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October 31, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…s 2- r I± Y, f , R-'. .... ... r :1 . _ f ._ ._ fir. S _ I U * - H ,- z H.w" .r H7 0 - r . s - IJ , - t ,- r w r r-~ -~ =i; ' ^, _. : _, _ i' _ ..- J J. 1. "" u r. .r , w. + ^" J Y :-- .-.. °' -j t- -' , , / f '' , . Vf , ' t l -! ' .rte' . v-, " . ! r .r: , " Mr~ ..., '"1 = r. ter, _ "r r' .r, f, ?'h …

October 31, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r * THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' fall Iailoring W hornakeijour li-s quesion, to le sii+", it tu h joL i akinv i i oitrttiyouiV If ou aeint, lrei/adyia patotn ure of miaking yioui-Fall 'uit. is it et ofior ail it to li ad pleasi. you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (Garment Making. selecition rmthe hes ii ltiiof iorign anti Doitc loIomsi . NW- hio muha ndiiiiioiiiii'aii exclusiiveo ittalrnsofndt sfrti Vittiruori-- et-i/ -ae' in jun- ...…

October 31, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 . Samf Burchfield's Finle Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIEID & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Roown THE BEST CUISINIE IN THE STATEC So.! ovid it allthours, 10111 S . om. to 5 f) 11 ;glurdst o(n ).i ll. Pi ice's \Moderate Mack t"6%Co. . . Tilt lARLO i~SAN)D WCHlANICS BANK 'RAINs ANt i tit's NSt 1111111 Capital, $50,000, Sitrplans and Profts, $65,000 Dow' iiiiot'ill liii iii, Otit iiii :tiiii l...…

October 31, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…'THE MICHIGAN DAILY iIOAG'S (or. Main and Washlington FOR 10 CENTSk W15tril s11l(Yo Pictures, Pipes Leather Oinanidnts and Stationery ti'At 2 1 ar a cll Sout (-d o Ip y 25CtS for. A k for - 11t112 Jini. A 1fel) l It aiidyou( It I t1i3ir of cost. E. 0. t'OAGi For Ia iigan Photo Nc i llIl. cl Por1 1 1.~r22i 1. S. .1NI)QI ISTI iBox 1 OGi inOhio. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY STANi i'i2 Ic I t1) 'rIMI wpt ti~i ':r h trt~i , 1 t.t i 0 f I Hor IEai-JOLLY ...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \N \ RhCYR M IC lii I 1iiI C (lii ,i . )o ( V ot.- XVII. No. 1 . VANDERBILT HAS HIGH inc i vi marehed tnncciieid ars HOill1ES OF VICTORY I ili. 1"ealisil i-apoIniplanl i Yost Has Counted Saturday's Con. the nan 11a1nltoilan alevel wit h test the Biggest Horne (lame-- stanlt la(I f is I1Uce (h--in-ndivls' Hammond's Warning. O f corse. Rice didn't seeotilt iois :laic. b t It's ind n\ i 1 rhi1e 111ui is'ben- n Ca np-oa lit ...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fall 1Tailoringq XX]to iko ou Ii R t t-aprirwr it dlom - que- titli to bi t , Ii t our dlob jrit in akino 'ittistLo it-i oi I soua'ettnot ai a a t tilt'of mlaingi iii t' 'alSi t.t', a aiO te tlf iour aalIit I t litandt There's Nothing Beyond Us [in (Garment Making. tt 'itt ,. i,'t: ', a seesifoutl tt i'huli ad 1)mutt ,ra t itti V\'' (ater. it tILD o.h> 311 5. wfet,}St npae-t Sw urepcatnery ih hIe nttr ii l o ti ii rr liii....…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…QIOTIKCRAFT THlE MICHIGAN DAILY When Duyinlq Your [all clothesCLEE "AK O ES hook Deeper than the Surface FOR MEN ANID wOMEN Make a care'tnl inspectioni of tihe "iniiide- miaterialst aiid Just arriveit omie tory nice wor kmanship. If ycu will comle her nid do that w ith Medium WIeight Boots just thei'thin' or l-a stylish the Autumn and Winter miodets in snits and oveorcoat, sretbotydptpln yon wvill find that we have thiefasliionahte " French- ...…

