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October 20, 1906 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1906-10-20

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The Michigan Daily


AN N .AR'f( K1 I C II (A N, SA Ti RI)AY, (fLIP t ItIN 2?0, 1pit.


-- Full Reports of (ian e at Columbus to


lc()(Ill I,

Coach Does Not Expect Big Score
-Team Goes Through Signal
Practice on Secluded Field in Its t
Byi ( Ca ec C;/. A/ Hfd;", n/c(ur - ri+
spriuil ins
C~lii hs (tir Ocuitn t. liiinneitc l a
li h riva~l a Ctul i t, CI c ~~c i
lici si gnalprctl i cete la tli'iI«e
Pt gie;nteIia:-in he r ko t hI ii 1d r
kanag at rght hlf. ince MagllV tit e(r
zt't 4Wi kei. v N biePen-ri ler) i/iltt ltnttt
iii illi Is-gOrk an illb elee)rcr
i-r ttci t he Wrenl Li i 5 stui ng te t e a
ruil, h il Yot tase ibakint i foth i tt Il
plaerif liPanotwereOt h bcki'x) ,))r nhrritgea sti)frc hthefr hci t
Iefoi vot toch ii s tFig iiithanslasig iiiiiill
the halt Ott isminsi lttd ntis te ht l
ititf, iii 5 roils. ee I r cl c
TyP 11 li~sestii tctrttei 'eter i ip-

iii uin i i P-- Mihga iill11 e1 ii Ii
0 ,ls1nliiu oe- f li
iealiztht i s i lihrtinscii i
til uheluui liitienciuirageitif
.d :ii l ll Col')) int c i i i ll a
and thus ii luito uidi4 lte-e
I PPoll)o to iiotI theti l lit nd i
ill ili c r mo et han co- l
ii sIt tcl i l Pu Iia d Phiry lya
-S IwkI P l ell.SfI-I
I o r N alt s tie ct s :
tlic l'ni crsty Ia w 11 Ih
-itig scpl h ld I-srr
s lu-i il-Ina t.IIv s ndrlii scate
rit'' r c s -V1dI 11 )-
it' ectin. Il th a icr ceiig
o te tainbu lie t ug litgc)

tilwn o Bfd;lDagram
of Q Mdion.
F ill u-lxe i f i lt .li.t C I u
hit \\ ill c ii- lu-cu) i ii I i tt l
Of a (){)l~al "ri i n il luhet--u i){) n
p if al; \ lIi i Plio\ i- ii u i d' i-in
ill cc- If n isltrv -- iini- c it \ l
t cuti I tll t 1-)i-c i - 1,ln

IllFS I i if IM ii I'llH P-'l
lcc I t iin ly Pc(Naildwi S Il P
writr v~udthestpie ofi i liamn IL
l~crtr it )f 4e i nii Pu- 11
i, a Iwk )? re tanhirt . llt
ire -ii ic n iii 1"- Ic)sy a g t: tc
I~le~c'd o, ilt hs y ir ii h )aitittuii
I d I f l ii I (i f lf ift c I h I ig
the ll iln if iitc iiiiiiiiiikah i as tf
Ow ia d I hii "iii Iii- th t
liic i-) rc di,->-- - T er. iiisns

fe .tl e ~rII U.l )'Ii his ii-
Oill li-S IN PCIiP 1111
ffgf Pt c rc, ill ac fltll. iP
is I I e ariti w I ns 1 crII c~II
NoI ill1 i I O trk dnc i l ed -
i~ati i ,ohil Icchim-If 5 r. mi
Itte cnrc l li u a ctf ii ctr
ol~l \ ll. T ii, cIii - i alk t)IIIc I
ihc cltlrc i[ t o Ii llo)) i- I f tc i
Icii in ,c Ii icl \ ctt cu-,Ili
le tufe t e if I, \i~ t I m It ieui
Pu Il I(lii usuI c h , It c t i t tie ii
thl iI IPu 1 litt i in Ic o Ic hl IIl,,
:1 l'tii unu i\- ; I 11 1 ,--ct i
il if s c I intim -.i ti IIt I 111e I I-
If~l, h hc allc a l iI~ tr1,1 1 ll it liii I
af i :1111 II II ~.ctI l Ic c ir
r 11il IIIII i , Ii, u-hrelIfnmglii cI
Ih \ c I ii , r ii- gu - ii uin I ict
Ic wN~ I P I fur I I f frlt t- Ii th
161 - II tc" II If ; lrI11, I i
It- . I I at I t;c, \ h , Itcc iim,
t uf rll 1theJIf Ir ii 1, IvIIih
i S ll F nisco.en
lllot ihiiitiiue -li ii)
r I Nri NI nI.'R I INT
NPmlt I tel J. RPIP-flly Il IlL/Lyt
;t -iir; gimajoi. fI/f PTh ils fu i- I-
Icit-it lu-if i - re I t il ii lu1,: i
I lii. .)i l e , [0i0
Vcvuit lrcide t- 11 Cii Ioi i -Ci
inn re ifi il)at Ia t w, C. . f it g P 1-

