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June 04, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-06-04

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nrinrr TlE IJ. O N.DAILY 2lt7tll itpoicy:l oll 4 ' o
sIJIIII1 _ _____fth_ I )lily trle ln,'i Popular Priced
EnItered as ilt a I t O' ittr t Ann Arbo) \-owt~1i , tlt t ris tlt:It0:1 h
Pobt ~r~ie. pper illt)' tr li ~liil (~iy- - ';illo teivrsit ,l l;!11 i i; Tennis Rackets
ii nounceiiieii~uliseddaily IMoiit.s excepted)' durtiii''tt Tes
Tthe litrgeslttidimosiMANAGING EDITOR, tl) l+ t i it 't'' i ountrv and r l~rtt
cotptttep i ne ofCtEARLE I. HOUSTON. '03. ,l t llcorrect in weight ad model.
BUSINESS lANAG'8, Ill'11itlielil'iil th ii 11)orI I ongwood-wei lllaticediframe
ROSCOE B.JiIUSTON, ''04f. I "itt' 0 lu~tof tthite ash,svalnttthroat
EDITORS, t il lw vl }i 5 I t ).leli ,!_tl~ atnd chetkered Ihandile, it strung
Athiot)itt e qulality' of gtt$3.50
Assignmet Editor :"'ittofitt .l .ish, ]totlfy'throat, stra "' with
Rlph.l lt y,'ii 1,i. a Ifodqtliity of 'red tttdwhite
intAitit Ar bor il b ie foil it~idGENERAL 'NEW'$2.7
It r.I1.i lidi ck(, s10 O 1 11Is.'.'h etiHut i i20' Iiuh-The hest low p :ri ctcet
L. a shingtn Ura
Ittt i IV ittI It kI I C Iit, 't3. Ia Ilct. il, ills"51 ,'.) ltill' ):iit C 'I:! I )'Jl l~lil±it '1 rect Itatitlie. . . .. $2.00
Ill ilt)..a, fot t~ls'elil ~ltsliott, 'l''le ails 5,0511ilm i40''L3
TT fl1 Baker, '(9, .Icaheits Niie II ii iiil' Ci ll:)l1 llti I ld lln w ATr'ilEt~lel
theJ lec iooalSilt I'nft':g'Tke, 9...ill till'., ;.a .
V YfIJ jI ' ilt'itts p'ilt lii tt'ftt'iy; s , WAU fI'thBOOKIO-er iES5rak
Eng'', ravsr ,&oed-lling l. 111r1oi ' ti ii. lforl))i r]) h
- t^ :)' 1):l1? r.l II.,i I lt.'.' Ii', , itill 'lilt iiii etsica'ipb ll, P ini), eic
c i ngs for_______this_ Seta'itlll't'tt8,i'itnt't it s o
1 ,o t h s Ht' ill)' li v . ttii s t l) lit-
L itic i n 1,iti y ttidfic . N . 1 o u h ti D itIl: c of t e . t t .1 1 < I n l it C 0 M t n S .TIo e N .7 .A
Prc ftr 00c'tras atd colpe' hti m it I usI ivlii' ill)) if i'st ll 1 tc' tOPit'. t ft is 'sp' o! a i says;1
Oteitttinotrth'it cltrhficetetiututpp.tel.,co
pro pty l r ueii' vo yre o ttt r m t t''l i lt iso t) . '' n a lrioi ri r s Iitll i Iu ll .it li tt'i' 111. "l(]II1
'liis uctt'oiiii. g llt i it I I
Is tits ttt itiitbit it 1. il i l the'day rvotoI t _-iiotti a te A l ra s M d
Cart totit tatt toiit il whichteietos i ap'pear. 'li- E ~ oo " AU so ke p r
ersite sy ul ,h Ilion :Hill ot it
t - g ?t a 'e-r? tt i s Oobr:1I (':;ltltI \+ itc ijolttt 1ft
I t'ii sttrhIaliil'lrl i l it s. F ri- t eil" ,'Istn -ilto lest book-; .E C RT N MC o
tEsN 0h atltttc s h ih rs ilu t r t r. B(xe28 , hirl y, M ass
320 S. 5late :ul ohe lcrtieStai
When in need of a
buy the
AN A a e #el8"1
I he Pen we guarantee'to
give" ptriect satisfaction
.OKSTOR$ -s.
II: M "ain Street and corner of Sta te and Liberty Streets
Imnproied lDaiitly EpessServtSi'e(hor)twe
Leave DETROIT Daily .. 4.00 P. MI.
Arrive at BUFFALO " 8.00 A.,NI.
Leave BUFFALO Daily .. 5.30 P.MN.
Arrive at DETROIT " " . 7.00 A. NI.
C'onnectingwthEris'tiitraiinfoall int iniNEW
Through icketstsolddtCalelIpint.Send Sa. foat ilas-
traed pamphts andelrates..
Rata betwei roit anind Butalotn$6.50 one way,
56.50 'tiundtCip. Brths,$1.00, $1.50; 5t..eoozl.
$'a.5o eeShdirection. Week end Excioins tBuffaio
and Niageaa Fll..
eiFyu riwp gent will not soil you a
thoungtitileat. pteane btiy a local
ticket itBtffala nr Det roit, aiid pay you~r
transfer chargsfo depodttnowharf'. Sy
idointg ttis we wilt save you $3.00 to Snety
poinitFastnor Ws't.
A. A. SNTrZ, . . .M., iDetroit, AMich.
clasa os
Service ' Lizt
Safety., '' .. - Points
Speed - s~
ptin t eostit"''ve iatt'.;I "a'lIt'1t:t30
p. it. Doblh' daily "i-ri 5 1)5 ltiig
11'ot'Makia,w lamh.z, oit DuIttt
andallpoits ort. laveDetroit
i ter ti ll ti 1)11 I i S itI
A £ 2I ~ 410'0t t
'Varsity Hats at oo

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