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March 01, 1940 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1940-03-01

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March I, 1940

J. N. F. Auxiliary
Detroit Hashomer
Luncheon Rally
Hatzair Sending
Chalutzim to Zion The Ladies Auxiliary of the

Hashomer Hatzair, the world
Zionist scout movement, will hold
a dress review of all . shomrim
on Sunday, March 10, in honor
of one of its youthful leaders,
Miss Shonnie Moser, who will
leave for the Hashomer training
farm in New York State prepar-
atory to her departure for Pal-
estine. Miss Moser, prominent in
Detroit Zionist work and Jewish
welfare activity, has been one of
the most e nergetic leaders in the
Detroit Ken of Hashomer Hat-
zaid. Her departure for the Sho-
mer training farm, at
Liberty, N. Y., for a year of agri-
cultural training preparatory to
her aliyah to Palestine as a mem-
ber of the third American kib-
butz of Hashomer, marks an ad-
ditional link of the Detroit group
of the movement with the Jewish
Shonnie, as Miss Moser is
known to her many friends, is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Moser of 2704 Taylor Ave.,
and became associated with the
Zionist movement through her
activity in the local chapter of
Hashomer Hatzair. Born, raised
and educated in Detroit, Shonnie
is now starting the period of what
shomrim call in Hebrew "hag-
shamah," self-realization.
The Detroit ken of Hashomer
Hatzair also announces the ar-
rival and settlement at the Sho-
mer training farm of Kurt Kulka,
another of its members. Kurt, a
lad of 19, came to Detroit from
Vienna, Austria, following an-
schluss of Austria. In happier
days Kurt was famed in Austria
as an Olympic swimmer and a
violinist of note. His tale of es-
cape is typical of the horror
which Jewish youth must face in
Central Europe. In Detroit he
became associated with Hasho-
mer through whose ranks he has
risen and is now preparing for
a chalutz life in the kibbutz
movement in Palestine.
Hashomer Hatzair has recently
announced the hityashut of the
second American kibbutz at Kfar
Menachem in honor of Menachem
Ussishkin. Former members of
the Detroit ken of Hashomer Hat-
lair now integrated in the chal-
utz life in Palestine are Levi
Shapiro, Esther Weisinger and
Yirmiyahu Haggai, son of the
educator and leader Joseph Hag-
gai. The late Ephraim Ticktin is
now being honored with the
planting of a grove in his name.


Jewish National Fund held its
third pep rally on Tuesday, in
the interests of the ninth annual
donor luncheon. Mrs. Philip J.
Cutler, general chairman, express-
ed her satisfaction with the work


Dr. Israel Knox
Plea for Alumah
Made in Detroit Will Deliver Two

At a meeting held in Congrega-
tion Shaarey Zedek, Tuesday eve-
ning,a local committee was or-
ganized to assist Menahem Beige!,
executive director the Alumah
Association for Jewish Studies of
Jerusalem, Palestine, in the solici-
tation of funds here.
Alumah, headed by such lead-
ing exponents of Hebrew scholar-
ship as Prof. Haim Brody, Dr.
Henry Keller, Dr. Moses Seidel,
Dr. B. M. Lewin and Rabbi Ben-
jamin (Feldman), aims to pre-
serve and further the traditional
study of Bible and Talmud, along
with modern scientific methods.
For this purpose the Association
has established elementary and
high schools in Jerusalem, main-
tains an expensive library and
publishes scholarly yearbooks and
other works.
The American committee for
Alumah consists of representative
Reform, Conservative and Ortho-
dox rabbis and laymen, since the
work of the institute in Eretz
Israel is considered by all circles
of extereme importance for the
cultural development of the Jew-
ish National Home.
The Detroit ocmmittee includes
the following: Dr. A. M. Hersh-
man, Rabbi Morris Adler, Rabbi
Leon Fram, Rabbi M. J. Wohl-
gelernter, Rabbi Joshua S. Sper-
ka, Philip Slomovitz, J. Tobin,
Moe Leiter, Harry Shulman, A.
Klein, Nathan Spevakow, A. J.
Rosenshine, Irving Schlussel and
Charles Gellman.

