Today; Rain and snow. High 39. Low 37. One hundred eight er f
Tomorrow: Snow showers. High 25. .7
February 12, 1999
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State Ib
By Nick Bunkloy
Daily Staff Reporter
LANSING - Gov. John Engler's fiscal
year 2000 Executive Budget recommendation
includes a 4 percent overall increase for high-
er education spending, but a new method of
funding means not all universities - includ-
i e University - will see the full amount.
e new formula only guarantees the
University a 1.5 percent, well below the
University Board of Regents' request of 5
But the University could receive up to a 3
percent increase by keeping tuition rates low,
bringing the University total to $333.3 mil-
loan- $12K
to future
euy O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
Education students at state univer-
sities may soon find a new incentive
to lend their skills to struggling
inner-city schools.
A bill recently introduced in the
State Senate promises up to $12,000
in loans over four years to college
students pursuing a career in educa-
ti In exchange, students would be
reired to agree to teach at an "at-
risk" school for at least four years.
The bill relies on the State School
Aid Act of 1979 to define "at risk"
schools. The definition includes
many criteria, among them the com-
bined local and state revenue per
pupil, whether the school is eligible
for free lunch, milk or breakfast pro-
grams and the schools' average
scores on standardized tests.
e Future Teachers Program loan
wil encourage prospective teachers
to work in districts they would not
normally consider, said a spokesper-
son for Sen. Glenn Steil (R-Grand
Rapids), the legislator who drafted
the bill.
"If you put them in (inner-city)
schools, they will learn for them-
selves the rewards of teaching in
th e schools," Murray said.
terim Dean of Education Karen
Wixson said this program will help
in ways that other programs have
"I'm really glad the legislature is
recognizing the needs in this area,"
Wixson said, adding that charter
schools and the encouragement of
privatization "are not working as
well and are disincentives.
"This is a nice alternative," she
said. "I see it as moving in a positive
The bill requests that the state
Department of Education develop
the specific way in which money
will be paid back and how long after
graduation students can defer pay-
Education Studies chair Virginia
Richardson said if the repayment
system was fair it could aid students
i any ways.
14f it were a good situation, with
maybe $1000 paid off every year, or
no interest, it would draw people in
and get them involved," Richardson
One advantage of the loan pro-
gram is that it may counter financial
issues facing students that some-
times discourage them from becom-
ing teachers, Richardson said.
"There are a lot of people who
h education in their heart, but
m ie they have been advised ...
that they should not go into educa-
tion," she said. "Maybe this would
push them over that barrier."
But Richardson cautioned that the
prospect of such a sizable loan might
attract students for the wrong reasons.
"It would draw people into educa-
tion who might not otherwise come
in," she said. "The question is
v ther it would draw people who good teachers."
School of Education Academic
Program Director Henry Mears said
the school's recruiting efforts, which
are mainly targeted at College of
Literature, Sciences and the Arts
udget gives
s all increase
"From what we have outlined and what we
had hoped to do, a 1.5 percent increase would
be a challenge," said Cynthia Wilbanks, the
University's vice president for government
Wilbanks said the increase in higher edu-
cation spending in the preliminary proposal
will likely change during the budget revision
process in the state Legislature.
"The for-sure increase is a starting point,
as it was last year," Wilbanks said. "Last year
a 1.5 percent increase was recommended,
and we ended up with something less than 3
When State Budget Director Mary
Lannoye presented Engler's $34 billion bud-
get recommendation yesterday to a joint ses-
sion of the House and Senate appropriations
committees, she highlighted educational
funding as the governor's top priority.
"The key to Michigan's success is the
quality of our schools," Lannoye said.
But senators and representatives disputed
Lannoye's claim that education is of greatest
importance to Engler, citing comparatively
larger spending increases in other areas.
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek), chair
of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
on Colleges and Universities, pointed to an 8.6
percent increase recommended for the
Department of Corrections, calling for the
opening of II new prisons by August of 2000.
"One of the significant points of difference
is going to be how one can justify spending
8-plus percent on corrections and 4 percent
on higher education," Schwarz said.
Rep. Hubert Price (D-Pontiac) said this
discrepancy was particularly tough to handle,
saying "my mother taught me some basic
math" and this proposal doesn't show an
administration committed to education.
"I'm having trouble reconciling how you
can say that," Price, the House appropriations
See BUDGET, Page 2
on 2
Beth Karmelsool, owner of the Safe Sex Store, throws condoms Into the air at her store on South University Avenue
yesterday. National Condom Day Is being recognized Sunday.
safesexp-r acticsrL*i
By Amy Barber
Daily Staff Reporter ,
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, this
weekend will be filled with the celebration of love,
romance, chocolate candies and, perhaps most impor-
tantly, condoms,
The American Social Health Association is spon-
soring the ninth annual National Condom Day on
Valentine's Day, this Sunday.
The day was created to remind sexually active peo-
ple that safer sex is important to prevent sexually
transmitted diseases, said Joan Cates, vice president
of development and policy at ASHA.
"National Condom Day is always on Valentine's
Day because it's a day for lovers," Cates said. "It's a
catchy time to remember to use protection when mak-
ing love."
The University has sponsored National Condom
Day events in the past, including passing out condoms
on the Diag.
