The Mich.igan Daily
----___ _ - -- __ _ .._ _ _ _ __ _ - - - __ _ _ _ _... _ _ e _ _ _ .. _ .. _
__ __ _ _
Yost Working Team Hard For Ohio
(ame-Ierrnstein's Men Se-
cretly Look For Victory.
ilihe paini, lbe ing aat thiea
of Ohioixstate i veiiixriildo inot g a iss,
they' icxjhiix xx foiotl lita ilrtn
homeirfrom th . giuc iiti
defeiat iti i inte ar of thex'all}
e t ias, h' \ il lkt e tripi.
Coach [irniiii undoxubiiiiltdly ha>
t> tforx \iclixhxac ito iercaixi,e-
pecially' xhienCtihecgme was xvpayed a t
Columbusil owir scorii wi ll i notxiibeiiat all
braid f fixio tbl xiioundI theicuty
a 1wekagl aStiirxi y iiiy hICablei
to spring s'x iii onii is l d iusru
tor liiix that ixiiii iwIi ma eiihe more 'iiei'ilc
(iii Stair iichiiii i peedycr ivisufai-
Ci tic iprov btexi x fiax' 'c fat ter
role ip.tsor f z ,oo i nscii t thei
x"itinrii e lviiiiiii iof the'larerst
,coes adeby iiweteni teamitiiisa-i
son. Svrali ofilat Cyiar' Ilayxr ar
pecedix goda or.ixarikix' andii
mostxvi ixlii ut f t iereminiiig icicixixi,
andii gray lhas Wio of, tieC fat'>i i~xiii
That hr enun diiieir tI ii'i'i'iivi i llxvi
not be atiiedi iiW ilii xliiiiv Ni ifii lxxig
tians il taits for li tix1ixix xciigam
down;ibutiii ithoiuiixt 1iiaos ~n
of a x vi xi lwri is a e liiig'amxini
thlix' ix trix iii ii xiii l txi i hir tnt iacec
of xwiningithatxi ihey Cxxe iixxiiwierta
nothxxc ii iiiing toino iiigigame il iii ck
'tiiiay. if ie efns, hile noii
tete t telimIxitx Ilst Stuxdxy, lokdri
xmigtiy giiixils theLutheiiiiriawro
CoaxhIel rirni x men.iv iii i leii'fault xf
fiullingwxxxveryxroixnntii' nd xhe
laxrgely to corec'tixg thii fauxt.'
lxx instittion iii l ive i le xx ili i
l ier lti walix viiiiiiiiu edii toix ii lx ii
tie oneleoe xh i,' gauge le
i tit stnd,,-x ta ter w liI 1(
generaiil adiio v xiiceptstndng iit
l'sk iiixciani~io oincxxxio b
suc : scre int te \ oxxii' Cixxahei
firstxhlxif xihei 11)0x'1xgamxx.i1, v1T t
dent front the iii xii f wxxx i ch
(Coach ii1 x o xitiix ii ish ou toI lxx xii'
th Ciis, I 'xv~at ighixpc practceiii'
he rlxx xxii 'xi'to xih'xixpe tixxxia lxbut no
manciy xiiicitxtxir= xixere xon lhandi.Th
vaxrsity' xxxiisentainst the scrubsvfa
about iforyx i nutes, durii xlingx wic'h ititlexi
thix'seco'di leviii xi viiixivii'ioI x ilyxii
ini holig iihv'reguvxl'r ito >' o ito 0
scxr. hlxiii ei rst team i s ix xiii
xxutpiixxe''xltxx)nvarly ever'r agevi fcixi
gsxml-. Fxir iievgeatervpartiof ili
arixcixixge ir: alxiwxa ii xxva it'>a
territiory'x' d sxi doiv id tlhe xixvaxrity cxd-
vxixcC the xballiiito ''itiniviikinig dis-
itanceof itheir opponixentsal.hexfact
(Coninuixed oni Page Three.)
