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January 10, 1969 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-01-10

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Joining with the people of Israel Detroit graduate school, praised
in expressing resentment over the the Israeli commandos for taking
one-sided resolution of condemna- care not to harm anyone. "I would
tion adopted by the UN Security have to take the side of the Israelis
Council, scores of national organ- in this," he said, "simply because
izations, including many labor they put care for human life ahead
movements, in the U.S., Britain of property values."
and a number of other European
The Rev. Roger L. Shinn, profes-
countries, denounced the resolu- sor of Christian ethics at Union
tion and assailed the double stan- Theological Seminary (Protestant)
dard in dealing with Israel.
took a similar stand and deplored
the Arab raid in Athens. Msgr.
American members of the Jew-
M. Oesterreicher, head of the
ish Agency expressed shock over
the UN's action. The Jewish Institute of Judeo-Christian Rela-
Agency executive called it "a tions at Seton Hall University,
blamed Lebanon for allowing the
travesty of justice."
Condemnation of the UN resolu- terrorist organizations to flourish
tion and of one-sided treatment of on its soil and stressed that
the Middle East situation was ex- Israel's act of retaliation was not
pressed by the following:
The American Jewish Commit.
Hadassah, Zionist Organization
of America, American Trade tee, of which Arthur Goldberg is
stated it "regrets the
Union Council for Histadrut, New
nature of our government's
York Board of Rabbis, United
Zionist Revisionists, Chicago City statement by J. R. Wiggins, chief
Council, Bnai Brith, Jewish War U.S. delegate to the United Na-
Veterans of the U.S., National tions, made in the Security
Council on Dec. 29. No violence
Council of Jewish Women, Syna-
gogue Council of America, Labor in the Middle East should be
condoned. However, it is a sim-
Zionist Organization of America-
ple fact that whenever Israel
Poale Zion, American Jewish Com-
mittee, American Professors for has brought a complaint about
a cease-fire violation to the
Peace in the Middle East Work.
Security Column it has been un-
men's Circle and many other
able to obtain relief because of
groups, including hundreds of
the repeated vetoes of the So-
community councils and federa-
viet Union.
tions and welfare funds and local
"An even-handed policy by the
Israeli concern that it sacrificed United States would be to oppose
considerable world sympathy by violations of the cease fire from
its Dec. 28 reprisal raid on Beirut any source. It would be unfair for
International Airport has been al- our government to agree to a con-
layed somewhat by press com- demnation by the Security Council
ments which indicated "second of the recent Israeli action with-
thoughts" on the part of some of out any reference to the act of
Israel's severest critics.
Dec. 26 which involved not only
The press reports were introduc- destruction of Israeli property but
ed at a cabinet meeting by For- the loss of life."
eign Minister Abba Eban. Their
Benjamin A. Gebiner, executive
consensus was that Israel had secretary of the Workmen's Circle,
been treated unfairly by the Unit- a major Jewish labor fraternal
ed Nations Security Council. The order with branches throughout
press comment cited by Eban the United States and Canada,
came from the Washington Post, Wednesday called on the United
the New Statesman in London and States government to "fairly
from various newspapers in Eu- assess" and "distribute for all the
world to see" a compilation of vio-
rope, Asia and Africa.
A Protestant and a Catholic lations against Israeli territory by
its Arab neighbors.
clergyman from Israel accused
In a letter to Secretary of State
many nations and some Christian
Dean Rusk protesting "against the
institutions Wednesday of ap-
action of the United Na-
plying a double standard
Arab terrorist acts and Israeli tions Security Council in condemn-
for its response to an-
retaliation. Dr . C. Douglas
other of many Arab acts of murder
Young, president of the Insti-
tute of Holy Land Studies, and and terror against Israel," Gebiner
Fr. Bruno Hussar, director of chided the U. S. role in voting
the Dominican House of Studies for the UN resolution condemning
in Jerusalem, said it was "im- Israel.
Three American Nobel laureates
moral" to condemn Israel's
Tuesday deplored "the role taken
bloodless reprisal attack on
by the United States" in the Secu-
Beirut Airport, but not the
rity Council's censure of Israel.
earlier Arab terrorist attack on
The three scientists — Felix
the El Al plane.
The two clergymen spoke at a Bloch, Robert Hofstadter and
press conference at the head- Arthur Kornberg — are professors
quarters of the American Jewish at Stanford University and are
Committee. They were introduced sponsors of American Professors
by Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, for Peace in the Middle East.
national director of the AJ Com-
They expressed their views in a
mittee's department of inter-re- telegram to that group, which
ligious affairs.
said: "We are distressed by the
Dr. Young, a Baptist scholar recent decision of the United Na-
who has lived in Israel for 10 tions Security Council to condemn
years, deplored "the creation of Israeli's raid on Beirut. Far from
the image of a war-like aggressor helping bring peace to the Middle
Israel against "righteous Arabs East, it encourages further Arab
wanting only justice for Pales- provocations by denying Israel the
right of response to a long series
He said "One is astounded and of murderous acts. Instead, the
shocked by the contrast between guerrilla actions should have been
Christian silence at the death in condemned together with the gov-
the airport in Athens and loud, in- ernments which harbor their or-
censed reaction to the destruction ganizations as citizens. We par-
of empty planes at Beirut."
ticularly deplore the role taken by
Fr. Hussar, who was born in the United States in this unjust and
Egypt and lived in Israel for 15 dangerous decision."
years, said be was pleased by the
Before censure, American Pro-
report that Pope Paul VI has
stated that his recent message of fessors for Peace had sent a
telegram to Secretary of State
sympathy to Lebanon did not im-
ply that he was on the side of Dean Rusk and Wiggins,-strong-
protesting the UN censure of
the Arabs in the Arab-Israel con-
flict. He criticized the "one-sided Israel.
The telegram stated: "American
and distorted presentation of the
refugee problem, for which Arab Professors for Peace in the Mid-
leaders bear a heavy responsi- dle East representing over 10,000
American faculty strongly deplores
Despite the Pope's earlier re- proposed UN condemnation of
buke against Israel, other church- Israel alone. Such action without
men, including Fr.. James V. Mc- condemnation 9f intolerable ter-
Glynn, -dean of the University of rorist astion.by Arabs will not lead

