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March 09, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-09

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Whe Week's News
Iii Brief
(Cotinued from ]Page one)
ntire' machinery of the present;
Lbank, with its 40 branches dis-
'ed throughout Germany.
as which is colores& and odor-
wd said to be more deadly than
ow existing has been developed
te Germans. The 'first plactial
nstrtion of Its powers occurred
18 workmen inadvertently walk-
ta room whichi was filled 'with
to latonlal League of German
,r knows 1 ,ut one great 'aim-
ration. for the day that is "sure
me."? Tis sentence struck the
Ite of a celebration held recent-
commemorate Kaiser Wilhelm I
is army.
o notes, exchanged by Premiers!
onald 'and Poineare, revealed!
a frankness unprecedented in d-
tc documents the policies of the
overnments. :MacDonald decar-
at he did not like the French Na-
list program with its provisions
large military and aerial es-
hment,'and that England viewedI
.h suspicion.
was estimated that there are 5,.
i6 unemtployed in 'Germany at the
tt tune, and 15,000,000 dependent
lely divurgent comment has been
inz the British press, on the text
1e Anglo-American liquor treaty'
Sprovides for the 'searching of
ih vessels within an hour's steam-
listance of shore. It is' feared
he "hour's steaming" clause will
ise to violent disputes.I
rbirth rate in England was 19.7
e thousand last year. But the
atton, problem remains utnin-
dd because the death rate was
luring the same time-the heal-
twelve months whih nglantd
:vr experienced.'
sannouncement of a probable
from° Great lritainI to the So-
S150,000,000 °pounds was .recived
interest by hlih British authori-
Ilt camse as. news'to them.
ISocialsts are mrak fig a strong
or the' contrl of the next Bel-
government . They caused the
fall of the Theunis ministry, and
emfand one 'Of their own.
~n effort to prevent ctizens fromI
more than o6nce, athoities in a
epublic of, Santo Domingo h avek
Irized the pratice of sa~ing a'
,patch of hair fromc beifid the!
ear' of eachi citizn s ,he- votes:
s will 'also be r'equred to stick
fnger "into intdeible" ink, as a
s, of identificationi.
wc war began in the Balk~n, and
finifsh in the alkans." Thi has
wi a common' saying which has
'as a result of the present Bulgar-
erbian-Jugoslavian differences.
roe. English immigrants commit-
uicide 'in C7anada. The athor-
af both England and Canada are
ght up, and the pnderous ma-
ry ofinvestigation has been set
)tion. Eventually, it will be de-
that opening the door, letting in
rimmigrants, and forgetting all
them. dos't work- either for
,migrants or the country. Some
may ,result from the investiga-
but--people have died in order to'
ilrlish it.
Ia sad fact that education in
c health receives its greatest im-
after people die. Any health

rknows it is much easier to get+
to promote health after there
eon an epidemic of disease.
mnimunity may obtain water from
rcc that is known to be danger.-
and, yet, too often it requires a;
id epidemic before preventive
are taken.
ailpox threatens, yet no amount]
inled matter, no warnings, seem
ient to bring about the wide-scale.
ntive action that is' necessary"
e epidermic start, let a few deaths
and the necessary action will be
ibut-people die to accomplish

