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February 26, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…I It C411V bUn Weather Today Partly Cloudy. High Tomorrow: Rain. High 50. 40. Low 24. One hundred eigfht year of editorzlifredom Friday February 26, 1999 ITD buys computers Students will see more than $2 million in new and upgraded computer equipment after break By Kelly O'Connor Daily Staff Reporter When students return from spring break, they will find all new computers in the Angell Hall Computing Site. The efforts are a part of ...…

February 25, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…One hu ig anrf re One hundred eikht years of edit r freedom Weather Today: Cloudy. High 38. Low 31. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 40. Thursday February 25, 1999 GEO plans walk-out following break Lack of contract could provoke GSI strike By Nick Faizon Daily Staff Reporter After four months of contract negotiations th the University, members of the aduate Employees Organization voted to stage a walkout early next month at their membership ...…

February 24, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

….i .e t h. ati Wn- +"r nreaine' Today: Mostly cloudy. High 42. Low 20. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. igh 41. One hundred eight years of editorlfreedom Wednesday February 24, 1999 voil ojxf OILSlb9'lb MitMgoo OaRy ?kgent's appeal to be heard April 8 Daily Sports Editor Michigan football player Marcus Ray's punishment was to miss six games of his senior season. But James Gould, the agent Ray was involved with, won't learn his punishment until ...…

February 23, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… wkgn AW ""a"nr Today: Cloudy. High 41. Low 16. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 48. Low 26. One hundred eight year of editori freedom Tuesday February 23, 1999 J )(Dj$" The MChjgA$j Daily 'A question of life or death *Experts give media coverage failing grade "- - By Kelly O'Connor Daily Staff Reporter Intense emotional discussion filled the Michigan Union Ballroom yester- ey as nationally renowned journalists d experts gathered before a...…

February 22, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…1£ *rnt Weather Today: Partly cloudy. High 37. Tomorrow: Cloudy. High 39. Lc Low 7. ow 14. One hundred eight years of editonWlfreedom Monday February 22, 1999 _, _ .. :, . a1'rial dates change for lawsuits facing 'U' By Jaimie Winkler Daily Staff Reporter Detroit judges have pushed back the trial dates for both lawsuits challenging the University's use of race in admis- sions at the request of legal counsels on both sides. The Universi...…

February 19, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…wl tit! Ilku _. _JI Weather Today: Mostly cloudy. High 43. Low 15. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 41. Low 14. One hundred eight years f editorialfreedom Friday February 19, 1999 Phi Delts await March pre-trial By Yael Kohen Daily Staff Reporter Seven of 10 Phi Delta Theta fraternity m hbers charged with alcohol-related mis- dWanors were at the Washtenaw County Courthouse yesterday for their pre-trial pro- ceedings. The misdemeanor charge...…

February 18, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…it AIe. Msr veumnr today: Partly sunny. High 33. Low 22. Tomorrow: Cloudy. High 30. One hundred eght yews of editorlfredom Thursday February 18, 1999 ti. u~ Y"'r, rb ';h - .a: w. S ~k ': kr " r Clinton addresses Social Security Clinton talks to college students about budget surplus By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud Daily Staff Reporter Following his acquittal last week P two impeachment charges, sident Clinton took his campaign to bolster Social...…

February 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C ig' *ar mMN... s --. veatner Today: cloudy. igh 44. Low 25. Fomorrow: Mostly cloudy. Nigh 44. One hundred eight years ofeditori l freedom Wednesday February 17, 1999 wnv WOWMIM a Law firr By Jaimie Winkier Daily Staff Reporter Team oJ Behind all of the University statements of intents, quotes from offi- cial spokespeople and stacks of legal documents is a team of lawyers dedicated to halting an attack on the University's use of race i...…

February 16, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…I41v 74rnI Weather Today: Cloudy. High 53. Low Tomorrow: Showers. High 57. 31. One hundred eight years of edzi'o lfreedom Tuesday February 16, 1999 [Vol. C19C1 fto. s > _ The NUch4mDally Regents co sider Code change By Jewel Gopwani Daily Staff Reporter In the midst of Code of Student Conduct negotiations between Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford and members of Michigan Student Assembly's Student Rights (t1mission,...…

February 15, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Cloudy. High 52.1 Tomorrow: Cloudy. High! By Lauren Gibbs and Nika Schulte Daily Staff Reporters A member of the t System Board of Regen I that would repeal t that banned all use ing and admissions at th If the UC board repe the move would be stric California's Proposition months after the board' 209, approved by Califo *H LGBTI Visibi itv4Ian 444V lwplw It Low 24. 53. One hundred eight years of editorAfiredom Monday Febru...…

