wiithi an unsul a atyior01s"ane indiam coil i astc atout godl thin s,"
ipection. Alt these things make say 1 roessol Phelps. tin-l', so
r ;jornat an imporsItint piece ot .
p wo~~~~~~~~iiirk -what it is now the fshion toil h bevr i .leccr n
cal a "noteworthy hanman idoennent,"Prnkii 11 i.And, I dilie contro-
SThe Oserver ieognize he n tp-ees' tbeaise it usaly leads no-
iorthiiiess, andi what is esen ninie awhiter IPerhaps, perhps
imortant te humiaiitvtiiit just the!toighi it ratheiiepeniis on what the
samiiele has ttieuncomoiiriile ee-ontroseess' is atou, anit who's co-
atg o hainegtriedl into soiiething!ilrig i 'e'i stoese h, soliii have left aone 'arieinopeiiistbis'Clarencee larrow, The-
Leeriul is tiiiunan ioc" Dreiser anid L. Lews'iohiiseemi
te Olire 'o- o iistet ~eOserier lai real tooiiiine !to ishavi'gone quie a distance, and to
tht i ,:elc i. 1i o ;siiei'.i iioi or leairning. I several pl'ceAs to "the
Wi liamiii sKnil'
1 arfrern isi'-' . ir i.the' 1n lplace, re icanntei aaihatincrtcimaslcrtc ii,..joistii9o rieitnovels" the Proes-
If cio s vih b h ereir"a i- r hi' iiii'iiiitrable fteing h'iiellbe ndstill peruadepepe tositr i'iarks ith unusual sarpess,
1,eihe L mngofa< I thin' r~l g hit nose ito oheirii ' t cslt ilii5le hG 'i aveno wish to auetise ru-
?u"1'shsswe i'rss ii i ' n s ssit h hb''ilttacing it." A holyre-
11cr addolgs o ':eeis'j iinlsi'owdolriitvha is'hot n it isiidalplainule
tcane for n ''oit e us 0s').- Omtostpolwh hes) ha"i se iiiiiiatts o tht hiltiPhepsidoes't earn his liv-
(oct1 ir'u ' 1 0 ' ' ooiluotl 'who l~c ii i i ~~s'wit~ h ua teii'iatlioostiiig whitittiis'
"riytn cv ',_'pt .h'r v~e do s iithe 1hopetIhat tesiwill be he i ce f' n 'e a, to iiuale the iug blii' t'iin"g citiises. If he did,
rxIil o. t --i a' iirAin p-.-. iaiiilrea, e ther beorue lit atr e oght 001 eenl has'e the caice to
rrntr dres or Lr;a hm hireot. lBut the'feliiig sick?, iiiit e neeteservi r dute, atttkhis jo swould e
r n tse fAt nFgt "h just the samie iiif ee tiiindei at'hieici' liiiilis iiieyto10auvertise
Yt 've}op I ' raltought! (Alltis epliains iliy lisO' Cii an 1)11I;e'caniii'si as miany ftollsw The Osevei'doeso't like this ind
as ii" '' qu ti' es';thti erergtlittle plieasiure ouill i lk sc-anidlli'isiin'tthe slighi tet oiitli of itismi its too ninh like the
t.SeriI it enhave o i'e de- iJOtUChAtLOF :MARIl Ly F [fiIat- itat leywitelivastsl' swiiseeciicismsiunityiga-toneetin' talk of a litry
cent I 5'Oflii's i wiwld beiiidtrad- ii sltan ('omipany, $250), eten toughInl AS1 ItIKE I Sribihne's,$2till iliih pesien.That worthy, like Pro-
0111nd uit i'eynilthue rapsistyie has a heaty aumiratioiifor Mais'rofi'ssor l'telis iings together aessol lPhelps concerns ter (Sunday)
cfte sinrage II 5 1Lenerii ecelt. Withot idoiitii lilatiof t1hemountly ponoani ements lulk with those things that are good,
Set in sptle rf theseebrhostbtingsi womnan wrote excellentidramia: that tion ik,o pays nditngs in gen- ani those things only. And some-
ir fa' oriIke OhseerdoesnotI1 's amplypiovedwhen shen'oii the oral wsihiwhihhe ti se ac s oi orother she seldonisi first to
lIi' dimies. In l'e fit placte1kylte heureuse trio. It is eually rs- iiie f'cciners ';Magaine Aconi-Iiiaise that ohich in worth whie, and
ire so diisrerrd inst"ructire as 'lfain that froni tiihiliood oshe''as an pailsing themis is fiankdelaiation, genealy leads the list in giving the
to remnidhisofitelxltbokanilof( exceptiionally clear-hooded tersou,'sS te aiihoir'ois oenidguide hIeeulution to atch ater atch of
