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February 19, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-02-19

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-,-ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,iSU Nil \XY,likI ikit itINx.9

Vol. XXI.

No. g

Acti e 'rearations for the loterseho-IJND E
O T F R B S B L 1jc mei wiie like the circus of fame SI; U
tis to hie bigger and better than ever he-
fore, hasve bees begun. Interscholastic
Rickey Advises Candidates 0ol stager Lysian has mtailed postal cardis Underclassmen are Ordered
Train Before Season ld Prrtoysol s f th1rughout th ''Out Where the Wintry
OpdeNetcaln hi atni oens lie fact that the mieet hais been set lilr Winds do Blow!''
p May 19 antI o.
_______ - It tas heein decidto s)droxp the tsso-
utile raee. It is felt that this race is
TWELVE VETERANS REAPPEiAR too hard a one for young athletes. The REST WALK OUT IN SYMPATHY
-----other usual events will be scedeuileid as -
.scv inei sertx i -rst-lteli past seasonis. Last i-ear, thte tnmiler
- of trophies offered swas greatly' icreas- lvrta facls- t~
together xwiitle arlyts-i score oilier ed, oand this rear the list of cups s-ill lie are hasigh m i;Lt im, dal
caniateis ifir the-itiiml ie, apptearetd he es-citlontger. Set-ncitutpsstere tf- xat GrtoeC iit ulevice'cl
itn te agx- ye sterdlayafternoto ttlar- feredinis iriSatid it seemis certasiintat Stsi 1sdet irs-ti d ito -
lient to lie wxords of isistlist ithli whvlicht there will lie at least tentihiis seaisoni. sisltI tttiifit t
(tia it Iicisci irefaicvld lie are st-citThe litonor soicieties are takitigsit ac-
ed-out;i rl x itilt>-s Ity
is ik. ue irrie i taaiteisi ~ it eiterestsiniithe lpreparutilons andi isill
tircitietily s-is tagitig ;and lthe ciachl letil their eeaassisisece iisinakaiig the tif tl eiils -rs ti .-iI
-1 i~t i ti 50 i~tti - tpstes.i et ol Iftse insixiti' 7.l i s i>>
sit- at est uiplete lt ths ea's te 17 . -1, - .r>- t t z xr tica'tt I

!ICS-- 'AliiJ

-< l iit a

Eighteenth Appearance Here is
Mlarked hy His Wonderful


l i '


io~etts-e ih-[ilt ilc 1C1')aggreg-
aiisll l1s-ssis-ingeivthn teiic itl" lraid
sOfxe111'itlarswhoillwIl h Nl"l asxxsscctn
ye iliesatiiotix-ndilthirop iliaxte
tillon s illsveie -tilliltlhand il e
snattis silts._ ith thi le excepttioant of
thirdbase. I~intict liwholidl tot
pliyltalst i-tr, addsto iitill-sirenthliof
thit-slixlix. liecrrixigi xxi xxas alsoton
- itiandtitlist i ts-heaxblseCxo axiraige
eis work sox ihatx le \stilllbe tile itscomt-
pet withssillie aothet- tx-cklst ixiixtis for
111c. trviell o fsi stsinit XXatsh ivithxthe
seg tl reciig.Malii andtix"Johnniy'
relie-vexdIsoile veyserioui 5sexorries" 1)}
annuningtht te eisetcl tl in ~y
blt his rit"
Codtintand1c1t ion iweret-vtheres--
iurmns rrial lsa cndillitiati
the cach mphaiedxinthe lailkaliede
liverexd t Iili,, tiuils. lie pitied xliii
-e eessiiit rthorough trxiittn5, ill-
sistt~g hat ondiion i its greatximli-
Istein Iamxiothiler rxtchi illspirt. Hi
announcedls sthlautte-andaxtaxes mustii ie
il strict Itraxinixigabx. lie itilet hlt-seatsxon
Thetplayrs were arredxlaigaintiearly
iee-sss x x i l wyof xerie n
titre dirietdlt xxcreflto iistaxrttleeu
"lThesei-rits weeisIsalec lfiilimbteritig
111,"saxtiedsheliFaxi"ciklthigs catty
11111i xoixt einht coxnditiontior yeiut sill
li13 te riskaoflworinlxg irreptxaablei-
tlxx WX ait ixitill you get otidooxrs1-
fo -tillu iskslputtiglfxrth yxour test"
The-coxchi aid iihigh tribxxte toxtlei
liercte i()fthe stitwo iplayedth vi
thexy xxiii allieits ieetisexliitset r oi
adaxt t xitnlttin tt details rathet
thn bcas f n xtrxaordi-
caxtxidaxtsstill ite allixwxextoiswixrk in
thee ce fr I w ls ". teencd of
tapeiodth c'.t1; I apexices<
still Ibeginan te_ .,l vo xxxo
shw xroi ityix 1 1lix }'1.g sufiiciet
abixlitytobetaxi ,.C spring ei.
wi- ill b dopedtif5 lii1.:ce i-axe.
JonBxl y1a licedpeidnfe letsic \xsciatixn ti ith1e neet
lngxf l'texdirectors Ieltiyeserdlay at