February 12, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today; Rain and snow. High 39. Low 37. One hundred eight er f Tomorrow: Snow showers. High 25. .7 Friday February 12, 1999 i" . >. .n. " rr . n .c . .' State Ib By Nick Bunkloy Daily Staff Reporter LANSING - Gov. John Engler's fiscal year 2000 Executive Budget recommendation includes a 4 percent overall increase for high- er education spending, but a new method of funding means not all universities - includ- i e University - will se...…

February 12, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…2yr One hundred eight yearn ofedzrtoralfiedm *rti The Trial of President lm Jefferson Clinton Friday February 12 1999 Senators acquit Clinton on both articles; censure still possible WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate today acquitted William Jefferson Clinton of perjury and obstruction of justice, ending a 13-month drama that catapulted an affair with a White House intern into only the second presidential impeachment trial in history. Permitted ...…

February 11, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Windy. High 61. Low Tomorrow: Snow. High 40. WE t t ti 42. One hundred eight yeas7 feditorzBfreedom Thursday February 11, 1999 VpU ..-.TA 7tE i1"t tl I Medical By Adam Brian Cohen Daily Staff Reporter When the new University Hospitals facilities opened in 1986, patients could s_ e in their rooms. But starting Sunday,, tI1 entire medical campus, which includes University Hospitals, the Nursing and Medical Schools and all...…

February 10, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…IC1bf Ieather 'oday: Sunny. High 45. Low 'omorrow: Showers. High 60 20. I. One hundred eight years of edit Ilfreedom Wednesday February 10, 1999 voklit "9a 4Y4 N 37'4'a - \ ~' - Y 1 C y t q v . a>R . 4 x . , . 4. v f Phi Delt leads gilty, 9 ait trial yNick Bunkly hily Staff Reporter One Phi Delta Theta fraternity mem- er pleaded guilty to at least one alco- iol-related misdemeanor charge and cut deal with prosecutors Friday, while ine ...…

February 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…in t 38U -.iL... weatner Today: Cloudy. High 47. Low 32. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 48. One hundred eight years of editorlaifreedom Tuesday February 9, 1999 VO#. C1Xx Na: 76r lnr, ihn al"g i t wily --------- ------- --- ----- - GEO meeting fails to yield agreement By Nick Falzone Daily Staff Reporter After three days of working without a con- tract, members of the Graduate Employees Organization met with University officials y terd...…

February 08, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Ita w F , , : ,: . n s. ,d ', ^ ta _...i _.. weather Today: Partly cloudy. High 41. Low 26. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 54. One hundred eight years ofeditorfreedom Monday February 8, 1999 ,( 1 lly,.' fl fi"^^M , n _llif I i JOrdan i4 H. Usseii The Washington Post7 AMMAN, Jordan - King' Hussein died yesterday after a r: long battle with cancer, end- ing a reign of nearly 46 years and prompting an outpouring of emotion both here and ...…

February 05, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…It0 'cla i Today: Partly cloudy. High 37. Low 18. Tomorrow: Rain. High 43. One hundred ei/ght years fedtofl-reedom Friday February 5, 1999 : C rt t 'EL y~j >\ 4i !y Z.v s 4Q" 'y+, CEO to work without contract By Nick Faizone Daily Staff Reporter Today, for the first time in three years, members of the Graduate Employees Organization will be working without a cr act. The organization's three-year agreement with the versity expired ye...…

February 04, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

….d2b Weather Today: Cloudy. High 44. Low; Tomorrow: Cloudy, High 44. 31. One hundred eight years o editorz dfteedom Thursday February 4, 1999 r V J lil °l, / F " {: t/ d 4hF /'f4T 1 ,9 1 R .h. i' tt'Pi 9'/'Ni I Granger intends to reapply to 'U' By lawon Stffer Daily Staff Reporter After serving four months for sexual misconduct, Daniel Granger was released from Dickerson Detention Facility in Hamtramck yesterday. His f ther, Rick Grang...…

February 03, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…WE4 oday: Mostly cloudy. High 45. Low 25. oniorrow: Cloudy. igh 44. tate to fund One hundred eikht years ofeditongleedom drinkiing education Wednesday February 3, 1999 DRINKING More than $600,000 in state funding has been allocated toward alcohol awareness education. A media blitz is planned by state officials to inform college students of the dangers of alcohol. n State Director of Community Health James Haveman calls for more alcoho...…

February 01, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…Eije tripanailg Weather Today: Cloudy. High 43. Low 25. One hundred ek ht years of editoruleedom Monday February 1, 1999 77 Is 11 , I III 11 11 1 11 1-1 ji. jvm' ilv -, . - .- I I r jap s ate debates Starr's itentions lsss Angeles Times WASHINGTON - President Clinton's impeachment trial, although in recess, became embroiled anew in partisan controversy yesterday as Senate Democrats bitterly accused independent counsel Kenneth Starr of attem...…

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