The Michigan Dii
Vol. XXI.
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IN BASEBALL R N S I1t ~ lvs1)fotIrtll ltd 1111' PUFFS IS IHOPELESS
1reit to the r111mor t11a11has 1)or sane11
pustha Ili11bau-llwill b al1110to
Star Fails to Make Peace With 1111 tist illl oiteof p ial'ltl ol Cercle Members Attempt to
Faculty, But New Material 1iil~e aedolf111 the other o l'ihi~ail Mix ' heir Adopted Tongue
Is Promising tall1nd a -ent delt (f1dependency114aIl. With Fragile Pastry
TWO SCORE TRY FOR HONORS Father llea ojected to hispartiip1ating- MERE ENGLISH IS SOLUTION
_inl athle~tics. Cn effort is being 1made10to _____
lIR'ONS TO ~S'llI\ 1011141KGN
The 110Ilotls ill111111t11 f1111Cana1a11 11111
001151-1i1111of tle liorsit ss rtntt s01 rc1 too
tmfori1 b'l.s' eSqu11illleve1r
I 1 11 11 111 11, leetie.l l t '01111t. til~l
Bigrnin Danceilltourbey- toeion St.
Ptol; ale atrick res lay l'.ilth
sem-fial1 fo1th1campnsipof11111111 llt0111 1 1-
leeo IT h 0llllolslll wiltolite tt''ii hai -
caped b1y100 tlakofpacie su wl
he ableto s p't"ll)la t i -c Cieu ith ii
they 11dit 1111in 11 thega e lt 01111 1111 1
ILL DECK11111111It11101It11G1E1EN
ig Uionneto be1Helon1St
Will Arrive This Morning in
Time to Meet With Senate
1 it ' trn mlittlO tilt) oll te _CI]II Cl
1))-r~ si t e 'll, sif lllo so
tv 11ih left 1,a 11i1 I)v .11, 1 after
rv1" lc c <t !:ilt ,l~llt t S WI
textttlt Ittlt 1 Il were Copelld111'
waitt) t rat D ran . T c, it 1ll rie
sakr hmI i batman asst 5 11 ~taieo
is lust totoiticii i ttas 1the
il h t ttl itt Cat a 1 i lh ill's q a
yes It a I t the111ust111egularitpractice1
th11i tt ,111S'1 str p 111111, it the an
ntoil 1111 iit It, w tt 11111ble to 1pla
served1 asit ut Marit l 111 ga1 in.1 1,
110101 les asn tenielItxpce
days tat th omII star1 woud1 111t111
abe-toIinaltts is ipeace0 wtt he faculty.11
But Isfen i c ittamot erail
c111 1111' 111111 It it til m1111 lstt 01ele 11
;ever" 11 wl lur o etig ai
to a tIrall )sv iiya dteb l
iween t pI 1 thou h ot 1epecting
Will Be Ready tor Tuberculosis
Patients in April
Dellnitea1 11110eme itths 1 n111 1111
y tielcl 1t11 1 1 i itoltlois 0s1o1ciet
tt it'11 11Cthe sa : frthl. ;I 1111' fittcon-1
st1np11vs lwti 1111ire ne l flt' i~c~tt al
I 'y1tilt, l t 1of1_ t'oiTo t t here. i s 1
hat one11shac ittl Co11 slit It'llonll ]tit t l-
nlediat effo iwilllh made o 1119 iIa
tctI tr s'is't'i a is' i ivitio It' ilmitl-
to 'tb's.lit Ils's1101 he111111 live in
.' l1110111 It lls) Itltt' Il
1111100 ii ahtto I 'icto t 11I l getting l11
o t ." l asI iho! "'ay1'i11111 111ff. til
I e id fthltis retl puff."1oi111 0111
came 1fro Illhe 1roomstofthel ll II l Fr ln
iig i t Drenchtolil 11 si n d t he Social
ctommsitsilea tr p i tti 91100 1111 Ill ll
puff for11100 .\lps1'iotl
Noila 11111' 1 muhy011agea
iheLta~D WILlewaRD Pilllof
t<< the
' 11110k
to ' o I Ot .t
Rot '0 .0001 wlt l~uxitls
cs*II I 11: I ", It it]
litihl'CII~Cli'lt ''ll ulNiV, Offers Prize For Meritorious Poem
IN IHOINOR 19 11 ,19C;'. By Undergraduate
1, I Iet tt tz>,,aeo f t's 111111 111 CIsntts.' CarlIlihl 0 ofs'hltt univit si t y 1
111111ohiltb no ilte tc! heI s a t1 111 1 icI l facltyI Iwilet he ittst1151t7
itt' tt'tt w iles'' Isc11111 111111 11 Itt at <t ' i's' ti lCt'l'e iv n a th 1kte
II ' r,1 it i1 1 ito tittitwas m 1 ifthills 111hitnel ll t nlisilda110' tt its'i t he' its 11-
1.55151 1 1 0so heta t i t pthe n it 011 fa1 u11t1.1 He11 Its jit'tCCesit;nett'i it
whie hs aras d~w 11)tnow appar o Il, 1rrc ofs 11r1 tary'1 Ifithe1ismed1icalde
wil w n Il h s b llscIt t ri'itt's l l '11111 Ils it 1y1115rt.
