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January 10, 1969 • Page Image 27

Hillel Foundations. The University of Michigan has the largest Jewish enrollment, 2,561 (general, 29,493), with Wayne State University running a close second: 2,355 out of a total student population of 32…

…- tute of Technology, with 120 Jewish students, have Wayne Hillel avail- able to. them, as does Highland Park Community College, with 260 Jewish students. Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo (146…

University, which has a large Jewish student body but is not listed separately in the catalogue, is probably included here as an affiliate of Michigan State University.) Northern Michigan University at…

March 10, 1961 • Page Image 12

… be in Ann Arbor March 14-16 speaking at the University Donation $1.00 of Michigan, Hillel Foundation and Eastern Michigan University. Shamir will meet the press 4 at Hillel and will You Are Cordially…

… Wegener, also will be of- ors and par- fered. the Telshe A group, meeting with Ca 'n, Rabbi ministrative bbi Shlomo MANOR HAVEN Novelist Shamir Will Speak at Michigan Universities will present him in a…

… known novelist, a prominent spokesman for the younger gen- eration in Israel, will be the guest of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University Mon- day and Tuesday. He will lecture on "The Con…

… public lec- introduced in the Michigan tore on "The Challenge of Jewish League at the UJA dinner of the Identity — in tiv • r. ewish Ann Arbor Jewish Community. Literature." mor at 1 Thursda PREPARED…

….00 KE 7-61 ee-month lecture tour under rship of the Hillel the United dations a ish Appeal. During his stay n Detroit, Shamir will app r informally 10 Mile Road at Kenosha, Oak Park before a number f…

… groups by arrangements with r. Max Kapu- stin, dire r of t Wayne State Univers Bnai r i t h Hillel ho ill be his host. Fo da iterature classes and meet with aeli students and Wayne t wi studen of Midrasha…

… grog of the Eng- under t the Univer- lish d and the re in Audito- sity, 1 Hall. ri urnrliii, at 8 p.m. Hillel artfelt thanks and erg and her sons, Catering, 18641 providing the facil- b. 27, 1961. take…

… and university t, playw more of his seven teacher. T publishe novels have received in and Brenner prizes. the U Morris L Schaver Auditorium, 19161 Shaefer Ro as come to the U.S. for a H Donation $1…

…12 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, March 10, .1961 — Cong. Beth Shalom Begins Discussion Series, Hebrew Courses, Probe of Jewish Life A new adult education dis- for Ruben Erlbaum, is for men…

… cussion series on the theme, who wish to enhance their "Understanding Religious Dif- ability to chant the Haftarah ferences," will begin 9:15 p.m. and the Nusach (motif) of lit- Tuesday at Cong. Beth Shalom…

September 10, 1965 • Page Image 20

…J A Lends Hand to Needy Children Hillel College Students Seek Out the Meaning of 'Jewish Values' and Identity at Institute STARLIGHT, Pa. (TA)—Partici- pants in the 20th national Hillel summer…

… brought to the institute a question which leaders of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation sought to answer. Most questions were aimed at finding a uniquely Jew- ish approach to life in an age marked by a…

… floor shows •- - / • New Low Rates! "WHERE VACATION DREAMS COME TRUEr FREE GOLF . SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN Phone 637-5118 (Am 616) tion of 743,669. This will include informative ads about all…

… felt integrated in the gen- eral culture and wanted to learn what was distinct about Judaism as a current mode of life. A defi- ciency was seen by Hillel leaders in education that could link Judaism with…

… current world de- velopments. Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, na- tional Hillel director, stated that most of the students frankly ad- mitted to being inadequately in- formed about Judaism, and ap- peared eager "to…

… in 42 coun- tries. Dr. Norman Frimer, New York KE 1-8196 director of the Hillel Foundation, urged American Jewish youth to adopt a dynamic philosophy based Want ads get quick results! on the ideal of

… number of Canadian institutions, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Oxford University of England and more than 100 Amer- ican universities. MUSIC! ENTERTAINMENT! SAMMY WOOLF STARLIGHT, Pa. (JTA)—Dele- AND…

… institute, in a week-long series of sessions here, which ad- journed Sunday, indicated some vital areas of Jewish student con- cern. A determined search was seen as emerging among Jewish univer- sity students…

… for the meaning of "Jewish values" and "Jewish iden- tity "as distinguished from the -generally accepted human values of America. Some 215 Jewish students from 123 American and foreign univer- sities…

… Jewish girl at the top lives in a Moslem country. She cannot hear, but she is learning the sounds of speech, thanks to a special Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) program for the young handicapped. The…

December 10, 1965 • Page Image 27

… Detroit Nov. 26. Here we have a frightful example of what can happen if you try to condense a 40-minute presentation into two sentences. The subject assigned to me was "The Relationship of Hillel, Young…

… history of the Hillel movement, analyzing its purposes, achievements and problems, I commended both Young Israel's collegiate or- ganization and Yavneh for their efforts to help the traditional student on…

… at Northland Art Gallery ]4 p.m. Sunday, introducing prords ing young Michigan artists from the SOCIETY OF ARTS AND CRAFTS, many of whom are scholarship students. Fine art at moderate prices will be…

… the campus, although I deplored the duplication in- volved in having two organiza- tions of this type. Young Israel has pioneered with Kashrut facilities at 11 (soon 12) universities and colleges…

… KAPUSTIN Director Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Wayne State University * * * (Editor's Note: The Jewish News regrets that its own re- porters were not present at the convention and that it was mis- informed…

… Barbara UNiversity 4-7408 ZIM to Withdraw in '67 From Ghanaian Ship Line ACRE — ZIM, Israel National Shipping Lines, and the Black Star Shipping Co. of Ghana have reached an agreement whereby ZIM will…

…New Welfare Board Chaplaincy Chairman LETTER BOX Israel Bonds Medallion for Anti-Nazi Marlene Attorney Irving B. Ackerman was elected vice president of the Old Newsboys Goodfellow Fund at the…

October 10, 1969 • Page Image 29

… year b ■ Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan "to give voice to the creative and dynamic aspects of Jewish life and views on the cam- pus," according to an announce- ment by Hillel. In other…

…, the couple will reside in East Lansing, where both a students at Michigan State Univ., city. U-M .Hillel -Tells of 'Radical' Jewish Student Paper A "radical" Jewish newspaper is being sponsored this…

… activities on the U. of M. campus: The Jewish Peace Fellowship, in conjunction with other peace groups, will support the national strike to end the war in Vietnam Oct. 15. On that day, the Hillel Foundation…

Hillel Foundation has featured the work of sculptress Barbara Brodsky and will be followed by other displays of art work. On Wednesday, the Moadon, an informal discussion group of Amer- ican and Israeli…

… the bride of Louis Laurence War- ren. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Korn of Green- field Rd., Southfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warren of Jeanette Pl., Southfield. The bride wore a…

… silk organza gown with lace appliques. Il•r headpiece held a floor -length matching mantilla. Andrea Sachse served her sis- ter as matron of honor, and Ellen Warren, sister of the bride- groom, was maid…

of honor. Renee Berlin was a bridesmaid. Donald Rosen served as best man, and ushers included Richaru Korn, Leonard Yourist and junior usher, Edmond Sachse. After a honeymoon in Montreal and Toronto…

… will be closed. The Student Soviet Jewry Committee continues its activ- ities on behalf of the "Jews of silence", following its participa- tion in the Simhat Torah pro- gram. A series of art exhibits at…

… students and faculty, will discuss "Politics and Politicians in Israel" 7:30 p.m. at Hillel House. Internationally-Famous CHEF ROBERT WILL CATER YOUR • Wedding • Bar Mitzva • Banquet • Shower ANY…

… SIZE — IN THE HOME, HALL OR HOTEL OF YOUR CHOICE — OR OUR AVAIL- ABLE SITES. Hot end Cold Hors d'Oevres THE GOLDEN WHEEL 22155 Coolidge, S. of 9 Mile Oak Park 399-3636 Editor, The Jewish News: 1 up…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 23

… Center N Language Forum. N N N N N N The department of Near Eastern "The Third Book of Maccabees" languages and literatures at the he translated into Hebrew with University of Michigan, in con- commentary…

…Mr. Murray Shanbaum Weds _Barbara Smelsey THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society Mrs. Reuben Bienstock, 15945 Addison, Southfield, resident of the Michigan Region of Hadassah, is in Israel…

…. All the lectures are open to junction with the Bnai Brith _Hillel the public. Foundation and the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor, will present Dr. Theodor H. Gaster as the 1967 holder of the…

… foreign language teach- Cohn Chapel of the Hillel Building, ing. To thoroughly acquaint par- 1429 Hill St., Dr. Gaster will speak ticipants with the psychology of on "Judaism in a New Idiom." the teaching…

… Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- The largest delegation attend- tion, with the collaboration of the ing the week's program is from Zwerdling Family. the United Hebrew Schools of Currently professor of religion…

of Michigan Law is his comparative study of Jewish School. The wedding will take popular customs and beliefs, and place May 7. a ■ N ngagemen,ts WYN and HAROLD LANDIS Friday, March 10, 1967…

…, Southfield, who is president of South Oakland County Chapter of Hadassah. Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority of Wayne State University recently captured second place honors in the annual Panhellenic Sing, • a…

