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February 08, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-08

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Today: Partly cloudy. High 41. Low 26.
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 54.

One hundred eight years ofeditorfreedom

February 8, 1999

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H. Usseii
The Washington Post7
AMMAN, Jordan - King'
Hussein died yesterday after a r:
long battle with cancer, end-
ing a reign of nearly 46 years
and prompting an outpouring
of emotion both here and
abroad over the loss of a
leader known for his humani-
ty and daring pursuit of
Middle East peace. Hussein
Hussein's 37-year-old son
Abdullah was sworn in as king shortly after his
father's death at the age of 63 from non-Hodgkins
lymphoma at 11:43 a.m. local time yesterday (4:43
a.m. EST).
Although the king's death had been expected
since he returned last week from a desperate final
round of cancer treatment at the Mayo clinic in
Rochester, Minn., yesterday's news was deeply
upsetting to Jordanians, most of whom have
known no.other ruler.
Shopkeepers hung black flags from their store-
fronts and went home, flags were lowered to half
mast and the airwaves were filled with verses from


the Koran. Some people wept openly.
Hussein's death was felt around the globe as for-
eign leaders and dignitaries made plans to attend
his funeral today. "The world mourns the loss of
one of its great leaders," President Clinton said
before departing for Amman with three former
presidents - George Bush, Jimmy Carter and
Gerald Ford.
"I mourn the loss of a partner and friend."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was
also expected to attend.
After his swearing in, Abdullah promptly called
his family into council and fulfilled his father's
last command by appointing his 19-year-old half-
brother Hamzeh, son of the American-born Queen
Noor, as his designated successor. The move
affirms the continued high standing in Jordan of
Hamzeh, considered to be his father's favorite son.
During a television address to the nation,
Abdullah asked for patience as he establishes his
reign, and pledged to continue on the path set by
his father.
"We will preserve the course that Hussein set,"
said Abdullah, a career army officer with little pre-
See HUSSEIN, Page 2A

Notre Dame votes to end
talks with Big Ten, CIC

Marathon raises money for hospital

By Angela Bardoni
For the Daily
Once again students at the University got
on their feet and made miracles happen.
The second annual Dance Marathon took
place this past weekend at the indoor track
and tennis building, raising about $86,000,
a Marathon participant said.
Last year's event raised $37,000 for
Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak and was the
largest initial year of any dance marathon
chapter in the nation.
"It has been anticipated that the University

will have the biggest second year out of any
school that has held this event," said Dancer
Relations Officer Vikram Sarma, an LSA
The money generated from the marathon
is raised by the dancers and also from con-
tributions made by businesses, Sarma said.
During the 30-hour event, the dancers,
moralers and aid station workers who pro-
vided food and drink to the dancers and
security guards had more than just music to
keep them awake.
The theme of this year's event was "Time

Warp." Dancers participated in activities that
took them on an adventure through time, from
Ancient Egypt to the future.
Wearing togas, participants graced the
stage displaying the spirit of the ancient
A 'S0s sock hop, a Beatles impersonation,
disco feveT and music from the '80s were of
the some events that helped to keep the
dancers moving through the night.
LSA first-year student Sharmili Hazra par-
ticipated in the Dance Marathon for the first

Goss hesitant about future
Big Ten expansion and football
conference championship game
By David Den Herder
Daily Sports Writer
The University of Notre Dame announced
Friday it would no longer pursue membership in
the Big Ten athletic conference. The announce-
ment came immediately following a vote from the
Notre Dame Board of Trustees in London.
Notre Dame President Edward
Malloy said the final decision to
terminate talks with the Big Ten
and the Committee for
Institutional Cooperation was
based on a sense of institutional
identity - something Malloy-- called Notre
Dame's "overarching definition"
"Just as the Universities of Michigan or
Wisconsin or Illinois have core identities as the
flagship institutions of their states, so Notre Dame
has a core identity," said Malloy, according to a

transcript of Friday's press conference in London.
"And at that core are these characteristics:
Catholic, private, independent."
Notre Dame Student Senate President Peter
Cesaro said he wasn't surprised to see the board
vote down further talks with the Big Ten. The
Student Senate voted 27-0 to oppose membership
before the London conference and the Notre
Dame alumni association was also largely
"I think all schools need to be constantly look-
ing at ways to improve," Cesaro said. "Right now
the University of Notre Dame will work to contin-
ue to enhance athletics and academics."
A primary concern of the Student Senate was
Notre Dame's academic focus should it join the
CIC, which places significant emphasis on
research and graduate studies.
"I didn't want to turn this into an undergraduate
versus faculty conflict;' Cesaro said. "The under-
graduate students had the concern that if the
resources would be shifted, the undergrads would-
n't have access to them."


