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March 09, 1924 - Image 3

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. Literary Lapses The Unsolved Riddle of So-
j Further Foolishness cial justice
: ~Over the Footli-ht-s
Frenzied Fiction Esgay in Literature Studies
ci Sunshine Sketches The Hohenzollerns in Amer-
Nonsense Novels ica
Arcadian Adventures of the
Moonbeams of Larger Lun- Idle Rich
acy My Discovery of Englanid
LPerythingQ in 'Books at
Is Your Watch a Timepiece
Or Only an Ornament?
pp, This beautiful rectangular
.n .. c t -'watch-the latest style-t
Sjt 17 jewel gua anteed ''.lm
l ~uron. i -" i ''} BULOVA Movement; 18
Shlanderer & eyfried r
J eivelers
304 S. MAIN ST.

Maaime-Care-like I ae gleaned through tois of rough rock and am
rew ardedI by a tiny gleams front a gemt. Quietly nestled saay amidst thre
heart throbs of the personal appeal, the sensual shudders of the vice
expose, asd the blatant slander o the political propaganda in the unwieldy
Sunday New York Times I find an excerpt romr the report of a University
President to his Board of Regents. Hie mourns or the lost. "Our az
panda. our shirrlinig. giddy parties. our 'utst,' our promts our hops, oi11,
toisgspteture show s, our joy rides- all these suitdtmany more others ralite
anti ban~tish learnig." It eetsetsmtictette right, for learnig is certainly
ra litd ad bishi'led f rontiour tollag, tti'.
Rtt let us constaier it mtottent. Is that the desired fuctin of a college
Desir'ed fu~nct in? 'Wlohas ia right Isohisire a itunctittntotf ticollg" 7 Htlts
setsta:ys frtoe lieolege' Tihe tax-payerc . Dti the' aantlernititg'? No
tshyft they supp~ort and1 whly do ther attetd these colleges? Surely ties
knowt'hatIthe dsse:tiisttitcttoftlearnintg was atid stfar tas Ittipubli Itt-
nor iii "' ' giP s sttill te fnt';nteofa icollege. Stie. they kniose it ttd
tlilt al'i Iklowt's aget tietto'e Iticttet.That atd ltcaties'
tili it's the ere a' sie t Ills('tttntry Club Briget'atttiSttpter t lit'
,..i tleS 0 J'_.Its-' te main r aastthtt tecgt tttd laelendot'theiir
tia~, -i a~ry-wic htlitgri'nitis ICtllege (Itreidet'"
:u ..r;r i7 a s' '5 ,tpyI sitlt' tee aiatses tl e ttttcttit
rtol, t Sate's naroel i ttt tettfoer'aimeitlrti. sc
:d s' i it as " . h Peietitoit'tcollege itdsthimlsl'f t tte a
,ieu :.i.rr. .n omut ire 'tttirSe' itch'i-tiggrs andii professrs.
'"'ra"as 3_7 0mits"n stud et.'.diplmaits atillatorers' itay'
cheks;'a'a t iit lii;lc 'trlhe i 'tssi5I t lt Ithile detby andtai. ilorltl op-
man ca fil : :t ;, m 151in it" "It ait'ttt times ibe te e ttsil'e .1n t t 0
te'- ~n ro a tis ~patl}t. Nitlii Itile
l:,in he " ie-_ tstiut is ~ hic i'hy tics' xettiere ot';ct
ah:' sa-s,"Nos'iien a lest ftwis tets intl it
'.11V 'itt te zte~ n ibe'tiand areltitigso1lie'. St itt
etal ?jys bati emvll" tIot'ut'mr liey tit'un i' Idtite is
fro ;.aent at ai" terz a liltt Ie stdlittl." thi'etilt'st It ti I
wit. ttt i tat't_ t!t:et'rtll'"''' _....ilt
'''"''ca 'ta. - l's it liti. Yet it itItte of ts'titlst Whtler
u~ar Y ra._: Ae aios. Ilttst itt the endtl tisc'tter the reatitn-
-a bci t "a it:tcrIs till'atctionbtweeitttant-atd tec atractiont betteet
ose,,fi~airt I hveit 'fronthse era itiublised athottrities tata
s t 've t- moe 1beautiful tati this seotd tiore strely guttonotst
Itn. And .1oes nt, etin the Faille say "A greater love htth noitatt thati
that he' should lay tltwnl his iCftr that of a frindt?" Or swas it Kitlin?
whiteI t til still groinig and watdering itt the ldar, hiitwevr, I fitd
thislti Cabel's Figures of Earth: "Yes, le is wiser tatitknoss tteoatow
matl.es Itovely ttie subst ance.wisly' regardinig the as of tatt irreposilec
shaslon' thich. if you graspt at it. flees, tnd, swhen you acout it, swill folow,
gilding al life with is glory. atd keeitg always ttie iitotn ounte adt
tot tar antimstatwise, suit unisn: and keeitg yttiiatsways never cn-
ttetd. bit'armoedI witht tiSe"f-respett 'thatitntathubant tatages tiuite tt
rcta'sisIlls fa'"' iif beitig ctontententetd. No, isr oe isa isitteant's fuionitl
of r. 'hauo nsit sateit's'eIt-iIitr ttat instant otlt, wherltt'r itheo1!'
rnyh 's; 's: stiese 'frthtteither tltoit, btotarlytctfttromitthese iii'sittitd."
t ,, ~ r_ ., , , Ie s e t w o ti t ittth' saue slir t ,

The Buss Lampat2
Ideal for Students
A practcal, tet artisticolsandling 1
thE.t Wxill clamp or Ihang anywehere.
Gitves you lighat exactly NNshere you want
it. AtIroctiv cly finis'--le Inbronze c.
1 rass. The handiestlap any tuder-t
can own.
Thy Detroit Edison
F ' a H I' t I l'llllst .17

tet:. a is tilili'i Sit lreadi'ity Ill tirot'it tile-
'15t ret '.l'.'sa it'1i'i)kittltlipit quareilltheItaict1' io'

. .,. _ .t _ ,
., - , ,a .
:: t . __.
;: v->

'C to - , } C . lt -
cads wanusal back toI Ilife and madle the o ttifli
sekI'a 'sri ole'ste silt.t,theicrthe ottaro tauthetitli'Ialctha Ilt
reall."y' tO' i l'lsi)ittl' 'c.h's sthittnetd11ouitndftalle'ntflat~t ii-tt-l
'S tsre (nleoI; ice are ntllstora's.ittbutch'--atittbeinglit uti ' it°
esip'siatSu""i t of ouctrageous leitr rougttetsorely' to bit tie.,thttw'ver 1111cli
ittrpret" 1d. Ald t do's; isle'tetprotirietiesandthIll'ducieticics slicer ul-;
off Ifrim 'hat is p,7cstlaneutlty apptealing'
Vt'o' rmade this iuocten~titls ''iecency'' t e tte rule tofifl
t U1:.f l tiv' i110 te iftg-tcavs cm the icswiet dis,,h oifIt'eimtatu ils'?
f ,, rC' t' -'s iv i elizationta ne't theIa poetic otbsccnity' sitti eai'"
o ]a<t!"'? 1 '1'{3. 'o hat ago.IIstoTraceid its initerets, 111111its Ftn-ttuiltt
(('Ort."IIued en Pag'e lour)

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