The MichiganDaily
ANN .ARBOR,ICHIi~lGANs\ RIll) Vs's l'Ms F .14)1 is
TO AP~PEAR TONIGHT 11w1 tstKiriiiffci"it'r' SPEED OF SEASON
Prima lDonna, Assisted by Hlen Fl i too -tiltth- ir"Ltritsforitiglat: Regulars Make Ten 'Touchdowns on
Schaul, Will (live Song Recital to 'si. en pro"'it ie"/1 the Scrubs_ Workman Plays
Open Choral Union 5eries. lI it o ij i:tilt at Quarterback.
Latest Effort to Stir Up Michigan
Spirit Results in Enthusiastic
Giathering--Coe Invents a New
t- ivesity-I lall w sir a'iattiloled to
te dr s by thei.sll iois ts 'tithu t i
a 'ca lo tilvcat . ii'sThe i chigarn liels
thef1 lrin wich ifhestuentlieo". i
hri.til. C i Iii int s s ti encoiri le d-
iii ii iii sltilto t loyalsi rit
The bad opendifloet lill- it
'slr l i i t's it i , t er hic
Ycl(-ma11ei Coe le 'u n i ilkitithe "'.'Ifi'l
'I e an v ii i 'lt' itt With sil t i-
ric- < ndti'iti force: l~liiif itil' i
hi liii 'sl htSlfS 'II iii >Ii .s
i'at vcifing sositeliortyedinili eligi-"
bies, freshmieniand thIoler asirfanits fr
fotittihiati umw gthtfered aroundsii 'ioech
Yost fitl slanager' Ilsifri's o'lit'1. After
Steittit t t l ttttt r'i iii' he' coac
g volo is ury ll"\flstIl
gisnt aitt Ifs fittersutlt wtill k
Aliehgan' b iball te tis. i'Sm
they d4 1li ntu make 'I' ti t i nc and tuit i
willk.whrk.lituthus sill ptlce ofi'Scouti
iitikr ir tutu ilisktogfimasiumiifi
Wstf)lrekfa II d enra Ait ic;. 1111 iii r
in n rr t tor ith iithe itscrubittir
()It a't class' tamto'i ck 111 )lilt i ,.i
hi ielfp it it 'I i T heii r i les'tyitfs
ttvititth iood o'lpit i 1alit bode.vItl ifo
c mit atistend ti titil 1111 nfu le ct if
'atrciffit N i i Get'oftonthe it' d
eA ere night Rvinc tuberit taks im
f1t Ila t' il t' 1
ft cochasuita'itidthtu eI'"ii
dintg to'keesift iieiei open'forlieotball
imaii ter ia i ii c" f tilt i gal s. T
metingt %fastiatciof thtitlist Steps taken
'hi s evli ng)1 t(hesl's 'l's hu 11 11 'ss
d ineii ii it ti ; htin ttft l
eight viear tiitfi 1ft c clll'd
hertt if 'in li 4c fIt ll~<w m t
:tilltc t rl'f ()fi i lcit i i~ l \.
both tel"ittiititii ill i~~i
1p ltilt, is it fitrmiiI lii fri' i
IIroN( alr c t 'it,' kf('if1 '
fitcdh ~ l' Scmlii
l vi i i ,f te Ci ~li ' t ift
ifit tlttlt i r liiia, c 'i i fil w
ft I 11f111 c' ' 1 i i i tt l t
itolk. it ite tinlt Ills1l~v r 1,1
lirtm liti of th' rI wt
Iteies' hh tll lti t, 1 '111( 11 fl
11(Id it tfiiti litf t'r n u i;uti
fot i theft if lcc >t iI O'Cifst
th f m fit ils f)rit (111 t
;i iiiic r ii f. t i ft i ' c i h
f itc' I
t Iiti
h i tiltt
N1111E. clnitfuitfi-eft
ft fill ! "ft tillt
flit''4.1 ,'hail
iii ili ii trrI rrr
'i 'i l t f . .. . . . .. . . Ir r m
if tiltlh, 1111 t ii I lan,,vie
] 1'1 1111 tutu 111; stilt if l
ft\ c i.1tistIitfi'.
