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February 15, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-15

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Today: Cloudy. High 52.1
Tomorrow: Cloudy. High!
By Lauren Gibbs
and Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporters
A member of the t
System Board of Regen
I that would repeal
t that banned all use
ing and admissions at th
If the UC board repe
the move would be stric
California's Proposition
months after the board'
209, approved by Califo


lwplw It

Low 24.

One hundred eight years of editorAfiredom

February 15, 1999

An Aksr Mctiax0"sh'Mihia o-



Regent asks if resolu

gender policies
.."1996). As a result, the university became a focal
pitofa oiia issue:' he said.
tion lim its m inorities Other regents said they do not agree that the
proposal would be a constructive use of the
esolution, said he plans to resounding majority," Bagley added. board's time and energy.
sal to his colleagues in Bagley said that following the approval of the California Regent Velma Montoya said
'95 resolution, California state politicians used the Bagley's proposal may only "irritate regents on
nisn't necessarily coming issue of banning race and gender from hiring and how they voted" on the 1995 proposal.
away," Bagley said. admissions practices for political self-promotion. "I'd prefer that we focus on something more
s his hesitation to present "This was a purely political move by (former positive and scrutinize the four-percent plan,"
fact that he wants to garner California) Gov. Pete Wilson to make the Montoya said.
llow regents. University of California a national focus when California Gov. Gray Davis recently pro-
le ability to pass it with a he was planning on running for president (in See UC, Page 2A

University of California
its is constructing a pro-
the board's 1995 resolu-
of race and gender in hir-
he university.
aled the 1995 resolution,
ctly cosmetic because of
209, which was passed 15
's resolution. Proposition
rnia voters in November

1996, prohibits the use of race and gender in
California's hiring and admissions practices.
"This resolution delivered a message, and
left people asking if minorities were welcome at
the university. The reason for the repeal of this
resolution would be to wipe out the undeserved
reputation that has befallen the university," UC
Regent William Bagley said.
Bagley, who has been the leading force in

repealing the 1995 r
introduce the propo
upcoming months.
"This proposition
up to the board right,
Bagley's attribute
the resolution to thef
more support from fe
"We must have th





'U st


ace scams


*Week ends
with Kiss-In
By Gerard Cohen-Vrgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
To kiss or not to kiss that was the question as
about 60 gay men and lesbians gathered in the Diag
*n Friday at noon to celebrate the annual Kiss-In as
part of National Queer Visibility Week.
The event gave the University community an
opportunity to see what does not often take place in
public - gay couples kissing.
"I think the key point is that people get the chance
to show their affection in public" said LSA junior
Luke Klipp. "It does shock people to some degree."
By promoting gay visibility through such events
as the Kiss-In and National Coming Out Day last
fall, sponsors and participants said they hoped stu-
&dents would feel more comfortable expressing their
"The visibility on campus shows students in
the greater community that there are others out
there," said Molly Bain Frounfelter, a Music
first-year student. "It says queers are here on
campus and in every aspect of these people's
Although participants emphasized the empow-
erment gleaned from the event, some voiced
annoyance that no sound system was installed on
We steps of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library
as had been requested.
"I'm concerned with the lack of power and
microphones, which were paid for and reserved,"
said Music sophomore Katherine Severs, a member
of Quiet Women End Reform. "They didn't have
power at National Coming Out Day."
Queer Visibility Week and last fall's National
Coming Out Day were especially notable following
the death last year of Matthew Shepard, a University
of Wyoming students beaten to death because of his
"I think it has increased concerns" said John
asquez, manager for the Lesbian Gay Bisexual
Transgender office. "People have realized we have
to do something to fight homophobia."
Fewer people attended the event than last year, in
part due to the cold weather, but many of the partic-
ipants said they were not disappointed by the group
of kissers.
"I'm happy with the turnout," Severs said.
Many participants said the goals of the event
were accomplished by simply establishing the pres-
nce of the queer community.
"We're showing that we're here, showing that
we're out and showing that we're proud," Vasquez said.

. Students find fraud
in variety of services
in campus life
By Marta Brill
Daily Staff Reporter
For many University students, col-
lege is the first time they come into
contact with the responsibilities of liv-
ing independently. Suddenly, students
may find themselves signing apartment
leases, consulting with telephone com-
panies and paying credit card bills.
Sometimes, they also gain their first
exposure to the world of fraud and fine
Before LSA junior Diana Ratcliff
transferred to the University, she was a
student at American University in
Washington, D.C. She lived in a house
with three other students in Arlington,
When the owner of the house
returned from an overseas military
assignment, the landlord unexpectedly
attempted to cut Ratcliff's lease short,
she said. She said the landlord claimed
he was terminating the remainder of the
lease because Ratcliff and her house-
mates had not upheld their part of the
"We ended up losing $1,300 on our
deposit," Ratcliff said.

