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October 31, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-31

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fall Iailoring
W hornakeijour li-s
quesion, to le sii+", it tu h
joL i akinv i i oitrttiyouiV
If ou aeint, lrei/adyia patotn
ure of miaking yioui-Fall 'uit. is
it et ofior ail it to li ad
pleasi. you.
There's Nothing Beyond Us
in (Garment Making.
selecition rmthe hes ii ltiiof iorign
anti Doitc loIomsi . NW- hio
muha ndiiiiioiiiii'aii exclusiiveo
ittalrnsofndt sfrti
Vittiruori-- et-i/ -ae' in jun-
lorg yiur' x puier aoi-i'ey high,
Sir, hin yoitae1vanaordiieriiwith'i
i, fire you uwill1niiirimee'withi iii
Yiiu'll m ur idesi- dr
at' ni t ~iajgniivoir- fan-v
wti llake' tat''ofiti-I-u
(G. H. WILD) Co.
311 S. State S.
Wear a
letilarmly clad. The
iiiterttil i liii'ieryN bsl
Auitrhaliani ioiol. The
wirkmnshi the sametl
that youiigt'inj all Sald-
ing poducii~ts, thlebest,
$4.50 and $6
Sheehal's Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watcthes, Diaimondor other
peruional lrperty
Watche anti Jewlry repaired.
Btargatn in Watcese & Diamond
U ice nat rnsiene 331i . Lierty r
Ann Anir.
flaus to 1uii30ia. n., it 390 and to

i-i riet a- ti-id classun matier ar ticeAnn
j Aorno totofttuc.
Pubishned ditto(Moniay eocrtedndurig
te collge ear, at 10 Batasihaiintonr
tric. e il ph oric ni. iunte phneor76.
it ti igutEP tto Arthur C' Pliiri.
l/it-tii'-- Mutagr C. FE. Niistea.
Nthlil-ti - --......Roter 1. Clancy
ci..it- - -Ih.. avid IF. Sevenonti
Cot-I it/to' - - Henry A Mortgomery
Ini tandit' Ni-tire ..Pal S.MiNlor
(,, orgc N. -lion J. Earl Ogle. Jr.
lrulul C. Srmithl
l IIII'F.Sthut'. Glenn I. tBadlt-y
tlatrence''E. Eldige Fiotudu11. Joeos
NWilliamru A. Mihirit
Chune B'ioiti lii ter George I. Hoitart
J.W IN ctC-ittlcs (Cal R. More
A.Viio-I/jilt It.John NWarboli
John F.-Wor
RATES:t$2.5i pee yea, ne a-noifitpaid in
Addcess: CHAS. IE. WINSEAD.),uitnites
Manager, 22n S. 12th St. Phone 77 L..
iOtitce Hoacit 1230t to :0d 6:0to tt73
P. M Daiy.
Address: ARTHURittC.,POUtN, Maaging
Editto, 715 Mnen.
Ofic Houc; 2 t, S P -. aity
Except Sanday.
Ituiy tt 11t-iriny nLOIC, itC.i JniES.~
'N tNA F'
Eiotoa-LotittH.lJONotEiS i
itt t.i-l)I ii-unt. Ii Rii'i31 cyXi
it,,tt, it..- u-
Pcc~elionof -p. juior indtti i
i Iw itbanuit,-titttirti:ittarouriigItm
'Iii il-t i i iif c tnieri iiiii it t.l
tor 3i ii Iota it-tiiVatnderbi--ilt itsi. li
il~ h ap lIt abot ithet-camtpuls.
cu~t~t 1,11 aso i- listhe lii -itt l of
it-i ''iiin iitihaiviting town'tich-
i llte- ': d utnc i -iit'i 'at hroi ugh-iii'I