I'i "'if l fttll t t it 11ti c l
ii' ""tilt o list t trv lie urgeilt' halt iThrrstillitsle of I. M
it suf~t sho fihrlvet sat ti thurcA s it iet iibt hel
iii~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ hu iltii vir utiiii s I tl f t fitii itsite his', co morrow,
lrec;ci Stne-aciits'sififthe il t itti tt 7:30t M.i t ab'lf t itth
w tiu ng te rg an andl s INlin an ts' i-' i sil l ii arranit d' ot ittt all tteachi
Tow iii ofthe loil iiviii f il ik it ' Ifteritti lwllbealo e )iftiti' l i x lt
stll t upolfor ittlll in r'''atdtout u fietand isy t t iii vo ll p. made
f'"tiksif tutu ii tf or liit lit flite. Ile sifexp "dit mtiterssliii t l lu mays'
p1 iec D rctrlts i r s p lit hrough- sus still b foiethtith' 'ii ttit''
fits' fnd'showcdtilt1 lv y hat th 1 'n~ s iifltgam tve.. ii' ifi'
ii uttiww t s w re tiet po i ss Ni'le'forl' s 's ' t ic t tavivets urihfsfdl f
'.lti" i tes gt ill and ii sli h ot i ill sellesri'it''' a ttg lthe licc of'tht
knrl i- i tit iitn v .i t e s oi t i i lb tcen 4 ''tiat 6 p. n .dalye
,la, "Su e ts e eii ting litrel- ii t itt tifi ti ckeuh t liiiefreand' spcia
iifv'sat te l an iis tllrf igt." ie ta sted.irruwi ; wIl o tu
ft the I tisilt 't icIri 411 it fiNtotitft
ii tl 'si t fgIIc h ast N liii' ii tilt
'ishift 's's if ''ITi~I tit'''' liichviarst
'n d \~ 11igI Ii t f"d l,it 'itil crt' iisl
hut I ;t i 1 ii I Il " , i t 'IIt S". I's
f\ilt \\ii" i' titt ttl ai t tt i t if t
tha If I ItiHfii'it li tII- ith' iii' hitylt
in n t - .I I t'i, t l it I i ll), li i t
anc i i'iitsl ll'f thirii~
"'lr til ;,l I" I t }'hull 'snf ti lit'
l, 'I" g iii , d m it w rk l s
nie~t I~id, tli gl 1t, ten h f it er
saii' silf lll siIrth ~~ ae at''If
I iteI\I L-11" fti ;Il t; ; ii' i t l t
I, riII I ni litu i i I te i ft stiff
ftC~tntit '' ~nl inicateithat Hw
\. t Ifntl h f t ha; iii ftryn
lm11hn'i ii ifc it'lly ~w ~at
Iw 1t \" afitit Il hl I it it the i t uit
ill i' ''ii f e d t e a k e tra iii
ig ; I i I I lii fl ftii([ t e ta: « Ililt I It
ci lrH if' 5 th e p1ii tyitif iii i
iii t~I hiff1 I hittlicscrus iiir
In u ra IIi ia it fi r t'iiI'cr , a d
If tittitit ra ti ifitas ft ill; Lunil i
's'sflt iti ingehif 'i/he ml' a
FAQ t el'tr, ill, IT a iicc l t night,
at , ,, ati i t 'liftt i s i t O
f i :ll ilk,1, h:I ii wit l lii
hI off 'sIa, i ". 1 1Ih llia us
'" l' i (ItNil Ni lilif I.
Mifchtetigan tteitsholdlaidoptft.
55 sieswitch iTsllfiti itrewvs upon
vse sren isth thestervotient addedi
muchIoitheils ieutii" isite tti h iesi'
5 iii s dftile ieati andt blteh-
ar'ti iteI. S.lU. 'ame' andti'atnusmisr
fii 'rigisisl ites'
i''Tl ISf Ili'NTS t uhf.2G 'iL.
'leie 1)11 dintsii'evfeii ted .'prmantis'
'ii attifitftiye sted's" ftpthe leesft~i
,i tiwfltmitii" officers.
i'rsilit- hiT.IL lts.
'site-presidenit--_'lits .' 'sleitiert.
"icrestary 's Broiwti
tesur er--'sir. Nsoooil
Iiis(-fill mit I r-1) 's'sBarr.
tak imanager---W.sT. Nash.
liii via'.'setllhohtld'sotherse testing
'aii titeearrgn'etfor the activters of the
yer gotod-steed sqiuad of fototbiall
111en ishiv iady at swotk ittpreparatlion
fori thein~iterclss cotest
h'' VS <i1 ~I SiTlN''Lsh
t The ll liiis chu il l viia'sri e ' a tlt'e
deit td tt'l'utte i i' uri teIlhn ' itu ssf'r
'Ifif'. wias tdeidted at temtuu'u' f the lii
it'l h l u'''sterulsuu alttetti . It liat
ako .lirie itth 'ttthe i'e''e 'if( fit'
t c'uub et tonifghtt 'till'CooktHOOK
t 'fuuru'ttuey flluholdlanttflcrtmal c
sctfiti iiforte athltes fruit thirehometi
state'. Iti s hopsifthtl evrys'lllfnits
manfil takyeIlpiaruti thtsfairs'
i,2 orerethttile visiteorsOtasy' lt' satic
t felet1 a.smuculhatatmeits tpossileu.
'eitturtry'oficesue.wier. eleceduas
followuts :tChirmafnii t. A. 'sMeye;s~r
tart', S . h's'. isf. 'Thes eleublso detti-
cidled toiive a 'soker ini the ncar lit-
1thre, at t'lhihtimtteemsanettorganiza-
Stion tfi listeseffecedilatid oaffires eleetedl
foe the ensuinffg year.
I,. TI. luuk'~ruu l mmn-
Ycit' maltu eri forut tuuuu' t (-gile rs c
Oiw' ' ll o i '. stlt 'liii lc1t '°Ii
anir '111«cuustilt mf t l ati J5 A 'S
,Hite exci g '.as iti ss the first Iresh
itit sC [ 1. i;', 'itu vs tuu v is Rs 's + I( i"I 5 s v U .Nlo.i C' 5 'ii ci teti :trttu'st othelt"year.