May 10, 1963 • Page Image 14

… institutions. In the case of Sir George Williams University, examina- tions scheduled to be held on the campus on a Saturday were given also at Hillel House after sundown for the Jewish stu- dents. They stayed…

… exempt from tak- ing their final tests on the Sabbath. Hillel School Plans Lag B'Omer Picnic The Hillel Day School of Met- ropolitan Detroit will hold its annual ag B'Omer picnic 12:30 p.m. May 19 at Oak…

… their examinations on days other than Saturdays have been made at McGill and Sir George • William Universities here, it was announced by Rabbi Samuel Cass, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation director at the two…

… famous. Try it, today! At Leading Delicatessens, Supermarkets & Restaurants NEW YORK (JTA)—A gift of $1,000,000 was made to New York University by. Joe Wein- stein, noted Jewish philanthrop- ist. The…

… money will be used to build student residences at the Distributed in Detroit & Michigan by: university's Washington Square JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit—Tel: UN 2-5822 Center in lower Manhattan. …

… at Hillel House from the time the ex- aminations began until after sundown, when they were given the same tests. At McGill, other special arrangements were made for Jewish students who wished to be…

… Park Park Area 2, corner of Church and Northfield. Games and sports will start at 2 p.m. with prizes awarded to the winners. In case of rain, the picnic will take place at the school building 'n the…

… Jewish Center on W. Ten Mile Rd., Oak Park Friends are invited. Britain to Increase Penalties for. Racism LONDON, (JTA) — Penalties for conduct intended to pro- voke a breach of the peace will be…

… increased as soon as a suita- ble opportunity occurs, Home Secretary Henry Brooke as- sured the House of Commons. If you like CHEESE KREF'LAC H SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Rochelle Ribiat has been Zeiger, vice…

…-president; Esther elected president of the Beth Kingston, secretary; and Mich- A b r a h a m Synagogue LTG ael Rice, treasurer. Leader of Group. Other officers are Harold the group is Dr. Leon Burg. TEMPLE ISRAEL…

June 10, 1966 • Page Image 30

… were presented to top teams and individual win- ners from the Bnai Moshe Tallis At the annual meeting and elec- and Tephillin Club. tion of officers of the Hillel Day Mickey Friedman, club adviser…

Hillel Day School Pupils Elect Richard Minkin Student Council Chief Richard Mink in was elected president of the newly f ormed student council of Hillel Day School. Delegates are Ralph Greenberg, Mark…

… Jewish with trained college counselors. state. Shlomo Biederman, music In the beautiful Irish Hills, Michigan. director of the UHS, will direct the 'cantata. The High School Dance Group Full program 11…

… by the Detroit Association of Phi Beta Kappa and was awarded a cer- tificate of merit as a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship competition. She will enter the University of Chicago in the fall…

…. WE RENT NEW CONTINENTAL MOHAIR Tony Martin Dress Suits ALSO FEATURING A FINE SELECTION OF Men's Clothing Discount Prices HANDELSMAN CLOTHING 7651 W. McNICHOLS at Santa Barbara UNiversity 4…

…, School, Abe Kasle was elected president for the coming academic announced that first place in League A went to the team of Jim year. Kasle had Boschan, Brian Cohen, Steve Krue- previously served ger and…

… Ken Bershad. The team of as a vice presi- Stan Horowitz, Joel Friedman, dent. Steve Raskin and Jeffrey Olstien Retained as vice placed first for League B. presidents were Nathan Shur, Individual…

…, honorary presi- dent; and Rabbi Jacob E. Segal, honorary life president. Abe Kasle Elected Hillel. President ard Gutman. - * * Bnai Moshe Junior Congrega- tion will take its annual trip to Tiger Stadium…

January 10, 1969 • Page Image 28

…. graduate of Eastern Michigan Uni- 398-5357 versity in occupational therapy. those today. Her fiance was graduated from the He paid a glowing tribute to University of Michigan and will Rabbi Segal's dedicated…

… adaptation of the City Worker's Family Budget 03 Mile & Greenfield--Across from Northland) offer ideas and guidance on local Hillel Day School PTO as prepared from time to time by Call 342-3000 For the Finest…

…'S SAMPLE LINES tion of Detroit at the group's an- Hillel Day School PTO will take Imagination Suits • Coats • Dresses • Sportswear nual meeting. Harry Shulman, who place 8 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Adas If the…

… Inter-University Jewish Federation and religious adviser for the Asso- ciation for Jewish Youth. He work- ed with Abba Eban and Abraham Harman while president of the Lon- don Zionist Central Council. For…

…, Prof. Law- declared that the New Left is like 646-6138 rence H. Seltzer of Wayne State ter. the Old Yevsektsia (Jewish Com- P1 a n s for the University offers a comprehensive munists) in Russia, like…

University persons. of Chicago, Columbia University and the College of Jewish Studies in Chicago. A resident of New Mo'os Hitim Elects "See Next Season's Fashions Today" York, he is the son of the late Morris…

… speaker for the annual Mikva Dinner, to be held 6:30 p.m. Jan. 26 at Cong. Shaarey Shoma- yim, will be Rabbi Isaac L. Swift of Cong. Ahavath Tora, Engle- wood, N.J. a fac- ulty member of Herzl Institute…

…, New York City. Rabbi Swift, who was born in Liverpool, was educated in Eng- land and ordained in Jerusalem. He served as a mem- ber of the Beth Din and chairman Rabbi Swift of the board of education in…

… Syd- ney, Australia. He also was a member of the standing committee on education of the Executive Council of Australia and New Zea- land. While Rabbi Swift resided in London, he was president of the…

… information on the Alava Dinner, call Mrs. E. Friedman, 863-9611, or Marvin Seligson, DI 1-6657. Couples Unit to Take Care of Business at Meeting The City of Hope Mr. and Mrs. Group will meet 8:30 p.m. Satur…

December 10, 1965 • Page Image 7

… physicians. Dr. Kahn has been associated with the University of Michigan since 1928. He became profressor emeritus in 1957, and continues to carry on medical research at the University of Michigan, - as re…

…, and Dr. Reuben L. Kahn (second from left), pro- fessor emeritus of bacteriology from the University of Michigan Medical School, are shown congratulating Dr. Albert Sabin at the Scopus dinner in New York…

…. New Ottawa Home for Aged OTTAWA (JTA)—Jewish and governmental leaders participated in the dedication of the new $350,- 000 Hillel Lodge, a Jewish home for the aged here. Principal par- ticipants…

… included Louise Cecile, minister of welfare of the Prov- ince of Ontario . J. C. Horwitz, president of Hillel Lodge; Samuel Berger and Gilbert Greenberg, vice-presidents; Abraham Shaffer, treasurer; Mrs…

… Sabin, originatotr of the virus anti-polio vaccine, and Dr. Bernard Cherrick, represent- ing the Hebrew University, will be guest speakers, and Dr. Kahn will be the honored guest at the dinner…

…- sue immunity. Dr. Kahn has been the recipient of a number of honorary degrees. The latest, an honorary MD. de- gree by the National University of Greece, at Athens in March 1963; and an honorary Ph…

….D. by Far Eastern University, Manila, Phil- lippines, in April 1964. By invitation of the League of Nations Health Organization, Dr. Kahn lectured in medical centers in Europe in 1928 and in Latin America…

… in 1930. Since that time he has been invited to lecture 4> abroad on numerous occasions. In 1963, Dr. Kahn spoke at the Hadassah Medical School of the Hebrew University at Jerusalem, Israel, at the Tel…

… Hashomer Hos pital of Tel Aviv, at London Uni versity Medical School and at the National University, Athens. He is the author of over 200 sci- entific articles and of six books, one of which was translated…

… into Russian in 1931 and into Spanish in 1932. * * * Dr. Abraham Becker (left) and Dr. Max L. Lichter (right), co- chairmen of the Physicians Committee of the American Friends of the Hebrew University

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 29

… Shepherd, chairman; Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University; Mrs. Walter E. Klein, former school teacher and social worker; Common Pleas Court Judge Joseph J. Pernick; and…

… following school hours. In small groups under the leadership of two adult co-leaders, they discuss a book they have all read prior to the meeting. Three mothers from Hillel, trained for three months by staff…

… from the list of Robert Frost Junior High School winners in the Southeastern Michigan, National Scholastic Art Exhibit. Jo, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis of Morton Ave., Oak Park, received a…

University's "Best Dressed wardrobe of his own. Man" is currently the envy of his A sociology major on a pre- Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity broth- medical curriculum, Feuer is the ers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward…

…Good Readers in the Making at Hillel MUND01111/ THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 10, 1967-29 Sandy Feuer Rated WSU'S Best Dressed Man I G S A special enrichment program for good readers…

… who are inter- ested in discussing great ideas with one another is under way at Hillel Day School. Fifth and sixth grade students meet once every three weeks for the 11/2-hour Junior Great Books program…

… members of the Great Books Foundation, hold leadership certificates for discussion leaders. Readings selected for this year include "Aesop's Fables" and "Medieval Tales;" Fabre's Selections in Science…

