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March 09, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-09

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 117



Feminine Screams And Noise,
Feature Side Shows At Fair
Stifled screams, heavy curtains, dark stumbled about trying to solve. the
recesses-the Union Fair. It was a: puzle. Occasionally was heard the
hectic jamboree, "noiser than the I swi h of feminine skirts. Just as Mr.
noisiest show on earth," that filled the Weiman thought he had found the way
arched coliseum of Yost field house, he perceived a young lady in front of,
last night. her give a surprised scream as electric
"Try a shot! Right this way! Hot sparks sprung from the ends of her
dogs! See the wild Egressum, the only fingers. He stepped ahead bravely,
one of its kind in captivity! Lose however. The concealed operator
your mind in the Great Labyrinth!" threw on full- current, but the big
Such were the shouts that rent the coach merely laughed and passed out.
air. A clanging of cymbals, beating He had rubbers on. The whole af-
of drums, and medley of discordant fair was shocking.
music (the result of several would-beAnother concession that drew con-
bands) added to the volume of the din. stant crowds was the "slide." Fifteen
On the shining center floor the girls will be recommended for bravery
dancers tried to huddle around the or- 'medals at the next session of Congress
chestra, for as soon they got a few it is said, as a result of their heroic
paces away they were unable to catch negociation of this slide. They never
the strains of the dance music. De- lacked an audience.
spite this fact many couples danced on Constant laughter froi the direc-
the most extreme parts of the ree-rtion of the booth "For Men Only,"
tangle,. leaving one to surmise a good drew the reporter's attention. le en-
imagination or an exceptionally well- tered and was graciously shown aj
attuned sense of hearing. pair of uspenders, which as the title1
A little later in the evening a young had promised, were "for men only."
professor and his wife were walking He went out resolving to send some
grmn in armn when ;suddenly they were more fish in to bite on the stunt.
seized upon by four uniformed minionsi Several prominent members 'of lofteawndhridffo the f-ifclywr al ukdi n
mouts "court of injustice" where they booth that proved a drawing . card
were fined two tickets and let off with both nights. Students showed excep-
a severe reprimand. tional vigor and accuracy as they di.
Coach Tad Weman was strolling rected baseballs toward the painted
about the colorful mass of booths physiognomies of their respected
when he was hailed vociferously to professors. Invariably they went
enter the Great Labyrinth. With very away with that satisfied, "revenge-is-
little persuading, the famous football sweet" look and felt that their friend-
star entered and in the semi-darkness ly grievances were settled .

What Will Become Of India's Millions?

University Radio Draws Praise
For Quality Of Daily Progra)

With its program of speechmaking, south has responded all the way down
news, and game results last night to Dallas, Texas.
radiophone station WCBC launched In certain parts of northern Michi-
into a course of work which promises, gan radio reception is interfered with
to make it one of the most important every time the aurora borealis is in
and active college stations in the action. D. L. Garber, Petosley, how-
country. ever, writes that he heard WCBC dur-
One of the regular features which ing such a disturbance when no other
has received commendation in com- station in the country could get
munications from listeners is, the through.
Michigan Daily Radio Supplement. So Among the towns that have been
far as it is known here. The aDily is heard from in the last two or three
the premiere college newspaper to at- days are: Englewood, Rensselaer,
tempt radio broadcasting, and the Wellsville, Salem, Brooklyn, Black-
Radio Supplement the first "radio wood and New York City, all in New
newspaper" extant. This special edi- York state; Uniontown, Pa., Lexing-
tion of The Daily does not appear in ton, Miss., Ashville, N. C., Jackson-
newspaper form, but is prepared by ville, Fla. Midlothian, Texas, Des
the radio staff of the paper exclusive- Moines, Ia., Atlanta, Ga., Chicago, and
ly for broadcasting from station Alberta, Pa.
WCBC. Highly educated, illiterate, profes-
More than 400 letters .and post- sional, amateur-they all write in to
cards, exclusive of scores of telephone tell' station WQBC of hearing them.
calls, have been received by officials Some strange epistles have been re-
of the station from their host of list- ceived ,according to the local operat-
eners-in. They are unanimous in ors. One man sent in his message on
their praise of the station, all asking1 an Easter card, another used a ictur
when the next transmission is to take I postal showing him in his, freman'
place: uniform together withithe loal, i
SEach wesek has brought new records somewhat out-of-date fire-fighting ap-
for distance in the various directions. paratus.
For the east, several little towns At present the station is handicap-
clustered in the very furthermost por- ped for lack of funds to carry on their
tion of Maine now hold the long dis- work in improving and strengthening
tance record. Topeka, Kan., has been the apparatus. It is hoped that some
heard from a number of ttimes, and appropriation may be secured in the
still holds the western mark. For the near future to enable Michigan to
north Toronto and a few other Ca- have a station equal in power to other
nadian towns are about tied; while the college sets.

