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March 09, 1924 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-09
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NEW- YORK NOTES the foaming, bubbling, and dazzling
(Continued from Page Five) electric sights which give "The Great
Such streets as Hester, Delancey, White Way" its name play a promi-
Grand and Henry will find plenty of nent part in the maintenance of New
materialret sobjectiv hinatown, o e York's role as the siren city. Berton
folk from the hinterland, has now Braley may not have been thinking of
achieved a commendable respectabil- New York when he wrote his poemn
Ity compared to the old days when 1 about the lights of the city but the
tong wars and crime ran riot. One following two lines at least apply to
of its chief occupations now is pre- ; the lights of New York very well:
tending to be naughty for the benefit "When once their wonder grips you,
of the "rubberneck wagons" that you shall no more be free; {
nightly invade its streets. Aid much They wield enchantment greater
the same thing holds true for the than mountains waste or sea."
Bowery. 0. Henry, Stephen Crane The night life of the "Roaring Forties"
and others have painted the old Fast has been and is the favorite theme of
Side in imperishable colors and more a multitude of writers. Garish, shrill
modern writers still draw heavily and blatant as is the life of that
from this quarter for mateial. hectic district from Herald Square to
Greenwich Village with its artist eColumbus Circl, yet as 0. 0. Mcn-
studios, its pseudo-quaint and quaint tyre has written, there is about it a
restaurants and tea rooms and its "racing, rushing sportive feeling that
queer tangle of streets (at one corner charges every pulse with energy."
West 10th and West 4th Streets cross Let the seeker after "atmosphere"
each other at right angles) is one of linger long in "Tea, Tango and Toper
the most talked about sections of the Land" but it would be well to remem-I
city. Here in the so called "Latin ber that a goodly percentage of the
Quarter" art and Bohemianism flour- people who are to be seen within its
ished and faded with varying degrees boundaries are not residents of Ngv
of intensity. This region and its en- York but visitors to the city from the
virons teem with literary recollec- provinces.
tons, an adequate review of which There are a host of others almost
would require several pages. Some as important-Riverside Drive, Morn-
of 0. Henry's best stories had this ingside Heights, Harlem and the
quarter for a setting and o Sixth Bronx, to mention a few. n t
Avenue near Waverly Place Poe lived Br__,_____t______w-
for a while and wrote "The Fall of the
Hous ofUshr" here Wahinton "A medieval doctor gained his pati-
House of Usher" there, Washington
Square was once a potter's field but ent's confidence by telling him that
now among other things it is the start- his vitals were being devoured by
ing point of Fifth Avenue, the "May- seven worms. Such a diagnosis would
fair of the Western World." ruin a modern physician. The modern
Fifth Avenue of course is known physician tells his patient that he is
around the world for the magnificence ill because every drop of his blood is
of its shops, clubs and wealthy homes. swarming with a million microbes;
During the war it became "The Ave- and the patient believes him abjectly
nue of the Allies," a center for pomp and instantly."-(G. B. Shaw, "Preface
and pageantry. No one of the thous- to Androcles and the Lion.")
ands who witnessed or took part in1
the great war time and post armistice
parades that swept up its broad ex-
Panse is likely ever to forget them.-
The best time to sense the spirit of =
the Avenue is between five and six
'o'clock in the evening in the full tide f
o 'the home going rush. Then" if -
ever will one feel the opulence, the -
majesty and the power that is New
may well provide a theme for a poet -
-the shifting lights of the traffic r
towers, the pungent smell of gasolen
and rubber tires, the screech of
brakes, the tinkle of bus bells, punc-
tuated by the more strident police-
man's whistle and the shrill cries of
the newsboys,-the sidewalks a mov-
ing mass of people of absolutely cos-
mopolitan hue. A stranger from t
coui try on striking a jam at Forty-
second Street, thought lie had solved
the question of why so many people
were on parade when he inquired of H
his companion, "Picnic in town?" t
On Twnsenty-ninth Street just east of:;- lu
thie"Avenue is a church that is' often -plst
written about. It is best known under chines,plus t
its sobriquet of "The Little Curch 4 =r
Around the Corner." ful ewelry r
Of considerable literary significance 2h e a e
are the great department stores to be chi2es have l
found in the vicinity of Herald Square oy only h
and Fifth Avenue in the Thirties. S1Jyou ny
Many a writer has penetrated their l-voubr
mazes and came away with a story - bring yo
of humor or pathos. Two women
writers, Edna Ferber and Fanny '
Hurst, have had marked success in
this field. 2
Then there are the vast railroad ter- =.he{C
minals. The Grand Central is always
a fascinating spot for the student of
human nature. In the faces of the
people that pass through its portals
how many stories there are! Sorrow-
happiness-expectancy, every emo-
-on is displayed. At the train gates
?-bored officials, hotel runners por- ~

ters, hurried leave takings and then 2
"far below some Li mited pulls out-
ount to the world-known cities of the c
land." -
lIt was claimed from Tin Pan Alley 2
a few yearn ago that there is a
broken heart for every light on Broad-
way However true this may be it ?IJHil.1111.N11#1#1IIIIIIIIIlHtI#lliJ~fll#1iII
is certain that the myriad lights and