of her chairmen and committees.
She pointed out that thousands of
immigrants and refugees have ent-
ered Palestine since the outbreak
of the war and that many more
thousands are waiting to enter
Palestine, making the work of
the Jewish National Fund more
urgent now than at any time in
its history. The principal speaker
at the rally was Rabbi Morris
The donor luncheon is the aux-
iliary's major fund-raising pro-
ject and will take place Wednes-
day, March 20.
Reservations are being taken by
Mrs. Cutler, Tyler 4-4350; Mrs.
Harry D. Davis, Northlawn 5062;
Mrs. Morris Snyder, luncheon sec-
retary, Tyler 4-1039, or any of
the following division chairmen:
Mrs. Harry Buchman, Tyler 6-8420;
Mrs. Samuel Heyman, Davison
0954; Mrs. Harry Kraft, Hogarth
8822; Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, Uni-
versity 1-6972.
For ways and means call Mrs.
William Mandel, Tyler 7-4644.
Subscriptions for The Detroit
Jewish Chronicle are being taken
by Mrs. Louis R. Lightstone,
Townsend 5-0908. For darling in-
scriptions call Mrs. S. M. Perlis,
Townsend 7-3129. For memoriam
inscriptions call Mrs. Max Hey-
man, Tyler 6-6266. For rummage
Detroit Host of
call Mrs. Bagade, Townsend
7-2199, or her co-chairman, Mrs.
1941 Bnai Moshe
William Hordes, Townsend 8-1957.
Bowling Contest Mrs. Isaac Margolis is the
chairman of souvenir booklet with
The Pisgah Lodge Bowling Mrs. Jack Myers as her co-chair-
League, numbering 50 men, man. Mrs. Margolis is also taking
journeyed to the second annual reservations, Townsend 5-0027.
The next board meeting of the
Bnai Brith Bowling Congress in
auxiliary will take place on Tues-
Dayton, 0., on Feb. 25.
Though the Detroit Hillel Foun- day, March 5, at the home of
dation team and the Detroit Na- Mrs. Harry D. Davis, 3790 Sture-
tional Hospital team came through vent.
Mrs. Julius M. Naiman is presi-
with winning scores in the team
events, while H. Schwartz and dent of the auxiliary.
P. Heaton were winners in the
individual events, the Pisgah
bowlers failed to bring home the SENIOR BICUR CHOLEM
trophy presented by the presidnet
of the order, Henry Monsky. Day-
ton's league kept the trophy with
Senior Bicur Cholem will have
a high team score of 3039.
The bid of Detroit to become a bazaar Saturday night and all
host city for the 1941 Bowling day Sunday, March 16 and 17,
Congress was accepted and the at Congregation Emanuel, Tay-
following officers were elected: lor and Woodrow Wilson There
Sam Maza, Detroit, president; will be bargains and a full course
Ben Tolpin, Columbus, 0., first dinner will be served. Due to the
vice-president; Jules Lentin, Chi- work Bicur Cholem is doing for
cago, Ill., second vice-president; the needy and sick, the organ-
Max Gcldhoff, Detroit, secretary; ization appeals to all Detroit Jews
Morton Bechek, Detroit, treasurer. to help make this bazaar a suc-
cess. Last year Bicur Cholem took
William Lyon Phelps to Ad- care of 350 cases.

dress Fisher Town Hall
on Wednesday

Pythian Sisters' Card Party
on Monday
Lyon Phelps, nationally

Popular critic, philosopher, edu-
cator, who packs them in each
year at Town Hall, will speak
in the Fisher Theater Wednes-
day, March 6, at 11 A, M. "How
to Live With Yourself" will be
his subject.
Now professor emeritus of Yale
University, Dr. Phelps was Lamp-
son professor of English litera-
ture for 32 years and one of
the most popular teachers at the
University. His long-awaited "Au-
tobiography" gives the full flavor
of his extraordinary personality.
Edgar A. Guest, Detroit poet,
will introduce the speaker.
Tickets for his Town Hall lec-
ture are on sale now at Grin-
Music Store, Randolph 1124,
for $1.10
and $1.65, including tax.

