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February 24, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-24

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One hundred eight years of editorlfreedom

February 24, 1999

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appeal to
be heard
April 8
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan football player Marcus
Ray's punishment was to miss six
games of his senior season. But James
Gould, the agent Ray was involved
with, won't learn his punishment until
April 8, when he has a hearing in front
0Roger Kaplan to appeal the two-
r suspension and $15,000 fine rec-
ommended by the NFL Players
"Often, the arbitrator has upheld"
the NFLPA's decision, Tom DePaso of
the NFLPA said.
The NCAA suspended Ray last sea-
son for his contact with Gould, who
paid =for a hotel room occupied by
friends of Ray and his mother because
they were unable to pay for the room at
time. The hotel threatened to have
e woman arrested, Gould said.
Gould said the University's investi-
gation into the matter exonerated him
because neither Ray nor his mother
stayed in the room.
DePaso said the NFLPA has never
had its sentence reversed or reduced.
"There's always a first time," Cohn
Both Cohn and Gould said they are
itive they will get a fair hearing.
Gould said the unfair part of the
process came last fall.
At a press conference to announce
the results of an Athletic Department
investigation into the matter, Michigan
football coach Lloyd Carr used
Gould's name, even though it had been
removed from the report released to
the public.
"When a coach decides to tear me
rt because he's emotional, he better
and think about the person he's
attacking," Gould said.
Carr did not return phone calls from
The Michigan Daily.
Gould said he had no plans for a
lawsuit before his hearing.
"It would probably have been in
Lloyd Carr's best interest not" to have
mentioned Gould's name, Cohn said.

Horse play





Michigan gymnast Jesse Coleman practices on the pommel horse yesterday at Cliff Keen Arena. The Michigan men's
gymnastics team Is currently ranked No. 2 in the nation.
S .weatshop taksgo on

By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
As minority students across
Michigan zero in on a career choice and
begin the search for jobs, one field is
often passed over - teaching in K-12
The reason for the shortage of inter-
ested minority teachers is fairly simple,
said Rudy Redmond,
coordinator of the King-
Chavez Park Initiative
for the Department of
"It's really a demo-
graphic type of thing,"
Redmond said.
"A lot of the best and
the brightest are not going into educa-
tion anymore,'Redmond added.
But Redmond said that while both
universities and public K-12 schools
experience difficulty in recruiting
minorities, efforts are being made to
turn the tide.
A bill proposed by State Rep. Lynn
Martinez (D-Lansing) and passed last
year channeled a modest sum of
$150,000 into the higher education
budget for programs aiming to attract
Schools were required to submit pro-
posals for their recruitment programs.
Competition was stiff, Martinez said,
but schools were enthusiastic.
"Students need good mentors," she
"When students go to school, they
like to see people who are in the same
group as them. Diversity is important,"
Martinez said.
But even with extra funding, recruiting
students into the School of Education is a
challenge, said Education Prof. and
Director of Programs for Educational
Opportunity Percy Bates.

Because students may not make a
decision to apply to the School of
Education until they've spent a few
semesters taking College of Literature
Science and the Arts classes, it is diffi-
cult to seek out those who are interested.
"We don't know who's in the
pipeline," Bates said, adding that the
school currently tries to draw students
through announcements stressing its
commitment to maintaining a diverse
student body.
Education junior Kristy Hobson said
she doesn't think the school takes
advantage of all chances to let minority
students know about teaching opportu-
"If they get in touch with black stu-
dent organizations on campus, they
may be able to reach more students,"
Hobson said.
She also said her race might play a
factor in her getting a teaching job after
"Being a minority would affect my
ability to get a job because the demand
for teachers is so high,' she said.
Without a surge of minority student
interest in the teaching profession,
school districts may also find it hard to
mold a body of teachers that adequate-
ly represents all races.
"The competition is greater for minori-
ties not only in Michigan but all over the
country," said Arthur Williams, principal
of Ann Arbor Huron High School.
Williams said he is aware of a task
force formed by the school district that
will implement more aggressive recruit-
ing of minorities, such as having job
fairs and bypassing the flurry of routine
paper work with on-the-spot hiring.
But, he said, the shortage of diverse
teachers is not a problem that will go
away overnight.
See MINORITY, Page 3

By Michael Grass ,
Daily Staff Reporter urer
dialogue continued yesterday as student bers of SOLE present at the meeting
activists and University administrators with University general counsel Marvin
continued to address the issue of sweat- Krislov and Senior Associate Athletic
shop labor in the collegiate apparel Director Keith Molin decided to set
industry. their next meeting for March 9.
Members of Students Organizing for "We want to find the candle to light
Labor and Economic Equality said they the way out of the darkness," Molin
were told by other campus anti-sweat- said, adding that SOLE and the
shop organizers that college administra- University are seeing eye-to-eye on the
tors nationwide are looking to the problem - and they only need to find
University for leadership on this issue, the appropriate way to a solution.
adding that what happens in Ann Arbor SOLE, along with its affiliate organi-
will set the tone for rest of the nation. zations nationwide, are upset with the
After some discussion, the five mem- draft of a proposed anti-sweatshop code

