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November 01, 1946 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-11-01

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Friday, November 1, 1946


Page Ten

Hillsdale's Batimgartens Donate
Another $50,000 to Hillel Project

Congregational Activities

Rabbi Levi to Discuss
FEPC in Sermon Nov. 8

Dr. Glazer's Uncle
Guest Speaker at
Round Table Institute

"My Brother's , Keeper" is the
subject of the address to be de-
livered by Rabbi Eliezer A. Levi
Dr. Nathaniel Cantor, chairman
of Congregation Bnai Moshe, at
the late Friday evening services of the department of anthropol-
on Nov. 8. Rabbi Levi will dis- ogy anti sociology of the Uni-.
ss the drive for a Michigan Fair
Practice Law.
• The services will begin at 8:15.
Cantor David Katzman will lead
the prayers. A social hour spon-
sored by the Sisterhood will fol-
low the service.

Young Israel Presents
Cantor Waldman in
Concert Monday Night

Young Israel of Detroit, religi-.
ous, educational and social organ-
ization of orthodox' young men
and women, will present the
world-renowned Cantor Leibele
Waldman, of New York, accom-
panied by a nine-voice male
symphonic choir from New York
under the direction of Oscar
Julius, in a concert Monday,
Nov. 4 at 8:15 p. m., at Bnai
David synagogue, Elmhurst and
The concert will include the
chanting of Maariv, liturgical,
cantors], folk songs and Palestin-
ian select ions.
Young Israel sponsors clubs for
children from the age of 4 , 2 and
up to intermediate groups, ages
15-18. Thirteen groups are now
meeting under auspi6es of Young
Young Israel has just inaugur-
ated its winter season of adult
education activity with family
gatherings at the Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah Building every Friday
night from 8 to 10 p. m. Class-
es in Bible and Rashi, Prophets,
and laws and customs of Israel
last until 9:30 p.m. at which time
all present join round the Sab-
bath table in an Oneg Shabbat
and Zmiros.
Proceeds of the Waldman con-
cert will utilized to support
Young Israel programs. Admis-
sion is $2.00, plus tax. Tickets
are available at Zion Book Store,
Finkel's Kosher Restaurant,
Keith Studios, the Young Israel
Office and at the synagogue.


versity of Buffalo and uncle of
Dr. B. Benedict Glazer of Temple
Beth El, will be one of the lunch-
eon speakers for the second
annual institute of the Detroit
Round Table of Catholics, Jews
and Protestants. Nov. 13, at the
downtown YMCA.
Other speakers at the luncheon
will be George Ford, pastor of
Corpus Christi Roman Catholic
Church, New York City, and Dr.
Fritz Redl, professor
of social
work, Wayne University.
The Institute will consist of a
study of promising practices in
intergroup and intercultural edu-
cation. The session will begin at
9:30 a. m.

Services This Sabbath
At NW Hebrew 'Cong...

Sabbath services will he held
at Northwest Hebrew Congrega-
tion, on Saturday morning, Nov.
2, at 9. Rabbi Jacob E. Segal
will officiate and preach the ser-
mon on the subject "The Test of
a Nation's Morality."

Dr. Glazer io Speak
Friday on 'Uses,
Abuses of Religion'

At the Sabbath Eve services
at Temple Beth El this Friday,
at 8:15 p. m., Dr. B. Benedict
Glazer will preach on "The Uses
and Abuses of Religion."
In his sermon, Dr. Glazer will
discuss some of the positive as
well as some of the sinister uses
of religion by political, industrial
a n d ecclesiastical groups in
The liturgical music will be
rendered by the Temple Quartet
under the direction of Jason H.
Tickton. A social hour under the
auspices of the Sisterhood will
follow the services.

Dr. Silver Heads Romanian
Slate of General Zionists `B'

WASHINGTON—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baumgarten, ,of Hillsdale,

Mich., who last year made two princely contributions totalling'
$150,000 towards the erection of a Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation
Home on the Northwestern Uni-
versity campus , at Evanston, Ill., western University, the other has
have donated an additional $50,- just been discharged from mili-
000 to make certain that the tary service. %Mr. Baumgarten's
building will have adequate fa- son, Philip, 22, has just contribu-
cilities, it was announced here by ted $15,000.to the United Jewish
Dr. A. L. Sachar, national direc- Appeal and Mr. and Mrs. Baum-
tor of the Bnai Brith Hillel garten added $12,500 to his gift,
Foundations. a total of $ 27,500 to this agency.
The newest gift brings their
benefactions to $200,000, which is Bnai Moshe Honors
the largest single contribution
Sisterhood Founders
made in the 103-year history of
Bnai Brith. -
The thirtieth jubilee of the
Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten have Sisterhood of Cong. Bnai Moshe
two sons. One is attending North- will be celebrated Nov. 6, in the
banquet hall of the synagogue.
A dessert luncheon will be

Yeshivah Will Honor
Memory of Founder,
Rabbi Miir Shapiro

Honoring the thirteenth an-
niversary of the death of Rabbi
Meir Shapiro; founder and dean
of the Theological Seminary
Yeshivath Chachmey Lublin, a
memorial gathering wilt be held
at 8:30 p. m. Saturday, Nov. 2 at
the Yeshivah, 12015 LinwoOd.
The original Yeshivah, in Lub-
lin, Polind, was known to be the
largest such institution in Eur-
ope. When the yeshivah. was
destroyed, and many of the
students killed by the Nazis, the
organizing spirit of Rabbi Shapi-
ro was carried on by Rabbi Moses
Rosenberg. who reorganized the
yeshivah in Detroit in 1942.
Guest speaker at the memorial
gathering will be Rabbi Mena-
chem Glickman Parush, editor
of the Orthodox Palestinian
Weekly Kol-Israel, who recently
arrived frotn Palestine. The rab-
bis and students of the former
yeshivah who died at the hands
of the Nazis will also be honored.
Supper will be served at the
memorial meeting, to which the
public is invited.