…;" Browning's "The Pied Piper of Hamlin;" and Tolstoy's "Fables." At a session are (from left, clockwise) : Mark Brandwine, Douglas Ellmann, Robert Schostak, Barry Kuhel, Daniel Schnipper, Mrs. Eli Benstein…

… School Reuben Young, chairman of the youth commission of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, this week announced a decision of the local branch of the Zionist Organization of America to provide a full…

… schol- arship for a ninth or tenth grade Detroit student in the newly-formed Mollie Goodman High School at Kfar Silver in Israel. Young said the ZOD plan calls for selection, by a panel of ap- pointed…

July 10, 1964 • Page Image 23

… the department of political science at the University of Michigan, will speak on "Im- pressions of India" 7:30 p. m. Wednesday at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill. Dr. Eldersveld, a member of

…. and Mrs. Jack Okin of Great Neck, N.Y. The bride-elect is a senior at the University of Michigan. Her fiance attends the University of Michigan Medical School. An August wedding is planned. I…

… concentration camps of Germany. Women in the community are in- vited. For information, call Mrs. Kaplan, UN 2-1170. Political Scientist to Talk at U. of M. Hillel House Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, chairman of

… AMSTERDAM (JTA) — The government of The Netherlands voted a grant for the establish- ment, for the first time, of a chair at the University of Amsterdam for the teaching of modern Hebrew and Yiddish language…

…, and a one- hour course weekly in the Yiddish department. Both courses will be conducted by Dr. Leib Fuks, chairman of the university's division of Hebraica and Judaica. Dr. Fuks, a ranking member of the…

university's library staff, is also director of the Rosenthaliana Library, one of the world's most valued Judaica-Hebraica collec- tions, bequeathed to the institu- tion by the late Baron G. Rosen- thal. He…

…Fagan-Segel Rites 1nnounced for June On the Record By NATHAN ZIPRIN Editor, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate MISS ARLENE FAGAN Mr. and Mrs. David Fagan of Ridgedale Ave., Oak Park, an- nounce the…

… engagement of their daughter Arlene Rochelle to Arthur B. Segel, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Segel of Aberdeen Rd., Southfield. A June wedding is planned. /— Dutch Govt. Establishes Chair - in Hebrew, Yiddish…

…) — Dr. Nahum ] Goldmann, president of the World Zionist Organization and World Jewish Congress. and Dr. Maurice Perlzweig, director of the WJC's "-- -international department, met with Mayor Willy Brandt…

… while visiting / — here July 4. They discussed a wide variety of Jewish problems. Dr. Goldmann and Dr. Perlzweig also met with Dr. Heinz Galinski, the chairman of the Berlin Jewish community. This is the…

February 10, 1967 • Page Image 19

… her fiance a Camp Gan Israel comittee an- graduate of the University of nounces the launching of a scholar- Michigan's dental school, where campaign. he was affiliated with Alpha ship Leonard E. Baron…

… in excess close in mid-March, has as its of $1,000,000 in new life insurance goal the establishment of 100 as he was Indianapolis Life's top scholarships. Co-chairman of the agent in Michigan and…

… engag,ment of their daughter Barbara Marcia to Dr. Ronald Lawrence Lebus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lebus of Ilene Ave. The bride-elect is a graduate of Wayne State University's college of education, and…

…Barbara Berk Engaged to Dr. Ronald L. Lebus MISS BARBARA BERK THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS activities in Society In honor of the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bookstein of Corning Ave…

…., Oak Park, their children Mr. and Mrs. Gerald (Joan) Penfil and Rita Bookstein entertained at an open house recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Raskin of Courtland Ave., Oak Park. Helping…

… celebrate the occasion were 80 of their relatives and friends. At the Louis Rothenberg Club's 37th annual anniversary dinner party, the following officers were installed for the coming year: Edward Rothenberg…

…, president; William Rothenberg, treasurer; Ann Levin, recording secretary; and Nettie Rothenberg, corresponding secretary. Eric Neal Baron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baron of Oak Park Blvd., left for…

… California last week to enroll in college. A farewell party was given by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, at their home on Monica Ave. Mr. Baron is the great-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham…

… Greenblatt of Linwood Ave. Misses Wendy and Janice Appleton of Kenwood Ave., Oak Park, recently hosted a surprise silver anniversary cocktail party for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Appleton, at the…

… family home. Approxi- mately 40 friends and relatives greeted the couple. At the last meeting of the Sherman Family Club, the following officers were elected: Mrs. Philip Sherman, president; Mrs. Jane Saks…

September 10, 1965 • Page Image 29

…, president of the Art Institute Founders Society and president of Michigan Bell; Hyman Saffran; Stanley Winkelman; Max J. Pincus, chairman of patrons committee; Israel Consul Jacob Barmore and Art Institute…

…- wood, N. J., Linden, N. J., Balti- more, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Ro- chester, Buffalo and New Haven. Gift of Cornell Professor Initiates Hillel Book Fund WASHINGTON — Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations…

…, N.Y. It will be used to add the specialized books to Hillel Founda- tion libraries at 87 major colleges. not of Israel but by Isrealis; art that- follows a pattern based on claims of modernity; art…


…, ILLINOIS WHITEHALL 3-0265 August 5th, 1965 Re. 553,1 Yr. Ed Carey, President •Detroit Common Council City-Council Building Detroit, Michigan Dear Mr. Carey: May I take this opportunity of expressing to…

… years, is candidate for the office of Circuit Court judge. A graduate of the Detroit In- stitute of Technology and the De- troit College of Law, O'Connell also studied education at Wayne State University

… Director Willis F. Woods. * * * "Art Israel," the exhibition of modern paintings, drawings and sculptures by Israeli artists that opened at the Institute of Arts Tuesday evening, to continue through Oct. 3…

…, has stirred interest- ing discussions. Some of the debates approach controversy. The impressions gathered at the exhibit differed. Many were puzzled, a large num- ber, especially art critics, accepted…

… and acclaimed the works, laymen were heard to reject some of the works, and there were those who queried: "what do they mean?" This debate in itself is cause for deep interest in an exhibition that has…

… been labeled "Art Israel" — wisely termed becaused it is art 114 East European Refugees Arrive in N.Y., Aided by Hias NEW YORK (JTA) — A group of 114 Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe, the largest…

June 10, 1966 • Page Image 6

… your Telephone Man. Michigan Bell Part of the Nationwide Bell System HILLEL DAY SCHOOL OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT mina Sckaver Jribute Concert Guest Artist an tWerce Emma Schaver Thursday, June 23…

…, 8:30 P.M. A limited number of seats available at $5.00 and $10.00 Ford Auditorium America's Foremost Tenor For reservations call Hillel Concert Office 353-3105 …

…, phy- sics; Sir Robert Robinson of Lon- don, 1947 Nobel Laureate, chemis- try; Dr. Ernest B. Chain, of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London University, 1944 Nobel Laureate, medicine and…

…- closed by Sir Isaiah Berlin, pro- fessor of social and political theory at Oxford University and a Fellow at All Souls College, and by Foreign Minister Eban. Louis Lipsky; Maurice Samuel; Cass Canfield…

…, chairman of the board of Harper and Row; Dr. Ritchie Calder, science writer, now professor of international rela- tions at Edinburgh University; and Dr. Isaac Berenblum, internation- ally recognized cancer…

…••7141•1411/1■141•11%k 'Meyer Weisgal at Seventy': Odyssey of an Optimist to Be Out June 30 Weidenfeld and Nicolson of Lon- don will publish "The Odyssey of an Optimist,' the story of Meyer Weisgal…

… and his 50-year journey to Zion, from the ghetto of Kikol, in the Russian Pale of Settlement, to Rehovoth in Israel, the creator of a scientific tradition for the State of Israel and "the Master Builder…

of the Weizmann Institute of Scien c e," a $100 million City of Science, which, in a decade, has moved to the forefront among the top ten scientific institutions in the world and which "has helped to…

… make Israel one of the foremost scientific resources of the world," according to President Lyndon B. Johnson. The book's authors are leaders of the world of science, govern- ment, diplomacy, literature…

…, busi- ness and public affairs, each of whom tells the story of his encoun- ter with Weisgal. Titled "Meyer Weisgal at Sev- enty," the book, to be published June 30, unfolds the drama of an extraordinary…

March 10, 1967 • Page Image 24

… Technion's depart- Miss Bowman, a music teacher standing and worthy project. an adjunct faculty member in ment of mechanics, will continue at Michigan State University, is A Thankful Former Patient, Wayne…

…, world Physics laboratory, is also doing Jewish life in America. Weddings — Bar Mitzvahs Samuel, who visited Hillel Day ish community is fortunate to chairman of the Keren Hayesod in research for the…

… acquaint Michigan optometrists national affairs to be held in New of this state and religious ques- and their patients with the newly York and in other major cities in tion." And on Jewish federation aid to…

… by the Associa- Europe and other parts of the nized as a necessity." Pointing to the Jews' historic tion of Michigan Optometrists at world, as well as from the United stress upon learning, Samuel said…

… to Michigan Cancer Foundation, Dr. * * * pursue it. Knowledge was the pre- Manuel Jacobs, president of the Rabbi A. BRUCE GOLDMAN requisite for a full life." unit board of trustees, announced. has been…