But no special events are scheduled this year for
two reasons, said Sharla Smith, a health educator at
University Health Services.
The first is that National Condom Day falls on the
weekend and the number of students on campus on
Friday is "hideously low," Smith said.
Smith also said there has been a recent trend away
from centering events around specific days. Research
by health education departments at the University and
other Big Ten schools has indicated that events to pro-
mote awareness are ineffective at changing behavior.
"It's kind of scary," Smith said. "It doesn't even do
that good a job of raising awareness."
UHS has developed an alternate plan to promote
the use of condoms. A few days before Spring Break,
UHS health educators will hand out "safer Spring
Break kits" in the Michigan Union and in residence
The kits will include condoms and information
about safer sex, Smith said.
The Safe Sex Store on South University Avenue is
sponsoring a contest to win a trip to St. Lucia in
honor of National Condom Day, the store's owner
See CONDOMS, Page 5
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON Secret delibera-
tions in President Clinton's impeach-
ment trial wound toward a finish yes-
terday, as a fourth Republican
announced plans to reject both articles,
pushing conviction supporters within a
single vote of failing to win even a sim-
ple majority against the president when
the Senate casts its votes today.
While describing Clinton's conduct
as "deplorable and indefensible," Sen.
Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) said she
became convinced that "the president's
wrongdoing can and should be effec-
tively addressed by the criminal justice
system" rather than removal from
office. Senators of both parties predict-
ed another moderate, Susan Collins (R-
Maine), might also vote against the
charge that Clinton obstructed justice,
but her office did not confirm her
Meeting in secret from 10 a.m. until
shortly after 7 p.m., with a break only
for lunch, the Senate heard about 30
members of both parties outline their
views on the second presidential
impeachment trial in U.S. history.
By the end of the day, senators said,
there were only three or four senators
left to speak, including Senate Majority
Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) Minority
Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) and
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) viewed as
the leading exponent of Senate tradi-
tions and procedures. Lott said he
hoped the Senate would vote by I1 a.m.
or noon today.
Even as the deliberations proceeded,
a steady stream of senators called news
conferences, issued statements or sub-
mitted speeches explaining their posi-
tions. Virtually all the statements, even
from Democrats, condemned
Clinton's behavior in the scandal with
language like "disgraceful" and "repre-
hensible," though the two parties parted
company on the proper punishment;
Democrats said the president should
remain in office, while most
Republicans affirmed conviction as a
just result for disgraceful conduct.
It has been certain for weeks that the
Senate will not muster the two-thirds
majority needed to oust Clinton from
office, and in the past few days enthusi-
asm for the first impeachment article
alleging perjury in Clinton's Aug. 17
grand jury testimony has waned to the
point where it will almost certainly not
win 50 votes.
Snowe's announcement yesterday
afternoon meant that four Republicans
are now on record opposing the second
article, alleging obstruction ofjustice in
Clinton's efforts to conceal his sexual
involvement with Monica Lewinsky.
The others - Arlen Specter, (R -Pa.),
James Jeffords (R-Vt.) and John Chafee
(R-R.I.) - announced their opposition
If Democrats, as is widely expected,
close ranks to oppose both articles, only
a maximum of 51 senators, all
Republicans, could be counted on to vote
for the obstruction article. Still giving lit-
tle clue to their intentions were two
early GOP waverers, Collins and
Richard Shelby (R-Ala.)
The only question in the Democrat
camp was Byrd, who has not said cate-
gorically that he will vote against both
According to Lott spokesperson John
Czwartacki, the chamber will be
opened at the conclusion of the debate
and Chief Justice William Rehnquist
will read the first article and the clerk
will call the roll as senators stand one
by one to vote yea, nay or present. The
second article will follow.
When the voting finishes, a copy of
the judgment will be sent to the office
of the secretary of state, probably hand-
delivered by the secretary of the Senate.
After further formalities, the Senate
would formally adjourn the trial.
Democrats have said that, after the
See VOTE, Page 5
ReligiOn's role in age of
information explored
By Marta Brill
Daily Staff Reporter
In the information age, the role of religion is
called into question. Issues have surfaced concern-
ing how the traditional concept of religion fits in
with the rapid changes happening in the way peo-
ple communicate and access information.
This complex issue was the topic of a panel
discussion yesterday afternoon at Rackham
Amphitheater in front of an audience of about
50 people.
The panel, "God in the Information Age:," was moderated by University
English and religion Prof. Ralph Williams.
The panelists included Duke University reli-
gion Prof. Bruce Lawrence, retired University
of California at Santa Barbara religion Prof.
Charles Long and University Buddhist studies
and nvvcholoav Prof. Luis Gomez.
a tour of eight universities sponsored by the
American Academy of Religions.
To begin the discussion, Lawrence spoke on
the "melting pot" of religions in the United
States. He said the country is becoming
increasingly homogenized in its beliefs - or
blending different religions.
Long pointed out that this blending is not a
product of new forms of communication, but
rather is something that has existed for cen-
turies, even in Hellenic times.
Another concern Long voiced was the way
people consider it a benefit to increase the
speed of communication for speed's sake.
"It's a thing in itself, but it's up to us to dis-
cover if it's a good thing or not," Long said.
University alumnus Jenny Yoon said she
attended the panel because she likes interac-
tion between the audience and the panelists.
____ .