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February 24, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-02-24

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Vol. XX I.

IGhTY MEN ENTER rleT{Tc-..1-i
PRELIMINARY MEET Patis of the Sorhoun
dentsof te unvers t as tiidit tilt 1
Record Number of Athletes to a lecture on the glat Frenicth it ted
('om Pete for VarsityvTrack :ireNasgve(niaahCswellt li ii
Postio s haland sit ethtutsia-tic autdieceic s
scif,wsatestpecialty quatlliied to priesent
TEAM~ LOSES THREE VALUED MEN his suhjcctil a anntiter tit sodita
thorough knitwledgeioft s ttlpomi rs
sty le sitd tdeeltmtu in t iter itte
Wiliei11v thet s nterd flithIe ifthits coutiry-. A tltie Fratnce.,lie cit-
l rlilila lic~ W1i11itosbishlitl ci iasitne isf iteitlt i ticnt ofiiclii
ythe ecirct utes t illiwiscu h elisitiedi
i~rlt~d Itl "511 f)r51t vasiy track sar i rtin5 ttit iii iii ititettitit i
; it l t tin e tc g e cart 1as l itlt tstt tsll a s e i t s1a it
-51 ii(°iti l nsit ". ing C o- a i tin of ahe iigittt t hait u i s i l li t -
pct("11r i,1G ii se, tl t it is twho tw il rteti i nce if tc n hecati s titi its it
-1-tll ith dw l~is rhiv tea s. t tiroe Si i tse t ticnhits otnwtiltitg
<InW~pI~ raed fltly a hin(re citI 1 ith s p rptuatse d 1it for Ite sit ii ii iti
IlI1C tr~c1 ;thl it i),cn- cd cr o thli s ."s aid M .eiitltleiln ii 1stl
h(' rt~lltt"ttersV,11tatth1. nMistseittncsites itsiin

Vlions of -Liquor Laws By
fCenotral Hotel Implicate
.IThc jig its buys"
IsTatis t th e llord swhichi twis pse
tirosuntil esit-rilty o nsg tte e i-
tiers if thlt t itie c ltub after it was
Iere t- t hait t iict tit I C. iitirtai prpri - M

lilessis. C(arsiciss al l1I() si-
fencessat the .Matjestic, hitt -
itlsil variouis )(ISitiWitll's l st i
isis atii-i t heII- -ttid llt-ist 1 us.
I Itia D s, ii( 't alut aI t. itt lt, I -
lihem - Ii ttilit11 11111 l it I I
iii oiis. Ti tlI),t \vsil heii i lrl di
itteic aftier liii lt i - i~s t t h
Me ssrs. Carstesad ns -l t
Mt r. (lM1 lhrso a rsitt -it
sh lllattc- m it after
t fils lii ;i I h t 11( . o
Mlexicois \ rti l it pl Ils tr
tit;()l isof 3gr iti- 1 1
r tros itis Il oi ng wt ith I c'1

._ ._.+
(^ j
7 '
, ! '
1 c'
I .
i ti


!n"' Itleav s a reoI littit i-
ii naciecom it its-ifit
sitvasitty miuad
l ra o aeialt isseitdi
Ony thenalicso iltsS1 til
.Fii1~ ll 1sythe slitries
: t~ lwle r 5 tusthe prospit
II lilt tlt Ro s at o t
lwu or I lor wit tiis
ittsctd ~ crit syhillsiai
i ll c tod y.Il e1


zRv. Dr. Patton Receives Offert
From Columbus Church
Cii tlshits. (ht, I-stirtttr 2'.--The-
Cltlsit sis his extendec-d ti cill toi Ft .c
Isitli the assoie paistorsh iltofit I t11
churc rccetlr mde mull i tl iii res-
sai ttiniialls cilctttihod Isr.g!litn
cnrta i-it1s citeaorici gt l c
ii lit us-h b artdIhimitat itatt..iii re
loudiest inithl'cdhutntutlit-Itltis7ti11
lift iuitdone 1tindceI)1t lt- I atton tto aI ,
iui ths- sworki Colimiilmts.
hie Ili t siCiiigrcgatitttil is Ithelirg;ct
Cltirsgititi l hcl it iithe sityisd
'its- itstritsittoIss il-deis 11111
' Iy lh et k'iol~i div ieoItat vith
I SI Patnisntexet ed l tfle)ave
lIctigtic palrty this tiftc-niti 1,15. litil his
itatsttgcit o f Miss It eci sltiarpesr its
entelrltainmtut uiitts-isw fetutrseshst
liecti trranigedt ittdlrcfisliiiieiis siill It-e
ilic li hepaty- wiill lithliniBaItr-
httu rittitsittmnti 114:1151to 6:o


