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February 26, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-02-26

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ANN ARBOR, MiICHIIGAN, ( N I) .A V, ttlilfNi

No <. '(i

1 1)] [,

SURPRISE OF-MEET Th aR laxa pil~ei I x~3la coy il k'CANNOT INTERFERE'
eliaiged ito Saturayav arcli .4. 'ha' iii-
to ratiliers (ave hen hi sY ta Ii Ilx-i
Youngsters Take First HonorsthvheliahdtletfiKunolshtOlyRgt'
:Ihtheirhaverk.i Moreovti, Kuhn od htOl eet
In Spite of Keenest of alliiriik. MriCC i'I ave Right of Un iversity
Iprat mtra, iiudg pi-Cornpetition (tares 'ald copy frontilitia am nnSupervision
ths a) iliixatiiiii, has, notbl hi~eli i
ittheoli eolay. Mani seiii s a ' a i led

f c l icll c 521 i 12rX I no 1it


ri ' ii
#ii< d o tyaar !et p y st
j l i tu ii i "' ho h s 1 i t' ).:

HANAVAN COVERS FAST MILE ito till Otiutlinksxaiiiii, lis is ixc ii
he coallectedl, the ileliniiga i ix areexpecii
Nilaked iby a stinag if ciii talble -e(1ii it iiiittend to ithe iiattiei'ati oncei.
lii Caiaeth' x le indiiiir track sesioa ie-
cevdalaipicious spring opening in HOCKEY CLUB HIS 4ANDS
\V ateriani Byii a st 101 C iilii(. lt ite
a iiig o the high hurdle raes5at An Artificial Rink is Promised For
eight oclk aiauil weipit et levenCi iwhien Opening of Next Season
the pole vaultxeniedin aitriileiitie wit
te lair at afeet i ae sth''ax
Cill i ii theiitaiiinds iwas itthailnd i 'i ttto[l of tiie'ii I lii l iii tt tt;
atltn e urg mettt te a tants.ii iiven w sro ifM dt s . sa
althoughx thii XI iiiv laniiilsiveral if aix ersit hs aot i5 1:( ''
the othter vitir a an di no mpteiii ood its efforts iwill prva n iii 31,V
ai i x x al 1t01" astii ti rix itiiifii i iii a I
for andllittle veouragemiieit was i venii tificvial ix. irat iifit w r ii tftrt.
to the lopes fir4tite m of tital at ta n es 1 e 1Htstc, i
shy it>tli. IIi ve o he ii' c-s v ld beiiosid t Xictt
frextiiea txilasiorti utexii\a\ittilri
ttii'n wiagamanager o"tliiillwai rliniti 1
tore oii f he iiieet.
Si i iii tatdIis ttt'tntfctec:t.;1. ~.t
l a n a t me a deirhiit iiii mait:i ofttix l e XX tiix olt,''it 1 s l iiitut
it ~ ~ ~ ~ Spig thf hthei'ufoarwardsii atiiti lx ijiiii ii
f reshm e iil.inse toii e frontIni alli
th' allt~r ati itiiuiCa iiti' i i l t : t lt l t,!ii 1 i A (nin';'i t) ii
han icaed bl <t sri ed ltwiiit adIbu hl didX'l otlrlxit (1111Nthis {. >:
failed to o as well ith'the S otlIli lii ItiXaddii ll her a' t
Slipp r condut i tyiv aaition of ihe loor auted i ix i f i'iiiicm sIt asiysp r
the jumprs ilnd tvuliv.ter ach tro"I iuiuiuiuxiii ii l
ed uti i t( hea exxx hat erei t i weiwll Th f eait nctiin otit a ti ti I iii lsiii
cn t est 'tl liCrtg er ar eu tsa da alierl onii i I l C lstt
retdtfohrt 1 ltamba r.rC kvviii /_ and itiirise an iii.i R.t i tt ii't \ it
loiiibas e of over-eiu iiixrioI n ii ix, ' thiiiil Mat flniaan t lt'' lisaiii ii,'a 1, it
m e so the nt gst Pag e p i ()i rodativeo. l )ftl'ls


1,~ s 1tnI c ' ' 11 DETROIT LIKED THE PLAY
' a Comedy Club.Production P'resented
Btefore Appreciative Audierce

Z i i fr

I X Iv

Xi_ ' ri. It

Many of the Participants Have
Had Much Invaluable
' iii iem wrsaof tliii Xiii xii) i Veiv
ii i h hvt ien sxie'ti'i lxlirec'tort
i ti ii, 'fori Hle It a st oftix iii,'' al
t, iiiiii- er ii m k p , vr si i
of licdr~nat~t .Utlda W111 IMCait-i
iid at hexN cw VI tlIIe et e liiifrigon
Seveal !' ii f xth 'a I iic
ii1 lt 1()c i liii ii i ii i li i' ii '))
i ii t e ccr l i 'a l a Ia t!-,
flier o the iitlior aiit f i ii i 't,1_"
;II an lix r iwhos uth lxil
l t ao (. ,. I liir;i plii) as
I tlc tile m le l ix iititi'",- iu f
t I ii P l e a d 1 ig k it0 i st
IIt ci ii ' ; nc0 iiif)he rut
<ll{ii, Ii v Xar l t e t!N rI t
l nia ix ;I' ili ii ifiiix.
:4Mii aid11cXl Xay Isiiii
( itc i iii'li 1cii 'I i ii ii ~ c i
liart tt r Intl plot ud hati iW)Ik i f t~rI
tirit Sci I lthiiur lIa iii atii
....i' I liii'a 12

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xi ' ))1'(r ;Ir)tj
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liii iii and the A ' i i I, i &. i NolXan R1. Rieal, if 'ewi Nurs, ediitoii
r'i'iixiiiOrlcii' 1 c %x)set 'iiir ' pan to'iii'v'i'i',vx'tiuiglt in the'
XXt. n ou nt.au toI visit iithe '1104 i> t1O . atiuii'i iii v'tiiiisii iiat if:30 iWtlCi).

Mc MillanToih
H a l"The Q uestion That W on't 6:3
HalGo Down" I :3

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