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October 19, 1906 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-19

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The Michigan Daily


AN NA Rl( R. II IHIC,\ N N F1ii1IIA Y, CNN T)Il <i. : o


I7A t"Cw I'XI Cfli T A n IIU' A i7E C F C1n



Twenty Varsity Players Go to '" "1
fleet Ohio State Eleven and oeMnG oorw ,wa
Buttwnty vplcers will iform th f iii --
Balsud wicle tai-- for Liiliilt tV\
t imornig at 7:in frmthe lIM anAr-
ho'dpt h picked squad tis smal
tl- lac o f i .'['I l ilio s mt meani 11111 i
ho e e that h-. ltl%' ilt-11.-it wlIhtieE r
avaialeI for te 'gmeiti' the till fi repeat i i
morning-. quariri
Fve rv i itinilea ti-il eIn 1111 it ei it i
tha iiitgiti t -illarge icro t- llh ire iat it layi il iii
send -f littiltiiI n fti-ing'iiruinit -Ihighil 111111the
over thierimpn d -i lin ls ii td il il iii ll
ha d it t tti i it it iil t hin i ',, tin cit
desperate attacks. t h d
N l e l arii i t u o a ped ls eirt~
nihtt hat lii I an-il i and Stckm wee iiti
iitrt -oftheti mtiteri hol ver i, thaii Iiihe
l I tufiii ndit are m relyihlditriltilt
net iealow t Icave with titIttitsu I t- e- e
it, m i ng. iiti l ilfit hasii11fa ild t~ day s I i
alnd tckl htntilt ed o ii II Cli
tigulyi ii \ l rme y thi, i a til
l 1t igh ti to o:i 'r ethut il ntlte ci
the} ii ti t iinIw it i trltso-it la- scrd l
it nk t iiitt itrig , Ce ct itiltofttilt c rni l,- I - -
"Iilitii h:lt.: bentri'pntof 'tllirn
Mi higan i atttl tis 'ill i ng n % IIe ini-
itilt I would o itnty he alfI wa l i i ol I rev-
tnr Penrin nori-iv itheriliiiNuninAm nil
i-rc a n imthergrdednl i IIiiIi tcti on \\rtittil ,I T
by tm 'u i - he xivirii I.itllt h iit l..i I
litittir befoiiret-t h ias icii iitin iFero ii tlt
casetir f intk illin rndut1 piti rch.rI itil" t -, a
litw irlnti-- etail (I low d ro l i cl Corr o t h
itnill iir tipi i llbeiii i tiir I l arrit i ii c~t
nower , theil in - il in ill hail i trim-- n
Lefit endN wo ;lftaklC r,:irna
rright pr, im bst olrv D atis; atrlttelriu gyn

f r t ll r'\1 llt iii lii 1S t
i;Iistt r a s to S rft n es l n
l -tor)- i ,tfli i li l El i it-t
-rt-i'r-iiitr-- hit N /dI il- I 't o i lis 1 rI t,
Ivi i s lst a\ illI-hutott-- a tul titilt 1aoflt il ticc tit iRat hut iii
1"aiifc i I Nheci l- itiltt itt li iit-

- i 'reene p laye tei tela
iie wereimuchi c'a't I mni I lt li
tha t illta ) m l ot h)(
11l ,elld tg ( pS e l
llth lii Nhalft NoInl i St
t r, I (1 nb clit I\I(1 aN ill-
r()l 11) a ii il() ti i ntlt
i-ltd itth av o pfcltirt
ph hegetriii OfI r ale
)I and i il w ife, -u i-ll litd
lil Univitr~tit illtthave a 1lrgoI
Gres tO r land lII the eautrutii
- fFl - illCemeltiry, ith
It), ml iiiliand heI iii I iter,-
hen w b tan ical grietiill-til
itte th t t ilrm t hree1 an
tilxctrii ii ito t he tutu Ii
ua til thek lti t r I tant
«1 If iic i Ofii tietiia-i
iii it( tti r tl te citirtf
I' 11(' ,a l? p li"p(), ;M(Itt

eri ir"it paIi l ri v ti thl ii iti
tail hii id.
Air p ir vi ii 1 n t til i ti itii gv
itt h f~ l i interi ew:iiii i1 i
'J pt d liweh v ii t ith i t iitii
tiilt diii I a i-it-tN tilt w ir li~t toi'i-i
1 ua l i -", i i n; inii i lthe n tntr
with the tlt tr; lPay ii liii l ii lititi I
whih ~ nr()' th cin ia iii i -iiiii gil
iic t iii t n tt-cti I i~n rte ii lii ln ti


