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June 04, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-06-04

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duati S ft REYER
Before you buy one
If we can not fit you we will mLke1911 Wsigo
them to order.G.JBU , Vg.
RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 1 Yon Wil a Siue assortmuent of
Mo.Sain and Huron St. Poe38,Srngs. SialCo le~ti n
The ick of all the finest Sidn n
Perfumes art' in tor stock. Noth- Miss Hunts Recital. CALENDAR ote cit s
ing lo)ud Nohing that shows e iE
lad taste. You cannot mukeeia Miss Nor a Bunt gave her raela-
mistake iftsyou boy our Per- Ilionrecial lai eeningigt lirieM- June :IExamintilions lbegin iv
fumes of u, because we haven't usefl hal and hosed Ike cncettl- June Ii Norhoesern ss. Michigan R i i E
any bad ones. ios swork she lons very evdenltly beecu
dourin lt' hlool of Miusc. 11r SI N O01' 'fE REI) RAVE 1N. 217 S. Fourth St.
CALKNS' PHARMACY. voice is a heavcy conralt of a rich A1lo-uliful electric ign advertisting FgAIIINtl A SPECIALTY.
324 S. la~n ~. qulity He r enuncttion vv s ieasl. li t-t ils i s11ts
324 S.State t. RedRaveteplitsinng Danko.
l~aik & Ed iunds "IStaiindsee'lsttigellndteuit ii
gF Itlrtitral it- ft'telttg. T'etie Iritt O tieone of isnet ut tMtat s to itDR C O
do0 ltl fataic'" Iy Vet di wts reittered vvh ltt' rilt'vsas, sid: : e Rv w J Boon Jo V Sechan
oilt tgttttt deal Oif t'trnetslt'ttness lttI'ndt t inWmArnod iE VC Vauhan
F DECOR~ATINUi xrsit. ft eetiisasiill i ItD lt int ottile11s i-tlt-tislit"l o Ko(ich Prof H S Carbart
12 a t L be t t tt t a ih t lt an sot ha i t~tilt W oe fi his .1salse I ttttl te lt pii Fr aPilaziss istiantt MaSrplsin5,05
esitt l ly pIi i ng ititn- acio nttit i ts ' t ili tilte r l uplyti e d Rali e pl Isit- rane udrth enrlnatngLw
verty f tne ffet. n hnd eca e ily nstin s ellm cc T e p rotits, hpo n els xcange
the 11cudiannilni5 wee launeht 't, 1 tv-e and f ttsI titil iti ge uS thpi e Ct ies 01 th U ntie S iatnao .
full-sptay'-bedsspun properavis, theatler
I II51 111. ietL lui Ittled byini ot e t I ittsirnit iittit slerg lts is ndrne thGen a
li is i tti-i tiiiRe,-it -.tiltiii ti liaR ii S l redec st s byharia n dsellck. ar-.; ge
Clue tt-Peabody neglige ei cpdiue ecAlwh tv eaeIknwfitiltrdhaigHrrmniere. ..Fiz.Cae.
"Shirts are made first for com-no11t 51 iive it Iw idt el ti x f Si0 tilce tnts, ilsed trll sott isfiiel. still Ii('suit to
fort, but style and elegance ofNsi-illilatis'e i pay t' ittiiir f tis -Ilv urn itrimote. 'liii' tilt iii iofI fhio enl r i inao
material arei-ntthemltoo.itt-ti'fliiiRed.Iit huh I plIUs overIforeign bitter
maeilaei5hmtO NII, rterntentiiilrely i its mist isDirect Line
Cluet Shirt, $.jo up lIsiS . n cltt.tin( I t -cl i -~i' it i ii ii
Monarch Shirts, $i.oo up - M. W0iS)tWARDl ic niut ti lulidI ntitiel are JO1LLO JO (OLUNBUS
iOluett, Peabody & Co. --AMBIERIS OI- bltit, inyth ti g lasstbeo v tr arslr arsailtrain.
t'itfAFE tinttcd arlitely f Itol i. it :in ideaIwriel( fir tllci-i-tesot' f
rou isf fir Ios-kiesping. Hecatcd. airt rade. .,Y .A & J. RY Standar Tip
:0,)7_Annstreet For Dioit half hourly from 6:15 a.
OPEN DAY ANDe NIGHT. 'CheEMINilgATURDAY EVENINstill1gee1cc- :)r Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a.
COME N SAURDA EVEING.det rodiii teies west duering in' and 14 a. m. For Jackson oury
WT. C. BINDER, Prop. And ear our popular music played. Juiin eithi return lmit Oct. 31. Round from 6: a. m. until ':15 p. i. Then
120 E Huron St All the latest selections from the light trill r-tt' froimi 'Itt-tgo to Denver at 9:15 pm. and 1115 p. m,.
operas In stock. (olorttoitSrings sld Pu-blo, $3000: Waitii room Huron St., W. of ain,
Zachian fl ri ANN ARBOR MUSIC COMPANY, Stlt Like ity andtlOgden, $300;
Ld flfl ruru 209-211 East Washington St. Co crfNt-tv coo 4.8;st AN ARBOR RAILROAD
DEALER IN Expert repairing of jewelry at ducedl rates, one wvay andil round trip. rleseAnAbrb eta na
Fresh and Salt !'eats. HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. Iso ler poits iquhe at local ticket a~an aeAnAbrb eta tn
________ office. f Effective Oct. 2im sI.
607 E. William St. All kinds of Artst and Photog- SCTH____ NORTH
raphers' supplies. Cushing's Pharm- Fresh Allegretrn coocaatee at Ouh-
C~tt F n r a ¢f Q a~y. lg's Pharmacy. No .:0 A. Y. Ns. .- 9t00 A. M.
BUY YOUR N~o 2.-83A.M O . .: 5 . N. a.- 4t6&P. .
~tBONSDU TR.Prizes given each day. 707 N. University Ave. Tranal. t, 4 band 6dalyexept Sunday
Crner Main and Huron Strees Q W. T. WILLS, Agent
____________________________ J. J. KIW, G. P. A.
lock repairing, key fitting When you put your pipe MIIGAN CENTRALi
Knve shears, razors and aside light up a MOGUL Cig
skhsles grud arette You'll be surprised at - 116iar~gara Fals Rut.."
GERond.INWRKDOE hea delightfulness of t he THE S9)RT LINE-.
Wil. . WrNG[R, 113 E. Liberty Street change. MOGULS are the AIN ARBOR TO
/_______________ real things in the cigarete HOAGO
Pillws nd Bnnes -line.
Pilw n anr Try one for a litle change. BUFFALO
AT Ten for 15c. AND BOSTON
DARLING & MALLEAUX'S Alain and Cork Tip. Withdttconnectons at lrtcgo for St
Fancy Goods and NotionStore. F C i ySat Pandlrugl ctelaWant.
Fancy oods nd Noion Sore. s Fr te W. W. ASE.houh Aetsaon ror
Cor. State and Liberty St. wieW .CSAet n ro
Single admission 50c, $ 1.00 An-essentia1 part of your college equipment is a Tick;, entire course $l.o
Stdets LitoeAssocination [ickt1h*I
The Association selns tickets, not to "make money," but to be able to hring. to the Watch this spac for S. L. A. an-
University ,f Michigan the greatest orators, lectuirers and entertainers of the world. All nucm;addts
money is returned to the student in the form of lectures. onee addts
A I'XVA RD'S. Spring of '03 Woolens have arived contain-
ing prettiest line of Iiome=Spns ever shown

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