October 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY H7OAG'S (Ctr. Main and Wstgo FOR 10 CENTS Pictures, Pipes Lcather 0 namcnts a and Stationery 25 Cts fotr . A 1 if' n c11111 j1olt A fN '4 4:iA ,c , 4)I3Ill ll tI ' (M e 1)vi })' II t}3 t 1 1 ItI R.AHI1RA1, WIHI I R : E JOi_'n L'L Y S; ' t. , S . . .l 't I ' , Is; A , INI ,ll ,£ blt D.tY.lA. . A MWOAYI I ou 1 tI'tI t )',0 l .t 111111 A FINE: Li7NC(ESW J 'IhenaghIcain11Itl tilt fine h,,Iet lt Wes3t ANN ll I ARBR AILROA La ess...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…r* rte.. rte- . J: t .. J _ u n t +^. ^' ": "- ' J . :- w V s J rt "e rr .~ r("'. ,., ^^ n v ~. '~' -' .r'-' ,. r., ~ tr - ""-' . '/' -' .+ v _ "'.' Irv-.. ^' '_' ,. t'^ ^ t f", " t". '' ". . .. ' r. ..... ~ -+ . .: r. r' . -' 'r r" : + s: r . .; , . , ' ,.+ , r" n _ r -"+^. _. .. ' .. ' ,. r. - r. '-t - "" v . ., -. n- r- r ^ 77 7- J. r"; /- . r r ... .J , ~ ; .' n .W f .. J. r i. r .., '.t .. gyn.,,..,., m h i..--' 1, ,--'-i, r 1 i °. '...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

… tfo G, G O tPj Lrl .1 / L; f- y tW~~~ . f- j G: n! t X, y c3 r° s r Z ., "--' a : J r r, r. rt i v f --y--ellC ,..W ct:d fy 2. Coon ) t C7) { f ti: V, . fI .r. '1 , ;y "f. M ;+ .. .-; n r rr -- .. :.. r J J. -.r: C/) wmi =A . : ^ i f-^ ... f: " " r ' 't: .f; z" U.. .. G - h .V i S7 r' c3 i. U L ... v 14 u b 1--? :1: C.? "° + ° i-+ t - ;r; ;+ + _ x - ,.c _ L:F E' w .- u _ a N ry f r - .. ," ' ,. .. .. sue.. V' ti r ell ...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

… t J Y 5 ro . s O a M F SE "C V. ' .J 45 44 cn_ Z! bt CL- r C t j 03 .... 4? w \ r .l J r, s7- f. } v ^. -r J tG rli ti J r. r { tel. r- LU LL: LLU C06 z bA = 0 .J ceLL C 0 0 0 0 s f v I 'I. ' : -'T '',' "~ :t ro ' _ . " ,_., v r ./ .f , J 'I: r. d x v " J. !. ._ .- , .. ... Q ' , .. V - - J h f'+ w k-+ tl 1. C Y= - , f W r "r1 n z r M 42n f v- z r -. -- ri M L- ^. r f, :., .-" . , r'': 2 . n ' r nr .~rr rr. .rrr~r . ...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE1 MICHIGAN DAILY z 4- 'z. 1 t r i r ti ; R LOTH.RAFT When Buying Your [i Clothesi CO LLEG E "WALK OVERS" Look veeper Maln tInc Suriace Make a careini inspection of the "inside" tuats riats and workmanship. If ycnu-will comete Ire and (10 that with he Autumn and Wintter nodets in sn its and wvercoats, yon will find that we have the fashdonablte " French- Back" anti presseil side seamis: atso "ft vettette" Rain Coats---Prices $15.00 to $25...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…'I4 MICHIGAN DAILY i R Sam Bllrehfield's Fine Tailorinig Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HVRONV STREET Mackc's Tea Rootr THE BEST +CUISINE IN THE STATE'L Nerved at all hours, froiti 5a. iii. to 5p i Satiitirita i to Ii i, iceis \Moderate Mack ( Co. T~lt [ARMERtS AND MllCllANICS DANK MAIN AND 105 51ROtutu5F- Capital, $50,000, Surpius and Prifitst, $65,000 :3 ..r eit.iI~o t - ,- I I I . ,a d ii 'si, I1"I)5 ii S05tI,...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tl HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washinglon BRI.ING TI FS - AD) AND) 15 ClN''I S AND) (OET ONE 01F O:).'1 25c SITI.NS LIBIRARfY BlI I INO O N IT II I i t Student Lamps Big Stock $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star Oil lhas.noteqa i aquality urethisa naroet, It ;-x iv 5a hite lt..,h! Inoesnt ~ .t - i tttuthe xmne , xdos tn t f il the roo thlt itS .ke,.in ~r or il lInn i ii(r nli b DEAN (e. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. t I iI i f I I UN...…

