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March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 1


March 09, 1924 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 We Hear From Our Chicago Four Poems LEO NIEDZILKI CorrespondentSa De Has Good Time; Wishes We Were There 'Ti useless Chicago-sur-Lac, ability of the Drake became oppres- a bull forbidding students orgies at I tell you-stop! February, 1924. sive. Barcin suggested the Entertain- De Bri~les. He was hastening to Ike a while yet. . . a while. March, 1924. ers, but I was not equal to several...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…__________THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, IMARCH 9, 1924 Whe Week's News Iii Brief (Cotinued from ]Page one) ntire' machinery of the present; Lbank, with its 40 branches dis- 'ed throughout Germany. as which is colores& and odor- wd said to be more deadly than ow existing has been developed te Germans. The 'first plactial nstrtion of Its powers occurred 18 workmen inadvertently walk- ta room whichi was filled 'with to latonlal League of German...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 2

…PAGE Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 02.1 . PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY MARCH 9, 1924 a aid the OETBARTRON HENDERSON 4 The Happy Ending Ore of the peculiar andt in a way turtling feature; of New Fork tOra- ollatiirreviews is thieir allm-,st'Ol - ile unilorittity ofii minio. This -itiitarity set wren brot ier critics is so marked that only two conclu sions eire poissible: either that1 the fraternity gath rs nightly about a r...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…1924 THI-,E MICHIGAN DAILY ri rY rYrIM n it r rr r.rrr r r w. a r+ . .r.. . H&VA -mss Ih nIIYY Y Y1111ni Y1 fYp III !W I (y SENIORS MUST "OBTIN PLAY TICKETS TOMORROW SThe remainder of the tickets for the Junior Girls' play for the senior per- f ornmance on Tuesday evening, March 18, will be issued to senior; women from 1 to 3 o'clock tomorrow in tUn- jversity hall. Sections will be reserv- ed for senior officers, senior officers of th...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, iAlliftI1,124 THE MICHIGAN DAILYf-A ~LEACOCK'S BOOKSI . Literary Lapses The Unsolved Riddle of So- j Further Foolishness cial justice : ~Over the Footli-ht-s Frenzied Fiction Esgay in Literature Studies ci Sunshine Sketches The Hohenzollerns in Amer- Nonsense Novels ica Arcadian Adventures of the Moonbeams of Larger Lun- Idle Rich acy My Discovery of Englanid LPerythingQ in 'Books at A T ) UNIVER4SITY E XV R BOOKSTORE Is Your Watch a ...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 9, ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UTNIVERITYl' OF MICHIGAN 11blislied every morning except Monday nlg the niversity y.tar by theBoard in trol of Student Publications. ernbers of Western Conference Editorial ociatloti._ he Associated Press is exclusely en- d to the ue for republication of all news >ac.:s credited to it or not otherwise. ited in th.s paper and the local news pub ed therein. ntere4 at the postoffice at An...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 4

…*AGQ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAuLy SUNDAY, MARCH? 9, 1924 The Curled Li Thi i tle teciCARFLTON V. HAVENSSP C A Thi i te ae f'corn Sepiclismctand Doubt. Iidcutc is fthe fashion, Sneer is the watchwor;thtirelders in sucti a lamn'tablte andi Cynicism sits onl eery fencepoststanner tie idecidedlty ufair and tit- Wiill soimeikind gentlemstep"i.for- soundtfronteverystandpin't. Petsc' wa'rdl and explattin sit this ts suirse-stors kof art are thorougly gond...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ,M CMUSICIA S AND 1 products of the chref employed by the Sn i on. M'L S~c/1Is rThe play is to be more in the nar- ture of a musical play than a musical The University Glee club, with Mrs. I comedy, and the dancing will also be' F George B. Rhead, pianist, as soloist,I secondary to the music. The cast in- will sing at the faculty twilight con- c eudes five characters, all of whom cert at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCHI 9, 1921 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE FIYr. 001(8 book; the only piece with real Irish and '"The Cat, the Dog, and the Bad NEW YORK NOTES 'ecj"ohs' aod "begods." Old Dame," reminiscent of Chekhoff, (Cniudfo PaeO) jIt is the heritage of his people I Maupasant, and Kathrine Mansfield, woldClosnedbyfistheoge Ofice THE BLAND GAEL ~suppose, flat gives hiss hia ironic re- to an arrant bhallucination like "ilg telnig ae frimgat gard for life....…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, .. w : r+,.,,'r ..,...... .....r.wrWri r, .a.eno.....w , 'y0"si i Zl- 1. - _... RACKSTERS BEGIN OINAL PREIPARATION rsity Squad Has Had Week Ahead as Indoor Conference Meet Nears OD SHOWING MADE BY MEN IN f. A. C. INVITATION MEET luring the coming week Michigan's rsity track team, refreshed by a aplete rest over the week-end, will put tlrough a stiff series of trials 1 practice sessions in final prepar- on...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 6