… complex The Jewish world is in the day ROBBINS, president of the Wayne developed by Israel Rogosin, the school. At Hillel, I had a glimpse County unit. The American Cancer American Jewish industrialist and…

… Park High Reunion Michigan, Adrian College and Mich- as director of education for the igan Technological Institute, Michigan Cancer Foundation was Planned for Class of '57 The Oak Park High School class…

… was very happy to read an arti- cle in the issue of Feb. 24 relating ida State University. Marans, born borhood Conservation and Im- to kosher meals in hospitals. in Detroit, received his bachelor of

… State University's school research for the U.S. Air Force president of Alpha Epsilon Phi R. T. of social work. Among his al:film- Office of Aerospace Research, Sorority. Her fiance is a senior in • tions…

of what the Jewish education sys- tem should be." Society is supporting research philanthropist. * * at Wayne State University, Michi- gan State University, University of Appointment of DAVID BROWN Oak…

September 10, 1965 • Page Image 28

… and Michigan Federation of Teachers conventions. He also is a member of the Oak Park Human Relations Committee. * * * VICTOR POLLEY, administra- tive director of the Stratford Shakespearean Festiva 1…

… BENJAMIN D. BURDICK will be guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Michigan state legis- lative committee of the Brother- hood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station…

…, executive director of the Jewish Community Council and Center of El Paso since 1961, has been appointed assistant professor of sociology and Hillel counselor at the Texas Western College in El PasO. Segal…

… *Practiced law in every court in Michigan and various U.S. Courts * Member of American, State and Detroit Bar Association * Member Old Newsboys. Goodfellow Fund * Active in YMCA Fund Drives A Good Judge…

… he was with the Summer Enrichment Pro- gram at Carver Blake School, Royal Oak Twp. He is completing his masters degree- work in adult and higher education at Michigan State University. Blake received…

… his BA in educa- tion from Wayne State University. Past vice president of the Oak Park Federation of Teachers, Blake also has been chairman of the OPFT membership drive and past delegate to the national…

…. He has taken graduate work at Wayne State Smith University and Columbia Univer- sity. * * * MAURICE A. BETMAN, of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- ance Co., attended a C.L.U. post- graduate…

… Institute of Labor and In- dustrial Relations at Wayne State University. The seminar will be- gin Oct. 7. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, September 10, 1965 Dr. SIDNEY GLAZER, 59 Sew- ard, professor of

…Young Judaea Schedules Year Course in Israel People Make News Wilbert (Bill) Blake, son of the Leo Blakes of Kenosha Ave., Oak Park, has been named principal of the West Branch Area Elementary…

December 10, 1965 • Page Image 20

…. announce the engagement of their daughter Eleanor Margot to How- ard M. Barron, son of the Allan Barrons of Santa Barbara Dr. Miss Landsman is a University of Michigan graduate, and her fiance a graduate of

…. DI 1-2345 Beth Aaron Women Plan Fund-Raiser Hillel Headmaster to Address Kvutza Rabbi Simon Murciano, head- master of Hillel Day School, will Beth Aaron Sisterhood will hold speak on "Jewish Life in…

…Sisterhoods Will Join Temple Israel Women Temple Israel Sisterhood Presi- dent Mrs. Norman Robbins invites all members of temple sisterhoods for dessert luncheon 12:30 p.m. Monday in the social hall…

…, when Temple Israel will be host to the sisterhoods of Temple Beth El and Temple Emanu-El. "The Mark of Cain," a literary drama written by Mrs. Lawrence Wember, librarian of Temple Is- rael, will be…

… presented under the direction of Mrs. Harold Orbach. Mrs. Morris W. Stein will provide musical background. In the cast will be Mesdames Major Siegel of Temple Beth El; Ralph Stein and Louis Gleekman of Temple…

… Emanu-El; and Allen Berlin, Norman Greene and Albert Feurring of Temple Israel. Mrs. Bertram Katz of Temple Emanu-EI is creating the costumes. Temple Israel Sisterhood pro- gram vice president is Mrs…

…- raising campaign, Detroit Council of Pioneer Women will hold its annual donor luncheon-program in the Fountain Room of the Masonic Temple noon Wednesday, it was announced by Mrs. Sam (Esther) Fishman, vice…

… president of funds. E:,7" Chairman Mrs. Harold Noveck, 1965 program chairman, stated that Mrs. Rose Kaufman, nation- al president of Pioneer Women, will be principal speaker, and Sho- shana Shoshan…

…, internation- al singer and leading soprano of the Israeli Na- tional Opera, will 'sing operatic se. Mrs. Noveck lections and in- terpret Israeli art and folk music. Contributions may still be made to Pioneer…

…'s offices, DI. 1-0786. Mrs. Sam (Doris) Fishman is president of Detroit Council. Marriages WOLF-BARDEN: Ilene Barden became the bride of Elliott Mich- ael Wolf in a recent morning cere- mony at the home of

November 10, 1961 • Page Image 29

… strength- This was the consensus of Bnai chaeological expeditions which ened by the ties of friendship Brith Hillel directors at 75 ma- discovered many highly signifi- and cooperation which bind Is- jor…

Hillel Na- tional Commission, at the com- ba who led a. rebellion against in Southeast Asia." the Roman occupants of Pales- Comay pledged Israel's Co- mission's annual meeting. tine during the years 132…

… immature" understanding American Friends ' of the Hes' Thant is a Buddhist. brew University. of the essentials of Judaism. Israel's confidence in Thant, Prof.- Yadin has led two ar-- declared Comany, "is…

universities in a summary cant historical documents relat- rael, a small country in Western reported by Joseph L -. Paradise, ing to the period of Bar Koch- Asia, to Burma, our sister state vice-chairman of the…

…Ancient Davidic Women's League for Israel Opens City Unearthed Jerusalem School; Pilot for Chain JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The remains of a great • city first built at the end of the reign of King David or…

… at the start of that of King Solomon were re- ported to have been uncovered near Ein Gev during recent excavations in the area. A team of archaeologists, headed by Prof. Binyamin Ma- - zar, found the…

… city and reported that one of the most remarkable excavation findings was a large jar bearing the inscription "leshakya," which Prof. Mazar interpreted to mean "belonging, to the wine steward," in Ara…

…- maic. The importance of the inscription was understood to be the fact that it . is ,written in early Hebrew Phoenician script and is one of the few known examples of this script dating to the ninth…

… Cahane, national dently used for making offer- president of the American woman's- service organization, ex- ings to the stars and moon. plained that the new school will serve as a pilot for a chain of Prof…

… took them vocational training, The first class has 36 girl students. out only at • night when they went to the roofs kir worship. sit was indicated that the un- covered city might be the site of early…

June 10, 1960 • Page Image 27

… customers. Ex-U of M Hillel Prexy Named to NY Temple Rabbi Daniel Fogel, former president of the Hillel Founda- tion at the University of Michi- gan where he received his BA degree in 1954, has been named…

… social work at the school of social work, Univer- sity of Michigan. Other officers include Mes- dames Oscar Silverman, Albert Cole, Murray Sachs, Harold Ziv a n d Benjamin Schottenfels, vice…

… Sigma Mu fraternity and also Phi Lambda, Auxiliary was presented with the Hillel for 1953-54. He and his Vote on New Officers Award New slates of officers were wife have a two-year-old daugh- unanimously…

… school and community activities and his scholastic record during his four years in high school. Both students will graduate with honors and attend the Uni- versity of Michigan this fall. Two other seniors…

…. Luckoff is president and His Orchestra of the Junior Division. LI 1-2563 BBYO to Present `Youth in Action' The Michigan Regional Board and the members of the Bnai Brith Youth Organization will present…

… Ye- shivah University on June 16. List Nominations Elect Ira J. Jaffe Student Post for ti-WF Jr. Group to Ira MIT J. Jaffe, son of Mrs. Ann The Junior Division of the Jaffe, of 15210 James, Oak Park…

…Women's Council Sets 2-Day Event for New Board Members Institute MUNIIFORD A Board Members Institute is being planned by the Detroit Sec t i o n, National Council of Jewish Women, this Tuesday and…

… Wednesday, at the Council House, 8436 W. McNichols. Guest speaker at these plan- ning and training sessions will be Mrs. Ronald Brown, of Cleve- land, 0., a national vice presi- dent, who will be honored at a…

… luncheon at the home of Mrs. Oscar Silverman on Monday, and at a dinner at the conclu- sion of the Institute. Newly - elected president of the Detroit Section is Mrs. James Van Vliet, who was a professor of

… Stone, Bernard Wilder, Samuel Willis. S Ceresnies, Of Merge Firms; Open New Shop G S JNF Issues Tree Certificates in Honor of Fathers The Jewish National Fund will again issue tree certificates in…

February 10, 1961 • Page Image 11

… Holzman wit h offices at 309 Holzman Lafayette Bldg., is a World War II veteran, a graduate of • the Wayne State University Law School and a member of the Michigan Bar -Association. Married (Dorothy Wohl…

…, University of Detroit Law School, with LL. B. Degree . . • Attended University of Michigan and Detroit Public Schools . . . Member , State Bar of Michigan, Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, National…

…'s National Hillel Comm' only all- Canadi d by that Hadassah's Mid-Winter Flower Show at Haifa Conference Feb. 12-14 One of the largest displays of Top leaders of Hadassah will define the organization…