Committee Decides to bold Cere-
monies Separate From the
Union Banquet,
Ata xxe iti ) illii i ilinIxt Angell x
I' ixixixi I (xfx I'ixit i t Angei'at ' I xII('
pw-t lxx' I to he the g iftofa grx t 1x111ii
he xkf xti v lxxxiii vviii x iii l:~t i l
preeli aCal beacc>In <(d xxd i ii th xt
auit( rii i'iiii. lxxi ii ri ; n w i
ixtc tii ic ili 'a r'ia'v1exc tiixix'fix f(:x \
ellini thi president',i> inative stit>, x11(1
ati thc Xciv xxxvrk)Acadiixmyiof Ietigci.
acre ail Amriiiaiixii rkxx of artxv. It
cxxix iiiv li x'lc;, the pintixg icxviiarrive it)
: lxxiii Niiixx beforex'x' lx' ii't wi'ickx of
xxi iih ra g d toxi takei pxii ce V ;()iix(
commiite hav'x'i'nxgx' the w rk l chre
made ia fu lirei rt fxxx s1)xxiii on
mae nd coleic l xxxbi xxx xxx xxi bas
'xxxiii ctcd h lfiiofiith'ii xx xi x'r
tona, bn neak, al (o the rcniiudi
hasibeenx(Iixxsoiix ill be'subxibediviibyi
bciii; iiiiiiii 'sn I th irx' v oixi i t
liii> . vi h avexi as ye'x'x''paiii
(;lassxxiii' it( lixn ()t- ir tal- xliiic
Il x'iii aI nlix i'iiiii' atiii (iilviice xs tic to
fa iiae tixi ' 1itixilxxx viofxii
mem er of' liixxi x xxi xx Daily itaifvillv be
fx'ii'i xiiat the Chubb bwI iii t ore
Itll be til t- lit t curl~xir Nto e It-
(eIx hsx r uI xxii xx''ixx lalxv xxx i ax
pleasa t x( (lrt xiii 1orthei'xvx lxxi ,
p p i nert toiii i ecome iii ( puii teIi \\ v i lli
N\itho ' \01() iiv iiii'v xxxxxx'xc''rD itl ini
it xxii lx i xier yers lTe xxxIntiii lx (lxx be
ser ed 'I('clck
ttwel a, a aclii xxiini l xxidaii hta
'ISV IS te liiig lnc;li S )er
l ii' 'dote x iii'in O ik*> xxit 'iiat
left tacke. t,1 ftr t i; v ar h iha
play d w ll a 'g ardhil it l" wCcc
ii'' ii' iii'i iii I\ lxiiim '
trlli n x xiii iia xxiii xxxiikexx Al large
reading byi xii IhlI i n thei xxxi i xxiii i t
"What c xxiii ," 'ixProxxxxg I
Stnly i er lixixicl lx "I-x are
lxinbii ofv i gh wou-ami iii xxii>r4.
'C'or ix i , lytithe alo i etn
iii' d aho a'di'ixiiiii' al viiing
<e lx 1i xx ai ei t lii ne t )it ral
Girls Must Appear in Person to UletI
ifuty Cent Rate Outsiders to
he Chargod One Doilar.
t 1 ii(' hcfort- «oitlg Iii' thi r llri
iixxixiixxiixviiiiheiitiixiiicd Nbl
hillxoxiticket it i l iii l xxate- All
1;w of te iii'ii'xx ciiit lxivt xwil hart-xxto
iIll in pi slxxx I is irue 'xyximad
to p ( iti l xx l (ii ixxixv xxil Na ingxl axd-
ii xii>' ci'iiv x I xxi I fxi' xxv
"lix ;t(r vixxixxxx (xx xx iltxxx ixx t it tix'h tle
inpixixiha xccr ix lts(xx pax tt
thexx ix I entsvifi pro. i I It rat iatthefixii;
x~fliliineed, everiixiiv xlii- ixi a xlrt ii
x(I- ~ y ii xxx i - il beil x pecitxedxii
lion ici c cecsxni il-ial- if tickx
th rli i i i
Ixevw l igle illxxii "til x i nt
xxiii f xxiiird xx"x.xt aidxiitc 11 ii
lxx~ siv itiltcal eachxii sxxii rti tix xii
hr rsevd. c i vIxIxt eni ck exit wxill
xxix xxeach awl everyi t udn t land xxxix' a -
xxI ii Iolfthe fcuti t I eereisa
liiiFiftyiii' Stticket 'xwll vh 'ld oi
' cI-ii txhir t xicketsxx lxxx 'ciii t I r
plentyio' txxxii uti t xittieiixiiv I x thxvk
xxIxII!, uxof hexi I s st m f sellixig
c'ocxx untr'xxxxxx'x' ixiix g xxxitit(-xx'faxll 'cxxe
Regular Yell Plaster Will Lead the
Cheering-Practice Necessary
to Out-root Ohoans.