)e Is e itl'te tarrst 5 ofii i chaesla I slug "last l ' ii i I. 'l 1E"1 a t 11 (11-1- -
il l iii Sal l pli-i-i- fori sellinig it ist i al tltil tutu i1 t heLir i t -ill t
tunsan tudntsl li, hut hats n th eeu t udents1i11 1 hilt fasirt i t, in ':t i ll
eric sitsyet.
'Cite tirrest ioi a studtetivintitus els PEAKS TO LARGE CRO
lt if \V. I A. tCa lia, a frtesll 5tit-
iiir trsm Ilissiwicaniltthe echarge if iii- Dr. Angell Addresses My ~1)0
Cxito andsitwitisotrery"Itoshill hi - Washington's Lttrtltiiy
til " it its tilt titn i 1111111 i e n "l iis 1(11
ii sti i ts no-tli- t h l evl thtitullt fth awdi.ie il
viitut it ft thesll l i t h tel.tacliii'I liv1c'rit I ilat Ili (, \V:, it
sittIt:n sclck uat- u ll' i t- itg sith i i' iiiit i i i 11 I i
~is t n ii toalit oIt-Is iftont dsoi ot h da iii litl < lsed tc 'ic
lite. ie I(st c II ro o h mslf to idet li l t ilIsi-nlt l 1111 . l i
suh a ixe tstorl wea frictithe it -it fteICO ,:vv'stli
tilc fil bervatilifitnittslt Its fssittlitssIulll il
hasil iecote 11t sit t al t 11 in i s I 111the1pt, ii ti I
frutisii'snd' tt.,ii ac- tiiti 1111. The nelit dwel1 s t swith
Ioim rsctir hh5kegiset- he s f.-1 ., us tl t dangelrsv ..I I
51 trs a r-iettitig 'thtirdt tigrie ei- ac s til as tt ill I p:
t tluu i - u-s-stilt ifbost tvvh i d a of bco ig' -r(11c
If Claura toftesh l sudnts tii ntrs th' Iti'tIi lr
list liti attirechili siltsolent, -'i s (1111ii i tl'e- t10
sic a ideatlu soit- .no- ttu ifers, sdiret- still list vu rdn swti lintsril
ilittesreceitti alqusrter's wotrthofsitu.
Aitbe vs s-ntild --sty' e am li- ()fitho'1 1
it t-istheprvleeofotiitig liqtur a h tlw e aydrv ri Ihrlc
re- Iwl ts da rais afts-i- lsinig hourtis i uc its it e it edtcs ;li
Thus "Club" s it thec Iriss-h sn-Aile its itau I ucsts us o - I t-oIl
and iHurons 'clubls" csiltstittedsi ai truu io flgth-elii iits t)deie - t i){rii
ibuf g i s -Ishish-ti heii poslices av t g511ihi 5"epy"hoIs lusts'"
lust someltttutu lieituitablelit) (otin in- In regaudu- I i polits ti -
crustussmtsssg s-svide-nce. Latush 1f1alithe lust- listedthIs iissest l eal ,t ,st
peria-shulufll undetcr slisliicttit u idt rcs s-teI -ar ltph ses ofs I liti -1,(11' p i l
sulcust ki'sitt deit- t ha1111 t o a tm ah e tmt atitnIl(s- is- stu ltir 5 - i
lecstti it tiiou -sisldibeiwiseutosuspn yr rpa vrsJlisus1s t s Iilsic
ations. (lfter tu ttheh liaysh w v r ac scie th iifl :1 sgl1ca c O' l l1itc
sin ticc-fulls- unutil Cuttatus aurst, salch i suait iii .lnit ii i
triedl tbeforue thcc-it-cuit court. Cuilus us lt-e pe plus r(- Isis 1 -asy tcis :
Isd is frienssatillset-rtl othetriimem-t this case: eqsuiredu
tiers si-Ituith ii-e thoics irs- pre-tparedito I Ts y r. Itg's lii oncsuit esuits t lit ic Ic ss fit,
trou eits iftnsees-sarcy si-ill testify t th istdeths t etic h el5gtiCM,
't its isr tuu-iss--t i ut itits Ifchg pits stcs ti hichtititit it eresit ts
th t-i suduentl -lstho irs- implticated-inet heii"liii ll st I iii I - I lst it 'ini 1.-than
tuffair ars-knowns toi tsths-tpolice,lite ift-us what t suit stitlistoisput ill
silty, and tlthu tic lii six uit tarte is
wsithhldu at Ipre-sent ini tsc itterests i)f ri [tesiu l ifs lts \ l'>}5551i.:i s 5
the psrsu iontu I-trt-seittiuss- P'srn hillssit is1 I
lubll its this-statlts egislatt-i pcisi s t h
u:sc Sile ss N l ire c Xi' eitiss . ttituiiit If ri-siteitt litils ()f ills1111""
'The-Jutnisor ingineeirs isill Isitat danicedsit3 at $3u, tuuust that iof im-r I M i
suie wceek from todaysl -at (=rangers, start- ills at $u ~ty I ispti 1 i f-ailt :- - it-
tug ati 91:0ato'-clc. I the probabtlet fate- of slt-e blust