Jews Baby-Sit for Church During Yule Night Service

to peace in the Middle East but
will only encourage further ter-
rorist outrages against Israel, and
its citizens throughout the world.
The U.S. should not condemn the
reaction to terrorism without con-
demning terrorism itself. Where
is the even-handedness of demand-
ing compensation for destruction
of property by one party while
ignoring acts of murder and de-
struction by the other side?
"American Professors for Peace
in the Middle East firmly believes
our government must continue all
efforts to achieve a just and last-
ing peace between Israel and the
Arab States and this will not be
done through one sided condemna-
The telegram was signed by Dr.
Albert Sabin, Distinguished Serv-
ice Professor at the University of
Cincinnati and national chairman
of American Professors for Peace
in the Middle East, and Prof.
Allen Pollack of the department of
history at the University of Pitts-
burgh. The academic group is
dedicated to "a just and lasting
peace between Israel and the
Arab states."
Mayor James H. J. Tate of

—Arrangements were made again
this Yule season for members of
Temple Beth Hillel to baby-sit for
members of the Wapping Congre-
gational Church attending Christ-
mas midnight services in a reci-
procal program dating back to the
start of the young Reform congre-
In the early days of the Reform
congregation, members had no
place to meet. The church then ex
tended an invitation to the Jewish
congregation to use church facili-
ties for services and other congre-
gational functions. Since then the
church and synagogue groups pray






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Shevat 5729





Trees for all

together at a Thanksgiving serv-
ice, led one year by the minister
and the next by the rabbi. Mem-
bers of the church congregation
provide baby-sitting services for
Jewish congregants attending High
Holy Day services. The baby-sit-
ting arrangement has been con-
tinued after the temple acquired
its own sanctuary, according to
Roman Luftglas, president of
Temple Beth Hillel.

Philadelphia said he had express-
ed support for Israel's Beirut raid
in a telegram to the Security
Council president. The telegram,
sent before the vote, supported
Israel's contention that the raid
was in retaliation for "unlawful
acts by terrorists against Israel."

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6—Friday, January 10, 1969

Outcry Against Censure of Israel
Raised by Many Organizations


Wi don-eri.IJman


1350 N.

Woodward Birmingham

MI 4-1930
Res. 357-0326


un d

January 20, to
February 19, 1969


JNF Sabbath, Saturday, February 1


❑ To avow full solidarity with the State of Israel on its 21 birthday.
❑ To deepen Jewish Notional Fund sentiment among the masses of the Jewish people
on the 50th and Golden Jubilee Anniversary of the founding of the Detroit Council.
1:1 To focus attention on more than 50 years of Jewish Notional Fund activities- in Detroit
in building the land of Israel and strengthening its security with special emphasis on the
new challenges facing the JNF since the Six Day War.
❑ To meet the desperate needs of the beleaguered young state, it has become imperative
to reclaim more land for outposts in the most vulernable areas, in other words, to help
establishments all along the border.
❑ To mobilize the broadest possible support for the JNF through the widest possible use
of oll JNF's traditional collection methods.
❑ To help in the development of a unified Jerusalem by accepting the Government's

request to plant the Jerusalem Park of the Heroes overlooking the Temple Mount, which
will be a memorial to the fallen heroes in the Six Day War.
❑ To inscribe your name, or the name of a relative or friend in the Honor Role of the
Jewish People—the Golden Book. A new special volume of this treasure-house of Jewish
history has been opened in
honor of the Reunification of Jerusalem.
❑ To place another thousand Blue-White JNF
Boxes in Detroit and Michigan Jewish homes.
❑ To plant more trees in Israel. Israel needs more trees. Trees represent the rekindled
strength and lifeblood of the land. Trees conserve the soil. Trees beautify the land. Trees
reclaim the wasteland. Trees provide employment and absorb thousands of
the state's
temporarily unemployed. And trees strengthen our ties with Israel.
❑ To remind Jews to remember JNF in their Wills, thus
not only linking their names
forever with the kind of Israel, but that their legacy will help ALL of Israel. JNF land
supports the whole Israel economy—it grows Israel's food—on it stand Israel's religious,
educational and welfare institutions.

We have before us a colossal task. Just os the JNF strengthened Israel's frontiers and
developed border settlements which carried a good share
of the burden of the defense
struggle, so is the JNF called upon to strengthen existing positions and to prepare a new
wave of land settlements so vital for the future of Israel.

Jewish National Fund

22100 Greenfield Rd.
Oak Park, Mich. 48237
Phone 399-0820

in every
Jewish Home


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