f / t
One of the hundreds of interesting I Pictured above is a typical scene. pools of filthy water. The regime of
views o flife in India collected by It is the custom of the people in this : the British government has brought
Prof C.II.Van yneof he hstoy zuntr towas awa thir ins n oe iany hanes o beefihth


Minnesota Plans
"Vienna Of West"
Minneapolis, Minn., March 8.--Be-I
cause Minnesota has ben lagging far

Prof. C. H. Van Tyne of the history' :ountry to wash away their sins in one ;many changes to benefit the countryeatn
delatment while investigating indian >f the numerous sacred rivers, this Ft large, but the ignorance and super-;Phone Girls Ke t
life and political conditions at the re- me being the Benares river. Often, stition of the majority of the 350,000,-
quest of the British government. iccording to Professor Van tyne they 0 - ' W orking In India
Photos of all i)hases of life, rural and do not even resort to a body of water 000 of people is one of the world's
urban, are numbered in his unusual as large as a river, prefessing to Igreat problems, in the opinion of Ar
collection. cleanse their bodies and solds in small j British and Indian leaders. According to the Telephone Press
- service conducted by the Bell Tele-


"The bill for compulsory public' behind the other medical schools, col-:
school education, in Oregon, doing lege officials .are considering exten- !Alu nusAcquires
away with all the private schools ii sive plans for improvement. The plan Fanne As Dentist
doubtdly th k f outlined by the university would cost
the tate is n e e wr oapproximately $4,500,000, and 'would
the' Ru Klux'Klan," declared Prof. T. $4,50I,000, ndold Numbering among his patients such
make the college and Minneapolis the;
F.. Reed of the Political Science de- "Medical Vienna of America." Presi-. men as Fritz Kreisler and John Mc-
partment, in an interview. dent Lotus D. Coffman of the univer- Cormick, Dr. L. W. Doxtater, '09D has
"This bill," he said, "will close forty s
parochial Catholic schools and every stated that there lies ahead a established himself as one of the lead-,
one of Che small, privately anedin-e great opportuinity to, btitld here at er1 in .the dental profession in New1
stitutions. It is not aimed at the pri- Minnesota a ped~ic~a school usurpass- ork tity 'and Is known throughout the,
vate proprietor, ,but at the' Catholic' ed among medical s 'ools of the country.aiid many parts of Europe be-I
school system .It will drive all theaworlds ei t of his specialty. According to his
Catholic .students into the public cditemporaries in New York city, he
schools. And as the Klan is in sari- " has a'special mechianical gift in bridge,
trol in Oregonthere is the milk in the II ULNIwork and has designed special attach-
cocoanut.': + ' E*me ots'for Pemovable bridge work. He
Whether this case will establish a hna' ritten a' good deal for dental
precedent 'and open the way for the pualications and has be'en frequently
spread of this doctrine to other states 'Palled upon to speak before' dental
is a, question..A similar bill is now Augsburg, a r March8.(Byclinics on his work.
being considered in Washington, and While attending the Umversity heI
whether it will pass depends largely AP)-Proposals to modernize a part of worked as a janitor, porter and sales-
on Klan influence. Augsburg, where for centuries there man.
The Oregon bill has, opened up one 1 has been located one of the world'sf--(
of the greatest legal battles in recents oldest established charity settlements, eni rsWant To
years. There is a question as to the' have aroused a storm of protest. TheS. r .
constitutionality of the act. The sup- colony consists of 54 two-family l Eliminate Finalsi
porters of the bill claim that if a child houses and the occupants make their k
can be forced to attend school at all, I homes there under an endowment ar- y
as compulsory education laws require, ranged in 1519 by the house of Fug- fayette, Indiana, March 8.-The