…Erwin A. Holzman Present Canadian Jewish Senator Theological Society Service Award Is Candidate for Oak Park Judge A practicing attorney for more than 10 years, Erwin A. Holz- man, 35, of 23400…

… Beverly, Oak Park, is a candidate for Oak Park municipal judge. His name will appear on the primary ballot on Feb. 20 ; The elec- tion is sched- uled for April 3. Holzman, of the law firm of Zucker and…

…) and the father of two children, son, 12, and Claudia, 9, he is active , in community affairs and holds membership in a number of civic groups. Holzman is a charter member of Friends of the Oak Park…

… Library, a member of the Found- ers Society of the Detroit Insti- tute of Arts, the Clinton Junior High School . PTA and Roosevelt Elementary School PTA and Perfection J., 0 d g e, F& AM; among other…

… . • organitations, PeOple IVIake Nevis The Community Service Award of the Jewish Theological Society of Canada will be given this year to Senator David A. Croll, the first and only Jewish Senator in the Canadian…

… Government. The presentation will be made at the annual convocation Feb. 27 in Florida. Croll, who has been an active participant in Canada's Jewish communal life, served as Mayor of Windsor from 1930…

…-38, during which time he set up a relief ad- m i n i stration that became a provincial model to com- bat the depres- sion. He also was Minister of Croll Welfare and Minister of Munici- pal Affairs of Ontario…

October 10, 1969 • Page Image 30

Michigan chapter of Magen 25. David Adorn, which recently rais- of the organization. Saul Raskin painting titled "The Chess Players" ed a considerable sum for the The metropolitan division board which was…

… 10 Mile Road. from Metropolitan Bnai Brith ped with a decontamination cham- Picture can not be sold since it has been Lodges, Cong. Beth Hillel, Detroit Cong. Bnai Israel of Pontiac will ber…

of Israel and community affairs for Mai Brith Hillel Foundations. 11. 4 Larry Freedman Orchestra and Entertainment 647-2367 Satisfaction guaranteed — Mothproof in free. Wall-to- wall carpet…

… Ped- i Miss Shipper is a senior in the An added highlight will be the iatrics. college of education at Wayne presentation of a check to the Dr. Starkman is the chairman State University. treasury gift…

… Moss Judge SIMON H. RIFKIND, noted jurist, educators and one of The award meeting of the metro-. Other officers are the associate the foremost leaders in Conserva- politan division of the Jewish Wei…

… chairman of the inaugural L. note address at the opening ban- Sunday, Oct. 19, in room 202 of the ganization chairman. Morris Fried- medical profession Israel Bond quet of the biennial convention of Jewish…

… Center it has been an- man, and telethon chairman, Mrs. dinner dance, Nov. 19, at Town the United Synagogue of America, nounced by Alan Nathan. chair- Julius Ring. and Country Club. This is a pio- Oct. 26…

…, at the Concord, Kiamesha man. A "Young Look At Israel" will neering venture by the medical Lake, N.Y. Dedicated to the theme: Citations will be presented at the be the topic of the guest speakers…

… Jewish Cam- profession and in communal (Amos 3:3), the convention will paign-Israel Emergency Fund. • fairs, has been continue through Oct. 30. Louis E. Barden, former chair- active in causes man of the…

… division, will install the on behalf - of Is- incoming officers and board mem- rael. He received bers. his MD degree from the Univer- Alan Nathan will be installed as Now Booking - - sity of Toronto chairman…

January 10, 1969 • Page Image 6

Hillel to baby-sit for members of the Wapping Congre- gational Church attending Christ- mas midnight services in a reci- procal program dating back to the start of the young Reform congre- gation. In the…

…-house of Jewish history has been opened in honor of the Reunification of Jerusalem. ❑ To place another thousand Blue-White JNF Boxes in Detroit and Michigan Jewish homes. ❑ To plant more trees in Israel…

…, head of the ish Agency expressed shock over the UN's action. The Jewish Institute of Judeo-Christian Rela- Agency executive called it "a tions at Seton Hall University, blamed Lebanon for allowing the…

… head- Arthur Kornberg — are professors quarters of the American Jewish at Stanford University and are Committee. They were introduced sponsors of American Professors by Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, for…

…- proposed UN condemnation of buke against Israel, other church- Israel alone. Such action without men, including Fr.. James V. Mc- condemnation 9f intolerable ter- Glynn, -dean of the University of rorist…

University of Cincinnati and national chairman of American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, and Prof. Allen Pollack of the department of history at the University of Pitts- burgh. The academic group is…

…Joining with the people of Israel Detroit graduate school, praised in expressing resentment over the the Israeli commandos for taking one-sided resolution of condemna- care not to harm anyone. "I…

… would tion adopted by the UN Security have to take the side of the Israelis Council, scores of national organ- in this," he said, "simply because izations, including many labor they put care for human…

… life ahead movements, in the U.S., Britain of property values." and a number of other European The Rev. Roger L. Shinn, profes- countries, denounced the resolu- sor of Christian ethics at Union tion and…

… assailed the double stan- Theological Seminary (Protestant) dard in dealing with Israel. took a similar stand and deplored the Arab raid in Athens. Msgr. American members of the Jew- John M. Oesterreicher…

October 10, 1969 • Page Image 22

… He was allowed to finish his style—and that is to take the filth speech and some of the separa- cal way." Forum Speaker Gets Ladies' Ear Dr. Boris Nelson, director of fine arts at the University of

…- Lists. addressing him in French as raham Feinberg, rabbi emeritus a "fascist Zionist," demanded to of Toronto's Holy Blossom Temple, know why he talked about the was shouted down recently by struggle for…

… have a simple answer to that. He urged Jewish students to be- I don't know enough about it." come radical activists but was re- Earlier in his address. Rabbi peatedly interrupted by shouts of Feinberg…

…, here for a series of lec- "F a s c is t," "Down with Zion- tures on Jewish radicalism and ism," and "Yankee, go home." radical Judaism. told the crowd Visibly shaken, Rabbi Feinberg ap- that "To be a Jew…

… is to mean to pealed to the hecklers to "respect be a radical. In my interpretation a 70-year-old man and wait for the of Judaism, I believe there is one question period." unmistakable command or life…

… Toledo, draws the rapt attention of these participants in the meeting last week of the Jewish Welfare Federation Women's Division Fall Forum. With Dr. Nelson are (from left) Mesdames Joseph Ja…

…•kier, division president, Max Lapides, Harold Blumenstein and John Greenberg. The tribute dinner. 4 JAN AND LILLIAN BART Tri-Cite. Ann Arbor Set Bond Events The Tri-City Committee for the State of Israel…

… Bonds will sponsor an Israel 21st anniversary dinner 6:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Bay City Country Club. Joseph C. Hirschfield, honorary chairman of the Tri-City Israel Bond Committee, said Jan and Lillian…

… Bart. recording stars of "Fiddler on the Roof," will head the program. For information. contact Robert Meisel, 795 Somerset, Saginaw. 792-6254. The Barts will perform again. 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25. when the…

… Ann Arbor Committee for the State of Israel Bonds will sponsor an Israel anniversary and testimonial din- ner in honor of Mrs. Isadore Lampe. at the Statler Hilton ball- room. Dr. Ronald S. Tikofsky is…

May 10, 1968 • Page Image 26

… dean of Stern College for Women, its undergraduate school of liberal arts and sciences for women. He succeeds Dr. Nor- man E. Frimer, who has resigned to return to the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations…

…, where he had served as New York regional director and Hillel director at Brooklyn College. Rabbi Jacob M. Rabinowitz, 41, currently clean of students, was ap- pointed dean of the Erna Michael College of

… all good wishes. Sincerely yours, The Jewish News THE JEWISH NEWS 17100 W. Seven Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48235 Congregotion Name of Con firmond or Consecrant Son or Doughter of Mr. and Mrs…

… Fairleigh Dickinson University re- vives sad recollections about one of the most tragic American epi- sodes, the infamous anti-Semitic demonstrations during the ,Leo Frank case in Atlanta, Ga., (1913- 1915…

…), in a new volume published by Columbia University Press. His "The Leo Frank Case" is like a chronological analysis of what occurred during the era in which Southerners resorted to shouts demanding the…

…-111-111, real Italian ta'am. Only about 380 per serving—and just about the easiest you ever fixed. Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University, announced es- tablishment of a new position of

of the American Jewish Conference on Soviet Jewry and of the American Zionist Council. Prof. David Mirsky, 46, currently dean of admissions and professor of English at the university, was appointed…

…Dinnerstein's Book Exposes Bankruptcy Congress Urged to Provide the Poor of Press During Georgia's Frank Case With Jobs by °King Employment Act 26—Friday, May 10, 196$ Prof. Leonard Dinnerstein of

… death of the God damn Jew, when a jury apparently was influenced by the threats of a mob, when a charge of murder against a Jewish indus- trialist turned into political aspira- tions and was marked by…

… fear to act in exposing a tragic lie that may well have been the result of _a conspiracy. Meanwhile the mur- derer of Mary Phagan, 13, was used as chief witness by the prose- cutor. There is no doulyt…