S t by the Collegiate Licensing
Company, which handles
manufacturing contracts for
the University and 160 other colleges
around the nation.
Campus activists said they want
the nation's universities to stand for a
stronger code that includes calls for
public disclosure of factory location
and ownerships and a wage that takes
local living factors into considera-
Students at Duke and Georgetown
universities and the University of
Wisconsin at Madison have forced
their administrators to take action for a

sp otlights
mIusic taent
By Jenni Gisn
Daily Arts Writer
The giant stone features of the Sphinx, the statue of a deity
that stands alongside Egypt's pyramids, embody the power of
civilization and creativity. During the past year, the meaning of
the Sphinx - while continuing its traditional symbolism - has
altered somewhat in classical music circles.
This week marks the second annual Sphinx Competition, a
national contest for minority string players based in Ann Arbor
* started last year by University alumnus Aaron Dworkin.
Hosted by the School of Music, the contest will bring 17
semi-finalists to Ann Arbor from across the country Feb. 25 to
28. After auditioning in front of a jury, the three finalists in each
of two divisions will perform in a concert Feb. 28 at Hill
Auditorium to earn final rankings. The first place finalist from
each division will be awarded an opportunity to perform a solo
with the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C.
The semi-finalists "are kind of poised to enter the profession-
al environment," Dworkin said. "It's a very important juncture in
their musical careers:'
Expanding from last year's single division for musicians
*er 20 years old, the contest now offers two divisions - a
junior division for participants under 18 and a senior division for
contestants ages 18 to 25. This year's semi-finalists range in age
from 13 to 24 and come from several states, including New
York, California, Colorado and Florida.
The four basic string instruments - bass, cello, viola and
violin -are represented among this group of musicians, many
of whom have principal positions in their home orchestras.
"They're basically the top players from their communities,"
Dworkin said.
, ive judges, who are also local music educators, choose the
Wi-finalists from cassette tape auditions that are mailed to Ann
Arbor, Dworkin said, adding that musical requirements for the
auditions include pieces by minority composers in addition to
music by composers such as Mozart, Haydn and Mendelssohn.
Due to its extensive popularity, Dworkin said, the Sphinx
receives many tapes.
The competition sends information to more than 10,000 orga-

MSA debates party slates

By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
With Michigan Student Assembly elections set to begin
exactly one month from today, what would it be like for the stu-
dent body to vote without influence from candidates' party
In a secret ballot vote, the assembly revealed that it didn't
want to find out.
Engineering Rep. Dave Burden motioned yesterday to
eliminate the possibility of candidates to run with a party list-
ed next to their name on the MSA b'allot at elections March
24 and 25.
Last night's issue sparked opinions from several students who
attended the meeting to address the assembly.
SNRE senior Kristen Genovese, an MSA member but not an
elected representative, said parties are unnecessary. "I've seen
you guys do some really great things;' Genovese said. "I don't
think you need a party to help you with that."
But Art and Design senior David Velar said he thought abol-
ishing parties from elections would be detrimental to the
"The Defend Affirmative Action Party is the only party that
does stand for real issues here,"Velar said. "Ending parties will
take that away"
MSA President Trent Thompson passed his gavel to Vice

President Sarah Chopp to inform the assembly of his stance and
begin the assembly's discussion of Burden's motion. "If this
code change occurs, I honestly think this will be more of a pop-
ularity contest." Thompson said. "Without parties, a lot of peo-
ple, including myself, probably wouldn't have been on the
Rackham Rep. Jessica Curtin said the issue of eliminating
parties could be interpreted as an undemocratic motion and a
negative reaction toward the Defend Affirmative Action
"The perception on the part of minority students is that it is
an attack on minority students because of the Defend
Affirmative Action Party's election to MSA," Curtin said
But Burden argued that the motion was not an attack on
democracy or the Defend Affirmative Action Party.
"I'm afraid that if this assembly becomes a political
place, good things like the Coursepack Store would not hap-
pen," Burden said, adding that political parties in MSA elec-
tions affect the amount of respect the student has for the
"It's a vice that people go to vote for their friends ... because
they don't take us seriously" Burden said.
LSA Rep. Joe Bernstein, who argued in favor of abolishing
parties, said members "not only have to do a good job" but have
See MSA, Page 3

Photos by DANA LINNANE/Daily
TOP: Michigan Student Assembly President Trent Thompson
debates yesterday the elimination of parties in MSA elections.
ABOVE: ISA Rep. Joe Bernstein also debates the use of parties.

Universi to decide course o
ction for hoital incinerator

By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
Daily Staff Reporter
Every year, the University Medical Center's
incinerator burns almost six million pounds of
waste. In the smoke that rises out of the inciner-
ator, toxic and carcinogenic particles of mercury
and dioxins are released into the environment.
To fight the problem, the University is expect-
ed to make a decision this year on whether it will
replace the incinerator with a newer, more effi-
cient model or whether it will use alternative

Some critics said they see incineration as the
worst of two options. SNRE senior Anne Leavitt-
Gruberger, a member of SHH, said sending the
majority of waste to landfills would be better
because it would not disperse harmful substances
into the air.
"It's preferential to send it to the landfills
because there isn't anything being sent into the
air," Leavitt-Gruberger said. "It's the lesser of
two evils."
The Medical Center incinerates almost three-


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