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June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D.lI \\\ \10,1()k,\1III1 l I , rN RIII)1Y, t. NE 1900) NO, [78. VOL. XIX. SEASON ENDS WITH <<1o FRI ' NF 101 'A !GAY LEY SPEAKS YTn mT1" T% 7 ,:r, ,v T ,rrin NO1TIRI DAME GiAMES~ With One Victory Each, Both Varsity and Catholics Promise, [lard Fight to Win Series. oragrnI kxind-up~j of a1 vorious'000 lee Notre l 1)w 11 tho~~i :afternoo Ilwll \ool am rIin th tebt victrie " ein by 01 1011111 11oesan as11 a 01 re 11ult h 1ot1h ...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…"t' 'IMICHIGAN DAILeY U ITHE MICHI GAN DAILY. 10. IWild Collpally MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MIER io (Mleniuns, Lighf, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecfian tDrab, Lighf Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- hoam, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wars- teds. Please come early...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…'PHZ MICE!MAtNDAMY' Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified &Co. EAST HURON ST. (io to TVUTTLE'S Icle Cruen Sodaso Banuna Ilops 338 South State Street THE FARMEntRS AND MtCHIANICS RANK !MAIN AND HURON STRETS Cap~ital $50,000t Surplus and Profits $90000 Genoeral 20percenst paid onTimse snd 4aviooos Dpo sits0150.0. afety Se- posit lRoses too ranstat x:.'00 andIupwars It. vr, Pwes. Wo,XV ' S...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…"O -. 1 ' ica I" n rube tmt pl1 ste in oe aI' epliiamne881 i ms.i AlIFINDIiCINiEa ' lS--AifCINIS i Ao be Fo r atu i 4A51 1'.\SlS foodn gns a ttob - , hd at [b utoi ne half teisi t rcs ril t JBIII)WN S D UG Si (F1 2 o E. ,8 hoA complete line o1 Stodnaitisi oi t ionslas lackr. n ) nzis duin tigatio llonFine Ba k Suits Y OUR taste and ors tmay differ ol \tat, ilmnsata an S Iook shade or xweave-probably so. So j tutuf nd.,Salary ir thesson tein - ...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…({'rgall VoT,. XVII. TEAM WAS TREATED RIGHT IN THE EAST Michigan Men Were Better Ta- ken Care of Than the Eastern Teanms-Rowe Is New Captain. lx iie(. c ' ii i ee}Ii itro to l IId pict i oi l i lt, i Ii Iii 11111'11 g iii1 rcl11 tril I i l h ~ ~ tlI me-oi fit, 11)(111 r1 hu ll i t i h t iii ii (111 'h(iii ti lo" tI-vt 111) ilt l- cati odl l ,tl t lw i tcaL, it h ll(1 rle riealc. ()m-dr ii l oil~lil ti oc it iiby ia p p I lil ili I idilw v 111...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN nlAILY THE MICHi IAN DAILY. IA vile <ot anl laughter' have N.)INTERCIS1( _ lm ver hefore. IN ' 1- I l6IY Il'lIDIN , ___. _ Ic r( t s ,: he ia t((1( ar ttll- - N13w Sprillg Wo001011 1907 6. H. Wild Co. 311 South State Street Bring Us Your Second Hand Text-~ Books OF ALL KINDS AND GET THE BEST PRICES SHEEHAN & CO.'S The Sudents' Bookstore Banners and Pillows 1 4 Off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 5. Stt St. Maging Lrrtg trO- PAtI. ...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…To see our Spring Suits Eagle Shirts, with and without Collars just received a new shipment of Raincoats Full line of Fancy Hose at 25c and 5Oc Straw Hats are now on display _ Underwear 25c and S0c. t lrg Ribbed; Porosi nit in Utlionand 2-pi ce A full line ofaI :j Suits STA E fI ER ( ftW VERTHi, jr..KOVER OXFORIDS $ 3.50-$4.O0.-$5,00 Just Received a Full Line of Commencement Shoes , .. ' t . ?"Y; r f ,. Three New Factoriesi 14 Months PTisic...…