makeim'1Invaluable11asIa) ii htteri ocs r _____ is__ _____he__ nier
Is's' oasttt - its f sisI11C 1 1 51t l Takin to' sits t'))po ly o r t'eI NV'i1.01104 l st i-1
the outfield.I ts Ii I I s's)' Islilml'o' hilael ph' i awits'
t~t ol to ~s 111 t' 111111 101 ills 11111111 1')' 111 i'FI)
111"011 1. N Ii 0of 11111vetas f ileto 1 totl. lsii' ss lslIs I ls
is ii isn O 1)11Plc c \is sli t sure ,11 stt5Il5l'l'11. 11' 11lletn o he r tt s llls 111111 I
ls 5 1!its Il tiern lt))) 0 but9 5 sisils s ign11 i ts It ss 'o 'e:ltll tak11111 isampsu,
liss'th iss 11)1sr t ; te lsol ' ti il its t ew - s eci l C m p i n is tn e
ol 111.1'and 1101 10110 btsstt 1tt' way 1tIl'l)increse 111'e5)11 ll. of)' tu dets
111110 )i's) 0h11'is15''5 I tt)t'11 T Is(' s t 1 1901s lo'tl O15'1'-u is
C rtorw 'as ler ,to o l yt. i'iss sl si )1 '111 )11 tt iso ul lesi t Owt1 s haveIt een
en l at owblit se nts le wi lllbeba hissed. ls't ill e itreio h i
Of sloe.(( o tffere' ro's h11 bIs't11 oe1
it shows0 SIOl tl')i ll'1ii, still clseno I
Mac h 3sei 1, Tseet's' iO 10 r'sotric'tions)
l')'len tf it oems.lllalls'1, olr listlrd
5 fo~r the o mpet110 iio1)11 a1111 eit se0)11tI
Ilit s wri tsr Iof till' ipoem l shold bel t
indcatd n 1oe liucriplt byIss' u
do )- and)5 ithe wr 1 iter' Is e l name shoilds
acomanl echmasrltostr (O)051rSo,111 seto
manuoscils.11T0')) pize iS ll'he award11'ledo
teirsays aferthessi, lilxiti 11'lse111 t
lT 1111) awill-tit's ''.Cbol s comos ed
pinte by)5 lro4o ric I svolt)) 15wh los Ill
m tit 11)10 511)) 1501 o1 awarlt is1 made
unes hy o tu eult thetsa1)0 ard111setl
ill' th list' onestl l 115ilie ws wolf by
the lgto cter s ltil a st '(ill suob tmitts'
w 'sIof 111'ficie t me1rit. 1 15lb lt
CCtEZR Ilot C . IS zt;-I )1' OO MA KS
1111ecesaCy as1a1111i'CN C111'cc'.\ Io
is lr storhl t ra's'' Itbthy l-
lsh the nsdtlsiCI l~l
T wo)')) '0 Il oil llllcv C }170 1 t
isle Mr, fMise'ietsa10)11) its w 1 I s 11
cMlrt, Chimanl is'lrl s socthit ofl ls rI ' 1
ton Emeson Its ew Yok eil'er91\]I
has la e peiatto' illucn, f
fiso')ent I01method s io 10rai toad0011 tot..
Thr e stltecturs it ldalwt t prni
managemenlts'( ithlle') nd l star'st's'ssst t
ros'm C. CCtilt', jkn l c ul itt, iand
willItsk e l'c e l lt'a' nd cl)le
151) tult ttsit, s It ~t n
itt--o'It mle 10)1) 11111 1 I ile toI
'it lsso ho-Cetdt d lat Is'bu
pltng 10 smle o kerIsl to Ite11)11 I atJthe
ichigan[.Trin in h ners I f)1)usstur,.'T'he
C11115 -tee 111 InS llo f C thes -C lost
rit 01 ctlt tI
s IJIc 1 . Ii 11
I Itct tS
tac smtl w l
IItl't' 11'
, 1.1
a 34.
! 11
i1c i
c rc
' iFj
;1 ;?
1 -
a c'
1 it 11St0 It
t 1 i t i 1
'e II ('I' I'll:
1111ti Tx111'
'1ty s' d i ll'
Ilcs l ci 1
II lt iS 1 'I~
ld t 111011 ')' tf
titl It, it11-
1t-)01hlIt ilt
I' 10. om t I fi''011 1:. It .
he sot r d l t atl 5 Il 1t, a
,istI tiot0 , ii 011110 1)111
'1s (11 )f 1 ci I s .it t s)' 01
I; lls I}l't
(mr tiers dis
e ?lours wlill
I'll 11 f th I il t .0 dI'll i n 1)0110)1.i
Iis 1111 vill tr II111pu'l Ifiii salet an t 'cts. 'ts affir will'e1)111 r
..u . + r
The Greatest Dramatic Rcadift j lIn Ameri.
"The Tarnins of the Shrew"
Vntverstty Malt
Single Adintsolon,30o
Sat., Feb. I8. 8:15 P. M.