Today: Cloudy. High 44. Low;
Tomorrow: Cloudy, High 44.
One hundred eight years o editorz dfteedom
February 4, 1999
r V J lil °l, / F " {: t/ d 4hF /'f4T 1 ,9 1 R .h. i' tt'Pi 9'/'Ni
intends to
to 'U'
By lawon Stffer
Daily Staff Reporter
After serving four months for sexual
misconduct, Daniel Granger was
released from Dickerson Detention
Facility in Hamtramck yesterday. His
f ther, Rick Granger, spoke out about
son's future and his intentions to
reapply for admission to the University.
Granger was convicted for con-
spiracy to contribute to the delin-
quency of a minor after he allegedly
had sexual intercourse with three
14-year-old girls during his term as
Grosse Pointe North High School
senior class president.
The University revoked Granger's
admission shortly after allegations of
6- ual misconduct surfaced and before
was convicted in court.
Rick Granger said the timing of the
University's original decision was pre-
"We clearly see the inconsistencies
in the way the suspensions are applied,"
Rick Granger said.
But Rick Granger, speaking for his
son, said his son is looking to put the
past behind him and attend college in
'This journey is a matter of small
steps," Rick
Granger said.
"The next step is
to get through his
home confine-
ment period of 45
Granger and
his family will
soon begin
weighing his
ranger options for next
year, Rick
Granger said, adding that his son wants
to be a student at the University.
University officials "did indicate he-
can reapply and he would still like to
attend," Rick Granger said.
Associate Provost for Academic and
Multicultural Affairs Lester Monts
uld not comment specifically on the
anger case, but said the University
would consult several sources to deter-
mine if someone whose admission was
suspended for non-academic reasons
should be re-admitted to the University.
"We'd work with (The Office o)
Student Affairs Counseling and in
some cases may consult with" the
Department of Public Safety, Monts
said. "My sense is this would be a col-
laborative effort done in an ad hoc
,manner depending on the profile of the
dent involved."
Although he has served his jail
sentence, it is still possible
Granger's conviction will continue
to haunt him in the college admis-
sions process.
After his University admission was
originally revoked, Granger applied to
other schools and was accepted at
Bowling Green State University in
t io, his father said. Once the media
licized his admission to BGSU,
Granger's status at that school was also
cast into doubt.
"They accepted him and once they
found out they subsequently suspended
him until a hearing could be held," his
father said.
Cliff Boutelle, director of public
relations at BGSU, said he does not
know when the hearing will be held.
BGSU "has a policy where it can
iew admissions upon learning
See GRANGER, Page 5A
7 7 r r 7 rT - -'r- 77 "- 'T- mrm M 1 -7 T-m im,"T Tr , - rl M -", I I I I i
Bar a grees
1 -month
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Texas A&M mechanical engineering Prof. Waiter Bradley speaks to a crowd of 700 yesterday in Rackham Auditorium on
the topic of science and God coexisting.
Speake~mr: Sci,,,qenjce ca
Isuppor GodsMexite1 c
By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
Patrons of Rick's American Cafe in
East Lansing will have to find a new
nightspot from Feb. 7 to March 9 due to
a temporary suspension of the estab-
lishment's liquor license and the result-
ing closing of the bar.
The suspension comes in response to
alcohol related
charges that were RINH
filed against the bar
after the death of
Brad McCue, a
Michigan State
University junior.
McCue visited Rick's
of East Lansing on
the night of his 21st
birthday, consumed
24 shots in less than
two hours and died
later of alcohol poi-
Rick's of East
Lansing negotiated a ON &
settlement that
reduced the original penalty of a 90-day
suspension to a 30-day period along
with a $50,000 fine. An added provi-
sion will automatically enforce an addi-
tional 60-day suspension if the bar vio-
lates alcohol laws within the next year.
The agreement also requires all
employees to be retrained on how to
recognize intoxicated customers, when
to limit customers' drinking and what
the responsibilities of a server of alco-
hol are, said Rick's of East Lansing
attorney John Doyle.
Doyle said one employee per shift
will be assigned to monitor patrons and
keep an eye open for possible problems,
such as someone having too much to
drink and attempting to drive home.
The original four charges against the
bar included selling, servicing or fur-
nishing alcohol to someone who is vis-
ibly intoxicated, allowing
NG that person to consume
alcohol, allowing that per-
son to frequent or loiter in
the establishment and giv-
ing away alcoholic liquor.
Rick's of East Lansing's
decision not to challenge
the charges in a hearing was
made for the sake of
McCue's family, Doyle
"Sympathies and condo-
lences go out to Brad
McCue's family," Doyle
said. "Everyone is just dev-
APUS astated by what happened."
Doyle also said Rick's
of East Lansing feels the penalties
being imposed are fair and is ready
to do whatever it can to curb under-
age and excessive drinking on its
"Rick's can be a model operation"he
The Ann Arbor location of Rick's
American Cafe will not be legally
affected by the penalties against the
East Lansing location because the two
See RICK'S, Page 5A
By Adam Zuwerink
Daily Staff Reporter
Does science prove the existence of God?
