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March 09, 1924 - Image 6

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(cot-~inud from Pae Five)
such streets as Hester, De lacey
Grand and H-enry will findi plenty of
msaterial for study. Ciatown, oe
of te great objectives ot pop-eyed
folk roms te Iinterland, tas now
achieved a conmmendable respectalil-
ity coopared to the old (ays whtett
tong wars and crite ran riot. Oe
of its cief occupations tow is pre-
tending to be naugty for the btetefi
of the 'rubberneck wagos" that
nightly iyvtic its streets. Atd msusct
the satme tting holds trte for te
Bowery. . IHenry, Steplets rane
and oters have painted the 01(1 East
Side in issperisabe oors and tore
modern writers still tdraw heavily
fromtssIis qtarter for mateil.
Greenwicth Village witht its artist
studios, its pseudo-tuitsiatdlqsait
restaurantss ansd tea rootms atd its
queer tange ot streets ( at ote cresr
West 10th and West 4t Streets crosss
eactsother sat rightstasngesIis ttte oi
ttemos.t talked atout setiotssorSthtie
city. Here ithte sosscated tLatto
Quarter" art anst d otesiatisssfltour-
ished antI faded with varying tegrees
of intensity. This region anl its en-
virons teena with literary recollec-
tIons, an adequate review of wvlihs
would require several pages Sone
of . Henry sest stories had ttis
quarter for a seling atd on Sixth
Aenue ear Waverly Place Poe livet
for a wiliestdtrote "Tthe alt othIle
House of Usher" tsere Wastingon
Square its.'ocee a potter'sfiedtitsi
nuts-amtong otter thitgs it is te start-
ing ptint (StFithbAvetste, te"Msy-
fsir of lihr Westerns Worl".
Fiftht Aveosueo ciourseia ktoswn
arounthIle toord for the magificence5-
of its shops clubso and weatiy' Itisis.
Doingtsetcwar ihbecaoe 'rAe-
ne of tS- .les."as center for S' vs
ant st opraisis' 5Notineofilehous
ands wtho wirtie.sst-or toosot rin-S
Sie great sar time candi oI~r ril(
paradsoltt Nsiss up5it s b1ood
ases js k-Is' svri')fo t hm
Tlse-bes iuIc o sseasts- sirto
te Avenuesis betwee iess usS six
oclok its tirerevening i ie lllfi d
Ofithter soesgosing sstru Ish. ien si
eves- sill oneftelsthe Oulencessthe
tmasjes atssfl te oses Isht is -Nis'
nmsy w-ll proide a tsemeforls a pet
-tse stiftisg lights so0 the Iraffit
towerss the tpungent stelt of g-soers-
soil rsubber tit-es, the sirihotsfs
trakles.Ite Itinkle o sitIbi ells tunc
tuatsedi iyothe smsore strient olce
man55's wthistl andsthie shrillcrese-ofi
tIesesiiistsys.----tse sdl a mov-i
log tmasofsipeiole f asotesslico,;-
msopolitan hsae. A stranger fromss
cottntry 55t5strikitng 5a jamssat Fort-
rcodStSretthosusgt hehadtsleds
ths questison os iso miintsite opl
were ott taradel whlenlieiqirsecitof
Iiscomspaniosn, "Picniitoswt?"
O~n Twsety-ninths Streest jstt ofi
the Avenuse is a currhthuat is otes'
wsrittn about. Itiis tbes knownti uttdei
its sotriuitof itTesittslts Shuch
Aroundstthe- Cos-ser
Of considerabl isterharyv itt-gsi on
relihe gteatieisrtiiotitststtres-sts be
fosusd its tse vicinity oit te ait Staore
sod iftts Avenueo i l she Tisst is
liany a swriter tisspenitsraedtii
stizes and r-sane sitas-wit-ll a sor
oithusosr osipathos. fToiswome
writes, EdnittaSFerbeyansdtfatny
Hutst ali h ars k eis tsuccesssois
this fietit
T'heno tesrvsar tlivsttrsi siradt i-i
iisasTe l'sasitsettralt iislts-is
a fascsnattng spotfot ithissstetioi
tumnanture.isItheisfaes osithtt
peopole tst pissotroghits prisil
hotsmasiy-stonss terssrs Srross_
-appitss- expecsitanciy.eerty risi
lots is dislaed. Atut Iaiss gatis
-boredtofiitls, htetsl runnser, tsa
ters, thurried leae Itakigs soil tes
"far below somsse Limitedttlls o--

out to te worlsd-ktnoswncrtles ofi lbs
It was claimed frio Tin Pass Alle)
a few years ago that there isa
broken heart for every ighstoss Broasd
'way, However truse ti ssay bs' i
is certain ttsat the mtyriad ligtt:; anis

Ihe fiosnling, bltsing, indt sazzling
electrisc sights whirlSgielse"'TheSGreatt
VWits Way" its nsamse play' aipromsii-
sient Isart.its the msainten-ance5r ofiNets
York's cute as the siress city. Btertoni
Brtaley smay siot save b1st-s-ininsg 01
Nieit-York whiens le itrotetithisioem
abouist the lighits of tic iii bitt the,
followinigtwo linest l eatetappily-to
the lights (if Nes- York ivsytirtI1
-When since their iwondser grips yoisi,
yous shall no morse be see;
fliersyielsd ench-antsmSn rae
lian miountin~is waste or sea.
Thes-nilghstlife cif the h-Roarin Fioties"'
hs been and is thseIiivosr ittemeiof
a mulotitbustif witersil ih.shil
sod Iblatant us is teliefIsosfsthlat
litlic ds-iiisriiIro ItraldStquare 'toi
Columbuiiss Sirs-lit, aIs O. 0.(iiiIn-
tyre- satstrltless, sti-re-is ihouit a
.raciyng. rshtingsprivit's-tielim- that
shargsseis-iriy puts- ithsiseint-sgy -
Ici i the seekers-s e "tis- sph~sstitere
liniger- Isigin ti-sie1.'Ttngo ind-stio1pst-
Ia d sts ulits i it stolsibeis- lti'-I Iiremems-i-
bserltha-sagoodyts vs-s nit.e sitthe
tpeoptle 5who5 sarei ts-be-i-rnwithtinsit
boundieissr i r s 5idtsositNets
'Ysisk sitis itis to toheiss c Isit rmtoe
't-is-isre a hs tih~es almt.sss
as5 inilsiri 501t--itrsi 'otsr1150.5iMorn-
ig-;sie Its-Slits, IItt' it's ndtItI--
It sinto1metion a few1.5
'A meieallt-aosto sr'-gaiedtIis 11a1i-
Iris o'uts twserr heist-- devsourd lby
scsi-Is tiotisis. Sucssa st-s siis wouldti
rini a nisosdesnsipots.ician. TheimodtSro
phyvsi'cinteistIis ptiethat liii is
ill 1st-s-sto- i y- o'ftS it i , odis
SV 5th p Nvtials ii onti id(i roestit
itstl-- patienit lwis, 15 '0hittitabtjecity
indistlyI. 54", 11. tSa.t' efc


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