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January 01, 1943 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1943-01-01

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Page Four



Start the New Year Right

Member of Independent Jewish Press Service, Jewish Tele-
graphic Agency, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Religious News
Service, PaIcor News Agency, Bressler Cartoon Service, Wide World
Photo Service.
Published every Friday by Jewish News Publishing Co., 2114
Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Telephone, RAndolph 7956. Sub-
scription rate, $3 a year; foreign, $4 a year. Club subscription of one
issue a month, published every fourth Friday in the month, to all
subscribers to Allied Jewish Campaign of Jewish Welfare Federa-
tion of Detroit, at 50 cents a club subscription per year.
Entered as second-class matter August 6, 1942, at the Post
Office at Detroit, Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

The Weekly

Rabbi of The Temple,
Cleveland, Ohio

(Copyright, 1942, by Independent
Jewish Press Service)



STAYING ON/ 7/11011


VOL. 2—NO. 11

Friday, January I , 1943

JANUARY 1, 1943

00/1410 M. ArafiW

This Week's Scriptural Portions:

This Sabbath. the twenty-fifth day of Tebet, the following
Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Penta-
teuchal portion, Ex. 1:1-6:1; Prophetical portion, Is. 27:6-28:13;
39:22, 23. On Thursday, Rosh Hodesh Shevat, Num. 28:1-15
will be read during morning services.

A New Year's Message

By Jewish education we all
mean education in the Jewish re-
ligion, in Torah. It means that, or
it means nothing at all. The sole
purpose of education among our
people throughout the ages was
to teach men to live according to
the , law. Our people, of course,
knew of Hochmah — secular
knowledge, alongside of Torah—
religious instruction, and except
in certain periods and places
were not opposed to Hochmah.

Torah did not mean abstract
religious philosophy or theology.
It meant instruction in moral con-
duct based on divine authority.
Our forefathers were not great
philosophers. It was nearly 1,500
years after Socrates and Plato
before we produced our first im-
portant systematic philosopher.
But centuries before the time of
Athenian philosophers our peo-
ple produced Moses, Micah, Jere-
miah and Isaiah. "The Hebrew,"
to quote Zangwill, "was never a
speculator (about God) nor a re-
flector, but always an actor. God
was not to be figured in thought
or art, but to be obeyed."