secretary Winsead Replies to Fte-
troit Journal I ditorial Criticizing
social tic ITndecies of
1906~-07 Program
fdit i lwIf ) al :
ItII, l~ l+ii nld i -li I IIcI p-
PP hll Iii ifs-Itlill, h n, w e
11 it~et"i, fntg iiii soutP i ag
nkil IIiypI I n iti thesf foiti-slut
al) , i i- I i ft, I'a I i,itt,fI, l s A
-I'itt, i u-fit in I kII d IjiiiicI kili
cul uii iiic- , hi"l -i ct f t,I cuuan uexprvs
-i s- I,-- n --ilfth- Iind ftei ntr
pr'n. Ii n f lup- ialI -ii's fuvit-unify
ii w tt e i t l;,II fi~iin1, ~ if is d -f
n, ll, i it. Jth~h u dt a ut igotly
t~a ; o ia I iii iper f-is If tave - PPl
-ant (lt I~' i Aow-ic lt citi fsipu
1'i i))- i - ,w iv , I'll( to reallyi
mm l~ lidiuisingf-isti fr
tili)I t I ,n Idd IuI lwi allu
of Iclifc fig I lifii i , u nui i tu y ciiit
il I c Ii l w- ll - e iiiilcti f(IIi v
fII t lt 'Id l, c o c " n t t1
t~t, "i 1,g~~an Ihr,. i ~ Snot i,fi cn
II clp r i in 1'11 if if, 7lintntif u
-ri I fi-.kr iaa m " r aimnu n p
,.\I~iTlii~ . 1", ely- llan II' issr I n
I itc r ll vt) liii c PP f I no ie
+ I ii huh iii u, -,I I ,, ify hei o
bc " l ( - ) . I ' "I gall dci e sri-si,)
ll; - cifiulc l ~ ifitoday. WC doi no
sringe ticil erfiiiii lfifililcie ctit i l Aii
et ietf" I la cr wIII tIv -i ilda
;ifcuef--, "llP I-fiss ne V ie fWCielI

it< t1 t-Ic,- itiisc.ilcIe fitiefti SptiitI
(Continued vn Page'three.)

tr fl a -ti-igfii if oneto uuuiltfiuitori nit r r n e(iI P to o i t) heseio
eia uivlugoal oitr sitttiy uff looI tsncht,-7ufuukl i tee h
ih tifgod to1)e. 1)e1ig vm f, ir Ow m tigs
Ifetug in sid:r itihyIinfnit i mutlidicml -vi 11ti prnt a
ifdo ili fing h w rkitini tnSexpeft t 1 see 1toinhai itt--Ili ther seas intuhf eP
te g ive icign- alhr igh. d b it Sf1nigh PIP 11)1 ft4l bS faken.
]l ftsy v tha t fe will tfil, b t I lt))k
oir iwe ilI l d fea t:tm."hs Ihi itng I-hrf /

11 t1'('t't' ('titi tits, ]il
c l ,s uful l ;inl< III N

tII Ow li- w ic

Th Ife1))))f
Nvt itt .. .. :
tiall) IP.. . . .

fhi PiuI))i/v
.. .. - - LI n
.. I I iih
- - , 11t li t

ctitiiifiittildp hti flint icht trny
ci a "N w w ick tn tie l acI edf
11,111w as-Ihdati-I f balloting. i l b
form)) thttue ete untits "Atl1w
t/it ti l dto ihetlt)ist ff liii

hi h p . . ... . 5 .. i li - ol a5 - 1Il t1l tCtlt Ik)4 ll lll l~t
Pafciift - . I I 1. Stoilfiain
Steekle -..... .It. If- - 1asfui~o ad lu N,o ic1- r sit .Ii , 'If . .
;a els .. . . 1. It. ... Cif-tuu -son: ics f(illht, Ph. It. Cras-fourd
seccar_ C R Mile: rcfeasurer, T
ADifIP1IIt PROGAMfY.ftff asbalciticager. ft. 1If
_______fotalm na er 1.I. P Ishl-
T fli otlloiutiftu prfo-grcimu will fit p1)ive fulr -:utracttntin---r,1 . PP Tiufvutuh-
toitfiat 7:45 lby te Pillphut: 1 tr; -lc-iti-nt IL J. Nuuiuuiiu -te
Liiiretu I- etin 'eefier. geltt .Pm . rturClrke.
OriginalifStnory uisahutudp full)) I icket :/ Pfeien ti C.i J.
P1 i:y- arrif dit, 1 ltifr i c iii frl-tictt J. PA, W olfsn
Oration--PPhite.y (ct -%,'1. fuiAa h nf :trar e r I
Mlunic.1. . ft it't - t-il-liall mn aguucIt - C
Ilrruprottputi fReild; footbaill ma/n er, C. ICPit i(- ;
Pt ifItch iv- ffurriniti vFo le.ut-mrck s llget I II. is-/ie ios tt
PPitiklc negaivP -L andlens, Scott. j is-ter, nut, Siue lntui

IhPwni I 1/) 51/I Na utahe I r
I nf f s It ''H I f
-ciii-- of ifhei ))) fullu i-I iiail-
scttcc itillr inw t)n i tuitlt tt-i-
nil ii iinighti:
S-fl i, )(,l if k t jul ,i c , . A.
f/uriglru;-i-ht iut 1 t uler
- cctq A.11 , I iiuns;ttuee I IrugItu
A T,% r Ifoot f/tuft e, \un 1
k i/u crack m una - cr V fit ft utl
Icpriunuhi t t A . tift:f Hu dt tT
A. It. r: Pe ctee isl t T e1.F r
suutngt~i:sc er'. I L P f/i/ie ;tt c
ur ,- tI e Itiu ni If fit fstaif maita ,c
atigh / run 7 s .i 1.i obets
CandP iate" li P us uutt"; iutti Idut


Aflli i)t fii /P~ + +t - " I/tuft i.tu.til- ."...n.
P1e ctutu pai/tuu N1 ir Routhcu-i fit- n
o i-EatnIOioitatnt titbuc, g-/in
hjt <rnaicte fcnlangrofl"

citin s ts in i toffwa ns-ifitfucgui.

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