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January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY JANUARY 24, 1901. No 8 An o nc m nt TRACK( TEAM MEN MEET Western College Athletes May Cor- THE MAY FESTIVAL pete at Pa-Amsrican Exposition Our special line A Good Number of Candidates Turn Prof.Stanley Has Completed the List unOut and Listen to Talks by Di- logs 1111rkmvetla ie s of rrate wefit stal of-Artists-Some Old Favorites Of foreign and rector Fitzpatrick, Capt. aaiara'frI'anz' and New Singers Will Be...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERISITY UY MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Monadays exoeptedlderiag Colee year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAtIN OFFICE BRANICH OFFIE Argas Hidg, Hale St. 336 S. State Street. Hath 'Phoaes t3. New State 'Phone 183. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANSt, 01 BUSINESS MANAGEiR, F. EGaELHottt,'0it L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. 5L. llctrs;T, 'Si E A.H.McDeOALL,Ot1E. AZ.A. KNi:;es, 01 L MISS tL, K. SA33INE'03 CAbs. DOoeaK.01 E.H. WSIIIOW,'0 W. P. C...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…}THE UNIVERSITT OF MICHIGAN DAILL a iii iY iii iii opi iii iii i iii iii iii W iii iii iii iii iii iii iii >Y iir iii i, iii iii ' .i1 : EFEfEfriE:E:E:f'FE:E:E' E fr: :EEEfr:fr.£ FE : 1E: FF : ir.EE:FEEfr:F E r.E E:IEfEI'rfe:E:E=9E:frtr8r. : rE E :E :Sr9r. :e: F:E : :E:1 W 63c Shi*rt Sale En If you are going to cbose from some of the shirts in the dilly-daily. BUY TODAY. The way these. shirts are g there won't be many days 'tween [low and...…

January 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY PSTE3R BOARD SIZE 30 x 40 Burchf ield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ARTI5TIC LLT A I1 ECflANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to You, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron Red. egreen COLORS Grayw Black EXHNEYour Oil Lamps For "Ann EXHNEArbor" Matoh fGenerators GASOLINE LAMPS Brilug in N our old ones ood let as make you an ...…

February 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…Ebe A&V o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHl., SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19D1. No 1O9 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic' FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sortment in the city, 6. H. WILD CO.' io8 E. Washington St. t TER COLOR OUTFITS AT WILDER 'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE R. E. Jolly, 308 S. Sate Street. NOTHING LIKE THIitI Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips ...…

February 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF M#.UM(IrA DAILY. U FOTE _PH AGAIN RAIN OR SHILNE~ ____________________ [Continiued from First ieee. j irhe 1"00' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Pesbtishnd Daiy(M ossancepindideeteg ttie 4tiiiig' class made the s(,-oid awsilt AN-ar when U e weather is sncer- - = ConlegesTear, t third points in Che pote saniC, the re- taie n \ 1itte taintdoesn't hurt it ' THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN si'aiiiter of theiitaees is these two while it aif...…

February 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIL Y t k E* EFFF rEEFEFEFI~~g c**f~~ecCi.*rr e r 9fFF pr*wtflk Shi'rt Waist Patterns Our spring and summer line of imported Shirt Waist, Patterns for ladies is here and awaits your inspection -- 1000 patterns -- no two alike. You're invited to call white the assortment is large....... (~OODSPEED'S * - 117 MAIN STREET Mt 4' 4% M 4' !4% 4' 4' Michigan "The JOSEPH DOHMANN Mihgn CentralLI T INA RY RM Y MANDOLIN5 & G...…

February 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OFi MICHIGAN DAILY POPULAR BOOKS CLOTH IBINDIING 25c. EACH BLACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor Ilizabethand ter German~arden An English Woman's LoveLetters Boks Everybody are Reading and Takin Abut. , ulny Adams Sawyer and Masons Cr der Talks. §Ierod by Stephen sPhiliips. 1'AsglonIEnglish and French edition. Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You cdo get a ahO1T LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 338S Smth Stae St. Prined ectresforall depart- msents of...…