Dr. Israel Goldstein, the very able president of the
Synagogue Council of America, last week addressed a
New Year's message to the Catholics and Protestants of
this country, through Dr. Samuel M. Cavert, general sec-
retary of the Federal Council of Churches, and the Rt.
Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Ready, general secretary of the
[National Catholic Welfare Conference. It avas a most
ippropriate statement in which the head of the Council
PM, the militant New York daily newspaper, on Dec.
which represents all branches of American Judaism , 23 exposed the nasty piece of Nazi propaganda which
For Modern Living
Toiced our people's gratitude to the Christian churches for has been making the rounds under the guise of a "joke"
education was an ex-
;heir many expressions of sympathy in behalf of the about all the first heroes of the war being Irish while the
perience in, and preparation for,
)ppressed Jews of Europe.
first person to receive four new tires was a Jew.
modern living in the sight of God..
We are confident that all civilized peoples will echo
Americans of all faiths and all shades of opinion owe Its texts were the Bible and its
the sentiments expressed in Dr. Goldstein's statement to ! debt of gratitude to PM for its exposure of what it rabbinic derivatives. Its locale
;he Christians of Amerfca : "As we have passed through termed "the dirtiest rumor-smear of the war."
was the Synagogue. Its mood was
the old year in a fellowship of anxiety, sorrow and sacri-
Among those referred to in this horrible piece of piety. Its devotions were the
fice, may it be granted by our Father in Heaven, that the propaganda, which has all the ear-marks of a Nazi-made prayer book. Its spiritual exer-
new year may enrich our fellowship by the experience of 1 ibel, was John C. Cullen, Coast Guardsman who outwitted cises were Holy Day observtrices.
victory over the forces of evil followed by the dawn of a t he Nazi submarine saboteurs. Here is what Cullen had Its songs were the Psalms.
ust and therefore permanent peace."
t o say to PM : "I understand my name is being used, with-
As a people we need not be
Catholics and Protestants customarily greet us on out my consent, in a leaflet called the 'First American.' admonished or encouraged about
Rosh Hashanah. The exchange of good wishes on the Persons putting out that leaflet have no right to use my the importance of secular educa-
civil New Year is the expression of our sentiments of name. We are in this fight together, Jews, Catholics, and tion. We are avid for it. The
motherhood and 'good will which we hope will prevail Protestants. We are all trying to do our part. Anybody Jewish mind is making brilliant
f or all time to come. v who tries to stir up hatred against a race or religion is contributions today, in nearly
every field of human thought.
This is the spirit in which we say to all men and p laying the Nazi game. I hope every good American who But
our youth needs religion and
s ees this leaflet, or any leaflet attempting to divide us, our adults need religion. This
will tear it up."
entire generation of Jews and
non-Jews alike has gone from
The Jewish Position
a re pleased to reprint, is part of our fight - against Nazism. one disaster to another for lack
A number of the most illustrious leaders in American L And it may well be that our internal fight is more serious of it.
.ewry, who were among those assembled at the Jewish ' an the external one.
No Substitutes
rational Fund conference in Detroit last week-end, took „
That's the way to _fight such ugly rumors—and fight
To thoughtful Jews it is be-
cce.sion to review the Jewish position in the world. Gen- it we must at all times.
coming increasingly clear that
e ral agreement that there has been lack of frankness in
there are no substitutes in Jew-
ealing with our problem was inevitable. While the United
ish life for religion. Neither phi-
Nations issued a strong declaration condemning the Nazi
lanthropy- nor culture nor na-
a trocities against the Jews, we are still waiting for assur-
From Zurich comes a Jewish Telegraphic Agency tionalism is adequate for the
a nces that the problem of Jewish homelessness will be ri sport quoting Nazi statistics and boasts that hundreds stress and challenge of our lives.
All these interests can and must
reated firmly and fairly after the war and that the pledges ° f towns in Poland have been made "Judenrein." -
lade after the last war for the establishment of a Jewish
The question that should be asked by the civilized find their rightful place within
rational Home in Palestine will be honored.
p eoples of the world is : What has happened to the thous- the generous pattern of Judaism.
the pattern must be Juda-
Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, Dr. Nahum Goldmann and ,,a Ids upon thousands of people who have been "cleared But
ism, the Judaism of the Torah,
0 ther spokesmen asserted that definite and frank dec- ' ut" of their homes?
the synagogue and the prayer
Putting facts and figures together, the answer is book, the Judaism of the priest,
rations on the Jewish position must be made now—it
bvious. When the Nazis speak of making a community the prophet, the saint, the mystic
rill be too late if we wait until after the war is over. Dr.
S ilver's admonition that post-war plans already are being
Judenrein," it means that they have resorted to murder. and the rabbi, the Judaism which
f. )rmulated, justified the fear and the anxiety expressed
Simultaneously with the publishing of the Zurich speaks of God, and the worship
a t the gatherings here.
r( sport comes an additional JTA cable from Moscow. It of God, and the commandments
It is important, therefore, that the challenges issued j, cotes the official Soviet statement on Nazi massacres of of God and the quest of God.
.om the conference in Detroit be broadcast to the world, J,
It is folly and worse at this
6 ws Hitler-occupied territories and points out that
a E large, in order that the democratic powers may know ,,
,000 Jews have been massacred in Kiev and Dniepro- desperate and critical moment in
0 ar anxiety and concern over the future. If the coming .:, trovsk, an equal number in Riga, 20,000 in Luck, Wohl-
our history to draw misleading
eace is to be as fruitless as some of the promises made 1, aia ; 32,000 in Sarny, 1,600 in Rakitna, 1,250 in Bersna, distinctions between Judaism and
a I'ter the last war, then mankind is fighting in vain and
400 in Kostopol, 1,500 in Zdolbunovo and thousands in Zionism, to suggest that prophetic
)me of the skeptical, who predict that another war will of , ; her communities. "Severe revenge" will be imposed Judaism is anti-nationalist, or
? necessary to win the objectives of democracy, may 161 on the Nazis, the Soviets warn, and those who are fol- that the universal ethical teach-
wing the record of Nazi horrors will echo the hope that ings of Judaism demand that the
p .ove to be right.
Jewish people shall never again
It is clear that there is justification in the warning th e day of reckoning may come soon.
reconstruct its national life in the
c, at we must prepare at once for the peace to come, and
historic national home where
reparation, in our case, means a continuous battle now of udenrein" as a substitute for murder and massacre, is these universal ethical teachings
ie of them.
c ir recognition of our rights and for protection of Jewish
were first promulgated. The total
li- ves through just guarantees in Palestine and wherever
Zionist program is the fulfillment
el se havens of refuge may be established for the homeless
of prophetic Judaism.
Je wish masses. This major need of our time must not be
The anti-nationalism of a
The report from London that a Jewish delegation
oc 'erlooked either by us or by our neighbors.
11.€ aded by Prof. Selig Brodetsky, president of the Board handful of modern Reform rabbis
of Deputies of British Jews, has presented a plan for res- is a very recent and an altogether
importation into Jewish
C ting Jews in Nazi-dominated countries is welcome pews alien
A Michigan Colony in Palestine
life. It was first proclaimed in
f o r our people everywhere.
19th century Germany, and hav-
At the Jewish National Fund conference held in
While this JTA report does not indicate what the ing been completely bankrupt
etroit, Rabbi Eric Friedland of Pontiac, Rabbi S. Z. Fine- pr oposals
are, it is encouraging to know that Christians there, it is now being offered
bE rg of Flint, Louis B. Harrison of Bay City and spokes- as
in en for other Michigan communities expressed a desire sti well as Jews are demanding revision of Britain's "ob- again as something sensationally
nate policy on refugees" and that the suggestion has new to the Jews of America—
at a Nachlath Michigan—a colony bearing the name of be en advanced that the British Government should ap- with an eye to the non-Jew.
ou r state—be established in Palestine.
Our religious schools are in-
the Palestine problem "with greater energy, imag-
This ' is a commendable undertaking, especially in in oach
dispensable agencies in the pro-
vi ew of the great devotion shown the cause of Palestine's
gram of religious revival and
re demption by the Jews of Michigan. If this proposal is an The important need at the moment is that our leaders spiritual renewal. Jerusalem was
tr tnslated into reality, it will follow the example of Jews fa] d our friends in the democratic governments should not destroyed, say our rabbis, when
in other states, notably Massachusetts and Wisconsin, in WE I asleep at the switch. If we plan properly and in time, there were no longer such schools
will have reason to believe that the distressing prob- within the city and children were
lose names Nachloth are being established in Palestine. ler as of our people will be solved fairly and amicably.
no longer instructed in them.

The Ugliest of Rumors

"judenrein 11 Means Murder



Jewish Rescue Proposals

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