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February 16, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-02-16

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Vol. XXI.

V v t

ENTI RE SQUAD WILL 7 I,1?,; RIi NI N CI \ N(II). GIFF0RD i'iIunui I RO)l S 'I-,.A\!lSIEl l l' Off-,
OCCUPY CG TDY ichaar asaiset ilbaisketball MYSPA OR r. CharlesC. Nicola. ~-hoc
circleDsY o:: ing o te rmorI tdlicoia A H R f r 2tt he a 'tiical ilprtmtiit I~
Fifteen Aspirants for Battery ccitt-icr is entire ly ttf clits~ Academy of Science is Making sh'I te cltttat I, iistl~tfttri gf~at tt
'IAVe tillii detetr'ttint eli giiti t s +liii l hip f t~ca li t l s l u
Positions Worked Out !,car cxa tit as ill fprmtc ,ts,'said Efforts to Secure Noted I iftfritttiiitif N tt h.cC
Yesterday 777 i~iit '> ' acForester l Itetwas ci tttrniiitig ncii fr tt
'tat's vatousiotit itt a rptien t o lail t ''t sti'er ci l
COACH PLEASED WITH CATCHERS te altitistr:atit'c ioar(]. Stuts oni a RECEPTION IS BEING PLANNED tttttiititfr ltt i
onecs raititictifrimit eteamtstit.''Ieithas tot ]elsensne
ftI ii" 'itci i i.,~ h elho ak \~ aeItd l t l-utu ll t i - Prfft . fRot atttitttcctat tiicttetftig Sl'sic'i tii i i i
fillFo .lii ievit etrcati i.Ii s I MtNico a'U ai i s
,t iaies iid h -o lv fa o'sie es iit, i t ~n l iiid. ' p is m r.l f thet' iii t Xii tic ilastatvic l at ir' ciIlia-
ofratic' st ~,0 ac it i i e n o at(no nte ne listtiltfIthl C' fit' lifateisili l iti l rlbaii
lit 155i tt II' d is f t2IlalI* d lwillci n f rk(,si n f iit Ctt ilpa t. ii" ii t 'i l'tti tutun iiA iii'r on risso 'e tutate d u tul s f'V
t li ill(, c ritt-lit arraIl +i"tl tllit t s _ _ - _ -ilt iliiti it iltater pa t iof ti t hat t ilhe t ii l
It it IOh l 1 1 1 liltat iili t X tt imetl hls R O IiiVADfitAr NADA iSc iene tM Iit-lit. It eliaitl} FictiiiTBALt l itR fit lit I VESi
Ni12 c xlectto ty fo plaeilt ti ltutu stCatate or ii -isith(-r, bu t'r fe-
iaiit(' are e.\pcet(iii it ihitappeari.fPuckt=Citastrs iWiay C th m o R thsn te istlteitotillTlut PHat1interNoSlegiateA Cup is toibe--a- ii--it
I he liittt 1Iftc tilts till -willticlit
st lf p till I 1 1 s f It a ti t f frif Et.N frgs it I iilii i
anditritlt iii i()itic Ptifittpiic NItircil2ti-i
"I c~i~t~ S C"hav tl( Iln-st arry f X l II 1 t iiIil I t i liii hu f(r t uau a li toi s eclctndei-cate \la.>ic . Tilt ~ )I-wsnih . Ih u l h re h s ] c2 c
eatcltc's tXIItfI k-f1If"O team Ikf ahaif'f) ,X I \I iclrii thot.taluc fur Csllhamritcc(cf tta.t-it c

Congested Condition of Campus
WHill be Ihoroughly
lllt 't1'huvll rieIll
Aw Isi el'e1tlis.
t,- M I ir , iI ll a l til -
ti rs clf 1 ) v th ill flo R -e its.
I't I '_,r t i lt . I- Ii t l
- cltt rJ~ lt. [ i lac
it I
r1sotlolt ld :?it ?,ono f hill-Vf
SC W, 1"1I l l s l Ili ii' ittll tttl ist'
!l t oII I. I li t lth lis l t i:I ,
'md, 11 h it'clist 'loit t'ttiiif cil
}<svIhlit 5 1alfdiitll' ii ' le Ii

Il II til I I I I
f1hl, h ,i 11l
NIft'(Ii tlls r it 11
ca s iI ii tl' - itat
" wat iI I r "
is l 1 iha eiei ~ l
iill h tIi -1 1 iit l l h
s ill'c IIlIIst hfleit l

It Ilt'l' pa- r . ltt i r crcfin tf l i? y (A M t uh aritt
-i ut h e it't'itdif this ititt-iti' . C!tIitft ft
;iei>," paid ti~i~i ari ii i lilt' siltl' if k, r -
it- ivt-i fit-l itiit tail. iiecsstitatl'i a slighti lait i n i 11111
idiwr prafit' . \___Pa tin_
It oftevtrn
encii gi' C Xf 1\ ?SY''IN fff XIff'fflit f-f

