER .... for all household tasks ' *ROKOH . for tile, porceIain., enamel KOSHER! IT'S- R OK EACH IF IT'S DETROIT HEBREW BOOK SHOP LARGEST BOOK STORE IN CITY RETAIL WHOLESALE 411051:01111MMIMMS…

… Silver, Chrome and Brass 18971 Littlefield, Detroit 21 SILK AND WOOL TALEISEM UN. 3-3626 Or, call our REGISTRARS: Mrs. D. Kumove - UN. 1-7054 Mrs. S. Sislin - TO. 5-9772 Mrs. S. Levine - TR. 2…

August 01, 1947 • Page Image 7

… the Aus- outbreak of typhus may occur United States. South Africa and Venezuela. France. trian government are concerned soon. Frce an said that it has taken up - • Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, chair- the…

… all peoples Zionist Organization of Detroit, BECAUSE OF THE MANY CALLS AND IN- refugee situation: and governments to refrain from announces that Saturday, Nov. 1, TwO more Jewish ships, the violence…

… •• 1111111111111 •11 /11 • Community Tradition A - on the Exodus incident before the was called by the American their passports_ Zionist Emergency Council. Dr Foreign Affairs Committee ot the Abba Hillel Silver…

… JEWISH NEWS, American countries hostility to demonstrations in connection with 2114 Penobscot Bldg., the Jewish cause. the -"Exodus affair. The Central- ■ Detroit 26, Mich. • A report from Paris says that…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 12

…Friday, October 1, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Silver Asks Truman to Block Rabbi Hails 5709 As the Year One iniquitous' Bernadotte Plan NEW YORK—Dr. Abbs Hillel Silver, chairman of the Ameri…

October 01, 1948 • Page Image 60

…Page Sixty DETROIT JEWISH . A Happy New Year to You Al Greetings WOODLAND FARM EGGS 1117 WoodISnd TO. 8.0104 Sol Bliefield Aaron Bliefield Bernard Bliefield Rosh Hashonah Greetings AND BEST…

… officer with UNSCOP in L'Shono Tovo Tikusevul Palestine and Geneva, and with the UN Palestine Commission at Lake Success. Eban has assisted Dr. Abba Hillel Silver and Moshe Shertok in the preparation of the…

January 01, 1943 • Page Image 15

… Corn- mittee of the League of Detroit Jewish Youth — a tribute that mere words never can adequately express. The marvelous work of these groups in providing enter- tainment and conveniences for our…

…, billiards, gym, art classes and forums. If you know of any Jewish soldiers home on furlough, be sure to have them contact Jack Spencer at the Jewish Center. Gewerkshaften Plan Campaign in Detroit Page…

…. The judges who awarded the me prizes were Hillel Bavli, Jacob Gladstein, Haym Greenberg, Dr. Max Weinreich and David Pinski. LINERS accepted from responsible Establishment of the Louis La- firms or…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 9

… speaker will be Rabbi Aron, director of Wayne Hillel FoUndation. Young . wo- men, 18 to 25, are invited. For information call Shulamith Mich- lin, membership chairman, TO. 8-1239. * * * WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF…

… and children's fashion show on May' 28 at the Book- Cadillac Hotel. * * * DETROIT WOMEN'S SERVICE CLUB will- hold a • charity Purim dance Sunday, March . 17, at the a Taylor Shul, Taylor and Wood- row…

… Sturtevant, Detroit 6 or Phone- TO. 8-6633 Opening A New Jewelry Store You'll Enjoy Russian Hospitality and Russian Food at RUSSIAN SAMOVAR 51 SPROAT, HALF BLOCK WEST OF WOODWARD Daily 1 P.M. to 2 A…

… NATIVE CHINESE FOOD Also Choke American Dishes Gdward :rand Circus Park Our Egg Rolls: A TREAT! TELENE s NOW! Woodward at Grand Blvd. W Park Free First Detroit Showing! Latest MARCH OF TIME…

… concept of service . . a store dedicated to the idea of becoming a part of the life of Detroit's most important and fastest growing center. It will be our aim to offer the finest, the newest at the most…

October 01, 1943 • Page Image 51

… shalt restrain When speaks the organ its re- frain. THE JEWISH NEWS Detroit Servicemen's Birthdays To Be Published In Jewish News Suggestion of Soldier Overseas Accepted in the Hopes of Fulfilling His…

… Wish that it Brings Good Cheer and Happy Tidings to Those Receiving Paper Because of a suggestion of a soldier now on duty overseas, The Jewish News will publish birthday dates of Detroit'S men and…

… women in service. In the past few issues The Jewish News has published birthdays of leading Detroit Jews. Many Detroiters on the far-flung war fronts are receiv- ing The Jewish News, sometimes a month or…

… the New Year — 5704 — will be the first year of liberation and the last year of oppression for mil- lions of Jews in European lands, William Rosenwald, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise…

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