Mrs. Betty Phillips, chairman,
announces a card party to be
given by the Pythian Sisters,
Greater Detroit Temple No. 152,
on Monday, March 4, 8:30 p. m.,
at Erskine and John R. There
will be prizes and entertainment
arranged by Mrs. S. Bagdade
and Mrs. F. Kardener. Proceeds
will go for a Jewish National
Fund Golden Book inscription.
The public is invited.
Thursday, March 7, 8:30 p. m.,
a past chiefs' meeting will be
held at the home of Esther
Waldstein. The co-hostess is Hat-
tie Oppenheim.
A class of new members will
be initiated on Monday, March
11, at 8:30, at a regular meeting.

Detroit Lectures

Will Address Workmen's Circle
Thursday; Senior Council of
Jewish Center Tuesday

Dr. Israel Knox, national di-
rector of the Workmen's Circle
fraternal organization, will speak
on the topic "Anti-Semitism—
Its Social and Economic Basis,"

Trees Planted in
The Butzel Forest

The Jewish National Fund
Council announces the following
trees planted in the Butzel For-
est in Palestine:
One tree in memory of Mrs.
Lanski by Mr. and Mrs. Abra-
ham Caplan.
One tree in honor of the 25th
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Abe Kasle, by Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Lachover.
One tree by the Rose Jacobs
Aguda of Young Judaea.
Five trees in honor of Edith
Grosman by Hillel, Mordecai and
Florence Grossman.
One tree in honor of Al Cha-
fetz by his father, M. Chafetz.
One tree in honor of Jacob
Golomb's Bar Mitzvah by Mr.
and Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Laikin.
Three trees in memory of Freda
Klein by the Cleophas Club.
One tree each has been planted
in memory of Joseph H. Ehrlich,
by the following: Judah Lachar,
Mannie Gorelick, Miss Lola J.
Weinberg, Mrs. Ann Falick.
Herman Rosenberg planted two
trees—one in memory of his be-
loved father, William Farkas Ro-
senberg, on the occasion of his
16th Yahrzeit, and one in mem-
ory of his beloved brother, David
Rosenberg, on the occasion of the
first Yahrzeit.
Mrs. Eli Sachse and Mrs. Sam-
uel N. Heyman announce that
the following friends of the Slom-
ovitz Family have contributed to-
wards a Golden Book Inscription
in memory of the late Samuel

Dr. and Mrs. N. E. Aronstam, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Agree, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Z. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buch-
man, Dr. and Mrs. Perry Iturnstine,
Dr. and Mrs. A. Carlsteln, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence •rohn, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Cut-
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davidson, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony Deutsch. Mr. find Mrs. D. S.
Diamond, 11r. and Mrs. It. 1)rews, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Duslikin, Dr. and Mrs.
Adolf Ehrlich, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Feldstein, Mrs. Bernhardt Friedlander,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gilbert, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Goodman,
Miss Hose Greenwald, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Hayman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Heyman,
Mr. and Mrs. William Hordes, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilallm Isenberg, Dr. and Mrs.
S. Kleinman, Dr. and Mrs. David Kul-
ger, Kobaker Family, Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Kogan, Mr. and Mrs. "Harry Kraft.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Laikin, Mr. and
Mrs. Morris Landau, Professor and Mrs.
Samuel Levin, Sol Lifsitz. Mr. and
Mrs. I. Margolis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Marmon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Miller. Dr. and Mrs. Moe
Perlis. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel It Mr.
and Mrs. Eli Sachse, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Saulson, Mrs. Anna Schiller, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Schwartz, Mrs. Philip Slorno-
vita, Mrs. Sol .Slomovitz, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolf Smilo, Mr. and Mrs. N. Spevakow,
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Store, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Yolles, The Detroit Jewish
Chronicle start, M. I:Mir, Murray Green-
halge. Jack Guntenaar, FredrIch Sta-
ber, Herbert Sehakne, Miss Fay Zager,
Miss Irene Sarah Feldman, Miss Dorothy
Bronstein, Jacob Margolis, Harry Cum-
mins; Knights of Judaea, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Feldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Israel
Sandler, Mrs. Freda Slomovitz, Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Stialser, Miss Lena Planck.