<ill tain fo zvp ifs- ii itsitheXciii
as itell is in manitsother critties troutghi- I RN ff1 1 '( - k t
Proiifl ~it s as dotftlc ltithefUic S. fT p dxrr tits EMisill
flit a otfi i ltistl it hAfairs litoin-vei tdns i eea nv rsiis i r- is ,(tilt a d i t i me hch
ill thetauasrtifotridtrcr«flics iiirr
at tilt itlfhetrttas is-illfutriif i acclari
iaz ot o acififttnti ciall tr'sirct o..arr iss ,ers'enhermott iila
c oit i o s 111 Tihit r e sf1 m mi e nda tincr thei s iii t -cc a d att ti n v r it u h r ti s w l o r e o d
If sc ii tit- fc atftitilittts ~ tacftrss tivti iii c f <
arki bis iltiflitrth sflecion andiitis eii a le arIr
th i'ierh nk u d r th u -prs.tals, rep rodued 1from is I
visionof ther resectiitunivetittes


t ti'
'; 1;
t, 11
1 i
' 1f
' ,

s yt tic oach wil Wter-hazad 1Ai 7- toill in liiFelti i .I ,Y
anti peiction'iiis n i i te the naniesi iio~ f illhrs - ist t'ear'sicapdta'iin f th Go
ti: it cand ia t i pon i tt heit ill t de- f ttu 'cics ft i- t
itne eleit fracltured hisl legii lot' tilt
-- I ititilt'euis sfiiuuc iii lii ci litili stiltbli-ie
it-s is i'-iilti -ils dei 1 w rsi i tie gy i sn
lipt-i s~ asi fli thei jlt's fit lKalitiof atilt--iii i
i-Tiwoi i Xi testit {> J~nsr sa ic
'Icii c m s.i I le tliiiI that Xli IlfN ISI II ifX 'if
ii s tit Iii Xihe i-sa in e tiyinthe iii iii - P i c Al)
(r n l iiihool ihe i t 11ib llsb titi\list ritutufi uuiuii i' i i i itl
iticl tilgw t m n iir tet ii i 'r fil l l l, ii lit fi[) cS +llli'i'.\ l V iI if li
iori s t~t i n I iittt11 atitaI ad W 1 NAV O t4~' iiK Il 'ls t ii i
groo car t il be takenia)slit id ssrio iii
t ec h' t lt titry i t h15its r tar 5as1)r' t 00send 'tetter'siofregr t a d tii o t l t i
Nit hasi foi dden C tltt use 1of res in ftte iow of ro ess Rtit n I' ll?
wich fils itu sdtu in fc 1 f c ea t tut i d si ti at to r -liso te f retr t turettt ofulthe
'ft lit t-l i t tiftc ft ire iii fit)a fett i ri ci -it- , c i uOtouti.0
Washu'uicuuc'uf tuta Wtthiotwae utnuFretry lu cfs ta intitutio-tiit ii if


fil. SMI ffII l- ITffATXIN\S (',ratndI Rapis tilt lvnv
XSfICOff1iIJIMMYf.1 IllilS,.-
al If, CTIO I S MI ffRI ffI
Thti (ifor tiitsome uown reauson Dr.f r y;C'IIIII fI' Xi NI Sf1-C
flu til Smuitieso.inhu ii tlt' tias bit
come' popuular t theflt-burglar' tfit- istflit plaitsubfmitted-tbyi Maity
fiow tbyantherif visuitf fluhis residenclit1h1llius sselec ted lwftliiit ilt
by te-cpitt i. I T-e liltofrIwaitstiurpirfitedhue Cig i flitthe u II' it - it this
Xi11a nuutr tighi tt'itra ge inoites ili lt'e ;l r. fK tittitni lli - -~efis
vi itof lif thuiroomuu. ftitstigrtiui drftfriioiifit'eplaytists 11 11
revea ledu abuirgitar. if is etif iticts'o locl in ara- sit lle<
wetrt-frusfnutrted i't'iutchuit' fur itiet sf fithe committeisnxltiht l
ithii liiarevolver.'Thefucshots ittitttwiflit tutt beapresent
tudth vii sitotutu'scapedtt. "'' i fitfit and t lt o i t, ills pI~
ftasses ll t f lftyIs filth -w by fit
SI''TItsiia E iitt is-c iii fENAEN 10. uiorilaisstst ai r lcil
Coiumbu hisI Ifuia ,Feb z,-Su-crtterday.f i
if Stt' Chatrles Xl.- Grtaes, ')'L~ tutu
Mo da 1111 to 'i tltttt t he'tI apcoinittitet if tiDtti.RsalrstRIA (AM..
Chatres If s'tittifr,'t i f ftuO ftk url1. tci.IRolss, 1171_,, ofCa -
as maitluinug itclrkinitte stai tetepar tmet-u berta, was amarruidfitoAlMfssAlat
- - I~ttiatll, oit helii- st tti -u 'lw ., ill
Xli. Xltatttr itillt leit-itt ti t turs i us 1itusf a-sotl. They will reide ill
lit-u poisiti t if uttlit.lati'ftwhere R iss is praciingu a ,


liii ffC'1'' ; ~ ' - N*S
tiltl ii
11.w c1 1>tr 1 - it t tlcii ' ?iviiem ft} fiti
sit 1 F11 1 ) 11C IIi uS \fi itll
flcf~ it--ie afl-ics ifof tehurch.

Saturday Evening

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