March 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…44..'4.+4* *HH~ 4.. + 4. 44.44.4..4.. 4. + +, f. i^<11 f 7 4. T 4.i r4 '44 44i.- ,, ~.4. .4 ____ __ ___ --+44.44.4 n n ' V v S ' ,0 f .. ""°' CC/ I ' O £ - , qjr r," c w1 ."r r r. J r7. I m " .f f j. c o -o CI T Co :i7Q lei, Amon J --, ' .y l T: f- .. ,y - 'J. f : ' - - 77 0 f >I -J-. , f f t' 7i ;.. -- .. ''-i. ci cc ,..; .- J_ . 'f. 1. .-. y J_ . _ ^ ,JV ,. f. ' --" i f j ". ca I r . - _ C - it.f , ., %- rt-, ~% r ~ ...…

March 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a 1 a~~~evs-ITT iiit.IRAN O SH F A~1J ~ jsAi htenti-e -spu ut seint rode- thn e i('iiilt(i I OFt iiti siuts T ~ he ''00''$3.00 Shoe is the shoe Publiished Dily(I ti~ss .ruptediiotssii t-- s-t i- to wear when the weather is uncer- College tear,- fiB i%. tin. A little rain doesn't hurt it i dsr i st We-i ha te'i THlE UNIVERSITY OF MsICIGAN l1 stitI t tisT i tl~esisy *rej while it affords plenty of comfort on N...…

March 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF -AllCIllGAN- )3Ll LA I S' SRNGH T Now Ready for Inspection and SAILORSr SHIRT WAIST PATTERNS EXCLUS-V1000 Styles, no two alike G 117INMAN STRIEET' ,AA~HFLSROUTE U r IMa'm TAI L fmo in 90 THlE SHOR1T LINE-__ ' SheereMsi tr + SPRING IMPORTATIONS have artS~aeel uscSoe ANN ARBOR TO0 rived and are ready for inspection ° 11 W. Liberty St., Annr Ai Mich CHICALoDental Gold BUFFALOREK B4 We sell dental gold and solders. NEW ORKNRY...…

March 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…TP.E UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY SPECIAL SA LE M AICHIGAN SCI3SCRIPTIONv ONE WEEK ,NLY BOr130K AGSNCY SWriting Paper For Energeti c IN W TE ytepudat 25c R Azure antd (ream nWovr s nvle s 01 toIl POSTER BOARD, born m ® PHOTO M' UNTS. Over First National lBair, TYPEWRITER SUP93LIES. __- Sheehan &Co (j 'Oyster Cockal 30SSTT STET S oAL.You can get a I - o tat ugy 'eliiig AT 1enitc erg tbe tIoty r pbct.o Printed tentueres for alt depart- ii- tt ...…

April 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…Ain wr 00' n r; VOnL. XI. ANN AR1113R, MICH., W EDN ES DAY, APRIL 24, 1901,Nu. i1o ....Our Special Line of.... COACH SEXTON COMMENTS New Gradluation R-quirements. NO MORE HAIR CUTTING bore n ad Do esti 'l'fe f~tily hed meetinllo st ovenh- Foegn nDmstcOn Spring Trip-More Fighting Spirit j One Sophunlore is Brought Up on the Nee-CiaoG eShould:..:. uo~ ~Carpet For Scalping-Underclass- AB I. Have BeenWon-TTan d il was ()t men Save 1-inm From Ex...…

April 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…2 'THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .u. J ®Base Ball Practice Irnprovts P tttisbed Daiily (Monitdays esiet. tdldttt' o Iye"terday a fterc oo iithe 1asebaoll Cell eee, at 111(1 1 titte goiiie Nvith httltfeet. THIEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN t~l~ttt'tctithe lieitt WOO ritlieV inttdt. MI tsiOFFICE. BRANCH OFF''ttICE ite or thte Cit thetti(' t t Wt Iottic' fora Argotstitt1g,-Itait St. 336 S. State Street. Bosb 'Phoiies 13. Nest State '"Phone 182. t...…

April 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…TIJJ ,UNIYERITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY,. WI m'qDSOR TIES 4 That can be tied as Four-in-hand or Ascot. .r Really three ties in one. The latest idea in y neckwear. They're of the most :beautiful and elegant effects we've shown this season. 4'4 OODSPEED'S 4 Gw1 MI SRE Micbizan Central !NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON With direct connections at Cbicago for St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Paul and th...…