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on Thursday evening, March 7,
under the auspices of Branch No
460-E of the Workmen's Circle,
at the Roosevelt School, Burlin-
game and Linwood, at 8 p. m.
Dr. Knox is a student of John
Dewey, and received his Ph.D.
degree in Philosophy at Columbia
University. He has been inti-
mately associated with both the
English and Jewish schools of
New York City, having taught
in both for a number of years.
A widely-informed person on
many subjects, Dr. Knox is the
author of a book entitled "The
Philosophy of Kant, Hegel and
Dr. Knox will also speak un-
der the auspices of the Senior
Council of the Jewish Community
Center, Woodward at Holbrook,
on Tuesday, March 5, at 8:15
p. m., on the subject "The Jew
in the World Crisis." Admission
to this lecture will be free and
the community i invited. This is
the first of a series of programs
planned by the educational com-
mittee of the Senior Council of
which Miss Ethel Shur is chair-

56 Years Dependable Servles


"Social Philosophies for Jew-
ish Youth" will be the theme
of the second town hall forum
sponsored by the "Youth Speaks"

New Term in Social
Dancing at Center

A new term of social dancing
t3 be given at the Jewish Com-
munity Center, Woodward and
Holbrook, will begin Monday,
March 11, and continue for 10
weeks on Mondays. This class is
designed both for elementary stu-
dents as well as those who wish
to improve their dancing. In order
to obtain the full benefit of the
course, members are advised to
begin at the first session.
There are two classes, one at
7 p. m., for those 14-17 years of
age, and another at 8 p. m. for
those 18 and over. The waltz,
fox-trot and tango will be taught
There is no charge for full mem-
bers, and a registration fee of
one dollar for social members.
The class is under the direction
of Edith Muskin, assisted by
Dorothy Smith and Joseph Reich-


committee to be held on Sunday,
March 17, at 8 p. m., at the Jew-
ish Community Center.
The discussion will feature the
individual philosophies of three
youths in the community who
will illustrate how they solve for
themselves the problems arising
from the economic, political and
social factors encountered in
their own daily living.
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director
of the Hillel Foundation at the
University of Michigan at Ann
Arbor, will serve as moderator.
The three youth discussants
will be Walter Fishman, Mrs. Re-
becca Kahn Arnkoff and Mitchell
Feldman. Hanley Rosenberg, vice
president of Temple Beth El
Young People's Society, will be
chairman of the evening.
A social hour will be held fol-
LAUNCH NEW PRO-NAZI lowing the program. Admission
NEWSPAPER IN N. Y. C. is free and the public is invited.

The Non-Sectarian Anti-Uazi
League, 20 W. 47th St., New York Inspection Committee for Patent
City, announces that Henry Cur-
tiss, leader of the American Na-
JERUSALEM. (Palcor Agen-
tionalist Party, has launched a cy)—The Medical Supplies Com-
new newspaper. Headquarters for mittee set up by the Central Med-
this new pro-Nazi periodical are ical Council of the Vaad Leumi
at 1229 Park Row. Bldg., New has established three sub-commit-
York City.
tees for medical supplies in Jeru-
The first copies of the new salem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Rep-
race hatred inspiriting newspaper resentatives of the public, medi-
were distributed Feb. 21, at a cal profession and druggists are
meeting of the Christian Mobil- on these committees, the purpose
izers. The paper, to be called Cur- of which will be to supervise the
tiss' Weekly American Bulletin, supply of medicines and drugs
will be devoted to the establish- to the public, and to see that nor-
ment of a strong Nationalist Party mal commercial relations are
in the United States and will co- maintained by the local pharma-
operate with the efforts of the ceutical factories, wholesalers and
Christian Mobilizers, the German- pharmacy stores. Where request-
For tree planting in Palestine, American Bund and the Christian ed, the committees
will under-
please call Mrs. Philip Slomo- Front. Curtiss, the editor, is a take the examination of medical
vitz, University 1-6972, 17417 staunch supporter of Father preparations and remedies to as
Stoepel Ave.
Coughlin. certain their quality.

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