id r n trt-it t itrir uti h tt (71 1; , o Cd ' t i-Itterittnce
,ot MW poutreltbnftiiin ucit MUSKCAND DRAMA
life-i rr heristn it rwayforth
fIt iii i- tt ii i/ti ti- cgi-k itt /iditiiii atfre i. IIt eittinad io
tititi ihe the, ( ttit-i iton it i / iii iothe irtg \' aiiity liithe wei
tilt i/ittinct tih-i'it i fioris ",i Nt o ('/irotinm h. foms i
it- 4hunt oital ttti tio, rattemts ii t eIi 'ttt- - - --rn on a /1:3
i-ti-i,"'~ c rar t; it -l sit-it hit hit 1 N/kin F i -- Imi al H il,
Mich ia -n ttii, /i li-ieof tetlo.t untg iinI/ti nt \\ hnch t- ( / nd \]s
toilt mi i-ttt-i'-h ic se- C('t1iiit't' -cirrcirauiiot p'f n-
and a ;fro t;itell- itii i-i-k a 'Itti' ii/it 'tin aw-.i/tu ititt lt/t t-titi
pr~wernl facor 'iotgit lin itt i tit i-l -u baetC a t e~pliy
acct n~in~ti withall ofihs clastmae,. lile an i-tti ()\ io cNi-I
Frc / n ' t abr' un er'te ita- an o7i-It'' iuuuu tiu' ...0,n ;r
eor~dt, tNsarit/ittndi e %ar it-d,,isitti-it t/t'iiiDubois/i
vi h iN//-/t ti/InIm t loa w haN' NII-i -i t u ntu-/u-:.........__i-: ' tut ti
I/it'i iiv nog -one,' forittg i/i-Itt- t itititi' \\'IN-i it/I l, Iitt-ut .......... 'ut/itt/u'r
ii- /i Ntuuare lfvth ki/td '-'rw/h i -/tan o ti-to NNe t SyIt - - - - N/....... .. Fitt/t
hi/ut- undert ti --iu ii'ia- iirhr, nd t iefi-rt /ite tt u- lipt (;ttiiii/ ...i-i . ...N.lis/
t ui't -t -i a-lit/i'- ttti-iii'whe i-tltiliti-iNN'Itiiii /iu-tttit
in NNa u/itt itetto iiN bluo-iato Iit / t~ti-i /tthe-Mu i/i'l . 'ii
cla it wihu- ii ,/ii t' hal hute l i-' t ico tlNtti-ti n ii> I i 7a i o/t tutu
'I i-u aclvie'-t tiin ttuiU i/ i lYNt- /ituu NI t - --
t( eIi -plat- momt li- i/ it i-/ttu
ui 'll , t it tttt lcp ii- u i t t-i- '''I-I / I t / '' ('hI t e h p o e t a
perilu' tountituio'tfl t/ti-li
Vi t uu h/o--iti. tn t i t i Ii- ttCoicI 't i't-ii/ I i-i'----'ii -it'
/( l~) it-11 Mut'',\1'' mottotitiuti;li ititi-itniite;~ allegeii -ii
tii-i/tiitito--ti t- ileri 1r
Thl i t engo i llC m d NNlb De hrl i p.I N'... .YhuiI',
h/a t held Nfnda t thtj rt'u ii' f-li' th pl-io toI" Slt itt i- NN iltut NN i lktti-.
M ,ti/ tt Nbit i/t1 'il itst I ttittoitet tiiitstdenit 'tii ti-i o
Siotoo- prt ol 2ct tart in schotlit ill Ito tot i- ... .. 'I t uit i/u
th //ore&s OCin t iuhc r. re lgo tis vi li ttti Ii L de ; ni- 'i't it' ritu h t'ittmai/
in egad-t ult cub'iprspets r hti\'tu/i---lth N ihittuvl tuthu
,\t- the Ittinitu o mmt- l iit t ii itt lii li i/'tuttu i ti-i-t st ,ltug i uulrttt
tutua me bert Of hut'li- a-utyiu,ultwas igtall ii' Alberho~tti Loctkwoo tud. u~ i-i
i-it." t -u-; c ored tiyt'. cu ,-u

Football lime is
ISweater lime

Spalding Sweaters -' $5.00
Martoont. tinray. NatyMu

it til )t tonsti


Th ti ookstmirethat'sNi-ver
L UtS -rsoldl
721 N. Univ. Ave.
Kodaks and
Photo Supplies
Amateur lDeveloping
and Printing
Scrap LCooks
Post Cards
boit are trivite(Ito Inn i liren
iriti 'tee iihIrt lt ashppe'ied
tilutipst--all htlIhy
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Citl Muok jtti-u,(10. uii) tliii, )t, it
A (leneral Bankintg Buine-snTransatend
it,-rlt'ttnCu as. mi . It isino, li-ni ; W. hi
Harrcimn iVti' Pcoo.:u m. I. Itole inaiit
BitSpalding's Official rent
BaGieCointainintg the
New Rutles
W-t uu i th f(o>Peio i ti.An( tr.
StnAL t itiu& ng . tts.. No I u i tt, t;I:-r
'r \ 3.Tit ) T ( iti-'iii-tutit
mull th(3uIut- fi'uuoo ;I n(rn-
;c (( i u ' : ait iu it' (rit t. or s ii"t l

The Jersey Vest
Up-to-Date and Comfortable
~lTte latesttig in tire lirre iifSrtdetSwveaters
is thre old tirme hrigh-l neck Jersey- mrade intlo a vtest.
It its till timeslyle of time old sweater vent, hut -is
'toe IttIhr-oItin ttrtr/iort alwayosceausedl hy'the 01(1
i-eot. It i5 Ibothr conrvenienat anmu orrfortatole. The
itaie thieum wiltirmud wirmth i-Iseev'es, inmtime gray,
Fat-y blueivwhite, tandulgray trininmiedlwith lulhne-
PRICES $ 3.50 TO $ 500
The Store o/fmtme Sttodents, tnt, the Sttudents, for the Studentts

All Hallows Eve
Ye Goode lde Waye
McMillan Hall
"Time Fellows"r are Invited

S. 1. A. Announcement
W. J. Bryan Booker Washington
Chas. A. Towne Samuel W. Gompers
J. Lincoln Steffens Leland T. Powers
Robert M. Lafollette Albert B. Cummings
Frank W. Gunsaulus Oratorical Contest
F. Hopkinson Smith Creatore's Band
$2,00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00

.I l




117 South fC-ain

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