October 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…HOAGS Cor. Main andW i go FOR 10CET \,. 1 ls PICturc, P p Lo t ea k .y IiII. 01 25C3 MiICHIGAN DAILY ALARM CO1 ~ oiieyCash f (h p T7 }i Norcder, f,,rparties or entlertainments Chapman's J wclrv Sto rc w tk enr this season unless cash a 2oo SO111111 Al A I N RA I I 5 1k <ilse L~ivoery Holm-tes' Livery R~llinsoti & Co. W. H. Stark lIOANCHI1 51001AT 204 ;soath State Street AV\0() I 7NCEM'EIN I frlo i )f1 Natur1e, is 7t. l ,1-,0 0 t; 11 0cii ...…

October 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANN .ARBOR,ICHIi~lGANs\ RIll) Vs's l'Ms F .14)1 is Vol. XVTII. ILLINOIS MASS MEETING AROUSES GREAT SPIRIT; MME. SCHUMANN-HEINK iiiIcri its\f I"vIl frtI ,VARSITY SHOWS BEST TO AP~PEAR TONIGHT 11w1 tstKiriiiffci"it'r' SPEED OF SEASON Prima lDonna, Assisted by Hlen Fl i too -tiltth- ir"Ltritsforitiglat: Regulars Make Ten 'Touchdowns on Schaul, Will (live Song Recital to 'si. en pro"'it ie"/1 the Scrubs_ Workman Plays Open Ch...…

October 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…rr rr wirrrwiiir r r i i rrr w w sni rr Vs tO 0o M O yC f0 u --0 !4oU 0-- v r f . H . J 0 0 / O a a ti N -y Z _ C'v iTY .--r 9 ,.. _ c'" J' T'om' h N ... ; , , - /1Tt i f 1 : w r x _ = CD 4 4 _ ~ 221 -TO .. 770 W 2! +cm y f ea N _ f f 1 _ _ l "w - _ 1 = .-. { fJ - f " r . r ' ry f _: r1 r .-. r r ^u ~' J ' r :I. r \j ^'. .... l _. J . ^ w--. . .-. :f' f. n ' Jv j " r ^, 7= < 'f. J; r' ..,+ " s ' f. . P fit. '.!- ' _ v .- o0I-" a-- ...…

October 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…v I~t~ ICI4GAN AtLY Saim Burchfield's Fire Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Rooni THE BEST +CUISINE IN TVIE STATE serve'd at all hours. from 8 a. mi. to 5 h.11m, Sattt la i ir Pt oderate Mack f(co Co. IT1lt [ARMERtlS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) IC lOIN 5ti l VIS 4Capital, $50,t000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 I osa t 't,'rat Itanlitig Itiiaitr a ai Pat at tiiitd upards'...…

October 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…c r , .. 0 W cl& 'A22o ". W a 06 L f a V a 0 Cl. v 44 _o V . L a L S- ~ur I 4 0s 0 d z H 1 ) C ._ 9 r E S. }j t ' a r- 4 i @. ttr. . F. ._. <C 0, z- , j c CC1 . C...a i '_ . ' v r -i o a " r...t ou'i ; E. wq +X r ri v l /^ Q , .+ td y ' , ° ~ O '° GL t' $ ... v _ _ r } ./ { a... + ../ Q., a :/7 .. / 1 U ., t i k 1 1 1 .+. 1 h i.. I Y ; i Y y~ i i t 1 Y 1 i .+w i f ( f 1 { i ' i Y r j 1 1 f* I, AIN O.i L 0" -- ci) ci) r.) ...…