Ann Arbor-Detroit Section of A.I.E.E
Meets for First Time
The test Detroit-Anni Arboxr secxtin
Iof the Amterican Inistitte of Electrical
'Eniginteers held its lerst regular tneetiti
ieee last night. The meeting wsaptre-
ceidexdby tiltenthuitsiastic dinnxter xi lie
Hotel XWhitney, at svhilchxsomtlitmbespr tcptdoet ird being
frioitiAnnitArbor anti others froxmn le-
trit, Jaicksxon tatuLanintg,
The sectixt is cpseiixedi ouielectricaxl
etugiteers 'livintg iear here, andx gives
the studentiteitibers oittheuneiviersity
btranchliof the Itsttite aniioppiortuityi
to lit-r dlsisssins lxyengitteers in ace
tal lpractice.
:alter itie ditnner, Petit, te isiuralt., xf
lie ti-ginleertig departmnt, c-litin of i
lie sectixon, read a patpe rxtox "Nlodern
'tenideniees in Tritt inlue hIecirilica-
tin." Theipaiper wsatillutiratedl by ax
numbiterxtof laitiertisites. I -,agramsi
wsere shoxwin olfvarixous llcxxioiie tie-
tills anixipictres tof apxoxod tianiyi tf
the lattest hRuropeani lxxe-ttoives wvhichx
ibrxoughti xui the pin~its referrexi to itt
lthet-plier axtid whiichiitere s-cry-mtxich
FTe discuissliinxxwas paiticipautedxinli by
XIr. XWxoletiiett, electrices n ugineertoi=
D~etrirt, l, r. heuuuuuxouuxf tileNIt . .R
if Jxicksonxuu ,W Xinsltowi xfte litrioeiti
Tutunci Company, MNr.btty xxf-lieutrxoit.
tid it]r. Illii xf the Si. Clair Tiunniel
Cxxmpainy-. The 'nee-ting atdjoaurnxexdhails
at tight, everyboxdxy exipressing thle opin-
iinuhaxt it tail beix a iremen-udxxusa tt
ecBes. The next metuislg wvill xc hetixinit
Detiroxit early- in itarchi.
l\ eapi yearudatuce siill xc givenx in
H arbour gyiuisasituiu, Pelruiary 2j, b
itte XWomuten's sAthleiic Assoxciationxi.
-'itiucht uill tie screhanitu Ikte" 1ixei-
.e's xrchiestrai uill hftrnishithue itit
of'icktets still sell for fifty cenlts.
Stiudenuts fromt the uppaer peinsula
will mteet iin the lecture roomu of Tapxpani
thaull Mtondahy eveinig xxi 7 :30 for the
t purpose of orgaiinig aixltitper penint-
t-uta social club. Thi nlxy restrictioni lx
f- muembihership is. that the atptlicsant xcax
stuidenltutud from the upper tpeninlta.