June 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOJ ALA Rn' CLOCKS, The Summer it Quarer, 907Cnapman's Jewelry Store 206 SOUTHIMAIN SI 111 ilrtlet T~t~iirvt i --a lt BRANCHISTOREliA'I 204 South State Street THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ___________________________(C 1 i XC, W «e, the undersigned livery- men, wicll accept no more credit. Terms strictly cash from now on, and oll bills must be paid by June I10. I'T 1S NOT BY AIJCID N-fII ROBSISON & CO. A. B5. WAL.KF.R. W. H....…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan gDa ily VOL. XV DISAPPOINTING FINISH. Baseball Team Wound Up the Sea- son With Defeat-Final Score 7 to 5. Perhaps thelessisaid out ester- dil',;baebal late iwith (hcago. the better. Certainely tone of the fans isho witneissedl that hert-retditgispetaei Will care to lute it rcalldi to their uietituriesby lie todetild acunitt. foihjliga's ntctwtidinulp tthe sa sontit the desredelaileef glor. Te le hat Witstrereettig the varst ati tl...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…I C M }ICITIGAN DAILY. f r il1 ~oo . i ICII> lIwN DAILY. !I !.!I!I t!!\t Ni ! t I .> * I o .s : --n i ali(It 0the A in (Continued front page onze.) * it ' ~rt .:tt ip . I' tr n t,. tY t -~~~~~ ' 41 ttions.t THiE P 1 C : A. ttg EttorJ TAN~ LEtYBLY.ttrro tott",AN. QDI I WiOLENA RE snesMnae, :U C .TOMSN ------ ATUR '.1. orr ~t ,r READY...Id il. Brow. . . . . And he tyls aeait 'N lii o 11.Andew.I (rreA 4}x , A.tur 'II. ns O 0 tot titoe ttiot...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. -- ... SBurelifield's Fine Tailoriin STrade Guarantees... Y ot tih- most skilifal and atistic service to ihe had anywxhere. I Wt: tlays ntrr a ilag antd comnilte tlite of seasonabl e wool- + * ells. e' tate thte ,eotty for Beach &o Newtl' CsomI'ttt Sir ts an aten 'show yott a large, bteautifult and exc-lusiv toine of sit- i-'--'perfect ftting. +1 + Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 FL Huron j HOA'S HOME SUPPLY STORE 1...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY._ 3 I Men's Summer Underwear: Good Balbi ggant Under wear--all sizes, pergarment - ",2,5* Plain and Fancy Colored Blalbiriggani Undeirwear, Short or Long Sleeves, per garment So - 5 Swell White, Blue and Pink Mercerized tUnderweair, all; sizes, per garment - - - - - - 1.00; Metropolitan Linen Mesh tnderwear, All Sizes per Z garment - - - - - - - - So Men's Union Snits - - - - - : I no to .00 Cutting, Reyer & Co. 109-Ill E. ...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. No. 177r GREAT DAY AT CHICAGO. Western Athletes Gatser at Marshall Field for Conference Meet-Mich- igan will Have to Work for Victory. Today Michigan's track athletes wilt compete against the best men in the West at the Conference meet at Mar- shall Field, Chicago, the greatest event tf the season in college tracts athletics. On the face of things i looks as though it ...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…. THE MICHIGAN DAILY f##f f~fN Nf ff~fffO THE MICHIGAN DAILY supreme officers for their efficient ser- * vice and unselfish devotion to the for- 0 UW il Conmpnyn ZE: nd a s seond closs ow m ali1t.the :Asn thering of the best interests and high- * sH 111 Arboer hostd (ititeeat ideals of she Sinfonia. ®I Publised daiely lvioudaehceptrid) du rium le Whereas: It haasbeen the privilege coleg yerat117E.11ashiitoi sretof the Sinfonia nationsl conven...