October 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…The Mich igan D..aily VOLNXII -AROR, 27.tA VOL. XV II, Ntti. 2 ARGUMENT OVER JUSTICE OF SEAT SALE PLANYS Professor Van Tyne Opposes Present System as Unjust-Diirector Baird D~efends Its Workings. The athletc authoriiesa( toddsr D irecto ]laird', inte-rpretationcoif the- spirit of thefobaoll lo-icatiot ccflast sptrinttpairticulaily thai t resoiluttinliii iigtepito stntints anccu clty iagltitt eascc o folrlowt--,: csi "nIiopino11r. aird'sO p...…

October 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…t) A0) JN s0a . a W -R I (I C . i 7 eta ,. -- - w CrM V = H Gl? M M 16 G/7 r h - ,.4 U - ' , t 7; 't. If. ""'' . ,: _ ' I. f" r ,r te . . . f, . ' .+ ..+ _ J. j +- ,-- n .,-. rr " j .- w { "~ '.f, .., fi,. !: 4 J L. z Ut L L ;.J d" w h i1 "- N rJ L U u ' v i h : ^ k. _ ^..% S- t.' '' .1 w f r--- H F-^ _ r' w =. . ; .. F°. ; . - r , ,a ri c t1 ,r " w C f' r" O C V = w :T cti G 7 r W S r- - ,tate L r O m r-. 1. ' i' . TI J S. ....…

October 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r y"6 When Duyino Your [i Clothes COLLEGE "WALK OVERS" I. Look Deeper than the Surface IN Make a careful inspection of the'"inside' nateiials caot w"orkmanship. if youi wilt coii ie bie' ad do that with the Autmn and Wintermoidelis ini shiits is'nd overcoats, you will find that we havec the fashionliii " French- Back" anotpressed side seamin s io ii is ivnete Rain Coats--Prices $15.00 to $25.00 Big Line of Fall Furnish...…

October 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…THR MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S oar. Main and WashingIon BRINO I11'S AD" ANDIs15CENTS AND) (jET ONE O01 01ff 25c STEINS XX ITtI LIBRlAR~Y HI 'LfIN(i O N IT f Student Lamps Big Stock- $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star Oil l I :ina in 111ualityin th is wtarket. It ,ivxQs a wvhitei lidht, loe's ot smoto'he cii tilev, does slot fill thex toom xv ith sickeniiigodot. bollin AnniiAhut l_ lyby DE AN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. UNIVERSITY NOTrICES. jl t'Mi...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil Vol'.. xVI1. ILLINOIS EXPECTS TO DEFEAT MICh IGAN Review of the Work of Cham- paign Eleven This Season-- Prospectnt for Saturday. ()nd'ltthat tenew plaintg aide will givt thillttta blter chancetagainst Micign tanis iit iii byte s a "d p-t i viti it it ofa Ili n a t, s f ot a lli titt s rea li, tr te aut tiolyAtn 1)e iwring \ii rtilthe g titru les ii, i~tlll, A icigal g ie tittiewstyliie h iii iii iati p ctcair i ghly atd i...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…fall Iailoring iat rt aotttinn n r n iinaton, tto iit ii' jet in notina it it t'i t iin r4 r itit' obiiiih i t , a inf. i I yo arnt talt' a atron of our, w w u it tt t t pe re of iakintpyourtfll it,. Iia a tet otfi.0111 a lti to it t(ii Plaeatt. There's Nothing Beyonrd Us in Garment Making. oertc.tnoifrititt hi' t oiforign and DOtota - ionttiti ". 113t ii nioii'ad exi a ' it pattetnsto tn fial iiito itrt ii' foaritto Yut' i'rrfoctyo&1f in plac...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i - Samf Bulrchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAN BDRCHFIELD & CO. 108 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Roon THE BEST CVISINE IN THE STATE St- red at all lours, from S a. int. to S p. tit. Sat ii rdaat to g 1).im. Pi lees Moderate Mack ('E Co. TILt FARMERIIS AND 11iCI1ANICS BANK MAIN ANtI li OIN c5lyllaTS Capital, $50,000, Snrplns and Profits, $65,000 3)c i kitac I lalaIn'l ala 'I .' l <I ay {Ijwr c t...…