April 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY O]l MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS IXX -lawnI, by DrummondXX.OX Ec << 1 'XX' a Story of the Main tOII, Xiy Chiarles ('1XXkX.'Munn. c F'i +.!ii l 5 i~'niig Aiair. by A. Ma aX- .1 t1 arbour'. 37he- Xi ailsof El~li.'tIX, by ElinXor Lie.XIof Sarahii, I y iorgc- AXIXIXI by Braidy. iLve L etI'LXtersXOofthlIe IKing. by l_,o C" ieX1IX.'XX. T'in' LXXz!YJLetters or 'XVictor'Ituoil. You can get a HOT LUANCHF ATLS 'Thesis Work e..(coothesis 'wor...…

May 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…AAn .\ t, Ak-, A M 1 e 0 ILA V'OL. X-AINN ARBOR, AlICH. BI DAY. MAY 24 1901 N,. 0,( ...Or Special Line of....I COOLEY WILL BE TOASTED Another Game Lost by Michigan MEDICS WLL PLAY oreign andDoinesascpnnualdObsevance of to«Deyh yrt 1 "'l at Athletic Beard and All Medical Clas- yj ii Lawo-1at qoor eTo igi11 - Co1r-n o- 1(1 M.iI-iit 1 ;rt lost. ne5 Reach an Agreement - Full pletc it tof the icasts- Brtont-ttilt he iio lt n111In the Text of A...…

May 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…>. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publihed Dily (Mod1y13 n. Ptdteerig FIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 31A6't O0IC- IlocoOomil Arens Bldg, LainSt - 336S0. tte street. Both 'Phoneso 13. Ne 'stae 'Phone 182. M~ANAGNJ EDITOR, -- . H. 11.66, '01 RUSINESS MANAGER, ;<. EGLHnol,'01 L - EDITORS: A..McDOOGoL.,'0E. G. D. loltJT, '0113 MsL,K. SSIN'03 W. A.KIGTt,'01 L 1. H. WooDtow,'04 W. P. CntoloEo,'01 L - W. A. BNScooce., '03 E. . HOSON, '03 Aoi. Pet66....…

May 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…7FE UNITFFSITY OF 1ttl(FIGA1 UB1LY,. 3 t e ' e-cr 'r £ c r e:: Frri: IJIE IJ NIVE FSITY v .OF VhBIGAN D=r AIL Y. 3 e: : r~E r 3: rr: ' : g° E:Er : le ii c1't 'fie tiii sii vY+ iii aAi i tiii iii tiir iii oii aii ° i Q4i chi c 'r cii fir pii oii iYy . SPRING NEGLIGEES Madr Cords Plain Made dome! as, Cheviots and Bedford in oxblood, helio and blue 4 white with plated front. 4 of the best imported and 4 00 stic materials %V'0 * x 4' 75c to ...…