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CleanlinessI I T IS A FACT if one could see many of the bke shops where ice cream is made, they would in fu- ture cut that delicacy fromI their bill of fare. We pride ourselves on the neatness and absolute cleanli- ness of our bakery. We will gladly show you through our plant. It will interest and surpriec o, and give ou an idea of the cnmpleteness of a modern bakery. Thursday - Pineapple Sler- bet, Vanilla, Chocolate and S...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI1GAN DAILY 0 0 0 ( 'h - k _ i-i, . ,-i 'wit ' r ' 5'x'f'6'bYa' IkS _ NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in the "New Spud Last." For the benefit of our cnstomners we wish to say thatithle Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very ituch stronger iiy goitig into the hands-of the factory-Geo. lH. Keith Contiuty, Birocktu, Mass. George E. Keith does not control the namec Pecita...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…THE us of l DAILY. 'VOL. XI1T. ANN~ ARBOR. Id.. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1903 No. 181 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Bakeslee Suspended. _ THIS YEAR'S "M' MEN. eA-gain Hossard hiesie has comei if L Bitot ondAim-SeiorsNow iender the lani othe aculty' and beenSMcia e o t opt nAh Its Ht~oryand mulaedioByNow upendeel for a year. Air. IBlakesee etic nio t t D eti th Eligible-Being Euae y i tin year correspendelt of the lDe- ltcUina eri-Would Other Colleges. tiit...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA N DAILY. nrinrr TlE IJ. O N.DAILY 2lt7tll itpoicy:l oll 4 ' o sIJIIII1 _ _____fth_ I )lily trle ln,'i Popular Priced EnItered as ilt a I t O' ittr t Ann Arbo) \-owt~1i , tlt t ris tlt:It0:1 h Pobt ~r~ie. pper illt)' tr li ~liil (~iy- - ';illo teivrsit ,l l;!11 i i; Tennis Rackets ii nounceiiieii~uliseddaily IMoiit.s excepted)' durtiii''tt Tes Tthe litrgeslttidimosiMANAGING EDITOR, tl) l+ t i it 't'' i ountrv and r l~r...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…Trial UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -_- PALACE N ,PrIS Landrn ndqiy tA y llC re Yuui-datemor , wt th a leasdththbe 0 yo i selv s. 1tyl tif finish a Phn 5. Ofce,40 ayar tif . PALACEALNPAICIL ATHLETC A1 AC, That'snly ealmacep whieres tha phleteLst tofblehaopiouvr Prics.Doeticefntsh AsGecSaldiM.Fg&OWERA.j hne 6or.,OChicag, 402eayenal t- mrtn For 90 A3 cesoprmyiofentri i - v '' i ,'' ,,. : ' y r; " . .. If you want to know' I I T~ what smartly dre...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SEE OURCUTG duati S ft REYER Before you buy one If we can not fit you we will mLke1911 Wsigo them to order.G.JBU , Vg. RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 1 Yon Wil a Siue assortmuent of Perfum es Cr. PHIOTOGAPHER. Phn AT RRNTSCHLEI'. P 0T U R ES Mo.Sain and Huron St. Poe38,Srngs. SialCo le~ti n The ick of all the finest Sidn n Perfumes art' in tor stock. Noth- Miss Hunts Recital. CALENDAR ote cit s ing lo)ud Nohing ...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…,.t V 1 ' AWt I)A I ANN AItBk,')11, AlICH.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1002 IRIST YIR WEEKS ELECTED CAI No,. Zi' PTAIN liio-a10 1 .Cornell at 'lol(-t The p00 a,]bo ltio 1ra ~0111 ~ l 1, k Yr OsMon to "1 ' ' 7) ' DR, BARROWS IS DEAD AitY Xt PpWi i }yit Pr,f esslonal Reception Assured 7 ~ ''a+ i 1I~lv cclm , 1 1 ,r 111 ii7 < ic H s 1l'ti " 1 ' I 'I 1 ) 1 (, lIIll' ' : " 1 1 1 ' l : l . 1 ' 1 4, I i ' ' 1 : 1 t 1:1 1 t 1 ((t' 1 i 1' l a 1 1 I 1 1 f ;1 1,...