w ich lhe xappearsilto 1 - I\ t
siTy ii s I I11 s i a t t(. Ii
iii ki I l- 1ilx Ii -TI 1(t ai-l
:i- txhs- -t - 1 t - <t"t
011thsophxxg tiiiti -ilyIw -
bre ze if th - ii I
sho tiltitisti i clor ls d- 1
F l-i-it IJustcut t h e s i I -
it i - - -til, -c k a t e-
10 1 e. I
-I t? I s ie Ii-Kdc
}J 1 o it if tle- l\
xxd~d xis-x is p c1111 1 -ll
i'h - -lln l 1.c t d.I N
we 11 <st- i lc 1,, ito
iiist s illix s tc 1 - u pol
hi xislxxi l i Iehct ils had rft
t [l e ha d -xi sslil I truft
ipresxxelstxorderedithesti 1 ii
ciiitiit itinudnnPg

it('3 i't !i
tl'C s ?-

'Hive iRased $4f0) Towardx Savitig
Old yMedicxta ilding

- t t=ti t,- te ltitl 11111 al t l .xi tsu-
css1e u i ith i tii rsili Ihil tfIh ol xrmx
r -<. i - ifit isil ti 1111. itll t x
- 1 - -s "Tamiinxg if lie
t it 1it iflxi 'acts by 111.
S iiter r II I it ili it-r1fo ,an rassby
'.lil "tst ill. i i i iix-isia
I'cuu l aifts ofixsClr iPo ifrs w e
l si_, ,A } ti 'ltittuitmu it tio ons
itclicc. f) ther.ifiIf s ts)lxii lxxxi-,
r - i: ) d lsef i c Flue a
I e exh. w sppiaio n luuserd-
I of I[li il - iii lii sl~itt- i iT he
f I tt a t ~ i I l I l iii laxi fit~n
- - -xf 1u\Id l ch ra trizationll
I 1l 1c; IIr I of Batiista, ifathxer if
ii - ue Ae - i -s I'y le
I f" ;Hdxia t c1)c i httlecl

I jl~


Board of Trusfees'OWiT -ake Ca rge
of Student P-aper
liaton - he yify i Y ti
u-it)iof 1whichis o e o11,s1111f11 c
txes s-is-s-e-ti ix - o e of"Ton act as-
c h i r mt nl o t h e oi lid t h restss
ilett-ttif til tire1111staillfof hef lltan
1s toi 5 lfiti l t hey111of tlc
Thel eass for th i s a i tu
ate lxi)1 King he ape inoilosr filll
wtitlh tte tudliftl I ly. Andil o1 liifit I
size its ulextul asill s~rld d
cusesiollxhats resulted i on h'snll
of tile flial esits flll~ n h
otmeis beingii- dkthmc

11 his (- i id i 1 tird-ti oits.
- sio ta lls oii tilt
w, I - layI "Tis is tht
- I -- t of itIkitt rls i th i
liths t ll h t 1 i thllf
-- vs ilhein eref. N i tilt
i-xisc this
ht - tI. ;( II'e Il f tc i ftsf11-ire -l-
c i {ta1 rsi t) s lE xfom
- 1itr
1 11111d () i-sithe xen ghof
I i r - c elu~tI e \et m~ iY \( r s. -'xii,
In 11ric t I ftcrrhesxfsleisltillMr.
I - Ni't tc x -d S k e eset d ei-
l t if i i.
I ;,MaIi lti 11111111 IiAnnArbo
--lfltt --t - 0f L i x - Xi wx , Con lxxs tits
xlii ii II sI Xii int Uiversiutys alie
1 '<, I< iits t I -( i varu Xibly ttilte is

- .W
Of rand Rapids Will Spueak At
M cMILLAN HALL o nligt ekt 6:30
Last Year Mr. Wishart Spent a Week Here Among College Men

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