ex iiio fI ntl-xiii clhiigaxni xxoot i, i
III xx,, xxi ixt if fiiif x i de
body. 1'~ hep xi xxg.'xiiiig and ,yi
tttiilii l ixh Cxxxxiiig alxx ;lxix g 'ix. I,
well ii, xaxother , axalas. vv lxi txxx w i
hhtd iT xxxcvxxxcxniht
mer.}xieill thiri Cooting hlxbenfist
twav im xiii'i ciu l i not, ' heixi iii'
Nw xi lxxxyxxx i >'t xxi lxx uixuxi i t imex'x'uv
ig9 xii liiiiucof t tilO iaxnxc'mxxis
xxxiihull iito ithe i'iitxxv. lxt )tx1
colin' rysit t -mviix l xx Ti slxiiar xtii
:roden , :11 i otxl uux swix arI1ix y ix i r x
xxii, midixuxicixfrom xxaxxx xpriene
tb Mxv'i'li vii vxlik o y h tiiciitg xxx xiii
nig li i x1;11 iwhen Nixx chiiC'ixipled
xxi fhlix'liii'i gixthel liiux x'x'hiuxx I alp-
me tinig' the 'I i'ix' i ll hlxxiii ducted
hi t ix villixixii 'cx lwhoxwi lxeapollr
to ladiiati ti>e Ohiixx cxix' oSnicuix -.
those' M'it coxtx lxx 1 ixixixix willa heiii atxx
A'xi a body-Inilxthiisix'xyviisiiexpecte
that, the iwont f I xxiiig 11,Learn ' Oxil i
Sxx l xxv xxii lxe ii'ixvi'of \ii'iigxxi
lxe xgiv xx >'oxlig oxxxiv'Ib on
mile IIi x' lxxi'.xhaxxi liix'iiii'I to aveli~x 'i
>l'xiiTomorowivrxix x inxg, I taily will
xxxi ixian xnliox i og 'xc h e i eet
lug iwill h1)g'911 ivipiuxtly ;11 7 x'i'iii'h xiii
lasti xxoxxxiii ift i iuiita,
S01ill IF:U1C'S IfS,I Ol'}iIC[;lli-xli
Itch x i xi xi x I rs ndtlx''ebty xendex'd
xxcndet I lx1),Spiveylx
iotb ll xxxxx'gx'x'J. It Lewis,
lxiii uxix manaierJ Oitii
L. iii tixtilux ,GM inm t
I.1le hlilt (1 1(x 1 (
Oti "'xx)xI 7xxiii lxi
1leIiome o te i irit 'olia m 'iimdI iii lxiiirbnhj
i'f Niliversiy I It II ( Ii liwi' >11
n-cI l se 1 b11111 It NI"i, -It IN
xlir l ItI , iixi xi pko xe l o L ir' iifc\% iIi>
''Ni hiiieti' ivbefore x lx' I the -
i xity, hirixixi, vviig, I cl xxrxx'v .x
7:30ixx'i'c li , ii IfRooxi F.,lI> ric
I Nal. A l iiii'rvvte dl rexxvii i tedt',,)x l vi
xxi' o l ,r O xx ' 1 \{r
S i ll xxiii iii'i' ir 1i'ii
xx of 1,11-x1i4ixivi cxIii xxi ' NN'xxx
cl w T l llxtv wxi liih
lxx ixx xtxi >i'ixixi'p ,, lxxiii
,III axxi r111 ixux 111x 1 , ,1 5.
< e t t ic "
T I , l xi' i
THEx I STOR > I C, 1ii'x1i i-iiii''iU i i C P"i ( Wxxi x'vi ('\ xx'C i< ''k i' 11ii,I