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June 04, 1904 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1904-06-04

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f##f f~fN Nf ff~fffO THE MICHIGAN DAILY supreme officers for their efficient ser-
* vice and unselfish devotion to the for-
0 UW il Conmpnyn ZE: nd a s seond closs ow m ali1t.the :Asn thering of the best interests and high-
* sH 111 Arboer hostd (ititeeat ideals of she Sinfonia.
®I Publised daiely lvioudaehceptrid) du rium le Whereas: It haasbeen the privilege
coleg yerat117E.11ashiitoi sretof the Sinfonia nationsl convention to
*Leading Merchant Tailors assibleger yxrcrss an heigou1d
(baeent foo er, side int r) 'h 1l.ose 8()20.-3rasebefrxrcesothgond
-- of the University of Michigan,
__________ _____MANAGING EDITOR: Therefore be it resolved, -That we
Z .EMORY TIIOlAON express our thanks and appreciation
f BUSINESS MANAGER: to this great institution for all courts-
SPRING WOO[NS 1R0SCOE It HUSTON sies slsown to the Sinfonia Convention
AhIt'- EDITORS :of 1904.
Trousers. Full dress suits a C - AwsTS J . AE GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES.
tspecialty. Let us show you Clod Stevenson, Rlinelhes,
4A. ill.Oraver, Hlenry P'. Erwin The stndents at Wisconsin expressed
our Loudou Serges, London A. C. Pound. A. 11. tlrtaisyr. their dissapproval by hissing Presi-
Chvos Scotcls Mixtures, Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddard S. More. dent Vantiese recently, when ho an-
Ch'os Ida M. irowerig... I. Waite Jayne. nounced that the semester examina-
jKiloweus, Blarneys, High- Ge. A. Oshors. Harold C. OSith. tion would be held as usual. The sfu-
lad dnu s Drum- larry 11. Andrews' Thus. A. Slims. dents expected that on account of the
g ladEinugs Thomss13. ioherts. Clyde L. Dew.
toclty's, MeGugors, Loudou aUSuNESaSaTAFF: Jubilee celebration no examination
au t sdew Fanl, C. A. TIhomsn. ito. Itld rwold ise heldI.
andSt Adrw Fanel, . S. KEehlitz. 11. I:. Latosette.-
llcs3j. I. Deltay. IThos. L . Velsele. One and a halt miles of chalk; is
4Loudou Cassisiscres or Aluier- Msa- Filelstuils
icauSergs. Peasecallasidseeused each year on the lblackrds c(of
leanSeres.Plese allandsee Editor Today-HARRY H. AN'DREWS lh- iniversity of Indiana; $13.02 wao
teened fo~r*chalkt, huying 19,1)20
_________________________________scicks. Al these osall otickosmotd-
_suisecripiios Two Doltars per orar, payae in
S ~~advance. Cf dclinquent afier Nor. 1,.29(), $2.5e edl into a big stirckswouldl produce "a
f stick one and a halt mileo losg.
G. H Wid uoipayt Office Sears: -12:3 to 139and 6:30 Is 7:30 B isn h
y~~~~~~~~~ Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTONS, Business M~an-rmpnoYlmehaedsvrd
108 1[. WASHINGTON STREET. * acer, 331 Packard Street,. scopnewalemcoong he dsI.overeo
Telepea, 41 nes a fsen h t oi
401ff N#O00A##-expoeitiosn free. Two companieswill
b~e formed to accompany lie regutlar
0+f~~fO~fif#f~iff®® i)litacry compsany. No sunifo:rms nor
O - an~y military du~ties will tie requ~iredt
~Ia~fIR 1UJ~11NS ~ ALENAR.of the civilian companies. The nigh~t
SEMiI ST DENSJi CAENDR.::hors are limited to 11:30p.in
- -I:June 4-3 p.nm. IBaseball Michligansvs. A beautlifuslsnare :fof lver andI gold
ores * Northwvestern:. waspresenl tdt: Yale :universityytby
Leave your odr now i:une 4-7:30 Altpha Nu: banquiet. 11e1be u:f ue the te Yale oralrfessos.Itroesitn is t:
for Jue11]: Ia.In3. lRec~il 1y- Mi. Erich i acult y. Thsemsce seas :deeigsne-d by
f see :on Ileeh::v:::s smusic tfor thu Tiffany & Co:., weighe 24 Ipoutndseandt
ENGRAVED thies lEgmnt:,"in 11o1111 t. is 17 inchee tong.
Theii S las aily Board lelnch for this MICHIGAN NEWS NOTES.
Stls ear wilt b lt1011at 12 nilock today_____
Script, Roman, Old English at. Oyster lay. A full attenidanice 0s The (1 of M. banid will give ancl iieii
® udesired lecause the managing editor
f From $1.25 to $3.00 y lotrliexti year iscto belectiwed at, this air conlcert, on Statestreetltlileve-
for mseetisng.niebgnn o
*100 Cards and Copper Platek Dr. Victor t. Vaughn left vesterdlay
*y SINFONIA RESOLUTIONS. for Atlantic Ciiy where he still at-
* 100 Cards from Plate, 75.____tend the meeting of the Ameriai
O Tholwn eoutoswr as 2dclAscain
*~~~~~~~~ edbthe ollonirasuton erepasMeialAson:in
Newlpine Cranes* 0byteinesil ovnin
'Whereas: We have assembiled at N. ('. Knapps of thle Litrary claw
FieSasionery* Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the invitation0 hareundtAnAbocir
3 __ * ~~~~~~~of the chapiter located there ati:aio~.M.Kepwil-a
* hrfreb ereovdelt atetededthe 1rInernaionl st Sn
#* Teefr o treovd That it is lay school 'feachers cionvi-ntioin d
S E H ' the arnse of tise convention to extend cllyhl nl-reeec
*the Epsilon Chapter is sinceriat __
21thaniks for its noble entertainsoent of The claec day exercises of the
*Usiversity B oeksrllers, Sta- Sthe delegates, coil Homeopelthic depiartmn-t iofthe (liii-
tihoners assd Engravers. * Furthermorc, We wcoulid express our versity will hbt- held* Friday. Jime: 17,
±deep appreciation of the cordiality of A. A. 110510e, t)resideteofitIhe grade-
* 320 South Stle Street. the reception: and the brothierlines dtng class, has issued fniciatiiins to
##* #1sa 1f#f0'®® w ihich lhne been snanifest I s al th1. il alumni cliiifrit-msofitthle college
*_S4A$Sg4U..,Sez.,-,'Ph,. noCue.-~n i