he can be forced to attend public ger, one of the oldest families of z main topic of interest at the regular
schools and not private ones. Europe and which was enormously second semester meeting of the senior
Henry AM. -Bates, dean, of the laW wealthy in the imiddle age, class was the proposal that the classs
school, declared.. yesterday, that he Augsburg has always taken a pride goonrecord as favoring the elimina-
does not believe in the advisability of in that part 'of the municipality set tion of final examinations for graduat-
this bill because it will do away with apart by the Fuggers as a home for ing seniors.
variety in school. training. the destitute of all time. About the - A motion introduced to this effecti
time the charity was founded it is sad1vwas passed almost unanimously, and
Jacob Fu gger, the textild king of those a. committee was appointed by the
days, financed the election' of Charles ]res'idet, C. N. Maddox, to draft
-ir n prir n a ~ r ways theMkaiser,_todraftt
ADVRISES KV,the family being rewarded in many formal resolutions.
ways f6 their' service to the klaiser.
It'is recorded in history that the Fug-
-gers in 1538 were given permission to l!('l ego o tlab lafe Spare 'ime f
Tcstablish their own mint and to turn Chicago, March 8. - University of
Two liners, the Republic and the nout as much gold and silver coin as Chicago authorities hope to find out
Lancastria, have been chartered by they desired. 1 by means of a questionaire how the1
the Associated Advertising clubs of the The charity colony is fenced off ! students waste their time. The in-l
world to carry delegates from this from Augsburg proper and the inhabi- formation desired in the twenty-eightr
country to the twentieth annual con- tants administer their own affairs to questions concerns the movies, ath-c
vention of the association in London, a limited extent with the burgomaster letics, publications, and other campus!
July 13-18. Approximately 1,300 dele-, of Augsburg as overseer. The old activities. Filling out the questions I
gates will be taken on the two ships. residents of Augsburg insist upon will be a university requirement and
Both boats sail from New York at! keeping "poor town" as it has been all informaton given will be con-
noon on July 3, and will arrive in for centuries. fidential. a
Southampton at the same time. Sir ;_
Charles Higham, one of the leaders in-
charge of the London convention,!
stated recently that the official greet- 1 I- -y In lus
ing planned for the two ships will be? o a h C u c e
one of the most impressive features of --___
the entire London program. Daily phh
newspapers will be printed on each, T. Aevrend Eoa Fo r ong Mr. Jup
ship and news will be wirelessed backThEnRevern HoraceFort, of Loa- This morning 1r. Jump begins a
and orth for plication don, England, will be the preacher at series of benten book sermons on op-i
Extensive and entertain- St. Andrew's church this morning at timism taking for his first theme the I
h hiprograms10:30 o'clock. Mr. Fort comes to AnnI recent story by Lawrence H. Conrad,'
The clubs have reservation on eleven Arbor under the Baldwin Lecturer "Temper." Next Sunday Mr. Jumpr
ss.Mrt foundation. He is assistant= to-'the will dfscuss Percy Marks' novel of e
ships for thereturntrips.Reverend .Studdert-Kennedy, the Eng- university life, "The Plastic Age,"
6,000 delegates will be in attendance " Rh nf the Univerity

Norman Okla., March 8.--
Practical jokers did consider-
able damage to fraternity and
sorority houses at University
E of Oklahoma last week. The
most costly of the stuntsC
was pulled at the Gamma Phi
Beta house when a cow was
placed in the new home. The
floor which was ready to be
finished, was marred by the cow I
and the finish on a new grandI
piano was damaged before the
animal could be untied from it.
Other houses reported various I
losses. Most of the articles
missing were found in such out-
of-the-way places as the tops of
other buildings.