. i
9:s0 --University Mjen's Bible Kass
meets in Uipper room, Inane hall.
10 :00--Bayonne club mieets in roomi
10 :1-- Book-sermon on Lawrence
jConrad's novel, "Te mper," Congre- j
gational church.I
{1 :00--Studenlts' class;, ipper room,
Lane hall.
12:00--Lenten~u open forum, Congrega-
tional church.
3:0-oeton1 students' sing~
University hosptal
5:30-2.Lutberfm student forum mieets
at Guild house.t
5:0 - Ecrugregational students hour;
motion picture survey report,
5.30--Social hour, Przs ytelrian
5 :30--Lutheran student forum, Zion
parish halt.
6 :30---"k ther" T. Mi. I den speaks on°
"Miracles," Lane hail.
6:90- Christian Endeavor meeting,
Presbyterian church.
-0:30---"Tbie Gospel" According to IWil-!
liam James." Dr. Robins, leader,
Unitarian parlors.
7t :Tewlsh Students' congregation'
meets, Lane hall auditorium. ,
7 :30.-.otlon picture service- "That I
Somiething," Congregational church.f
12 :00-Journal #Pib unjMch, Union.
4 -0-MAtlnee Musicale meets in the;
School of Music.
4:40--Freshman (Girls' (Glee clubi)meets'
In. Barbour gymnasiuim.,

0:0--ugclstaff dinne'r, Union. TUESP AY !Honoliilii, Mar.- 8.-The vanguard of
6:30--Exhaxie clb dnner ~ 1:4'f-Maiuc Msiecale lunch, room ! what may develop into extensive Ja-
31,Union. 31.ninaneimirtofoCua ase
31. :00--onlaeeimgrtonday.Cua pse1r:ayers, Williams' Honolulu recently on the Toyo Kisatn
6:30-Forumn club dinner, room; 19, Miemo- Al chapel. Kaisha linear Rahuy Marna which is
Union. r4 :30-Univ ersIty Girls' Glee club meets carrying 3workers.
I7 :,3"--Aeronautie society mieets hil in Batrhlour gymnasium. -
7:00-Education (10) bmee's ini room "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anythingI. BIG RESULTS-
306, Union. cquickly.-Adv. ON LITTLEB INVESTM1ENT
Tender yo3ung roast turkey, ,
delficiously brownied... with
tasty desn..En rn

t 1


- U S ~ * * ~ ', ~ S * 1 4

On living models! Every
spring ,mode. Goodyear
fashions will be displayed
T ue sday evening at
Granger's Academy. The
most instructive and en-
tertaining style exposition
ntn Arbor has known.
You are invite d!
U U ~ i ~ , ~ah


That's a Sun-

day dinner special at 55c

Arcade Cafeteria
Upstairs, Nickels .Arcade
jiich igan ,Cafeteria
612 East Liberty Street




Keehe i ls, dmirrrewho never
mThO Star, with mae0 Filue011"
". 11..
,4. "l ,
- ..
}+St ~t,: -let{ ,. ' e
.,e a ,,..,. "I iaL T S IT R
-q ...{4i .Mal't AM~ . Yt'y' ..t ~: y*L Itr
'l. ";\',,1M':y , S~yI,:1 + 1S1 ",dMTo..m t, Got H lM i3 an i th HRCAS .OI i in peaT l ot UnieT a of HE AT -
w + I
"PIED PIPER: MALONE"-Kiddies of BLOR DADDY." Mr. Meighan3 H \ ya
AlldStyles andVSzes."And When Thy Good Taste of he Sea ma Homeed
Start otCut 4-t1It a Stoy ot ound ad\Has"ried Hl'Lu.
ce FrngFokvSip.ndShpin--.
=w CHAxES1 .1, rnd.LGI CA ERL
tl f 'lrTwo ofihi ro'd.a_''ssNo eN t uoi i Comdiv
'jFurish Gret Abndan efern ttIlntorto icue
\aa -+y,1 ,' [ 4, . "',''x. i a g 'YI :'x
00 m"AO TFA E
r onis ot isGan Wih im n pel o lik Tarnolou"TH E lude' j-
St r o C t U ts a S oy o o n , a HasaTriedi L cui
- SUIA ,f ofYou EnTonoyomdceTithin in


ic ediucation in private health
goal of health officials. That
oks far awa y as long as the
, ident mlethod of public educa-
t have people die. N. S.
ccCity, Mar. .-President Ob-
believes the republic will be
,tely paiied in 20 days.
y' classified for real results.
Irs. Merrick[

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