October 24, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and w a,,hingun BRINGi 11115-Al)" ANI) 15 C:ENTS AN!) OETi ONE 01' OUR 25c STINSi W1'1"N ON IT E. G. tiOA0 R; AHI KAH1 RAH1 Yor aLMichigan Pi'5,t11tt IireAy nw o r l tr D. Y. A.A.J. RAILWAY LW'1A411,11115 ILLI II il t 'l i-- I l. a i s V '- "t' 'a~y I ' 31151 L 11111 111; 1.1w to 1 :15).I lli4I & I'1111 I 41 ANSEAMSNHLIES. Li)ingt a 1 3 1111r1 1 31 awll~ J.I' r,;. n ti~ i ,)r "I' 'I' X Il R.n'La.AeI'LL. Sa ...…

October 23, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…'* :!; .~.+ 7 "- :J,' c" 1 .--. ' r' ' - e"" r J, r, -- 4; +G ! I. " ." .+ f ^- "' ,: i-, "_ r. _ "t . 77 . - .. ."-> a-- .. ';' r, r R " . n -+ ;!M1 J 1. ~ % , _ ;. r v r'? r ~ _ r f J.. _ r 'r ,.. G ti' '"" r' , ' '' t"s , , ,_,, !', t~ N i i1. ,1 ... '"' ,.. . "" r y n.. " " j .... ,~: :n r . '^' . ' .... ,~ '- r "' r C: r Q. *-* 4 , .' , f n h '" "'^ ^ 'r r . G '-r F "--. , , .-;., r f"' U ^ ' - t. ,t ._. - ..' . " T ~r . ( ' f ~.. r ;F ,....…

October 23, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-.1tialtr a awrt Ha tat aptinte jat int ttkitt. it iiisti t't,t YO t inoutr Suit a-it'Srt't tf T'i lring.t of a r1, wa w, itt li ht tIka - aterstif iitaki lit "ao fi, n pleaseiayott. There's Nothing Beynd Us in (Garment Making alt-'titatf rimtheiii it-atiharn an HOr a tclomtit. Vie abil tiatti l ointieadi itIto ail tariOh a localt. ti a lt-f t h ' iyr, extipecii tt-ttion t tiry itgh ti8, foru t i ll never meeiwit t hr 't't...…

October 23, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…--- /F /' z'' Q a; it _~ ~- i when Buying Your rail Clothes COLLIEGE "WALK OVERS" Look Deeper than the Surface f FOR MEN AND WOMEN Make a earetlinspection ot the -nside' wxiasand wo'rk maiixhiI). If sin xwi]l come here and do that with the Antuine and Winter in1ode's in s swts .1(1 oxoIcoats, you dilt find that we have the fash ioua K 1 "French-! Back" ond pressed side sea ins a11"u '' av(,Inite Rain Coats -Prices $15.00 to $25.00 Big Line o...…

October 23, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY m-d I rr--- Cor. Main and washIington BRING I'THISAl)" ANI) 15 CENTS ANDI (ET ONE O1 OU'R 25c STEINS- WITH 0ON IT IL Student Lamps Big Stock $2.25 to $2.90 Otir Red Star Oi1l hs o et11111111 in111 (tliltV 1in ti' warket. It 0' ,. V a' wuhite lid ht, does lnlt'11moke th ric 111., 111sloe ln t fi DEAN eU. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i i i i i i UN I VERSITY NOTICES. j 11 t il1 It Il 111111 11 1 1 1I' l. 11 C 1 t:11 t(I ...…