lonatien of W,. W Cook of New
York Acknowledged By
t 1 1; I i i ! 1'I i ssu 'J tliti sit'
I 0:jx l(Ii still iii:
. ss'si, litF 1
:1+i 1 1 - < it\tiui il ilt ;
%x 'riiusigi
111a - I I 'l Iliii
-, IE 1- 1-It l - t' i1 II; 5!
I I t- I )15 1
z, rt Ct Ft F - 1si t 55
- dl 1: 1<I e sIi lic
III 111I' I luTh r t t
w", t s s t 1t 153'
)I1 - 5 tius- a t(Ii ii i
(",- 5 1115 wilI )isis -i i ii-
- ro ii iuiul F~v s uirdt It tlristca

slt huh) ItIlt
Cc aitfll usaus

- 'i oi Bsst

iitt .t
3cr 7 i
>t 1
I R1'tt
, ,211

Nall, kcl , 1nttSsuitrdCress-RI I (N tI RGIS lItRST IN
Isis tiltstt. hebeI1' I1it6i 5011 UT' fRANT(RICAIS
(Is uusl Jut s I'solle-r, lake, -
nlYmi",: lay iltltits, Putos t, iniJ. Rosenbterg scitI 1steecht til
in~1 c~sc°, (uel, 3cyce "hPtri ceiof FPlicittucy' scullsthur right
lc v"nlt---1 u-s-tto rrsenut the sustih it tit s it thur ill
cil, )I c., ( .. E kll< n EI -nlll n a utiversity- oratolrictal conttest. f.
sit 1. 1 . itArews s usselectesd lterntate', his
vii i il-ye- lwt tie- C its -usaddresslbeingI uuiglniuuuiss Professoir
11, vrit, h: . 1 r ,l, mr- I ' Jocelynu Irofssor V. R. N trus
Il ,Sk'llV ;itlil n. G rrs tush-and:1'r.lili G. Stutter actedl us juges
Crll vlknlst iii i nmds c. Thus' rstlalwstcsittest ttes Pstie toutglit
isCrittiatud o au i roomiut302 N.lilitip. It :00 o'clocek.


- ii -us scsi u wasut us its gis
t t' i3" i i 11 r th t l -i ;
-s - I I I f-i- 55 1 - -s-si i llt-l lt u
55}1 r C ) sits- alt Ct it it ittist 5 ii
( Conitinud on Page 3)

Pict'.zr~es a-id Copy is
i:af Satxsrday, F eb. 28th

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