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March 09, 1924 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 02.1 .


aid the

The Happy Ending
Ore of the peculiar andt in a way
turtling feature; of New Fork tOra-
ollatiirreviews is thieir allm-,st'Ol -
ile unilorittity ofii minio. This
-itiitarity set wren brot ier critics is
so marked that only two conclu sions
eire poissible: either that1 the fraternity
gath rs nightly about a round tabtle
ike an editorial hoard and settles on

kern praul ' lo is iii ciiii- d.: ti
be }'1 t1'.'e:'irI Alfred ILoct the

aronmmon idea, or that the entire s>cis teser ccci to munt to '-ck
crowd is bought tp before-hatnd; both cxtrardiices heights, iths were alt
of which yu wsilt admit, are hietits' vey a tiitpituiurderstatdotarkidlls
impossitble.;e eit s c-c is'sled Jto expect
tn the other hantd. the indspuable titus their cs ceo 'eagono i Cor
tart renains that nine tittes out of in part ciii i ii a actelf Peardcit
ten the dramatic eitors of the Ness the famous -lJacolo for wsPtoa the
Yock diliies present reviews at al-e gea-testthng hveben reicted of
a s teas in a peascod. I hair et to lae---C ieeI iiitc oidiary. et ull
'nd, fr examplie, a single critc wo -arly cough-aiid ti il sI.,ccis
itredfor anything in "The iracle" the shec ~t ci 'crctroi.h h
'pyond the fhrt sne. In lik ion-ertire p cnn c I 0ws ccliiirigt
ccc. all agreoed that Winifred Lenihantatp dzn Q+-; a a'
cc Saint Joan in Staws play o t 11ut i s r tar swel,
namtie grievously tunierlecayeti lt-i-part, ot 1t c r
ort(it getneraly lst the sptedid opt n
tori ttifties offered her hBs aas o cit re ?
contrast their enbssiasmtitritOut iinini ~~}.e r p
ward Bound"'andI ItHelDciinter 11r i ie: i htths,
H'eaven" wsas ittite lititleso hWi thid t ii cat ci~nare
harly a single exception thys ituta- i n
ly confirmed each oler in the hrltotnie .oa auiifiieigd uccss i a few
that both productions represented; uelic, is set,;y eti ce anit. in its wat'.j
nearly the pinacle of the season. Andf
qiie c'igna-tiie iiiea oi a praying
as a still further contract, their hyicrite who does the umost dastard-
critical wrath was set upon Pia- y higs in the name of God is ut-j
dello's "The Living Mask ("Henry questionably novel. The productionj
5I") on the charge that it as words also had the good fortune to find an
and generally pointless, actor a. physiclly suited to the pat
The realty interesting part of The of religious vilian as Louis Wroheim
story, however, is that as a rule the was for 'Hanlc' in "The Hairy Ape."
- audiences themselves consistently be- N cirth~les, cnc le the theater with
lied the judges' opinions. In he ca.e a dishtifnit ha'heewa on
of "Outward Bound" we ase an i- thing missing -about the performance.'
teretin bu inno a -an rr inea sort of undineil emotional ~rudity
truly great drama, despite the fits 0l1 or possibly a I'ak of tehnica ability
rapture the critics- are pouring tn itI the lack of wsell-grounted sophisl-
The most that can be said in its 1aot cation, I suppos, that blots esonany' S
ithat its theme is origina, and unitAnerican plays and distitguises the
the last few minutes its tlot is skilt- continental dranma.
fully told. The scene of the pay 1 Th wn"itocac-ti lte
'tics ott a mysterious, pilotles' oat
which later turns out to te ia itoiern 1pon, min'ly t' virtue ci le fat
liftof leah sittiit.lsa n't ,that it, r, isa c iei iNe York"
sutcces. It hl aded'its hi, otrsi'
'itingly travelling to their judgmt., c
Tegreatet disappiointmeit ic lieutr-i- itn'r-ar i''nt'
thb final at when the two nral'ove"ts- iiutti
-- as'el a Ie 5 lotular al
F. L. .Tilden-----------...ditor bear uh P i- 1va e G lice 5met gem-
4Donald E. L. Snyder.... ooks Iea ts Iaiilinci s 're toroughi'
Maxwell Ntiels '''''sr 'c ne ii te 'ristirc ndn'
Normand Lockwood. .....'iusic 'tljcc i!as ien Ie pat. A tin-
Robert Bartron BndersoDrama ssic brif ito marri'a titled
DaaVpincehi-I in the eantinme a ordi-
Gordon Wier------------..At aytitot i hs thenqtitiie madly in
Lisle Rose, Halsey Davidson,'loewthcac uietdytls
Newell Bebout, Samte MooreIlv ihhe--ldqie-al el
iJr., Philip Wger, Dorothy her so. Our Ameirican audines
ISanders, Eveyn Suninerfield. s tt'e'p-i in the ii fallabo traditin that
The Sunday Muagazine solicits all m en are sutposed to be created
manuscripts from all persons a- equal by God and the Declaration of'
I filiated with the Lniversity. Man- Independ'nc, naturally exp t the'
ustripts mst be typewrittni princes to ru s to her titors arms in
triple spaced and written on one the last act and ow eteraly that he
sideonly would rather scrub floors any day
The Sunday Magazine acknl ta erdaodtars onr
I:edges The American Secular gn- thnwadanodtras Moa,
ton review service for "The Un- however fuly ralzing that tiara.
official Observer" department.* mean more in ' princs.s's life than
- ny man living, makes ter haughtil
dclinethe Ieacer's offcc adtwalk
stately into hr'prope' psition, as
It is hePolicy of th'is gaitte to ! her mother-in-law only too wisely ric
publith nartiest of onotbybtht
stdentstoand facty tmenbers if,i jmd her tb'at "a swan should ne'
the jdgmett o f ith editor thse aniti-
zIes ait of iti-tt ne taiunantd itett adliuo-teirun es1i.ecm
Thdes not reams tainsncriPs much too like ts ditan relation--a
.fiietd or voiuntariy offni-d ni-e
ncsaiyittn aicord twth editoril goose."f
________________________ (Contined on Page Egt)

Our Customers
come ~back
Tuttle's Lunch Room
(38 Maynard St. South ~f Majstic
You will find-
Our' service courteous
and pleasing in every way
After the Show---
For a nice quiet place-where you can
can get a delicious bite to eat-why not try us?
Afternoon Teas .......
2:30 to 5
Our placeci delightful for dinner parties Ring 5144W
and let us tell you about it.
On 'Thayer, Just Back of Hill Auditorium
Steaks just like youx
get at home
Aice btg juicy steaks,.french fried
ct au gatitt potatoes right off
the gill at

4 Across from D. U. R. Depot
W etve Been Serving the Best for Years j

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