October 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…! Jam( e..r J f'^ r.. Y e r 2- f - .. F .22 ... 71 ; . s r I r- _. ; .. <- i J: f ,_, rv .. r; . . - % %' -. '=' 4 I :-- W. . _ . _ ! (. r, i s' -' , _ r _s .._... .. 1. " y 'IC f. 71 7: '.r i. ; f~ ~. _^ .+' !- t;.. . - 2 W "J t J ,, JK. . j_ r"; t .-t - _ r - d - j f ,. . ,,.- . " C r rK :J' 77 0 mom1 .f7 n7- t"2 i _.__ r- _ _ x .- r r n r .v , ., . J.., " r: J. _ r \ 7 u .% . . J , r-, . 7 7: r. . 7:, , -- n. .. .V { _ ri ...…

October 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

… Vi I 0H V "}JI 0i1 " y f ' -c: ~~ -H f ~ otr ' -- . .-57 r C 0 0 n J y - f (* rt N-0 C#0 5- -C4 - A < - =a =-- &0m s5 . vt _ ; (^ I wi.}} . .. r .-.. v T . . j ! 1 _ f \}1. t 75 .1 ;4r "TI i too s .-. .' '. ! r;.. r .. f' . I .: rn > f:.. - :i., j . , . ti, , . 1 _ .r , ;, ^_" :r U r.. t~ : .... ,y u' . r "i r-% ., t . l 4.- - - 7- -'0 ~ ' ... "' ' ._. ", ! CtC) N P r:~7 0c7 r n Cot) w r r c f - T , s, ., I; s i f .-+ r. n (...…

October 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THdE MICHIGAN DAILY Samf Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURONY STREET Mck's Tea Roozr THIE BEST CUISINE IN THE STATEC ;-;(-tv d it all 1hours, 1from sa. im. to 5 5 jO 0. at lr i i 1 P iiiYu. Ili es \Moderate Macks.(%M&Co. a I Tilt FARMERtS AND MECHIANICS BA'NK MAIN AND) HURlON S5101?) .t Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $w;,000i D~' ~oes i nral IIao~in I .I I "lii i 1oi 31 i1 ~...…

October 21, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…HOAG'S Cor. Main and Wa h il Ion IWINji'THIlS -Al)" AN!) 15 CENTS AN!) (lET ONE 01' OUIR 25e STEINS 0ONIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY ALARM CLC K.S Cash PositiVCly Cash No orders lot parties or eniertainments CamnsJwlySoewuli be taken this season unless cash d-CamnsJwlySo 2obSOUTH MiiAIN ST. RAll1: I II XXIIOneCoupl etoadifromeparties or OXtl XXi or o f t,,,,f b Aim Exlsie s o focatriaxec_$3.00 II I 1(10(101Coupe $2.00 151'ANCI 11 TOR AT Walker's Liv ...…

October 20, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL01. XVII. AN N .AR'f( K1 I C II (A N, SA Ti RI)AY, (fLIP t ItIN 2?0, 1pit. IYOST W ILL BE SATISFIED WILL REPRODUCE GAME IN UNIVERSH1Y HALL WITH ONE TOUCHDOWN -- Full Reports of (ian e at Columbus to I lc()(Ill I, Coach Does Not Expect Big Score -Team Goes Through Signal Practice on Secluded Field in Its t Columbus. Byi ( Ca ec C;/. A/ Hfd;", n/c(ur - ri+ spriuil ins C~lii hs (tir Ocuitn t. liiinneitc l a li h riva...…

October 20, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…. . . .. ...... i Y t r { i ., r4 Al a << G as0 0 W w ocs2 ,u u b Q f. (1e2 rw -f rM n ug coo COOD C CU^P ur I tr' y low" 0 3 0 z I 1 (1 I O t" 1 W Cl r % V W "-- (....i w ... C,/)' ' M M "+ J: J. r N i 777 { .j H V V Y .w v 4 J. r r t { r i t r M i tt i , n ~r r r --- - r . - 1-- , ., r--, "-- _ _ J 1. a , n f. r v -- A ~. , ; 'l. ~_, n. , f _ -- . ... ... 'gin . f. J: ':P. J. J y ti ! ., . .. ! w 'v f: .+ t .. . r ' f...…