Senate divided
over open trial
debate, censure

t GBT Visibility
Monday: Glow in the Dark
March on the Diag, 9 p.m.
a Tuesday: LGBT
Luncheon in Michigan Union
Kuenzel Room, 2 p.m.
Wednesday: Red Shirt Day
u Thursday: Poetry reading at
the Gypsy Cafe, 7-9 pm.
R Friday: Kiss-In on the iag,
12 p.m.
a Saturday: Valentine making at
LGBTA office, 3200 Michigan
Union, 1 p.m.
s Sunday: Women's brunch at
Aut Bar, 11:30 a.m.30 p.m.

Visibility Week to begin

Los Angeles Times
WASH INGTON - As the Senate
enters what appears to be the final
week of President Clinton's impeach-
ment trial, it is virtually certain about
he outcome but is sharply divided
0ver whether to open the delibera-
tions to the public and to consider a
separate resolution censuring the
In televised interviews yesterday, key
senators left no doubt that, as widely
expected, the final vote now scheduled
for late Thursday or Friday will not
yield the two-thirds majority required
to convict Clinton of the charges and
remove him from office.
But they cautioned that two com-
anion decisions this week could be
close - one to open the final debate
to the public instead of holding it in
secret, as required by Senate rules,
and, possibly, a bipartisan move to
censure Clinton immediately after
the trial.
In one blunt assessment, Sen.
Richard Shelby (R-Ala) told ABC-TV's
"This Week" that as many as 15
*epublicans may join Democrats in
voting to acquit Clinton on the first arti-
cle of impeachment charging him with
perjury - short of even a 51-vote
He said the second article - alleging
that the president obstructed justice by
trving to encourage former White House

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), another
key Republican who has been critical of
Clinton, conceded that the outlook
appears to favor the president. "We're
going to do our constitutional duty this
week and get rid of this," he told CNN's
"Late Edition" program.
The Senate is slated to resume the
trial today with the start of six hours of
closing arguments - three hours each
for the House prosecution team and the
president's counsel -to be followed by
up to 25 hours of deliberations by the
The final vote on whether to convict
Clinton or acquit him will end the trial
four weeks after it began, climaxing a
national scandal that broke out in
January 1998.
Just before the final balloting, sena-
tors will face a vote on a bipartisan pro-
posal to open the final debate to the
public rather than going into closed ses-
sion, as Senate rules now require in the
case of impeachment trials.
But several senators yesterday pre-
dicted the vote will be close, and that
there is a strong possibility that spon-
sors may not be able to muster the two-
thirds majority that would be needed to
change Senate rules and open the
Even more controversy could arise
if some senators - again, mostly
Democrats, joined by a few
Republicans - follow, as expected,

By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
With a flurry of events planned for
the next seven days, organizers of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Visibility Week said
they hope to involve members of all
communities in the activities.
From the Glow in the Dark March on
the Diag on Monday to Wednesday's
Date Auction sponsored by the
Women's Studies Association, the aim
is to promote awareness and support of
issues facing the LGBT community
among both gay and heterosexual stu-
dents, said Women's Studies
Association member Shannon
Saksewski, an LSA senior.

"I think it's important for gay people
to be involved because there is not a
real sense of community on this cam-
pus," Saksewski said, adding that there
is also a need for a sense of accep-
"That's why it's important for allies
to be involved," Saksewski said.
Music sophomore Katherine Severs
said a brochure available this week
defines allies specifically as "any per-
son who affirms experiences or rights
of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered people. Allies make a
conscious effort to fight heterosexism
and homophobia."
Saksewski said regardless of sexuali-
ty, all people can offer help to the

LGBT community.
"Even ... people who aren't gay,
bisexual or transgendered (can) say 'we
are in support of human rights,"' she
The week has the potential to affect
the lives of all students by making peo-
ple more aware of their attitudes
toward different lifestyles, Saksewski
. Severs said she is looking forward
to Red Shirt Day, an activity planned
for Wednesday. Students and faculty
are asked to wear a red shirt in sup-
port of the LGBT community and its
Although there is no specific mean
See LGBT, Page 2A

Meat scare has little
effect on 'U' market

slip sliding away _______

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Recent large-scale recall efforts on
hot dogs and lunch meat have tainted
the nation's meat-processing industry,
but the recalls have caused little com-
motion on campus.
"My business hasn't been affected,"
said Barry Biniarz, who has run the
Biener's Wieners hot dog cart on South
State Street for 17 years.
Biniarz said customers have not
shown any qualms about buying a hot
dog from him, despite the publicity sur-
rounding the recalls. Biniarz sells
Kowalski brand meat products, which
have not been targeted.
Since Dec. 22, at least six compa-

may be contaminated with the pathogen
listeria monocytogenes, which can lead
to the rare but possibly fatal disease lis-
LSA junior Christina Guirguis was
unaware of the recalls but said the news
won't change her buying habits.
"I love hot dogs, Guirguis said. "I
usually don't take those things to heart,
like that it wouldn't happen to me."
Law second-year student Mark
Hanna said the recalls only reinforce
the opinions of vegetarians like him-
"There's ongoing problems with
meat. That's why I'm a vegetarian," said
Hanna, who said he scrapped meat
from his diet about 10 years ago.



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