Ii CIV hllFRSITl' Nil iii -li
tititi'. N. VSmith, 'o;. tp, hastueeI
forced by ill hth toi droll) h hlii uis oltg,
uT-t-I;. l i\iltat feartntthe wt'ti itin
arrites Nit. Stuili t at1 i nte
pas I.ntuIh1in'ii a'Iu stee-~r(, ataI
whic utoniiu llto th hsia o
o, l ek tis- fall. his- hittiuian o
cl imae. li itill goti'ither- to I dahoii iiori
tillt h a-ui- beenittt iiiliiofttiteil t ati vei
tis fall Ile ti-a- 'ctil th ctdutuc-
In m e fthe enritti'literariy cltas. In
sp ite of hut- ntlii i n ii otther linis, NMt-
Sutluit t iii iinegleciu i t i tdie, anit
ait thut presentutineiacs o ly m ii r
tfeogh ceitt lfor liii t t-i Nut
heliterarytiititutarttme t I lii'a'utiu
;Manna Nn fratt t ernt tuuit is. ii Iitutrnt
ti--u for ihis o n at i l inii iii -
unty t-uprointi iinthe afairst of
the sophotote class
it-hS ttl-Nt S IN SIl\f't1 I.NP it hSit FI-
lihe 'itiittitt ititti iof the int ls
football schedule in yeserda's t til
tis-ti - t d timeii t in tilt-it oac
iii-- ofithu intrcas sris, t itor tut,-
,)t tte 1 arut-ti- ;it -tutu- iii lll
cn#it iii ihaveiltnlilit m iii h
ui t-the tu ina i.T heiil leii il aret ratheI
nno tuntu i as toI-u lengutth u-ias no -
turnl -r untIT'ttttiinn itipacie x
ittbew en1 'a It-!ma Ililit l itiuuttitti
iiTe departtim ent-t exptlii' li-itt -i-u--- to
giv agod tutof itslf
j Mnimtar Cody' -iithine -ty litsisu lit.

Plichigan Ilen Pack University
Ball at Singing Meeting Last
Night-Cue Leads Cheering.
II tImsit' of thein tt- l'tiit of ii tihi
lasi iigiti' tutu- 111- timug. lieryn wttt
fm'ld ian mum tumou1 olt liThegtalleruy
huh --u-ia mutlal11)tt-int -Of Nlit-
bas t i Ii it luc u ity Im htduip yiars,
(Tn-tut mtithumuttihg itiltatuuovmiiture
ald t~miotiglil I uuititlsc lii iriitst of
tu111,t w iill pee m.B ry (tu 'tu ile
1)iI tit itmtimti yepll imatert mut edti
the p it--uor im u\\ ]t it I u-lu-tutu Stanlety
an ~icl hie ltliitin yldinhg III.
a 'V of l1 "at1d a ~w'Inliii yill.
l'"< -tutu- I iii that -tt iof ite limit lfor
Ra l a d h t -it higan"'ili m t iliumo
be ,d) -It u-ti)r "(I li()." lit-up- mnu
I- ii gui 1( -arl111ay-l alonug utwit
the ;- g ; -c iII ii tit ititi Itc aumiln
til t - -ut i ii nto u-u :Igull itiririnug hti
I loctilthatlii it-ti tavIi11)(tit he ti o
Cen r tutul- 111 i(,1 Ci liii iuuu'ndi then
mu- uuN.,1(Ilaticn b- giten twhent
murk- iiwt ). i.indsiutitnulmys
;a1 . icfwitoli t, t thujeut iof
tIr, ki dhallotiiicitiiiit'itic iii ato
r1c -Iiil i orthe'ii i ll i thillihit Itttmmm-
ii I,/ al' h tip I ut Iuau-mm l t t115tu(
tWuttum liat I1( p> ltiri'atglet
tutu -eo li t-'ill'u tg to ' u Ntiu
1l11rda I it t). ;. t;,i l wa s rigs al
le w Iii I ' 'e, l limitersi awl,
o -ile tutl uututu tt u I iin --u-tim tA'lo-
lwit tctiiIm tcdtitiuhuit I ftilt liii- l
au- ~ t i; te tm ol i t tu itt-
got it) u hit i ltt, )iii i cli ms the tti-
trmh v adadi' nowuuim -l