October 20, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…TH~E MICHItGAN DATLY 3, , .,, .. . 4 Ur Choral Union and May Festival Tent Concoerts - $3.00 Sing1e Adrrlssiork $1.00 Hear Sehuffallw ileink OCTOBER 26, 8 P. M. - when Buying your ral clothes COLLEGE "WALK OVERS" [ook Deeper than the Surface L FOR MEN AND women r. l tN _ i- N a Ni Ni Nix1 [I RF Makxe a care xi iiqeioCiii ilix xiiixjidC ixix~ixix xali xxxixkxxxxxiih1. If v( i Uwxill o i I liiie lr, d(o thlt i thxii the Aixxiix ii i nd \\...…

October 20, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 111 [JAG'S Cor. Main and Wasingt on ISRINOi THIS -AD) AND) 15 CENTS AND) EiE'f ONE 0O)1 OLIIR 25c STEfINS ON IT Student Lamps -Big Stock $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star Oil ha s no equa n qaii iiity int th is inarket It lgies a white light , cdoes not) smoke tie chiliii(cy, idoes not fill the rooim with sickeing odor. Sold in Annitatrbory (tidy h DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i fll' IJNIVERSITY NOTICETS. Ii '1 i ;; ...…

October 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VJOL. XVII. AN NA Rl( R. II IHIC,\ N N F1ii1IIA Y, CNN T)Il <i. : o N,.«22. I7A t"Cw I'XI Cfli T A n IIU' A i7E C F C1n V AKb II Y Z !VUIXU L.IZCfi COLUMBUS TI- Twenty Varsity Players Go to '" "1 fleet Ohio State Eleven and oeMnG oorw ,wa Buttwnty vplcers will iform th f iii -- Balsud wicle tai-- for Liiliilt tV\ t imornig at 7:in frmthe lIM anAr- ho'dpt h picked squad tis smal tl- lac o f i .'['I l ilio s mt meani 1...…

October 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…sl rjC " s; . Y- :M t f = o s . v H v /V V y y f }u f V h+" H L./I V f j f't lot N-NONC N L N 0 -w E tct t p t p C 1 O ..< p_ 77- - s.. = N 5 5 2) I. " ; ,f X111 II 0 NNow o N N O o i 0 ( b O CtI I C/J2 w : 77 wrA M ^ R te.. tf. S N '1 ak _ N > to w C A v ,r O .d O t9 ~ .. f1 *t > " r : a ^a_ o c a l _ J ^- u - j '-"" it - r - r r - Z7' a j .f f 1. "-"-" .-- - ry _- - - - _ .- _ .! r _ : , =, - _ - -- -, =: : ; s , F._, ;a -; ....…

October 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saml Burchfield'sFine Tailorinlg Trade Cf-tn Deliver the Goods SAM VHFIELD & O 106 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Roonr THE BEST CUISINE IN THE STATE c reedat all hoorsfromo 8 a. utto 8 P 1 oat trdiao to op.)i. 0 icecs Moderate Mack( mCo. Chafing IDishes 5 O'clock Teas tIo all simon4, ad at MUEHILIG & SCHMID'S HARDWARE Phone 57-4 205$S.<laoino Shtre Choral Union and May Festival Tess Corvcerts - $3.00 Sing~le Admisstoxt $1....…

October 19, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…rrr .s .n .r n i t1 cm w .~ v. a~(I .J * rr c7~ . m. a 11 0-.) C) (: 0 pr a. I1 Oa v - 1r C . . pot ~ Mj 1 - t~ .ue,' JI _ I r -' i r - -..., i -. y i\-3 -- r -- C - Ca Irl _ _ /M /{ I W .^. v iw °I. lZ- r - W z C ,J: w- -y'yz k ff V ; .C+ r0 =M (jD z ; M 1 ,/ .P p . G I u :.'+ Y . e Y' U r- , } C C) a C) ro n~ I 2 Z U tC.o 3 ) o I co r (,) x M i . F rT t: r! f^q_ s h m t4 m s .... G CC C :h '^r i fD" N w GCO -3 C7) Y w r K E...…

