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June 04, 1901 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-06-04

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Jerseys c nal id lNO0T ICE Aet et
We Itays' ~We have our mosts, xcellent line 1of seasonabile 0 tdnswsttdt vs
combination of coors, also soakj WOOLENS, SE RGES, WORSTEDS doring vacation for the -A. A.
thern to ootdertts tctass teamts in a d C .V OT tpoe' aot, otis e
any colors seteetedi, with niuoet- an H E'I? Im rvd gslielilp. bly
als, letters otrsflit ttrnt at cluth on the tabtle waiting your inspection, on Sigist.
rates. W will show you nearly 500 different styles of trouserings. We offer SUPERIOR MFG. COFIPANY
you the finest line in the city. 329 S. Main St.
Caps Truly Yours
C eas ae .l~ aps t re S. W. Burchfield. 106 X. Huron W A B A S H
with sartymoono-stmdesignt sub- _____________P__________tA1N=AVtRICAN
toited. ~i'yq IEXPOSITION
1iPut a KODAK ifl BuffalNY~,MaysiN-Vo, , 0
S'heean & o. Ou Pockt 'line Sabasih, the "N agartls S a
Sneene, hasCondEPJpecalji_______________tr
accmyour l Pocketelbewen :
UNIVERSI'T'Y IMOKSELL 8R, ±WEeSLLETII I lsc tttao ata<ait~tin her->
vice will atlprovidd. ~'I ik' atasi te a
320 South State Street C arstweet-ta c tias and I3.t'Ltoa.TCi+'-
__________________________________ i l begi-oodfosatiot-ser at Niagara
YOU c w get a fl4Feutschlct, the IIavz lhveoolorpai) o
HO07T L UNC H Ticket OtheT Ad tre ease . A
AT (searge Hortotn Wins Distinction 1)( tit' Nallt) :iWN1tt
TUT-TLE'S (iiHi n l( iit as1 W i~v
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Typewriticng.s Misnoteon . frapltistgt.ts I'Ii CatT.. ttat, essI e ea banking aa ues
Itnt._Ie Sil t tah llaa i la t e . 1 ii11 5 C hrE RS.. R E 0. Pr", , c- ss Nstsst ice-Pre'
Fo tPn.F rSaEs~o l It _[.tliti a l ri-l tter il St ot Ilarii;Tieete, e . c tU L S{ a sher.aac
TSEIS ork PROMONADE ai.)JiC' liI'tl l i iiiiiilfCA",; Ileli il I t 111 th110e1111 lof)r Av nn Ban
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atWtofetatre, ate Ladies Patrician Oxfords
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Spalding's Official League SalIl
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Isigite ania all the ctollsga
S A tuasidoiuCaIItailogaue of
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0 Storts niaileotfaee tsoany
address. Spitatitiie)' Ofticl . Ras1155
Ball G15ide fssc 11)1,- ekliftI 12.
HInr strC had wick. sic "ai strch 301,
t901, ptrice 10 cetnts
15( IIlt 0 1R5'ED1
New York Chicagis Dentver

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