January 10, 1964 • Page Image 28

… was the installation of Mrs. Schaver as Women's Divi- sion chairman. Scholarship Fund to Honor Dr. A. H. Silver The Zionist Organization of D e t r o i t, together with the Michigan Zionist Region…

…, has established a Kfar Silver Schol- arship Fund in memory of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, it was an- nounced Sunday night, at Temple Israel, by Judge Ira G. Kaufman, president of the ZOD. The announcement…

… Zionist Council of Detroit and the Michigan Zionist Region, and Philip Slomovitz. Cantor Harold Orbach opened the program with the liturgical selection "Lord, What Is Man?" The El Mole Rachamim was chanted…

University, Chicago, 111., and her fiance is a graduate of Stetson University College of Law. A Feb. 23 wedding is planned. Practical Nurses Trained by Malben It was a festive occasion when 33 practical…

…Fr iday, Jan uary 10, 19 64—THE D ETROIT JEW ISH NEW S-28 Israel Bond Drive Sets High Total with $1,736,200 in '63 A total of $1,736,200 in cash sales was recorded in the 1963 Israel Bond Campaign…

…, making this Detroit's best year since 1951, it was announced by Tom Borman, general chairman of the Israel Bond Committee. The 1963 figure was $450,000 in excess of 1962. Stimulating the 1963 cam- paign…

… was the redemption of the TOM BORMAN first Israel Bonds, issued in 1951. Borman expressed his appre- ciation to the entire Jewish community, to the men on the Detroit Israel Bond Committee, to the…

… Women's Division led by Mrs. Morris L. Schaver and to rabbis, presidents and other synagogue officers who helped to insure the success of the 1963 congregation and High Holy Day Israel Bond activities…

…. The Israel Bond High Holy Pennsylvania Banks Buy $227,000 in Israel Bonds in '63 Twenty-four banks in north- eastern Pennsylvania have pur- chased a total of $227,000 worth of Israel BOnds this year…

…, it was announced by Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, vice president of the Israel Bond Organization. Purchases of Israel Bonds amounting to $25,000 each were made by First National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Miners…

January 10, 1964 • Page Image 29

…- ligious, economic and political freedom prevailing in the United States creates favorable circum- stances for maintaining Judaism in this country. Marvin Verbit, director of the Hillel Foundation at…

… Broner of Muirland Avenue announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Sheryl to Milton Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gordon of Ohio Avenue.. The prospective bridegroom is a student at the University

… has been trans- ferred from Eastern Europe to Anglo-Saxon countries and this influences the character of Jew- ish social research work. Dr. Bernard Lander. of Yeshi- va University, said that the re…

…After spending a week in Florida, Robert. R. Wolfe, 14551 Greenbriar, Oak Park, has returned to Chicago to resume his studies as a senior at the Chicago College of Osteopathy. David Alan Brand, son…

of Milton and Carolyn Brand, 25416 Parkwood, Huntington Woods, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah last Sunday with a horse-drawn sleigh ride for his friends, at Upland Hill Farm. After the ride the whole group…

… attended a spaghetti dinner at the farm house. Julius Chajes, director of the Center Music School, will present Miriam Gargarian, Gordon Goodman. Beth Rhodes, Edward Nord, Greta Nachteiler, Tobie Kahn and…

… Stephen Weiss in a piano recital 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the music room of the Jewish Center. The Bodzin Family Club held its annual get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Duchin. The January meeting…

… will be held Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Yetta Bodzin. Bruce Alpert, Mark Bennett, Cindi Brand, Lynn Bogorad, Judy Goodman, Larry Greenberg, Connie Jacobs, Larry Kadushin, Barbara Parzen, Harvey…

… midwest region representative of the Roosevelt School P. T. A., says that plans are being formed for a February meeting at her home on Berkshire Drive, Birmingham. MISS SHERYL BRONER Mr. and Mrs. Barney…

of Detroit Dental School and is Israeli Advanced the Peace Corps Program affiliated with the Alpha Omega By 1958, as one African nation Fraternity. BY JESSIE HALPERN A June 14 wedding is planned. (JTA…

May 10, 1968 • Page Image 39

… thodox Jewish Congregations of and the late Maurice Zeiger, has the Youth Advisory Council and America; Judith Garlock, nomi- an all-A average at Berkley High State of Michigan Safe Driving nated by the…

… American Jewish School, where he is a senior. Presi- Council, has given sermons from Congress Women's Division; Mark dent of Michigan State Temple the Temple Israel pulpit and won Schneider, Adas Shalom…

…. George Stutz. Mrs. J. tion, Student Zionist Organization Stewart Linden, president of the of Bnai Brith Hillel, Hashomer been invited to send for informa- League of Jewish Women's Organ- Hatzair and…

… temple historic significance of the creation at Hebrew. Union youth group's toutorial program, of the state of Israel. College - Jewish Michigan State Temple Youth (of Gilbert Institute of Re- which she is…

…. Brandeis University in 1954, as outstanding student.. She has and a soloist di- been a volunteer worker with slow ploma from the children in the Jewish Welfare A birthday cake for Israel gets Longy School of

…Mildred Simons Rosenberg Awards Go to Four Leaders of the Future nar and will be in intensive Ra- Council Youth Award last fall. He Four young people, outstanding in academic and Jewish studies, mah…

… counselor t r aining next also organized the recent Hadas- summer. A member of the All- giving of themselves to the com- sah-Jewish Center Teach-In and is City Honors Choir, be holds munity and demonstrating…

… member of the National Federa- dramatic writing, science and Youth Awards last week. tion of Temple Youth and has been selected to deliver the valedictory They ar Carol Duchan, noini- synagogue…

… participation. nated by the Great Lakes Chapter Stuart, son of Mrs. Annette Zei- address to his high school- com- of Women's Branch, Union of Or- ger of Ha‘rding Ave., Oak Park, mencement. He is a member of

… Sister- Youth and organizer of the Mitzva a public service award as an ama- hood; and Stuart Zeiger, Temple Corps, Stuart headed the corps teur radio operator for his assist- Israel Sisterhood. project…

April 10, 1964 • Page Image 22

…-2899 His theme is largely the mean- mazoo; the Rev. James H. Laird, Old Testament Studies at the ing of poetry and the urge to M i n i s t e r, Central Methodist University of Michigan 4:10 p.m. create…

… Corn- t h r o u g h o u t Ohio, Michigan, of giving out mirth and song he will follow the luncheon, ac- monwealth branch bank com- Pennsylvania. Indiana and stands with open mouth, aghast cording to Mrs…

… easiest of tasks, `Dialogue Dilemma' at Annual Event Michigan congregations to be • since the savor of a poem is in Conference Tuesday The Sisterhood of L i v represented include several in the uniqueness…

…. Church; the Rev. Herbert Tuesday and Wednesday. Aleph's range of symbolism is Beecher Hudnut; the Rev. Wil- The two lectures, open to the Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel amazing, finding perhaps…

… process of creation. When Dr. Orlinsky will be honored 14380 WEST 8 'MILE ROAD the baker sees the dough rising at a dinner in the Michigan Bet. Schaefer and Northwestern Hwy. in majesty he is possessed by…

…. RESTAURANT ON PREMISES ly, of the baker and his art in Wednesday. Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill. Samuel Rubiner to Be Honored at JWB Meeting SAM EMMER Donor Luncheon to AidNeedy Sick Youths to Attend…

… Stern, director of the His Continental Orchestra •• all is not well. to Hear Mrs. Adler university's youth bureau, an- Writing about verse in another • nounced. And Entertainment • • tongue is not the…

… ens, Port Huron and Pontiac. The poet himself tells us clergymen to be held Tuesday, noon Wednesday at Imperial Who can translate the langu- at the University of Detroit's Caterers. age of tears? Mrs…

… Bible scholar Dr. Harry M. ed him from the almond-and- Philosophy and Religion, West- Orlinsky will deliver the seventh ern Michigan University, Kala- annual Zwerdling Lectures in raisin echo. LI 7…

…Aleph Katz's New Book Called `A Wedding of Words' by Ziprin Fish from Israel Scores Big Hit on Hotel Menu 1st International AZA President Due at Dinner Addie Beckerman Cets the Lead in 'Streetcar…

March 10, 1961 • Page Image 30

… Republic for its efforts in "re- government funds), few Jewish education". schools and, in general, a lack Rabbi Max Kapustin, Wayne of rootedness." Indeed, most State University Hillel director, Jews there…

… countries. Historian Requests Information on Michigan Jews in Civil War Irving I. Katz, who for many years has been working on a history dealing with the participation of Michigan Jewish soldiers during the…

… record of 177 names of Michigan Jewish soldiers out of a total population of 150 families in the state in 1860. He is in need of additional biographies in order to make his history as comprehensive as…

… Gorelik, national field rep- LEONARD FEALK, BUILDER WAYNE STATE University music Israel, Inc. are fought vigorously by Intel- resentative of the Workmen's major will teach beginning piano DI. 1-1654 will be…

… the students. BR 3-3526. Call after 6 and university students, Circle, is a graduate of Brook- p.m. guest lecturer lectuals who "don't want to forget." wood Labor of Mizrachi- 55-MISCELLANEOUS On this…