…L'GsxTHE MICHIGAN DAILY -L';vx -Av'L NEW YORK NOTES (cot-~inud from Pae Five) such streets as Hester, De lacey Grand and H-enry will findi plenty of msaterial for study. Ciatown, oe of te great objectives ot pop-eyed folk roms te Iinterland, tas now achieved a conmmendable respectalil- ity coopared to the old (ays whtett tong wars and crite ran riot. Oe of its cief occupations tow is pre- tending to be naugty for the btetefi of the 'rubbernec...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -. ... ' THI $CLUMP CLOSES At 3 P.M. L SSIFIE COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 ?6M, An Ideal Home Read The Daily "Classified" Coh ADVERTISING, FOR SALE THINKING OF BUYING a typewrit- er? Why not a Remington Port- able from the authorized dealer? Black 1809. Real Bargains 1 Oakland Coupe 1 1923 Ford Coupe 2 5 passenger Olds touring These cars can be bought at a very low price. Call Mr. Ma-rshall, Phone 1368. A MODERN LARGE, ne...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SUNDY, r' RCH9, 1x24THE MICHIGAN DAILY G S5V2 wiithi an unsul a atyior01s"ane indiam coil i astc atout godl thin s," ipection. Alt these things make say 1 roessol Phelps. tin-l', so r ;jornat an imporsItint piece ot . p wo~~~~~~~~iiirk -what it is now the fshion toil h bevr i .leccr n cal a "noteworthy hanman idoennent,"Prnkii 11 i.And, I dilie contro- SThe Oserver ieognize he n tp-ees' tbeaise it usaly leads no- iorthiiiess, andi what is esen...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ICHIAN DILYSUNDAY, MARCH ,,. ,..,,..;.. ..Y...... ---- ,,. , ... .. __ DAILY OFFICIAL BU LL E T I ?ubllcation Ini the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of be University. Copy received b* tteAgasianiv t the : -Aft erlt until 1:30 p. M. (11:30 a. m.. Saturft.- Volume 4 SUN~DAY, _11iARC'1 9, 1924 !N uiber 117 I the Deans:I There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, Marchl 12, at o'clock, In th...…

March 09, 1924 • Page Image 8

…PA( ,& EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 OBSERVER oughly practical, absolutely self-con- when as a king in history he can live Freud writes that he wishes sone man (Continued from Page Seven) fident, and in the end quite cynical- a course already decreed for him?! could popularize the essentials of psy- metropolis; not only because it is the all as Shaw himself would have de- Which is to be preferred, he asks, the choanlysis as...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 9

…Section Two YI t t Akw :43 a t Section Two VOL. XXXIV. No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 PRICE, FIVE CE Feminine Screams And Noise, Feature Side Shows At Fair Stifled screams, heavy curtains, dark stumbled about trying to solve. the recesses-the Union Fair. It was a: puzle. Occasionally was heard the hectic jamboree, "noiser than the I swi h of feminine skirts. Just as Mr. noisiest show on earth," that filled the W...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 10

… THE" MICHIGAN IDAILY SUNDAY, AMARCH , 92 LI2 AND MUSICIANS' lar Sunday concert of the iphony orchestra under the Victor Kolar will be given ck today in Orchestra hail. tra. will .play Liadow's sian Folk Melodies" and' oreographic: Poem, "The Eng other thingsI. The solo- Gustav Kleiner, a: violinist reputation, DsEninen t Tragedienne lArctic. route Will Be Futue To Play In Detroit Mairch 24 Path Of Commerce,Says Hobbs -- "The route acros...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 ;"woo- OBSERVER (Continued from Page Seven) metropolis; not only because it is the country's rail center, but because it contains the most extensive accommo- dations for "tramps" of any city. West Madison Street, South Clark, South State . . . these are the "home towns" of thousands of migrant la- borers who come to Chicago for the winters because it is the cheapest city in the United States for the...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 12

… PAUE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9 192t SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ... 7r ® Oer>! - .e .plOrllil .Mlr l ll . r . " 1Gn._ { a e+..oo . - - . .. . rrwrl IMi41r. .r. 1 .........,.r... .... _ r . PLAY5 Our Customers w ' ! q come back ROBERT BARTRON HENDERSON The Happy Ending the.Stian vessel miraculously save themselves and retun to earth. In One of the peculiar and in a way print the conclusion ...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 t NEW- YORK NOTES the foaming, bubbling, and dazzling (Continued from Page Five) electric sights which give "The Great Such streets as Hester, Delancey, White Way" its name play a promi- Grand and Henry will find plenty of nent part in the maintenance of New materialret sobjectiv hinatown, o e York's role as the siren city. Berton folk from the hinterland, has now Braley may not have been thinking of...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 14

….. .. . ,.. PAG IC MUR THE MICHIGAN DA f SUNDAY, MARCH 91924 SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1924 ThE MICHIGAN DAILY ., .. .. ,.. _ ..;. .: .. ... .: - r rr +r"ir ,M urir r rr+ini rrrnn+ r.w .+r The Curled Lip CARELTON V. HAVENS L IL BOOKS SPECIAL This is the age of Scorn, Skepti- fashion; Sneer is the watchword; and Cynicism sits on every fencepost. Will some kind gentleman step for- ward and explain all this to our be- wildered minds? Why? ...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 15

…MARCH 9, 1924 THE- MICI ILGAN DAILY P THEA TERSI Wuertli French May Offer These Islands As Part Payment On War Debt To America I .. r . . do-A -. Cold Corpse On Thrills Threshold Provides For Frightened Son C. A. News Ideas niderlying the old-time fic- of a dark winter's night, has A rich, warm romance of India seas --breathing the pungent fragrance of the Orient-mysterious, inexplicable! Such is the story of "The Man From Brodne...…

March 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 117) • Page Image 16

…vv THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 1MAR T{9, 1924 Germians MIulct Tourists Perlin, March 8.-(By AP)-Monley bootleggers and money exchange shops, which became numerous when the mark was fluctuating wildly, have disappeared. Blanks now are charging Americans and other tourists more than the official rate for rentenmarks in exchange for their dollars and other currency. Vigilant Committee Again at 0. S. U'. University or Illinois to forestall stu-...…

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