October 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…f ... !r. ,,, .. ,.; s. . r' ; . :,,' f, . 70 j rf; -- s s ! r, « .t u .r _ ^" l: J" . r ..f' ^.. .. = ; ' ^ " r _ -, r-* _ .. 7 -f C/) O . 0 . r ro 1 : , .. = - - - - -. - - ~ - -- - P/ .C) H !+ M 1^) _ r; -. : 7 f..1. 7 ,:i ,_ ;77- Z7 77 ,_.., ,_ , ,. ; - s f r.. _. - _ _ - - 1 ~ - !. J. 7-, "s.z :f.' .J "' J. r .. ;'_: ,:. ^,. ' -S J --' f t. G r ' - _ f :I J - - I r v tf 77 I 1 _ :71 Z. f. f r n ^ _ A ) j f 'J. A Cl) Now a <...…

October 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…1 -3 G' V. 0 C LJa r+ CIL ro U C r+O .r (D e-r t!7 y. r- r ;-: ; r - x c 1 .rz--0~-~ O r r T O . rc -, "O~ r ! -0 , Q t ,, 5. S1 s ," Q J4 r 0 m m o 0c 7= r ;,, vii . s , r ' u Q E (T : C -- 0 JW _ i Sw00 =A m ;= _ r _,, f f.. . .. 1 : ?+ > , -C T ~ 01 " - ... ~; " n r , - , tr , -_ r .. _ Y 1'1 .'x.? '^! v ,+ s ,. -. -- __ M F { r C)' 5n 7 --) o V Ir H ' . (I) r.1 d f;I UT1 =or " (I [ (r mf -C, )t I >1: C3 a 't% :=, - , _ x ^...…

October 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…TtlR MICHIGAN DAILY e T , ;y; > , Y ,i a When Buying Your [all Clothes COLLEGE "WALK OVERS" [ook Deeper than the Surface N FOR MEN AM) women /7' - ~s Make a care 'uinitspection otfthe 'I iidt"' mterials anid workmnthlip. If ),en Will 5's itle' lil and do that with lie Atttits anid XWinter' siiodels i ils nd oercosats, itt1 dill find that wve hayve the fasliiotal In " French- Back" otil pressed siile seamns: also C (ri asette Rtini (oats--...…

October 18, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

….. II THE MICHIGAN DAILY i HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The Larges-t Aesair'.uleit a1o Stliden1ts V IuI1 11 ' ii ixing. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Net.: Btrushes Picture- Stationery 1iirrors Razors Kiv. Scissors Leathe'r (ood:; I ann er: P-'illow.s I ,J e l rye Playing Cards Lamp Irimiuig We Cut the Price ona ) Alarm Clock HIOAOi'S KAHI RAH! KAH! Fora ic ig n lh i iNt. i t . M tIt1 t St I ii E$ iii DY.A. A. J. RAILWAY " t~, (,1 5 11114 iI...…

October 17, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Mich.igan Daily VOL>. XVII. ----___ _ - -- __ _ .._ _ _ _ __ _ - - - __ _ _ _ _... _ _ e _ _ _ .. _ .. _ __ __ _ _ SCRUBS TIE VARSITY IN FORTY MINUTE GAME Yost Working Team Hard For Ohio (ame-Ierrnstein's Men Se- cretly Look For Victory. ilihe paini, lbe ing aat thiea of Ohioixstate i veiiixriildo inot g a iss, they' icxjhiix xx foiotl lita ilrtn homeirfrom th . giuc iiti defeiat iti i inte ar of thex'all} e t ias, h' \ il lkt e tripi. ...…

October 17, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…TH MICHIGAN DAILY II. 'ii . 111'II:O jp i ntipi There's Nothing IBeyond Us in (Oarmnt Mkinig. " n t' ' + iii ;I", , 1 ln~ny w<, and 1- i, (I I!,r XII I) wt I.' t 'sIrk s la11od( . !Rent lI.rfll.% then New Books Ila pr Weekc Money Liicit ond 0lcI'5 1)C 1-1i prop fi athiland (onra ' 'I lir'jiill yourg ni i NV brn sIid 111c li , ali'iii n ii: (,sit at-lii trac ive o ii' nsea ofJOInPH"1-2OATIS TiHL MICHIGAN 1)AILY.: I r I N I' i Ii i 'isJ'....…

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