…-4195 50-BUSINESS CARDS DRESSMAKING All Kinds of Alterations Call for Appointments Rabbi Friedman to Speak at AJC Division Dinner UN 3-8283 17175 ROSELAWN Rabbi' Herbert A. Friedman, executive vice…

…-chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, largest FOR BETTER wall washing, call James Russell. One day service. beneficiary of the Allied Jewish TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. OAK PARK Campaign, will be guest speaker…

… LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. at the annual fund raising din- Near 9 Mile-Coolidge. 3 bedroom Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason. ner of the mechanical trades brick ranch, car-port, gas heat. able…

…. Free estimates. UN 4-3339. division of the full basement, S. & S.. near 3 bus VE 5-7453. lines, schools, shopping. $15,900. Allied Jewish 414% mortgage. 23130 Webster. PAINTING and wall washing, win…

… I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter chairman. work, no job too big or small. BR 3-Bed. Brick Col., 114 baths, Rabbi Fried- 3-4826, Ll 5-4035. breakfast rm., huge rear pan. man is consid- den. Bedrooms…

May 10, 1968 • Page Image 10

… in an increase in worship attendance and an awakened interest by liberal university students in Judaism. Joel Levine, a graduate of the University of Michigan who will enter Hebrew Union College (Re…

…- form) in Cincinnati this fall, pointed out that the development of a Reconstructionist worship service, planned by the students themselves, had resulted in an attendance at the Hillel Founda- tion…

… Club. Representing tne university will be Prof. David Keith Hardy, direc- tor of the Morse Center for Study of Communications at Brandeis University, in Waltharft, Mass. Chairing the dinner is Michael…

… a recipient of the Re- tailers' Community Achievement Award. The President's Council of Bran- deis University is a body of dis- tingnished persons in many parts of the country who combine devo- tion…

… Pelavin, yound Flint attorney who heads the Flint Friends of Bran- deis. A public relations and advertis- ing consultant, Megdell has served as president of the Flint Jewish FOR A PROUD Commitment To…

… Their JEWISH HERITAGE SEND YOUR CHILD TO AKIVA HEBREW DAY SCHOOL Community Council, president of the Urban League, general chair- man of the Flint United Jewish Appeal, chairman of the Flint Hu- man…

… R e l a t i o n s Committee and chairman of the retailing division of t', e Chamber of Commerce. M—'dell is founder and past president of Yankee Stores and a director of Borman Food Stores, Inc. He is…

… for Brandeis with stature in their own community. Like other members of the President's Coun- cil Megdell has been invited to se7ve by the president of Brandeis; a president's counselor works on a…

… British Royal Marines during World War II and later returned there is a journalist. He was director of Radio Hong Kong and correspondent for the London Times and BBC. H' last visited Southeast Asia in 1967…

… at the behest of the United Nations, under the sponsorship of the Ford Foundation. He then pro- ceeded to India and Israel, con- sulting with government leaders and educational o f f i c e r s about…

February 10, 1961 • Page Image 32

… efforts ning Commission, Jewish Welfare in Detroit, her work in behalf of Federation, Un i t e d Foundation, Legal Aid Bureau, Urban League of Hadassah, and her efforts in Detroit, Michigan Binai B…

…'rith Hillel behalf of many civic duties. Foundation, and . WHEREAS Mr. Cohn, a native De- Fisher announced that a troiter, has in his business capacity sizable sum has been set aside as a lawyer, real estate…

… .Boston, created through the merger of the Associated Jewish Philanthropies with the Combined Jewish Appeal. NEW YORK—Yeshiva University announced that it has found six septuagenarians among its alumni and…

… them into the quagmire of national separation." INNSBRUCK, Austria—Charges of racism were filed by the police against a , group of Innsbruck University students who have been conducting an anti…

…Federation Officers Submit Encouraging Reports on 1960 Activities; Make Award aro Encouraging reports on the progress attained in 1960 in vari- ous fields 'of activities were submitted by officers…

of the Jewish Welfare Federation, at the annual Federation meeting, Mon- day, at the Jewish Center. Highlighting the m e e tin g; which was preceded by a testi- monial dinner in honor of the 80th…

… birthday of. Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, were the reports of Max M. Fisher, president; George Stutz, treasurer, and Isidore Sobe- loff, executive vice president, of Federation, and Mrs. Harry August, president…

of the Federa- tion's Women's Division. Fisher's report described the communal successes attained in the advancement of the educa- tional agencies, the impressive accomplislunents of the Jewish Home…

… for the Aged, the Fresh Air Society and other agencies. He revealed that negotiations are in progress for the integra- tion of the Yeshiva afternoon school into the local communal school system and that…

… a corn: mittee is at work to -plan con- solidation of Community Council activities with Federation. 4 1 am happy to say that 1960 was an outstanding year in Jewish life in Detroit," Fisher said. Stutz…

May 10, 1963 • Page Image 2

…'s distinguished scholar and leader, Prof. I. Leo Sharfman. Sharfman's father was a pioneer Zionist, and the University of Michigan professor of economics inherited from him a keen Jewish loyalty and a love for Zion…

…-a-vis -Israel and Zionism. * The Passing of the Menorah Journal For a number of years, prior to the formation of the Hillel Foundations by the Bnai Brith, the Jewish college students were served by a movement…

… Jews in our universities during the early years of this century. * * * Status of Youth: Plight of Elders United Synagogue Review, the organ of Conservative Juda- ism, recently undertook to probe…

universities espe- cially there is an indifference among young Jews towards things Jewish that should challenge us to abandon our complacency. If w.e are to have a generation of Jews interested in a creative…

…Purely Commentary Gerold Frank's Timely Appearance in Detroit Gerold Frank is much more than an author. He is an authority on the Middle East and his close association with the representa- tives of

… the several governments who were represented on the commissions of inquiry into Arab-Jewish relations prior to the creation of the State of Israel brought him closer to the Palestin- ian scene than any…

… other correspondent. As author of "The Deed," the sensational book that is being acclaimed by his publishers (Simon & Schuster) as "one of the most electrifying works of non-fiction to appear in America…

… in the 1960s," he comes to Detroit next Wednesday to speak to the Zionist Organization of Detroit on a major topic of interest—the intense feeling of the small group that turned to violence. In "The…

… Deed" he described the objectives of this group that turned to violence, two of whose youths assassinated Lord Moyne, who "were of the People of the Book, living in the land of the Book— yet they…

… violated its supreme commandment: Thou shalt not kill." Frank's -story also is a splendid evaluation of the historic Zionist movement, and his lecture here at the Beth Aaron Syna- gogue should draw an…

February 10, 1967 • Page Image 13

… Morality in a Changing World." Dr. Berkove, associate professor of English literature, University of Michigan, Dearborn Campus, has written reviews and articles ap- pearing in national literary jour- nals…

… 8:40 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "The Dimensions of Life." CONG. BETH HILLEL: Services 5:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Litke will speak on "Let Us Examine Our Approach to the…

…. Rabbi Prero will speak on "The Building of the Tabernacle." TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. The temple will host the winter conclave of Michigan State Temple Youth (See story). Martha E. Stone…

… Rackman, spiritual lead- er of Cong. Shaarey Tefila, Far Rockaway, and assistant to the president of Yeshiva University, has been elected to the pulpit of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. He will succeed Dr…

… Several Worlds of American Jews: An Unauthorized Guide." TEMPLE BETH AM: Services '7:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Jessel will speak on "Have You Been a Good Scout?" CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 5:45 p.m. today and…

… Sanctuary." CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM: Services 5:30 p.m. today and 8:40 a.m. Saturday. Daniel Medow, president of Lahav, will speak on "Youth Contribution to the Jewish Community." TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8:30 p…

….m. today. Rabbi Kanter will speak on "The Alarming Ignorance of Our Jewish Heritage," part I in the series, "Foremost Fears in Jewish Life Today." Services 11:15, a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Kanter will speak on…

… "The High Holiday Service." CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Services 5:40 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "The Moral of Giving." Robert Victor Friedman, Bar Mitzva. TEMPLE BETH JACOB…

…, Pontiac: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Berkowitz will speak on "Build Me a Sanctuary." TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Syme will speak on "Is God Dead or Alive? — An Interpretation of the…

… Current Theo- logical Revolution." Neal Jay Barnett, Bar Mitzva. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Michael Alan Wolk, Bar Mitzva. YOUNG ISRAEL of NORTHWEST DETROIT: Services 5:40 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday…

August 10, 1962 • Page Image 22

… the fish Ave_ Miss Belkin is a senior at the is chilled prior to being served, A March 24 wedding is University of Michigan, where oil should always be used in its planned. she is majoring in education…

… pioneered in the establish- Fish With Curry, the skinless that is the fact that the syna- ment of the Hillel program and fillets are recommended. If gogue was not large enough to was its national chairman for…

… DOMBEY ASSOCIATES PHOTOGRAPHERS "Tile lest Need Cost No More" LI 8-2266 U 8-1116 Michigan's Newest & Most Luxurious Motel A HOME AWAY FROM HOME FOR YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS . . . Weekly Quiz salt…

…. Her preparation, as other shorten- fiance is a senior at Wayne ings become hard and unattrac- State University, College of Law. tive when cold. Vegetable oils A December wedding is may be used in all…