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…1111 MCHIGANDAILY-NEWS _, t 'f. r... LL 0 LW J Li Un Cn U of N" ,rI ,n C .ri i - ~, .f ,t AI S:, a"ii iiit iilit : . . . V I r I :p t C, 0 c of the its ,:E':?i ; J It I? 7i . ~ t 1't;, X 111({4 { 1 .__ .._.__ 'ti' { :cif :xl .I J 71 it lla t : '- bstIn10et1 1;}?Ott giraver s. We assurte you thle jew est styles and priompt service. f G it.3; . } + : S.3i. ' I; lI. I,, t r I)T0 1 1)110AK tl I t- i i'i"f l !'; i ' f ti, FAMOUS TUTTu FRUTTI SILVER...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…'THE]MICHLIGAN DAILY--NEWS a.,-,L. ------------- LAL-*-JL-O-JL .2-.A--ILJL A--IL -*-JL or eTl ,. .a...... .a..a. W 7F p[ _1F IF 7R 1F ww w ]R w- WIF W W fF iF >. T T T T r.,v L ......... - "....t.. W W .a. W W W tY W .i. fL nir W W fir fie W fY fY >r W W W ti SY fir 11C ] [ I111 W )k 111[. 11e. 111( 11[ ]Y ffa W fi< Le W Ytre Ye >V A, k k Ak >k Y Y[ >r ] ( >r W f 1k > fk W >r >v Bi CllrOffering New Fancy Shirts -50DOZEN STANDARD 4 PLY COLLARS,...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI -NEWS Better Than Eger,. I A few years ago Five Dollars ws the standard price for a hat. To- day one can he had for T ETR E A E Fully guaranteed -A hat made wi th particular care for particular men. WAGNER & CO., LATEST SHAPES JUST IN, - - Sole Agents . - .a, ' r- -. . - --- , ^f ._ 4 -' BetrStock, Btter. Trimmings, BeterWorkmanship. rI6CNI BIillidlIravlors and IBoWIin0 707 NORTHt UNIVE RSTY 'VENUt THE HOOKING VALLEY RYI1 Th...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Oar Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING: has arrved and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as sortmnent in the cit}-, _ of D Ir 4 ANN ARBOR MICli., TUESDAY, JUNE 4 1901 MICHIGAN'S VICTORIES FOR THE YEAR 4:) Wona limit 'vwitlli vii iv t' ivof iivav Ivij-o i "3 WaII isliti' vIttI,'vIi'I 'oncst' (i vnivei. i- Wo Woisvtorii' vii iviv I 'tr"le-:t' ix' iii' u l llol C W o n x I . v' v v t. i vi g...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IiE UNIVER"SIIY OF MI!CHIGAN Track Men Get Stripes tte nd 1)1iV tt'g itork, (thel l ('f that top man has madet Vhe ' \'r'Vt O,-"V us V1duV Boh'Pi RUN ' Sit LV iie l i ''-1. New( stTc (ihV\OI GNU QitlOR, R Sp,,&*V MANAGER, i l' ISA. 'A'. . t(. Iltt''( t ... (tt'f ((tt' t llIj( Take aChances WHEN BU1Y 1M7'CLOTHES READY-TO-W There iis0111y 0ne sort tliat will never disapl a you in the excellence of te f...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 3

…IFE L -TvT FFQjT1 of ATIR IGAN PAILY,. 3 Our Special Case is 24 inches long, is strong and well made, " II II I ' ! 'IdllilI and covered with the best heavy selected sole leather stccl. Color russet and tan, with steel frame, heavy bolts, :solid brass lochs and catches. Full linen lined,with special art- mne nt in lid for s hirts .io t V.4 17® 47®,p 17. , gp' I'I i .' IIi cap II ii' lxIli 11 M IN ST IlIYVT , IAAPA F;,L!S ROUE i IE IlIltI lI...…

June 04, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 184) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERISITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Jerseys c nal id lNO0T ICE Aet et We Itays' ~We have our mosts, xcellent line 1of seasonabile 0 tdnswsttdt vs combination of coors, also soakj WOOLENS, SE RGES, WORSTEDS doring vacation for the -A. A. thern to ootdertts tctass teamts in a d C .V OT tpoe' aot, otis e any colors seteetedi, with niuoet- an H E'I? Im rvd gslielilp. bly als, letters otrsflit ttrnt at cluth on the tabtle waiting your inspection...…

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