The question has been debated for centuries, and in front
of nearly 700 people at Rackham Auditorium last night,
Texas A&M mechanical engineering Prof. Walter Bradley
spoke on the topic.
Using seven predetermined questions, which University
students submitted on the event's Webpage during the last
few weeks, Bradley answered each inquiry through the use of
recent developments in the fields of astronomy and physics.
"We used this format so you can address the issue, not
the emotion" said Pat Moore, a Campus Crusade for
Christ intern and doctoral student in environmental engi-
neering. "It's not so much a lecture, but we want to address
Michigan's top questions."
Before beginning his talk, Bradley, who said he does
believe in the existence of a creator, made sure to stress
that "in the final analysis, we can neither prove nor dis-
prove the existence of God."
The opening two questions dealt with the scientific evi-
dence against ideas found in the Bible, and the view of
astronomy, physics and philosophy in relation to the possi-
bility of a god.
Bradley answered the questions by first looking at the
big bang hypothesis and said a universe that began a finite
amount of time ago is more supportive of theology.
See GOD, Page 2A
Give 'em the shoe
CEO unwilling to extend
contract deadlines again
By Nick Faizone
Daily Staff Reporter
The Graduate Employees
Organization's contract extension with
the University is scheduled to expire -
again - tonight at midnight.
Although GEO agreed to extend its
agreement - originally deadlined
Monday at midnight - at its meeting
earlier this week, GEO spokesperson
Chip Smith said this will not occur at
tonight's bargaining session.
"No more contract extension period,"
Smith said. "I am not willing to extend
it again."
Since Monday's extension, GEO
members voted to send out strike autho-
rization ballots, the first step toward a
potential strike or walk-out.
GEO decided to extend their contract
at Monday's negotiation session to
review a new wage proposal from the
University. The University presented this
proposal, concerning the way Graduate
Student Instructors' hours are calculated,
after GEO reduced their GSI wage
request from 27 percent to 9 percent.
Smith said GEO planned on present-
ing the University a wage counterpro-
posal at tonight's session. While the
University's Chief Negotiator Dan
Gamble said he is prepared to address
this issue, he wanted to assure GEO that
the University's current proposal is
"I hope they understand how gener-
ous this proposal is," Gamble said. He
said if GEO accepts the proposal, all
GSIs with .3, .35 and .4 appointments
- those who work between 30 and 40
percent of the hours of a full-time fac-
ulty member - will be moved up to a
.5 appointment. Gamble said under this
plan, the average GSI will earn $283
more per month.
Provost Nancy Cantor, whose office
will provide the money for the. GSIs'
wage increase, said her team made this
move because of their concern for
University graduate students.
"We care deeply about the living
standard of our graduate students,"
Cantor said. "We are concerned with
their ability to flourish in their own aca-
demic programs while contributing to
the undergraduates' education."
Smith said Gamble's figures are
false, explaining that GSIs who work
30 to 35 percent of a full-time faculty
member may actually move down to a
.25 appointment under the University's
proposal - earning less money while
working the same number of hours.
Smith also said that while GSIs with
.4 appointments will move up to .5
under the new proposal, they will still
need to work extra hours to earn the
extra wages.
"There's no benefit here at all,"
Smith said. "The way the University on
proposed this is completely unaccept-
able to the membership"
GEO steward Nages
Shanmugalingan said she found anoth-
er policy presented by the University on
Monday unacceptable.
"I am very unsatisfied with the
University's policy on compensated
training for international GSIs,"
Shanmugalingan said.
LSA sophomores Ian Wiesner and Jason Keydel and LSA junior Joe Sexauer
protest sweatshop labor on the Diag yesterday afternoon. Inside: Students and
administration at Duke University reach a sweatshop accord. Page 5A
Parties differ on ways
Democrats threaten to
turn trial into party battle
to cut colli
y Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
While state Republicans and Democrats
both agree that college should be more afford-
able for Michigan families, they disagree about
which one of two proposed tuition-assistance
mnn cnuld he imnlementd.
ege costs
address, followed suit with a surprise proposal
that would award a college scholarship of up to
$3,000 to students who score well on a stan-
dardized high school test.
Engler spokesperson John Truscott said
Engler's speech was finalized a week earlier
and wa not meant to counter the Democratic
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats
threatened yesterday to turn President Clinton's
impeachment trial into a party battle if the
Republicans go through with plans to vote on a
declaration of wrongdoing before deciding his
As House GOP prosecutors questioned the third
of three witnesses in the case, Democratic leader
criticism was a GOP proposal for a formal find-
ing of wrongdoing, a measure that would
require a simple majority for passage rather
than the two-thirds needed for conviction on
"If Republicans persist in demanding live wit-
nesses and demanding more depositions, and
demanding extra legal devices like findings of
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