[or Second-
fland Text
Dooks of ali
Sole Leather e
-Steel Frames
jLinen and I M\ ~ \\
Leather Lined \\\N;
Sorong Brass Il\lf t u\
I Locks and II , - o
an all, shapes
from mi\i





The Ana Arbor Sayings Bank.
capisal y5i::I,. Ifo.uuJ. Surpluss.$17i,000.
ileiiiits e",,00.000oe
OFrs F lis i ts I M.Ilssetk Pres.;5W11)
Iurr il Yi i ice rs.:5..5 i setz.Cishier.
Cor. S. Univ. Ave. and s2th Street
Telephlone 151.

hbee iet nseeosion in Ann arbior
from May 18 to May 20, for business
and entertainnment
Therefore he it resolved. 'That for
the hind and generoua rep~ort~s of said
convention, we are indebtedl in the
preso, and we would at thie time ex-
press our appreciation ofies conisider-
ate treatmnent of oiur Fraternsity.
Whereas: The past year hae been
characterized by a nierciful onward:
movement of stur beloved Fraternity
Therefore be it -resolveud, That see
express our gratitude to the retirinlg
At utte's 33 S.State$
310 state .iiU/L?
6ranger' .,
Office Hos..-s:
Mrle Beasger ill1be atsacademy office from
7to~ s o'clockioevenings loosept:ig Moniday.
From 9la . .m.n honee No.soiwil
reach him.

Alongo B. Minh, '04 Medic, ti-is just
wo01 a signal honor at Washington,
B. C., where0w le passed first place in
cai examination for 17. S. Navy cmr-
goon. Alinktosecuired first place (iver
fourteen oilier cntlestnts.liestill
re-ceii-e $1,000 a year.
The seniior law clase yeterday pre-
:seasted a goildtwatchi to Proif. Johin
Roso l as a tukenl of their esteem. Prof.
fRoodt repliiedl in a very appsropsriate
epeech o:f acceptance.

Gotdspeed & Son
hi S.,Mali:
" Be fair to your
face." Use Williams'
Slaavinag Soap.
Sold in Shlaving Sticlks, Tablets, Etc.

* vooeooooaoaooo.o.oooosaooooa.eea.aea.aoao.oaaoaooo..
MDEAN 5M. 5I7AIOLT, SManager

Neat Feet
are thelegsthat wer
The garereesIneT-tat-sean-that
P..s.Thelfamous Brightonnfatrclsp
can't possibly catch-or fray the ohling-
maekes this garlersimpeh, scuread abso-
lutely comfortale. ledad seoe piere
pue silk web with niceal trimmings thinS
canniot ruorerub. Price nyssc.astoraes
orby mail. Ge he v eOe,".
718 MarketStr5ee~t, Philalslphia.
Makers,5ofePione Sspeder..

i" r4a 0*+oa t4 s *444" fs4s 4o*H444444®®®*i


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