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June 04, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-06-04

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10. IWild Collpally
Have received a large line of
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MIER io (Mleniuns, Lighf, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecfian
tDrab, Lighf Mole. Royal Gray, and
King's Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pet-
hoam, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wars-
Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.
0. H. Wild Comlpally
311 South State Street
Order Your
Script - - - $1.25
Block - $2.00, $2.50
Cold English - $3.00
1 001Cards fronm Plate =
of the
Students' Bookstore
Stean & Co.
Porto Rican Canes
11K.l i- h walkinog sticks of native
ont rangsies:$, $1.50 ad2, poli t-e
01ri, 1'-s,r ixSc extra Address
Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424

(t,AR(Oti, 0 l. l .t. 1)01(0.1
Busx ass .txlogi,
JON1 K V R&c
((iii 'Ixi-: C('tools. ttarn
lAs a the 99atroolan gmnissitnn
exits. \xsit is atlpresei i s a((0 na
t()thelins nd akiofthse~ x
attnd nil:ti)II hed w t i its al
Shi d a ie (r 'xariii )f aly ki(
gige (ec;sio fo a ushto) iileave thxi
There are(1waci'oilily nio dietxi
is scrI'o' esraleun er'ordrye cir
c i t~r, ii) hell0 thex structurex i
'It~ od o s) ieet tral-h
xlci 'mt sii i f urnishes plenty l()f (((0(0))
its fo c i)s t(1~ . It lseemsi'i1'xh
The senioi tings eld cil.d liii
rlr:(~ifrtatin of that ovrl I.\IMit
niltl p i ithich x s)(Wenx shows dBe

slire .9At limtier giventto) [)r, 'sAll 1 NL9Ji 1 C9
tFrilri'i ;],.t the Glie chili sang 'Ih
Yel.ltow aod lhe IBlute.'' anool e e oiat A50) ('((ii
giattherin g of sidenits rose .andoltistenedl Detroit.O0 0(Wil1c
to) themi. It Iseemols *)lux that the Gesl hostior 19,3-030(Stele),
club. skholact istie clerfr Iitte Clhixco, y 8-2 ( Scot
reo h uet bodoy nsinging 'ur -athl ils, 712--4()m
aaiiimia ti-'s song, anoilht11(101 5(n11 ) ((Cli
occasialon wheon "Floe Yellowiandlthoexitiphensix.
]lIki" is siiii;,evoevyoiigli~an i Clxei loot 9-1 ts0 i
shou (il ldi(ml in i ing i. 5 (i
1.)81'-.9 gentleiiain's iivee-setl I l oil)00 Bston -I3 2
rlong. ahtoo the lisecondl scvkiiisiin pit. Sitll)
Coo r enwarud offereid for its reottno ii Cliii"(, 4-8a2 II xi'
W .91. II laluvlos, St C1. l liroi. 1Phoiio 'llillit(I ' 18, i I
991 77.8 S Cinc'inna~ti, b--o t]'
______ I soil} :a1>otuf'yoi, >'( i
-R d( 'Ii l11'' opieratie:mic xi'for sale t 'ii r (ii
8eloaehl rI& Soii's ill isi' 1Houise. tf
C'ollegiant clotiheslxiv college tieti
string styles oti sale ati Allen's C'llihe: You may see
Shiopt, Main St.,t FOW
You are not getting thei'elox(xile foxi GLOYI
xiiv mlonexy oile'ss yoniiare' bu 0101nogthymaur
cigvo ii oe 01 'lIIIAI.tiroiil, know what's w
triownis i g Sto're, (215051ast lti'rio you're sure to
St. 78-8i) on the man who
1 vs. llalolsro's, 30.4 S,oiilli Slate St.,
is th exestlive inth Ie city Is 1iiiv bao-
ners penans, illw cvrs aid skieldls.
\n ofitvgodlli ~ s are factxory iiade ore.isv 11.11 1,OWN C.
made byks iliredbellt. I miake tip all I --
ii nsole and olthor'kmnoslip is tto Seni ooustail firi'C''''
So)t, 10c i5eopiv. X'Wioiners. IMoag's. \\'e have dloneixerv
- ____- ilug since 188. I-Ile'
?Michigatn pitis, fobs, and spoons, itt 2i6 S. M0aini St.
nosy atod exclusive designs, at Halter's --- -
Jeivelvy Stove, 216 S,.7Main St. roil-tf W9aiers' ioatsianI
75c. ICxiellerouti'lx'xs
Use Old Ettglishi floor oan. Bootht-- -
pitoties 237. C. It. Major & Co. coiltfC(LASS TI, 9718
So' (atirs. 83c; groat. I itg s roe,." - --- ..
--- ________Fadstsiliilsckwear Io
1.'Iinxnioarbtoor Press, Press bnildioog, C'lothes Sho, 701in Si.
Moaynaurdl sireet, furtnishes soiietiig -= -_
news inodesigit all Ihe toniimeinlauieeando BAB AL ,,Siii 1 I,
Iaqut prorams. C'all and see. ('otsloiiiii'x.