Abba Hillel Silver, president of
t h e Zionist Organization of
America, will head the slate of
the Romanian General Zionists
B in the elections of the forth-
coming World Zionist Congress,
it was disclosed here.
sentatives of the Jewish Agency
who participated in the informal
talks on Palestine with the
British government informed the
Colonial Office the forthcoming
World Zionist Congress will have
Mrs. Samuel B. Danto, past
to decide whether the Agency
president of the Sisterhood of should join the conference on
Temple Israel and President of Palestine when it resumes its ses-
the League of Jewish Women's sions on Dec. 16, it was learned.
Organizations, has been named as
the fraternal delegate to repre-
sent the National Council of
Church Women in Grand Rapids;
Nov. 11 to 15.
Mrs. Danto was appointed by
the Rev. Joseph Q. Mayne, exec-
utive secretary of the Detroit
Round Table and vice-president
of the National Conference of
Catholics and Jews, on behalf of
Rabbi Fram to Preach
the national organization.
on Sholom Aleichem's
While in Grand Rapids, she
will be in charge of the literature
'Old Country', Nov. 8
distribution for the conference,
"The Old Country," a transla- being assisted by a local Grand
tion of the best stories by the Rapids committee of Christian
greatest of all Jewish humorists, and Jewish leaders.
Sholom Aleichem, will be the
subject of the book review ser- Jewish Labor Council Receives
mon to be delivered by Rabbi $1,700 Gift for European Relief
Contribution of $1,700 by Camp
Leon Fram at the Sabbath Eve
service of Temple Israel, Friday Followers of the Trail to the
night, Nov. 8, at 8:30, in the $250,000 campaign of the Ameri-
Lecture Hall 9f the Detroit Insti- can Jewish Labor Council for the
reconstruction of Jewish life in
tute of Arts.
At the social hour after the Europe, and the fight against anti-
services, the congregation will be Semitism, was announced by
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Max Steinberg, secretary-treas-
Clinton in honor of the Bar Mitz- urer of the American Jewish
vah of their son, David. After Labor Council.
the social hour, the youth group
will conduct a symposium on the
subject. of the sermon.
This Friday night, Rabbi Fram
will review William B. Ziff's
"The Rape of Palestine."

Congregation Bnai Abraham
Names Officers for Year

Congregation Ahvath Achim
Bnai Abraham has named Isadore
Leeman as president for the corn-
ing year.
Other officers include Harry
Eskin, vice president; Max Bach-
man, treasurer; Jay Bodzin, fi-
nancial secretary; Abert Burke,
corresponding s e c r e t a r y; and
Peter Chadoroff, David Rosen-
baum, Lew Tessler, Meyer Lebo-
Abe Milowsky, Charles
Cottler, Morris Eidelman, and
Max Eiselman, board of trustees.
At the election meeting, Presi-
dent Leeman reported on prog-
ress toward the congregation's
new building at Dexter and Ty-
ler, construction of which is
scheduled to begin as soon as

Mrs. 'Danto Named
Conference Delegate

served at 12:30 p. m., followed
by a program featuring a fash-

;1/' PALIMR H .011“

1119 Collins Ave.
Aliami Beach
• 1 -, Block from
Ocean. Coffee Sho
solarium, Approve,
0 P.A. Rates

11th St. it
American •


20th Anniversary


of the

Sholem Aleichem

Woodward and Holbrook

SUNDAY, November 10, 8:30 p.m.


famous Tenor in a program of

Yiddish and Hebrew Songs.


Principal of the Montreal Peretz

For Tickets:

8rinq back a IN/R LW/ARE
Ao year SChoots- .ovid /Awns
government-where it is
greaNy needed /

s the Sales Tax !
by redistribujiu


„a.. 20p

Call HOgarth 5404

On June 30, 194.6, the
State Government had
more cash on hand than
the year's total collec-
tion of the sales tax .. .
Muth of this surplits has
been set aside for future
spending by the State,
including State institu-
tional buildings and im-
provements, highways,
and veterans' benefits.
There is $21,500,000
surplus sot earmarked.
More than sixty percent
of the State'i operating
funds come front sour-
ees other than sales tax.




building restrictions are lifted.

4•... - sr ws - sairamscr

t,arm.....roo.a mean ,


at the

Collected and Con/rolled byfrrtatc government

% ego,valext

ion preview under the direction
of Mr. J. Ziering of Annis Furs.
Mrs. James Sobel, who is assist-
, ing with arrangements, an-
nounces that all past presidents
and organizers of the Sisterhood
will be complemented. Souven-
' ires also will be given to the

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