Dayton, O., March 8 (AP).-The air-
ship RS-1 which, when completed, will
be more than three times as large as
any semi-rigid balloon now in- the
army service, will be delivered at
Scott Field, Belleville, Ill., June 1.
Shortly thereafter the balloon will be
taken to McCook Field for trials.
The RS-1, of 720,000 cubic feet gas
capacity, will have as one of its new
features the aerial' hook which wasj
developed at McCook Field. This
hook is fixed under the bag and will
permit of an airplane, to which a cor-
responding device is attached, to hook
onto the balloon and ride with it. The
plane, can leave at the will of the
This operation proved a success
with smaller devices several monthsi
ago when the Sperry messenger plane'
attached itself to a small balloon, rode
for a while, and then returned to theI
field independent of the balloon.
In time of war, it is believed a great
gas bag could haul a large number of
small fighting planes over enemy ter-
ritory. The planes then could do their
work and return to the balloon for
ferry back to a central station. The
idea is novel, but practical, army of-
ficials say, because small fighting
planes have only a limited cruising
radius occasioned by the small amount!
of gasoline they are capable of carry-
ing. -
School Celebrates

CMuseum Displays;
Rare Bird Plumes
Bird of paradise plumes, aigrette
feathers, and nuimerous other orna-
mental plumes constitute a collection
now on display at the Zoology mu-
seum. The plumes, which are in varn-
ous states of preparation for. trade,
range in value from $16 to $150.
Exportation and importation of bird
plumes for ornamental purposes is
prohibited by law in the United States,
and the plumes on exhibition are part
of a smuggled shipment that was in-
tercepted by customs authorities.
Legal action was necessitated by the
wholesale slaughter of native birds to
obtain the beautiful plumes.
The collection was presented to the
museum by the National Audubon So-
ciety of New York City, an organiza-
tion for the protection of bird life.
Leader Of Geneva
Delegates Named'
Announcement has been made at the
S. C. A. of the appointment of Charles
E. Highley, .25, as head of the Uni-
versity delegation to the Lake Geneva
student conference, planned for the
coming summer. The conference is one
of a series held every summer.
The theme of the conference this
year is to be "The Youth Movement in
Action," the speakers who have al-
ready signified their intentions of be-
ing present are known as being the
foremost in that line of work in the
country. Sherwood Eddy, intern-
ational representative of the Y. M. C.
A. who will be remembered as having
spoken at the Michigan state older
boys' conference here last fall, andj
Dr. C. W. Kilkey, pastor of the Hyde
Park Baptist church in Chicago, who
spoke in this city at a recent Univer-
sity service, will lead the program,
and several others of international
fame are expected to be present.
The object of these conferences is
to instill into the minds of the coming
generation the, higher thoughts and
ideals of older men who have tried
their wings and found the true mean-
ing of life. The true status of extra-
curricular activities and the responsi-
bilities of American citizenship will
be a main part of the discussion.
The Michigan delegation will probe.
ably number more 70, and Higley has'
already started in his efforts to round
'up this number. The conference is toj
last from June 13 to June 23.
EstImates Age .of Sun
Palo Alto ,Calif., March 8.-Prof.
Nalter Nernst of Berlin, fixed the age
' of. the sufi at something between two

