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February 28, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…!VAN AWN% AMERL eve I ' J, % J.i r I "" r /v r /. -r =- l r J. '.; J. f' r+ -- . - - ; , -- <-: r-, n, °' .. j~ r ~. Jc '% , "' ^.. 1 , f ., _ y n x U: -' _ .,. , r" F r =r C" r . _ rn z m J' rn - ty -, s ; _ J i/% .+ r r-f n ' v r, _ _ r "' r'1 f^h ~: e-+ \( _ _ J ..+ ^ W __. ^, J% Q (^, (v r, Ji r .J; -"' J- f !' CD -CA ^J ~. .._. v r. ;. .. _ J. r. .. .^--. t y _,. --r 4.. ,- r- Jy' , v . r n. , r ^- .- y '. . '_° u ^ , _, °" _ ...…

February 26, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

….x ANN ARBOR, MiICHIIGAN, ( N I) .A V, ttlilfNi No <. '(i 1 1)] [, FRESHMEN FURNISH \NLXfiTR TIMEFOR\\) SASLGI U~RE SURPRISE OF-MEET Th aR laxa pil~ei I x~3la coy il k'CANNOT INTERFERE' eliaiged ito Saturayav arcli .4. 'ha' iii- to ratiliers (ave hen hi sY ta Ii Ilx-i Youngsters Take First HonorsthvheliahdtletfiKunolshtOlyRgt' :Ihtheirhaverk.i Moreovti, Kuhn od htOl eet In Spite of Keenest of alliiriik. MriCC i'I ave Right of Un iversity I...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…heF 5. -- ._ _.___i. Xs._ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,: SAT"R DAY, l, hIRTARY 5,1Q oo. . TRACK OPENING IS FXXCY tI ~ R S1,?ffC~f\J5 SU AROFF FILLS fspR (( U S ~ SET FOR TONIGHT It aims I ,dres-s rtif Ihe : UNIVERSITY HALL t'os~~r 'tt ensLege .alhe sf nhabu New Material Will Have Chance elisterhsencstortry eesiie Second Appearance of American To Show Metal in First of The leagu teeassra th . Artist Arouses Enthusiasm sb otar,sft wrf Indoor Meets e...…

February 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F\IIDAY, FEBRUtRY4, 111 Vol. XX I. IGhTY MEN ENTER rleT{Tc-..1-i PRELIMINARY MEET Patis of the Sorhoun dentsof te unvers t as tiidit tilt 1 Record Number of Athletes to a lecture on the glat Frenicth it ted ('om Pete for VarsityvTrack :ireNasgve(niaahCswellt li ii Postio s haland sit ethtutsia-tic autdieceic s Positionsolattendaniice. scif,wsatestpecialty quatlliied to priesent TEAM~ LOSES THREE VALUED MEN his s...…

February 22, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \ lE)I', Si) Y, E'lli'ARiSY'12, BPI, Vial. xxi. -------------------------- 7--77"77= '*- --- ---..----.---------- 'A. fOR I I1T CLASS ST tGIi.S \ \ I:I(I 'S';IN TIl BASKET THROWESMDCFILEP READY OR BATLE displayed their originality 61STANNIVERARY I'lls " rs\citll~l -- oi yilsium ilast eveintlg. ,tery--'ofblck ea-gaiic 111e O h Class learns Rapidly Rounding iiii tti5tsdciclss os i i s Dean Vaughan and Dr Wa...…

February 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…Am ------ -- ---- -- Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; '1 '1? +[ )iI \N I I: ('l\f.l ii . HUTCHINS VISITS IONIA TO TEST 'STRENGTH ISENIOLIITS WILL REVEL M INSTREL SHOW I President Aids in Forming; Alumni i Etnsv Program is Arranged Association in State , NEXT SAIUIIWIExeniv For Tonight GRANTED BY SENAT President I tutchins sas sIII lona last l Senior l'its wiil revel tt}]li i i I nigiht wthere he addtresseut a large soot- trifNlifgtataof iiogt...…

February 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…TheMichil -,-ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,iSU Nil \XY,likI ikit itINx.9 Vol. XXI. No. g THIRTY MN OM l 0hSICH kcAE. SEN UT.STUDENTS STRIKE; Acti e 'rearations for the loterseho-IJND E O T F R B S B L 1jc mei wiie like the circus of fame SI; U tis to hie bigger and better than ever he- fore, hasve bees begun. Interscholastic Rickey Advises Candidates 0ol stager Lysian has mtailed postal cardis Underclassmen are Ordered Train Before Season ld Prrtoyso...…

