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February 12, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-12

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One hundred eight yearn ofedzrtoralfiedm


The Trial of President
lm Jefferson Clinton

February 12 1999

Senators acquit
Clinton on both
articles; censure
still possible
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate today acquitted William Jefferson Clinton
of perjury and obstruction of justice, ending a 13-month drama that catapulted an
affair with a White House intern into only the second presidential impeachment
trial in history. Permitted to finish his term, the 42nd president declared he was
"1profoundly sorry ... for what I said and did."
"This can be and this must be a time of reconciliation and renewal for America,"
Clinton said in a brief statement from the White House Rose Garden about two
hours after the historic verdict.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist pronounced Clinton's acquittal at 12:39 EST.
"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said William Jefferson Clinton be and
he hereby is acquitted of the charges in the said articles," he intoned.
Senators voted 50-50 on the
impeachment article accusing THE VERDICT:
Clinton of obstruction of justice in
concealing his affair with Monica 8 Article I: perjury to a
Lewinsky, far short of the two-thirds federal grand jury
required for conviction. Earlier, sen- 55 not guilty
ators rejected the charge of perjury 45 guilty
by a 55-45 vote, as 10 Republicans
joined the Democrats. "Congress has strengthened, not
Shortly after the votes, Rehnquist weakened the ties that bind our
banged his gavel to end the five- nation together."
week trial. - Rep. Henry Hyde (R-ill.)
Senators then rejected an effort by Article II: obstruction of
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), to justice
force a vote today on her recommen- 50 not guilty
dation to censure the president for 50 guilty
"shameful, reckless and indefensi-
ble" behavior. The symbolic effort, "This was a rebuke. There is no
which several Democrats said would question."
not be 'revivedlater on, was a - Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle
reminder that, acquittal aside,
Clinton remains forever tarnished as only the second president in history to be
Clinton was in the White House residence during the vote but did not watch it
on television. Later he expressed his remorse.
"Now that the Senate has fulfilled its constitutional responsibility, bringing
this process to a conclusion, I want to say again to the American people how
profoundly sorry I am for what I said and did to trigger these events and the
great burden they have imposed on the Congress and the American people," the
president read.

tBOYE: President
nton speaks to
the public In the
Rose Garden
today. In the brief
speech, Clinton
apologized to the
RIGHT: Supreme
Court Chief
Justice William
presides over the
Senate vote
today in the
Senate chamber.

Outcome interests students

By Jewel Gopwanl
and Nin|||ScI.
Daily Staff Reporters
Just as their opinions about whether
President Clinton should be removed
from office differed, students displayed
a range of reactions to the scene unfold-
ing in the nation's capitol today - a
scene that put an end to the scandal that
captured the country's attention for
more than a year.
Whether students positioned them-
selves to see the television at the
Michigan Union or lowered their heads
into their books, silence replaced the
normal lunchtime chatter and rustling
wrappers of the noon hour in the
Union's underground food court.
A small crowd gathered around the
Union's television as U.S. senators tal-
lied their votes, deciding to acquit the
nation's 42nd president.
LSA first-year student Ben Erickson,
who closely followed the first vote, was

"It was just a train that the
Republican senators couldn't stop."f
- Mike Kagan
Law sophomore

a part of the small collection of stu-
dents. "It seems like this should be a
pretty historic moment,' he said.
Erickson said he wasn't surprised by
the Senate's vote and he thought others
shared his opinion. "I think most people
already know what the outcome is
going to be."
Although some students took the
lunchtime hour to scrutinize the historic
event, others carried on with their regu-
lar routine.
At the same moment as Erickson
watched the trial results intently, LSA
sophomore Arielle Bogorad sent out an
e-mail message, paying little attention

to the verdict.
"I'm interested, but I have to stay on
top of occurrences in.school," Bogorad
While eating lunch, Engineering
junior Christine Cleasly read a newspa-
per instead of watching the national
event on the nearby television screen.
"It's hard to keep track of the
impeachment trial,' Cleasly said.
As the 45-minute Senate voting
process drew to a close, student interest
at the West Quad Residence Hall dining
area varied between apathetic and con-
See STUDENTS, Page Ill

Levm, Abraham cast conflicting votes
By Kelly O'Connor offenses' he said, "He went back too far, went too long and spec
Daily Staff Reporters Levin also said he was pleased with the bipartisan much money in his effort to find dirt on the Presi

In this four-page special section:

nt too

As today's final votes in the Senate trial of President
Clinton were tallied, the role of Michigan's two senators
were crucial in the last chapter of this historic event.
Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) was the first name

spirit that characterized the Senate trial.
"There was an extraordinary effort by everyone to
reach a conclusion every senator
was comfortable with," he said.
i m. . caiA hl a .,c. rnrnrpt-,A

Levin said.
But Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) said today in a
written statement that in order to
preserve the Constitution and the
law,ci-f the rcountrv he voted to con-

An editorial from The Michigan Daily - page II
Outline of the events that led to today - page 11
University community members share their opinions on
the judgment - page Il-ll




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