liia d i lild
'1A 1, )h .
Ill and Tl'1' li j
J- c o t "le li-
t 9al1cl an
tin i i a oil(
{ M,(, 'dl ol
Jl l id .91ii'~a ):i
ar Ia i ,m )
ho doesn't
osee them0
o does knowv
'AN '. 1
loc' ~tl} l
91' ' '" t 1 _1


Yoou iwill teed thsem soon-
lDoo't pool off orderiotg them
unotil the last tombetnt.
Order Now
atnd voot will sotrely get Iloetos
ontt itte.
foir ((00 cards withplate-All
«xotit guaantteeol.
University Bookstore

these days

.911 Styli's (Now atnd Sec (ontd
IIa d a ro m oou $1.100 too )t101).0i0.
It liii 1000 I moaike ETR51A
1'i:TI '107 TS oGameocprlcsax
oGi rIa ,


How About the Summer Do You Want To Tern, LV N DON
Days ? Them Into Money?
We Isavx' theopoositionostthat. oill eoable yioto o i l Nai ,err0s _______________________
to wortk. W9e waxtl100 Student Canvassers tislsnaiosouo'vtoo iW )toiio iThe
Housekeeper witht a hig' pr'emtiumtsott', (tasod, eteanofviitale ' oi I. -iiitab a -
for tntor ot'ment. By writing now yon c0n0 fityoooro'ioicofo Ii ov, o nv .70 AILEY & EDMUNDS
con tnaske from $17.000 tot $30.iif per l et' kcl. P'or ilol !tuici'ol~Ii'x lloxh - v:t :
Supertintetndetnt of Agents. Itt
THE HOUSEKEEPER, Minneapolis, M [lnn.J 121 E AS 1' LIB:R'TX STREET
Ill15 5 0 i/ 6.hiNO the2 1,11;0s
We/ filso11110 91 a
Ever NtiedOunWndwArnold_______
If iiot, you will tnake it a lointitl(Io (0(h0 1I,,t
tine yso are ino our neighbhstoood? T"wo Newy
It,' will pay yout, weI Brownie
Here. a picture of siteNo 3 Special

Itfice Suoplies
Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer
In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote
following prices on high grade goods:
100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1.19
5001 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper m - $4.79 $
Anysweigt 8tO1-20x 11or8 1=2sx13, inblue, purleor black.
3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $1000
2 lDoz. High tirade Typewriter Ribbons a $7.00 Fraymcie nprlbu rbak oyo eod
Above quotations for delivery throughout United States.
Factory Rebuilt Typewriters
OLI VER, No. 3 JlodeI, $25 to $35
SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34
REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36
Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre=
writers sold by us guaranteed for one year.

of the WALK OVER shoes
its or window. Conie and
see how ituelchbelter Ithe
stone looks thain the picture.
$3.50, $4.00

Womansu ns.aMet a a
Blecher Te, Pumpntodst
Pri.ce = ._ - $0).5

R. R.LUer%& adB13-lb
S h'.tta.- - $11.00
No. 3 A
P~ost Car-d Sixe., $10.00
8 Dlffereent Brow isls
i.'. osrws,1down
$1.00) to $11.00
13. 13. CALKINS
324 Soutth State Street

wn wro, 6

121 WasbilangoE. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props.

Phone 5918

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