Ratcliff also said her former land-
lord often overcharged her for services
he provided himself, such as lawn care
and furnace maintenance. He claimed
that he was charging the average price
for the repairs, but Ratcliff said she
double checked his figures by calling
professionals in the various fields.
Ratcliff said she was being grossly
overcharged when compared to what
most professionals charge for the same
"One of (the housemates) took the
landlord to court, and that's still in
process" Ratcliff said.
Department of Public Safety
spokesperson Beth Hall said two of the
most common scams University stu-
dents deal with are fake or stolen foot-
ball tickets and parking permits.
"There are individuals who are
counterfeiting parking (permits) and
attempting to sell them," Hall said,
adding that DPS officials have had a
"significant problem" with counterfeit
football tickets.
Hall suggested students only buy
football tickets from the Michigan
Ticket Office to ensure they don't fall
victim to a scam.
"The main message is buyer
beware. If you buy tickets on the street
you're taking a risk of them being coun-
See SCAMS, Page 2A

Carr begins, ends
singing career

junior Elena
Woods kisses LSA
sophomore Naomi
Baum on Friday at
the LGBT Kissin
on the Diag.
LEFT: Kiss-in
participants hold
up signs on the
steps of Harlan
Hatcher Graduate
Ubrary on Friday.

By Josh Kleinbaum
Daily Sports Editor
It's a good thing Lloyd Carr knows
what he's doing on
the football field,
because he proba-
bly doesn't have
much of a future on
the stage.,
In a voice thatr
was a little flat, a lit-
tle off-key and even
a little bit funny -
yet entertaining and
maybe even a touch Carr
inspirational - the
Michigan football coach yesterday made

his professional singing debut.
Carr sung of the virtues of sports-
manship and of the Golden Rule in the
First Congregational Church's Sunday
morning service with the Junior Choir in
a one-time-only presentation of "Beyond
Price and Prize," a play he inspired.
"It was my debut and my finale:'
Carr said after the service, as parish-
ioners walked by, reminding him not to
quit his day job.
Carr's performance, both his voice
and his lines, drew laughter from the
entire congregation of about 225 peo-
ple. Even Michigan linebacker Dhani
Jones, who also had a part in the play,
See CARR, Page 7A

Museum offers
bone sponsorship
Undsey Alpert exhibit preview party April 16,
Frthe Daily and have their names placed on ~

a per-

Ever wanted to buy a pterodactyl
The prehistoric reptiles that flew on
a web of skin stretched between their
fourth finger and torso are invading the
Exhibit Museum of Natural History for
one of the largest displays of ptero-
dityIs in the Midwest. To fund the new
ibit, the museum is initiating its
third "Buy-a-Bone" program.
Last year, the museum raised
$30,000 by selling whalebones.
Another $30,000 is expected this year
- and the museum is already halfway
to its goal.

manent plaque in the Exhibit Museum.
An unlimited number of people can
sponsor each bone, but opportunities
for individual sponsorship also exist.
For $1,200 to $3,000, patrons can spon-
sor skeletons of small pterodactyls - a
species that ranged in size from pigeons
to airplanes.
The museum's exhibit consists of
pterodactyl bones excavated from
Brazil. The bones in the exhibit are
castings of the original bones - allow-
ing them to be hung from the ceiling. In
the exhibit, the bones of an Anhanguera
pterodactyl will be hung next to a

Counsel Act not
likely to survive
*WASHINGTON (AP) - Lawmakers from both parties
saw almost no chance yesterday for survival of the
Independent Counsel Act, which provided the framework for
Kenneth Starr's investigation of President Clinton, when it
comes up for renewal this year.
"This law needs to terminate. I don't want it to be amend-
ed. I want it to be ended," Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said
on CNN's "Late Edition."
The act passed in 1978 as the post-Watergate Congress
sought a means to ensure that politics did not interfere when
the president, his cabinet and other senior officials are inves-
tigated for wrongdoing. It expires June 30 unless Congress
and the president approve its reauthorization.
Attorney General Janet Reno, at the urging of


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