February 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…gal" s , a f :n q rhe. M I IL i Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S \'Il 'IIl 11;; I l'.1 CLOUDS OVERCAST BASEBALL HORIZON Eligibility Rules Are"Making Heavy Inronds Into Squad Material MEETING IS CALLED FOR TODAY LErANI)...'i [,OWI,;RS. PUBLISH PROGRJIA' FOR MAY FFSIIYllAjl Many Noted Artists will Appear in University Hail in RevcI of M~usic Lovers SEATS TO GO ON SALE MONDAY I \ 11 V COMMITTER TRAMP THR1-OUGH PUDDLES Nt..a cepl In- 15 i ...…

February 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dii ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRID)AYFBRUA RY 17 1911. Vol. XXI. __w__.__._._______. .._._. _.__.__ ._._.,___.__ __._ ___._..._w_. __,.__.w_ _. ___.__.. _ .__ B3IG INROADS MADE 1'IM1iV C IllkON2 lNN r. FRENCH WIT IIOREAM IN BASEBALL R N S I1t ~ lvs1)fotIrtll ltd 1111' PUFFS IS IHOPELESS 1reit to the r111mor t11a11has 1)or sane11 pustha Ili11bau-llwill b al1110to Star Fails to Make Peace With 1111 tist illl oiteof p ial'ltl ol Cercle...…

February 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'I III RSI) IX I I HJRI XR\ (t6 oi t. N Vol. XXI. V v t ILL iliTI'MffIC1GkAN MAN 1t iJST ENTI RE SQUAD WILL 7 I,1?,; RIi NI N CI \ N(II). GIFF0RD i'iIunui I RO)l S 'I-,.A\!lSIEl l l' Off-, OCCUPY CG TDY ichaar asaiset ilbaisketball MYSPA OR r. CharlesC. Nicola. ~-hoc circleDsY o:: ing o te rmorI tdlicoia A H R f r 2tt he a 'tiical ilprtmtiit I~ Fifteen Aspirants for Battery ccitt-icr is entire ly ttf clits~ Academy of S...…

February 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michian ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, Nt -IDiNI SD Il) 11. R\ aa r.i;ii Vol. XXI. N.or g SPRING ATHLETIC TRAINING BEGINS Track Men Met Last Night and Baseball Candidates Will Start Work Today TO PRACTICE DAILY IN CAGE blatntfort candidultesn fog-'track lan r (luing the sei-an )tonenedti atocr presentia thencmeting heli inthroh romof WaI \a'tman gimatonnin'TU,.. clpeein. 'TheIcgratir ipart f lic 11111 lprsent we r' cnidaiiite foraliitill'vr-' s...…

February 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIIGAN, 119l'SDA) Xl f!'RU R 4-199 1. jNoi INDOOR WORKOUTS TO BEGIN AT ONCE Gym Will be Scene of Practice in Track, Baseball, and Basketball INTERCLASS SCHEDULE IS OUT i):~. l I'ni'RR reign' in \\OR X rRRORRR \\ ill, he11pasin " I th f is 1 Rio a i te opRten ii otRhe V rit ti O R t1101911 tsit ti r ackanddia c'ii 4 trc cndd ts tisRRd 100 R RgsiRRRRedi ll u nrst i',ar hi s O eveing. Al cndiate f r he v rRityI II till he t lt roo...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…HOP EDITI-114,11 N} 1. i .a \ZTT iI1 Il"A 11 l-1 f flt I7f A7,7 C"t/I S'Tt ll 1\ 1 1 IlI T C' __ Vol. XXL. 90 .\7(I f 0I1'1l1XN 0111)\0 ' i t, fif TITLE MfART PLAYS I TODAY AT WHITY! Comedy Club's Production Has'41I Undergone Much Ciareful! Polishing SEAT SALE HAS BEEN HEAVY -Th1 Ttl 911 1 at steatrcina theN 1 itn1 h0 saf'rn ''l cessfi1,1ll e n 111- f h es1I 111i 111.< fi1111111 1111 Kd WiJ th inresd lidlc '.:n, ro h DiecorSt1 jh0 a1l 1 11,...…

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