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March 01, 1946 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-03-01

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Page Eight

May Propose
Zion Partition

LONDON—The London Times
editorially expresses the view
that the Anglo-American Inquiry
Commission on Palestine will pro-
pose the partitioning of Palestine
into two territorial states—Arab-
ic and Jewish.


U. M. Hillel Leader
To Address Junior
Service Group Sunday

Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, director
of the University of Michigan
Hillel Foundation, will address
the reorganization meeting of the
Junior Service Group of the Jew-

TEL AVIV—More than 50,000
Jews attended the funeral serv-
ices for the six victims of terror-
ist activities in Palestine last Fri-
day. For six hours the Jews of
Palestine mourned the dead.
Resentment is running high
against the actions of the British
During the funeral procession
the. Jewish Resistance Movement
took over the city and not a
single British soldier was in sight.

VIENNA—A group of 250
Zionists clashed with British and
American police on Ringstrasse
when an international patrol at-
tempted to enforce a rule against
unlicensed public demonstrations.
T:_e Jews had demonstrated with
Zionist flags and placards before
the Bristol-Sacher Hotel where
the Anglo-American Inquiry
Committee is staying and before
the British Officers' Club, de-
manding the opening of Pales-
tine's doors to Jewish immigra-

Bartley C. Crum of San Francisco
and Sir Frederick Leggett, Amer-
ican and British members, re-
spectively, of the Anglo-iimeri-
can Committee of Inquiry on
Palestine, were sharply rebuked
twice by British 'Co-Chairman
Singleton during a press confer-
ence here, for openly expressing
their views while visiting the U.
S. zone of Germany and for giv-
ing statements to the press.
Judge Crum told reporters on
Feb. 17 that he feared a wave
of mass suicides among Euro-
pean Jews unless 100,000 are ad-
mitted --xi Palestine this year. Co-
Chairman Singleton referring to
this remark, declared that no
member ,f the Committee had
the right to state his views pub-
Later in the press conference,
Judge Crum was interrupted by
Singleton while attempting to
answer a correspondent's ques-
tion regarding a statement that
60 per cent of Czech Jewry wants
to emigrate to Palestine. How-
ever, Judge Crum verified the
figure to the correspondent later.
At a special hearing, Dr. Saks,
chief of operations of the Joint
Distributio: Committee- in Vien-
na, told members of the Anglo-
American Inquiry Committee
that the Austrian Government is
not anti-Semitic, but, he added,
"call the first man passing on the
street and he will tell you he is
sorry any Jew remains alive."
Dr. Saks said the return of
Jews to European countries
where strong anti-Semitism ex-
ists should not be encouraged.
The Jews in Austria today, he
said, consist of three groups:
7,000 DPs in camps, transient
Jews passing through at the rate
of 3,000 monthly, and 3,613 Aus-
trian Jews in Vienna. The tran-
scient Jews are fleeing from per-
secution . in other countries and
the greater part of them as well
as the DPs wish to go to Pales-
tine. Austrian Jews returning to
Vienna constitute only a relief
problem since most are of ad-
vanced age and will die within a
few years, Dr. Saks said.

Cub Pack 146 Will Build
Bird Houses March 25

Cub Pack 146 will feature bird
house building at its meeting at
the Hampton school, March 25.
Brief talks on bird life also will
be given by the Cubbers. All
members of the pack participated
in the musical program at the
Feb. 25 meeting.
The Men's Club of Temple
Israel has announced its spon-
sorship of a basketball team. The
board of directors, meeting at
the Canterbury House, completed
plans for the rest of the season.


ish Welfare Federation, at a tea
dance at 3 p.m., this Sunday,
at the Lee Plaza.
Special guests will be returned
servicemen and women and oth-
er young people who during the
past several years were involved
in. the various phases of war
Keynote of the gathering will
be service to the community. The
Junior Service Group provides
the vehicle through which young
people participate in the com-
munity-wide activities of the
Jewish Welfare Federation. All
young persons are urged to join
in the Junior Service Group's
program of service.
Admission is free. Refresh-
ments will be served.
The committee in charge of
the dance includes Diana Rosen-
blatt, Dr. Samuel Krohn, Elise
Zeme, Philmore Leemon, Bluma
Nagler, Sol Schwartz, Elaine
Shiffman, Harold Noveck, Sylvia
Collins and Mrs. Sydney K.