… (Genesis 15:5)- tions, honors Dr. Sachar, pres- For both the Pickled Fish There are some who claim that ident of Brandeis University, with Tomatoes and the Pickled there was a more practical basis; who…

…said, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy," he ob- viously was not considering all the varied ways there are of making our favorite foods. But he…

of us are familiar with those variations in which slices cut from a whole fish are first simmered. Equally delicious are the versions in which the MISS IRIS BELIEIN MISS TRUDY SEIDMAN fish is sauteed…

… before the The engagement of Iris Elaine pickling liquid is added. Fillets, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Seidman Belkin to Frederick M. Gold- whole or cut up, depending on of Appoline Ave. announce the smith is…

… announced by her par- size, are selected. The skinless engagement of their daughter, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Moiseev. fillets produce the most choice Trudy Marilyn to Raymond Ru- Parents of the prospective…

… bride- selected dishes, since they are binoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. groom are Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. daintier in appearance and Louis Rubinoff of Woodingham Goldsmith of Whitmore Road. easier to eat. Because…

February 10, 1967 • Page Image 22

… scholarship to Rus- sell A. Pointer,realtor and super- will participate. visor of the real estate program at the University of Michigan. On Friendliness Staunton M. Elsea, president of Better is he who shows a…

… queen are: Jan. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Dale Temple Emanu-El will host the Sharon Dombey, Mary Sue Schot- Silverberg (Lynne Beth Smokier), I winter conclave of Michigan State tenfels and Ilynn Shur. Eleventh…

…-1950, Ext. 11. On Wednesday at Hillel Day School a program commemorating the birthdays of Presidents Wash- ignton and Lincoln will be held in the auditorium. The first presen- tation will be held 1:30 p…

…- . their _applications. _ 11 blessings: — Baba Batra, 9b. The first building of a new Hebrew University compound of marine biology research units is nearing completion in Eilat and was shown this week to a…

…▪ 22—Friday, February 10, 1967 HT DETROITJEWISH NEWS Disappointment Turns Into 'Sound of Music' for Academy-Award W inner Julie Andrews A major disappointment has turned out to be the best thing…

… that ever happened to Julie An- drews, who stars in producer-direc- tor Robert Wise's "The Sound of Music, opening Wednesday at the Mai Kai and Camelot theaters. Broadway's original "My Fair Lady" admits…

… that it was a blow when she was passed over for the film version of her stage success. "But," she adds, "I see now that is was a blessing. If that had been my first picture, I might have been typed…

… quickly by "The Americanization of Emily," in which she does no singing at all, • and then moved directly into "The Sound of Music." Written by Ernest Lehman from the Rodgers and Hammerstein Broadway smash…

…, "The Sound of Music," was filmed in DeLuxe Color for 20th Century-Fox release. It received five Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Direction. -Starring with Miss An- drews is Christopher…

… Plummer, and it co-stars Eleanor Parker, Richard Haydn and Peggy Wood. Oak Park High Head- lines Youth New Eilat Oceanography Station Going Up By RICHARD VICTOR Climaxing the end of the first semester…

June 10, 1960 • Page Image 15

of the afternoon will take part in the University Let us remember that our tra- same project; and ceremony was the presentation of Michigan's first summer Rus- That since housing problems dition and…

…- material for the dedicated founding of Kinneret Chapter than Kanter will install Mes- Men's Club Post Calls on Community writer! of Pioneer Women and the in- dames Ab Feinberg, president; for Leadership in…

… Older Adult Housing The Jewish writer who is on stallation of the group's new ad- Oscar Warren, speaking terms with conscience ministration is planned for 12 advisory; Sam and deems his literary skill as…

… c e- whole, need only turn to the Install Mrs. Eidelman Weiss for their interest in the p r e sid ents long history of his • people for housing problem for citizens of Harry Man- to Head Bnai Brith…

… material sufficient for a life- Detroit. dell, Nathan A conference of the Jewish time of work. Jewish history Women's _Council Gilbert, Alex' Community Center Association abounds in her o i c figures…

… liveliness of the Metropolitan Detroit secret aries; older a d u l t members of De- and capable of satisfying even Bnai Brith Women's Council, and Alex Be- troit's Jewish Center, I am the most jaded taste…

…. coordinating body for the 28 gun, treasurer. , happy to forward some of the But more than that, the imag- Tribute will chapters and 7,500 women recommendations and our re- inative writer who knows his local be…

… paid to the who belong to the organization solutions: craft has, in the vast panorama here. five past pres- RESOLVED that Jewish Fed- of the Jewish past, materials 'at Inducted with Mrs. Eidelman, idents…

of Kin- erations either sponsor low in- his disposal ,hat lend them- past president of Israel Chap- neret, Mrs. come housing for the Jewish selves to exciting unfoldment ter who has Charles Drik- aging…

… or subsidize Jewish older for the cultivation and delight served in va er, first presi- Mrs. Driker adults in public developments of men seeking to live humane- rious Council ent; and Mesdames Jack Gos…

September 10, 1965 • Page Image 17

…- rector of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State Uni- versity. Mrs. Hugo Apt will be co-hostess. * * * YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR CHOLEM ORGANIZATION will meet noon Monday following a 10:30 a.m. board…

…; Michael Ouzounian and Fred Raimi, recipient of first prize in viola for the Midwest Dis- trict of the Michigan Federation of Music Clubs, will play the viola. Membership chairman Mrs. George Kerwin, newly…

… SHALOM SISTERHOOD will meet 12:30 p.m. Monday in the social hall, announced Mrs. Ben Morganroth, president. Feat- ured will be a dramatic presenta- tion, "One World," which depicts the universality of man…

…Tag Day Wednesday to Aid Blind Children omen's Club activities HOME RELIEF SOCIETY will hold an open membership-board meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Mrs. Joseph Rottenberg, 20441…

… Stratford. Mrs. John R. Herman, chairman of the board, will preside, and Mrs. William Bonin, vice president, will introd- uce new members. A comprehen- sive case report will be given by —1 ?Mrs. Harry Weiner…

… Child." Mrs. Bienstock has devoted much time and effort to the needs and education of the children of Israel. Luncheonette will be served, and guests are invited. * * * SINAI HOSPITAL WOMEN'S GUILD will…

… hold an open meeting noon Sept. 17 in the hospital lec- ture hall. Speaker will be Dr. Her- bert Ravin, chief of medicine and chairman of the education corn- mittee at Sinai. For reservations, call the…

… Guild office, BR 3-3000, Ext. 213, by Tuesday. * * * WOMEN'S ORTHODOX LEAGUE will meet 8:45 p.m. Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Joseph Hirsch, 17610 Indiana. Guest speak- er will be Rabbi Max Kapustin, di…

… meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack Horwitz, 24350 Jerome, Oak Park. * Music Study Club will begin its year with a membership tea 1 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Jack Feldman, 1995 Balmoral. Mrs. Joseph…

… M. Markel, program chair- m a n, announced a musical skit, highlighting the opportunities open to members, will be part of the program. Par- ticipating will be Mrs. Philip Hei- deman and Mrs. Bernard…

June 10, 1960 • Page Image 4

…-9364. Subscription $5 a Entered as second class matter 8, 1879. of English--Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Jewish News Publishing Co. 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Year. Foreign $6…

… activities the eminent world Zionist 1 e a d e r, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, had this to say in de- fense of Zionism: "The freer the Zionist movement will be- come, the more successful it will be in the…

….), treats his subject from the viewpoint of universal religion, which he defines as "nothing more nor less than the intellectual activity concerning the tenets of various religions and religious institutions…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association Editorial association. Published every Friday by The Mich., VE 8…

…. Aug. 6. 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March PHILIP SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Advertising Manager Circulation Manager FRANK…

… SIMONS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixteenth day of Sivan, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Be…

…-ha'alotekha, Num. 8:1-12:16. Prophetical portion; Zech. 2:14-4:7. Licht Benshen, Friday, June 10, 7:48 p.m. VOL. XXXVII. No. 15 Page Four June 10, 1960 Eichmann Trial Forces Review of Nazi Crimes Only 15 years…

… have elapsed since the end of World War II, yet there has been an element of forgetfulness of the trage- dies that marked the Nazi crimes. Even in Jewish ranks, there has been in evidence a lethargic…

… indifference to the need for keeping alive the memory of the martyrs and of constantly reminding the free world of what had happened, as a preventive against the recurrence of Nazi terrorism. The arrest and the…

… impending trial in Israel of the Nazi arch-criminal Adolf Eichmann serves one important purpose: it has inspired a review of the events that had turned Germany into a murderous state and is leading to a…

August 10, 1962 • Page Image 16

University of Michigan, College of Education. Her fiance did his undergrad- uate work at Wayne State Uni- versity and is a past president og Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity, He is presently a junior at the…

University of Michigan Medical School, where he is affiliated with Phi Delta Epsilon medical fraternity. A June 23 wedding has been planned. I by Jackie Crampton Complete Counseling & I sn birthday, with a…

….2 billion ; She will attend Michigan * I Israel pounds. Bank Leumi now ' State University. * NEW MICHIGAN POTATOES . . .. 10 * * . ,_ - 29` I ranks as the largest bank in The scholarships memorialize…

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