Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F\IIDAY, FEBRUtRY4, 111 Vol. XX I. IGhTY MEN ENTER rleT{Tc-..1-i PRELIMINARY MEET Patis of the Sorhoun dentsof te unvers t as tiidit tilt 1 Record Number of Athletes to a lecture on the glat Frenicth it ted ('om Pete for VarsityvTrack :ireNasgve(niaahCswellt li ii Postio s haland sit ethtutsia-tic autdieceic s Positionsolattendaniice. scif,wsatestpecialty quatlliied to priesent TEAM~ LOSES THREE VALUED MEN his suhjcctil a anntiter tit sodita thorough knitwledgeioft s ttlpomi rs sty le sitd tdeeltmtu in t iter itte Wiliei11v thet s nterd flithIe ifthits coutiry-. A tltie Fratnce.,lie cit- l rlilila lic~ W1i11itosbishlitl ci iasitne isf iteitlt i ticnt ofiiclii ythe ecirct utes t illiwiscu h elisitiedi i~rlt~d Itl "511 f)r51t vasiy track sar i rtin5 ttit iii iii ititettitit i ; it l t tin e tc g e cart 1as l itlt tstt tsll a s e i t s1a it -51 ii(°iti l nsit ". ing C o- a i tin of ahe iigittt t hait u i s i l li t - pct("11r i,1G ii se, tl t it is twho tw il rteti i nce if tc n hecati s titi its it -1-tll ith dw l~is rhiv tea s. t tiroe Si i tse t ticnhits otnwtiltitg }5551i.:i s 5 the psrsu iontu I-trt-seittiuss- P'srn hillssit is1 I lubll its this-statlts egislatt-i pcisi s t h u:sc Sile ss N l ire c Xi' eitiss . ttituiiit If ri-siteitt litils ()f ills1111"" 'The-Jutnisor ingineeirs isill Isitat danicedsit3 at $3u, tuuust that iof im-r I M i suie wceek from todaysl -at (=rangers, start- ills at $u ~ty I ispti 1 i f-ailt :- - it- tug ati 91:0ato'-clc. I the probabtlet fate- of slt-e blust ENERBOUS GIFT FOR REScI DENjTIA L HALL lonatien of W,. W Cook of New York Acknowledged By R}eents VENIUL MEEING IS HELD t 1 1; I i i ! 1'I i ssu 'J tliti sit' I 0:jx l(Ii still iii: . ss'si, litF 1 :1+i 1 1 - < it\tiui il ilt ; %x 'riiusigi 111a - I I 'l Iliii -, IE 1- 1-It l - t' i1 II; 5! I I t- I )15 1 z, rt Ct Ft F - 1si t 55 - dl 1: 1t 1 I R1'tt ao , ,211 Nall, kcl , 1nttSsuitrdCress-RI I (N tI RGIS lItRST IN Isis tiltstt. hebeI1' I1it6i 5011 UT' fRANT(RICAIS (Is uusl Jut s I'solle-r, lake, - nlYmi",: lay iltltits, Putos t, iniJ. Rosenbterg scitI 1steecht til in~1 c~sc°, (uel, 3cyce "hPtri ceiof FPlicittucy' scullsthur right lc v"nlt---1 u-s-tto rrsenut the sustih it tit s it thur ill cil, )I c., ( .. E kll< n EI -nlll n a utiversity- oratolrictal conttest. f. sit 1. 1 . itArews s usselectesd lterntate', his vii i il-ye- lwt tie- C its -usaddresslbeingI uuiglniuuuiss Professoir 11, vrit, h: . 1 r ,l, mr- I ' Jocelynu Irofssor V. R. N trus Il ,Sk'llV ;itlil n. G rrs tush-and:1'r.lili G. Stutter actedl us juges Crll vlknlst iii i nmds c. Thus' rstlalwstcsittest ttes Pstie toutglit isCrittiatud o au i roomiut302 N.lilitip. It :00 o'clocek. Misl - ii -us scsi u wasut us its gis t t' i3" i i 11 r th t l -i ; -s - I I I f-i- 55 1 - -s-si i llt-l lt u 55}1 r C ) sits- alt Ct it it ittist 5 ii ( Conitinud on Page 3) Pict'.zr~es a-id Copy is i:af Satxsrday, F eb. 28th e GET 1BUSY