Neugarten Medical Aid
Launches Its Spring
Fund-Raising Project

Neugarten Medical Aid launch-
ed its spring fund raising project
at an open meeting at Kern's on
Feb. 27. Mrs. Charles Aller pre-
sided, Mrs. Sidney Schott gave
the prayer and a dessert luncheon
was served by the hospitality
committee: Mrs. Myron Colet,
Mrs. Harry Pliskow and Mrs. Ir-
ving Yarrows.
Mrs. Roy Rotter, chairman of
the new project, announced that
it would be an "Evening of
Games" at the Book-Cadillac, on
May 7 and distributed the tickets
to members to sell.
Neugarten Medical Aid recent-
ly sent a gross of punch needles
to be used for handicraft to the
occupational therapeutic depart-
ment at Percy Jones hospital, and
is furnishing 400 hamantashen for
a Purim party at Percy Jones.
Several members will be present
as hostesses.


Friday, March 1,''1946

Morton Scholnick
Enters Wharton
School of Finance

Hadassah B&P Plans
Program at Beth El

To assist the rehabilitation in
Palestine of displaced European
children, the Business and Pro-
fessional Division of Hadassah
will hold an evening of movies
and entertainment on Tuesday,
March 12, at 8:30 p. m., in the
Brown Memorial Chapel of Tem-
ple Beth El.
Mickey Vfoolf will be master
of ceremonies. Mrs. Gertrude
Leve Blum, will render vocal
Chairman of the evening is
Miss Rosalind Schubot who is
being assisted by the following:
Misses Anne Baron, Roslyn Corn,
Rebecca Ehrinpries, Gertrude
Glasier, Miriam Goldstein, Lil-
lian Gordon, Min Gross, Helen
Kass, Betty Morrison, Elsie Olen-
der, Rose Poskel, Dorothea Rich-
mond, Ethel Rosenthal, Sophie
Blanche Schwartz, Ida Silver-
man, Betty Utley and Mrs.
George Kolb.
Tickets may be purchased from MORTON LESIE SCHOLNICK
B. & P. Division members or
Morton Leslie Scholnick, on
by calling Miss Miriam Goldstein,
of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Schol-
division chairman, TY. 5-0237.
nick of 18983 Parkside, has just
received his B. A. from the Uni-
More Organizations Aid
versity of Michigan.
Jewish Workers Committee
After a week's vacation at
Detroit Jewish Workers Com- home, he left on Friday for Phil-
mittee to Aid the Families of adelpIlia to enter the Wharton
GM Strikers will meet at 11 School of Fim...ce to study for
a.m. Sunday at the Jewish Cen- his Master's degree.
Morton was one of the prom-
ter, Room 301. The amount rais-
ed by the committee is near the inent student leaders at Ann
$4,000 mark.
Arbor, especially as president of
Organizations that have not the U. of M. Chapter of Zeta
been represented at the meetings Beta Tau, outstanding National
Jewish fraternity.
are urged to send delegates..
Donations not turned in at the
meeting may be mailed or
brought to Joseph Heideman,
treasurer, at 9124 Linwood,
Organizations which have con-
tributed within the past week
are: Lemik Reading Group, Local
Union 102—I. Fields, American
Jewish Congress, Workmen's
Circle Branch No. 111, Davison
Mother's Club and Sisters of
Zion Mizrachi.

N'west Congregation
Sisterhood Completes
Plans for Purim Ball

Arrangements have been com-
pleted for the Purim ball of the
Sisterhood of Northwest Hebrew
Congregation and Center at the
Bonnie Brook Country Club on
Sunday evening, March 17. Purim
refreshments will be served.
Mrs. Manny Lax is chairman,
assisted by Mrs. Sam Bishop, co-
chairman, and Mesdames C.
Chaxlip, S. Helfer, P. Brodsky,
D. Aidem, C. Harris, E. Brook, E.
Dunsky, G. Gold, G. Chisik, M.
Schram, M. Fineman, Z. Garber,
M. Rivkin, H. Storchan, D. Sam-
elson and Mitchelle Tchor.
Tickets may be secured from
Mrs. Sam Bishop, Un. 3-5042, Mrs.
Norman Allan, Un. 3-1456, or Mrs. -
A. Sacks, Un. 1-7238.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. J. Gordon,
17331 Woodingham, Wednesday,
at 8 p. m.


Dramatic Art


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