phone company, a telephone operator
in Bombay, India, must be more than
a "hello" girl. She must be a linguist,
able to speak and understand. at.least
six languages..
Because of the unusual cosmopoli-
tan character of Bombay an operator
must speak, in addition to her native
rlanguage, not only English but French,
Arabic Chinese and Japanese as well.
Besides these languages there are
numerous dialects with which a tele-
phone operator must be familiar'
Installation of a 15,000 pound planer
to be used for the next two or three
years for research work in Investigat-
ing the work required to remove dif-
ferent metals by cutting, is now going
on in the Engineering Shops foundry.
It is hoped, says Prof. O. W. hoston,
acting director of the shops, that a
formula can be worked out showing
the mathmatical equation between.
variable factors of the cutting tool,
such as its geometric form, its speed,
and size of the chip removed.
These results may also be' applied
to other types of cutting more gener-
ally applicable to industry. The planer[
has been, installed on a part of thel
floor especially designed for it, being
capable of bearing a load of 500
pounds per square foot. .l
Results obtained in the investiga-I
tions will be released for the benefit I
of the different industries, which
would not be done if a private con-
cern had charge of the work. This
problem has been exciting special at-
tention in the automotive field, while
a special committee has ben appoint-
ed by the American Society of Me-
chanical engineers to investigate the
matter. Findings made by the Uni-
versity will also be turned over to this
Funds for this research work, which
is being done through the department
of engineering research, headed byj
Prof. A. E. White director, have been1
made available by PackardMotor,
company, General Motors corporation,
Ford Motor company, Hupp Motor car
corporation, Reo Motor car companyl
'Detroit Steel Products company, De-
troit Twist Drill company and several
School Operating
' Costs' Increase
Washington, D. C., March 8.-School
expenditure reports issued by the De-

Five major problems have recently
been concluded or are now being un-
dertaken under the direction of the
enginering research department, di-
rected by Prof. A. E. White. These in-
clude: The determination . and
measurement of gear 'noises, investi-
gated thirough Prof. D. L. Rich, of the
Iphysics department; "the 'art of cut-
ting metals; ,under the direction of
Pr O.. W. Boston, director of the
engineering shops; a study of the
. laws.of ventilation by Prof. J. E. Ems-
1 lls, of the mechanical engineering
depait'ment; an investigation of the
characteristics. of, the. single phase
motor, under Prof..B. F. Bailey ofthe
electrical engineering department
and a study of the laws of natural
illumination, by Prof. H. H, Higbie, of
the same department.
Other problems are being investi-
gated by the research division through
fellowships maintained by the Acme
White Lead and Color Works for 'the
study of paints; by Roy D. Chapin, for
research in highway engineering; by
the Detroit Edison company, for high-
way engineering and metallurgy; and
the Michigan Gas association.
In addition to these major re-
searches and fellowship, work is con-
tinually being done on a number of
smaller problems, .among them being
water analysis, tests of paints, coal
analysis, automobile tests, investiga-
tion of paper mill problems, engine
design problems, and many others.
During the past year 52 of these small-
er problems were: solved, while 6$
persons were employed to carry on
the research program.
Earthquake tremors were recorded
by the seismograph of the University
at the observatory last Tuesday morn-
ing. The first tremors occurred at
5:15 o'clock with the maximum dis-
turbance at 5:25. The shocks were
estimated to be at a distance of 2,000
miles from Ann Arbor. Ae second
shock, recorded about 7 o'clock, was
of less severity than the initial dis-
turbances. This was the greatest
series of shocks that have ever been
recorded by' the University seismo-
graph which was installed in 1909, ac-
cording to the officials at the obser-
An earthquake, the strongest in 25
years, beginning at 4 o'clock Tuesday
morning, damaged more than half the
buildings and caused a number of
casualties at San Jose, Costa Rica.
A part of the American legation
building collapsed, but the American
minister and his family and the

at the convention from every part of; Lmiial known as "WoodhinWl."
the civilized world. miliarly known as Woodbine Willie.
the cvilied wrld.Lately Mr. Fart has been teaching at

of California will speak on "The!
Morals of the American College Stu-


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