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WHRG Scogan
Madame-Cure-like I have gleaned through tons of rough rc
rewarded by a tiny gleam from a gem. Quietly nestled away
heart throbs of 'the personal appeal, the sensual shudders o
expose, and the blatant slander of the political propaganda in tl
Sunday New York Times I find an excerpt from the report of a
President to his Board of Regents. He mourns for the lost.
i bands, our vhirrling, giddy parties, our 'busts,' our proms, our
moving pcture shows, our joy rides-all these and many more ot
; and banish learning." It seems he must be right, for learning
'rabbled and banished,' from our collages, today.
But let us consider a moment. Is that the desired function of
Desired function? Who has a right to desire a function of a colle
who pays for the college? The tax-payers. Do they want lear
They haven't the slightest conception of the meaning of the w
I why do they support and wily do they attend these colleges? S
know that the dissemination of learning was and so far as a
" nouncement goes is still the function of a college. Sure, they k
they also know it's a great thing to be eddicated. That and
dip)4ma is the perequisite to the Country Club Bridge and Su
and the S. 0. O. D. are the main reasons that they go and later
clildren back to clutter up the buildings. And they send them
ing numbers!
These increasing numbers demand at least to be sheltered
final:y in place of that memory which lingered in this College
mind of a place where, "a persistent emphasis upon the intelle
tu.-al, aesthetic and spiritual values" was possible; there arises an
corporation, a public utility corporation, one might say, for hi
throlugh the stormy seas of State Finance Legislation, for him to
a unit in face of the internalbrawls caused by temperamental
and starving assistants. The President of a college finds himse
modern business man who must hire and fire ditch-diggers and
janitors and doctors; who must sign students' diplomas and lab<
checks; who must think of the impression that his derby and ta
coat must make on his oflicial guests rather than the odes of Sal
man can fill such a position and in his spare times be the pres
college. And yet there are men who do this apparently. No, t
lies in the fact that these institutions of which they are executiv
colleges, they are enormous finishing schools.
This president also says, "No sturdent, at least few studen
possible to put things in their proper places and to find themsel
ing constantly with the finest and 'best' and rarest things of life
Because of."jazz bands, our whirling, giddy 'Parties, ouir 'busts,' of
our hops." et al? Maybe, but it seenis to me- more likely becaui
"no student, at least" there are "but fewv students." There are so
know that, "Learning has i et and simple beauty all her o
deepens with the years."u+






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With each day I know less of lover Yet it is one of the mo
some of my many considerations. '.I must invthe end discover the
ship between a manly attraction between man, and the attraction
those of opposite sexes. I have it from several.published author
this first love is more beautiful than. this second more surely
one. And does not even the Bible say, "A greater love hath no
that he should lay down his life for that of a friend?" Or was it
While I am still groping and wandering in the dark, howev
this in Cabell's Figures of Earth: "Yes, he is wiser that knows th
makes lovely the substance; wisely regarding the ways of that irre
shadow which, if you grasp at it, flees, and, when you avoid it, w
gilding all life with its glory, and keeping always one woman y
most fair and most wise, and unwon; and keeping you always n
tented, but armed with a self-respect that no husband manages
retain in the face of being contentented. No, for love is an instar
of shadow and substance, fused for that instant only, whereafter
may harvest pleasure from either alone, but hardly from these tw

The B


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I have been looking through my copy of John Cowper Powys S
Judgments, again, perusing my underscoring-s and marginalia n
ting rbady to repeat after Dean Swift,- who upon the same sc
occasion exclaimed, "What a truly-wonderful person I am!" But I
the light of the oratorical poesy of these essays.
In his essay on Vo.taire, Powys has well expressed the fund
of lasting humor and in a way has explained why .already we ti
,mustachioed comedian who receives a pumpkin pie square in th
loses his trousers on a fence only to show the ridiculous stropes
dots on his baggy B. V. D.'s. He says:
"Humor of all human things is the most transitory and cha
its moods. . .
"I have dragged poor Bottom back to life and made the win
Cercantian wind-mill turn and the frogs of Aristophanes croak.
shade of Yorick! how the sap, the tchor, the sharp authentic t
really tickles our sensibilities, has' thinned out and fallen flat di
"'We are not wood; we are not stones, but en'-and being
essential spirit of outrageous humor ought surely to hit us, howev
interpreted. And it does; only the proprieties and the decencies
off from what is permanently appealing!
Who made this portentious "decency"'to be the rub
orn life? Who put the fig-leaves on the-sweet flesh of the immor
"The great classic civilizations included. a. poetic obscenity V
nonchalance. They had a god- to protect its interests, and its s
(Continued on Page Foury



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