tommsyrot Ani, it must e admitted,
Professor Pheltsnanages to do like-
'wise, as is evidenced y the quota-
tions fromn his work that appear on
' boo jatket ater ook jackt as the
jr, 1niiinths olt around, It's a genial
sut anid a 'ell-meningsn; hit
"'h e C o wwqlm ~ eooks ae.toI te roand on thshli'es
of liic'ries where illenken, Loett,
'1t aae foevecseroten. Without
ildoiit he Is'ais hundredsa folk
'9 Is M t god, though sonieihat sw'eetened
literature. hlayhap he even typifies
he near-best among American let-
to-but the Osevesr doesn't elieve
OW safe woud you feel if you believed that your bank had not the A ook that migt has's een it-
T'T e'atr, ut what manages to e so-
J 1 courage to say "No" many times a day, when asked to make ques- ciology instead, is THE HIOBO, y
tionable loans or piut you' money into speculative enterprises? The Nets Anderson (University of Chia-
courage to say "No" and stick to it is the way of safety for your bank, and go Pins. $.50. IHoos always have
for you.
That ability to say "No" to the clever arguments of seekers of funds, the cou-
rage to resist the impulse to greater, but more doubtful profits, the ability to be
content with safe but sure returns, is the secret of a successful banking business,
"Eternal vigilance is the price of safety," In these days of frenzied
finance and wildcat speculative adventure it is no mean task to keep clear
heads. It calls for careful thinking. The wonder is, not that so many fail,
but so few.
A.nd oso uowe s the obligation to accept our decision cheerfully if we say
"No' ho 'o', If we lacked that courage You would not sant your money
!,er. Thit ecurity of thousands of our depositors is more important than ourr
COiL to. to 'ci.,You .may think your proposition is perfectly safe, and
possiblyVis, uI e law - of averages is too invincible for us to gamble on swith,
:re" lha. .keanot beiong to us,
The chan ccs of tr success balanced against the disatel' to the communty
oeuting from. the failure of a bank brings to the forefront our need for care. attracted the Observer! they caty
'it es'erenct careful the savings of yearn might be siped out overnight. out so comipletely the reselion againt
palir dulul society which to hini is a
th~e'an haf a century of experience has made us conservative, but not too merit ideal or deaim. He mu.t admit,
r=-.jchsc.We ealze ur rsposiblit. W ar tryng aitfuly t seve.thouigh, that the partiutar hoo style
cruc .c Werealze ur es aibiity \Xe ar tringfaihfuly t neveofrebelion i not always to his taste;
In te.measu're that te community and our owsn institution have groswn, we be- in kicking ver ths traces oh social
ie v,'we-he been succetsful. ' isoganizatien the o usually get a
poweru swat Sorn the iron end at
the tugs. This -Mr. Anderso hringn
7 hiss the frst of a anies of CommotnSetnse editof- otnottrll.
lson baking.' Watch frthe one n 'xteek,.Ths o, says ul. Anderson in a
tng. for extmisfit, nd seldom ever gets a square
deal. In fact, it i hard is see how
ht could tbe giv'en a square deal even
j half- ike tiume-his own te'mperanment
wons'st permit it. But there are precious
ai u foIc him to fail in gratitude
"" nn Arbor Savings Bank chacenut ae ~teci ih
Huimnity has n0 0se fsr
OLDEST AND STRONGEST BANK IN WASHTENAW CO.'thorn who can't acconi.odals Iherm-
2 IAN ? c7 7N. ..1 hJESIT AtE. AD CR. AIN AN IUtONselves to it's scheme ci doing things
wilk the hoho in ot en the '.y to
fhit go. For Chicago is the ha'.,
:t ____________________________Co____________________ teinued tn Page Cigi)