i te mul i tr urte t ot,-i Mihiigtanu dLimi t tiliup-mummi(u - mfat rmmi th isiu -ttu1(iIrt,> a glit I cailh. I t-u'--f-tin murtin I l
tr '~hih ;b due rc it-ii icd tutrc b s-hi dt1il l11 um ritmitagitig wutithe pe.C-kirt he 1ii- %dii)m' i'u ' luth lttttmiuhumum
co thin Icvtiut ii t 11-I tlt1, o h fttsiihiighii.schoolhmtiu iii i p st m(-.l lii tcI y -iop - tih icu ao li t ut i
l- - ptmt nlr soltril Ii M l ofhueum fit-i uumuuummgiperuuuut - ugi m mbr, f he ;thhm iit-0
, y ofca I Imp thu iiiof thuit tti iftuue rtaI uit um I frncr Orhad I zkc i tittiilt ii bi;an sp I ma I()I
Iitc p 4 te li I o oiii' for i - um lmit iii liii i m miiham uig 111ith e o n ryiih t( c p alet Itdti,
thlt I~l ofphu tthe c I y -ilk ldWi'itg i laist cai t cyi-iumtg ttgum It lt 14ti-i-ilr -- Ipf~t ~ti
htunl i h , i tihiic ht ti h t ) i S.iir ha c Icl5lare, lu i ye r (u-
miir l, -ap 1f~clc ~ ),i' ( i - Th glu nhorlit,, I,),)<y migh t o ll" it uhtltt arc ain thu Il iieiA e , ztt
he T -tk Ii 1 c i i tiltlt t iicih e ned y ngh v c p a iiic 1), i lt ltth -apc i-itt
hum- gm ,(1l hl d he w l((k is mumumuims imhm- l ip I liith the igtu hum;cha)!iMil iitt ii mict -e mit (mi thu Itihi
hitr hi tlt iii iii ii tttttii') i ttutu h all t, i-tiar ittles ittithti ii tumult 11114ilimtilt tutu h s t - - -itV tt c(ii ulii
?cmmmii JultH(d, ;t l 11 th era s h l eior- itmu tmu liokm'heIp t .at. !m t iii til littl it lii c ;tc
h~(pt il e l ithi hh1tiiiict he 1 ii til tmmi- ml iii hif nte a lmt intir eaghei t- I~ai~i cn ci-i c
N, te malii i mmii l i i4umumumtp h -il h f i d JakIhiltul (1t IlL l(a i ii mitel ttp mu-, ie y 1i ld(I up-We dolum4,m.
ilc c i ( t (f tmummml nttmt I; imupie it cu .fo t tic.ll umu im i-ly, Ntl i tug i it
p il ttt i-i ofhtmthetu- iivcs Q PS IE ,? Ur IN iii eitpm t t o tiltitt1 ,v y ic h t
fall t ttu mu itiu thump t mrIve tip-ailday thiar le tb (d Tii miuup ttin m . T he- iumnli- i imit O "H liii mdii a ii mmtmum jIinm Ih,
utmhesa i h rg-dlrigula-r flinto ai, up htg wuuutau friend werw all i nmg FvcrybodyIp lutimum inutetlyp tom tlt
m'lli~u ,t u hut tutil ,- i l te uup- thrughu Palumer ark ii hnnu tin D toi. Th iaiiit tappel tdmmihull w s ii ee t
htyp onlytutu m , gcmrmum musitmu liii mnt mual nti-ilatredath oiii ,mbiii t Nutec h mttu m , IM
si<1 ii ity tl ti limi ft it(. fi i l- mu iii inmuk thump havet h i imu i'glut malu l l N - tug Sm n Ii- g t ht
rotadst aswit antctmeeting tisutypar." I i utody. (uoiu ed nag ih e IThee.)

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