May 24, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…TE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY . r Jerseys We have thereonrtall kings of combination of coloralsornkeitit them to order for dosxus teases ini nnty colors selected, with numer- ala, letters or mootgramiaat cub rates. Caps We also make class;;Ccalls1t order with any monogratm design sub- mitted. Sheehan Co.8 UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLV R,- 320 South State Street *You can get a HOT LU.NCHl AT TUTTLE'S eta oatt States. TV PEW RITERSw For Rent. For Sa...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…,14 . , "J( DAI-ft EW r T-i i-A ANN 1A1BO1, MICHI., TUESDA. -.'4ITEMllER'd 04lI!,01 Io REGULAR PRACTICE BEGIN. t oach Yot nd His (harges { eed~ an Ox.1.ioH oH Rpx n i eld. 1 xliii xx()Hit pusLille" id 1 000t. xxx Noxi 1ii' fn; Lxxxiii xx I' xxC:-11Y A SAD A CDENT G4 J. Mi x xx~c HFlostei ix I l 111. L xi i to rl xJ . _ 11 j1( ? .{iir 11 "fI ;t l l t l xxx I ix xii " ] -i l 1 111 , li . 1 t~t:1 t xxi i+ '=.I. .':t t ll ~ ti( Il ~ tl' i 'iix +1....…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY NEWS WILD & 60.11DAIL - ,EWS LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE I 3 1 l IIr . is the best we have ever shoxx n, 133 tlir l l ,jii co iitaiiif ii 4<I i:r > tI~ i Il, :+11; . i A LL ITH EMi r ir,,I. ll: r !;Ilf :r ,l' Black and Bl ueW r \ r ;, 1r'q, fI i Styles, j4444 ~li~'4 and a very fine line of l ;! i'+31,3 l :i teri!lr' \ F a c san d T r o u s e r i n g s ' , ' v" t l' 1Ct,1 ,11 2- 31 3 l in the latest patterns, and color' '"...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MIICIIAN DAILY-NSEWS . i xx lxxII ,I a itI -'I.Ni . I-x ii)ivl t A l O~REiAT LECTURE COUJRSE I4;-il t]Il0:vlt THE STUDENT'S' LECTURE ASSOCIATION READY WITH ITS SEASON 11i;1 1tiii alx1111 ftl( r lts ANNOUNCEMENTS. femitIxlvv1 I liii- 11ci-i I f ,14 1:ix )',1I' i :ii -(It liii- e'ii1i1--4 xx tt-i Post-mastei General Smith, Wattersoll, Wendiing, Max ORell and Ten Others ilxupixei litSix xxxt1i N-txx ls Securied. Ceveland, Beveiidge and Wu Tin...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THEL 'MIC1( ill AIkLYNEWS xxxi' ttl'e ix' lx' is h pis ru tii in ti;r .IS II I N IIt) l t '' lll'' ii : I ll' i Ih J 'fi4I 'Ti'l'sx'' xi llxy %r~ t i lIll ri l t o k i 11 " 'i It'I (it 'i) t~l~ ill ill III ot 1 t1't f~ l' I iif l t tl 3 N . l" I 0; ol' fi t I I'k "bill 'ri xl ll a c t " an i i- .I II w il' Ilx l atllis NI"'i iHl 1 q knownx. II1=hw 11 1'!I p Itt? W i lit)'. I RI Ix is er X I t;I ,i 11 ii k l"Pi i to loo of il'' ix t 1ii , if w1...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…THE M1CIIIGVAN DAILY--NEWS + thot we oui. to that would tend to idedita o to bloss- + ~ STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES,.+' (f woul b'eit to Ii>0ntrodce yxoiuto a mtans Iho has wore them. ++c + sWesannot commaond the laguae with which to t 'i yollhcw ++ +ahse cloties ate. 'Th e xkar attach their ohbel he- .'+ + o + heas h tltPcoatit or o;, their coats, and tilia re so) prod ot t heir c-p tic in, hot cot the sliphlte s t afct either oi stelec r+'" + fairic...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…TfIE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWVS Or+ + TlOILET.'lARTICLFES. FM I C F C 1 7 tI 1I_ I FSFOR '[HE F (iF 'it ItttFlh t 11t ic , '1 Fttt-ttF .. I },l i-tit - '. 1F ii - I 4[,- I !' *1* 11 r 1C' t7t it to ' l' ' Ci _t I itI ,t. . '''' ll l' +PIIA R M A CY tF'It'tFFF'MF.fli, il)FFF', 10oll rt ttitttF ; II t ,'F f<IF'l-4 ~+:~~:::iiii324 South State Street. + ENGNEES!BETTER TH/:MN EVER ENGINE R :.The SCHLEEDE 1 call save you front 11) to 255per Felt. l f ii o...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…- V771 F t i h ti ' v "r 7 1 " yC E' 'i Jt r ti '1 S j t v K .e 's e l V ¢ it #rY ,- A S , R : 1 S FIRST YEAR. AINN ARBOR, MICIi., THURSD~AY, OCTOBER 24 1901. No. 2 7 PLAYING FAST BALL. 1902 Wins. 7.110. Iiiiir lit, ninitni ol th lilionin. Chadwick, an Al-Fresh Linesman is y strda'yI f~e nrin a dird NTiitllin alt of I0011)111 atthl ' f iri ;otts iven aBerth on the iSubs- 114F11 11vWsNvl-( inthoe bijpliil by lthe Scores for His Teanm. ;IlniIlni...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICITIIAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf1IL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. '[he largest assortment in, the state. io i ahington St. Tuttu Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY S CAMPUS DRUG STORE. P. E. JOLLY'S lunches Are Better Than...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ++++++ +++++++++:+ P1+:+++++ +++++++ +4+++++ +.++g+++++1 ~u u n, a In 0oure nvinow,,and thenitaike a lInk illiothe atore 11d io inwnilSt a he lorge- In d elt + + iI II .:JII\-Ilocted -tnt k ofNew~A Fall Suits and Overcoats Inel n ihrol nd Cl hie:1,n + + I iIKE A 'LO K Thosit complete lineot Men's Furnishings and Hats in thi -ity. The+ stle Fn tsIn~II A111)\rkr for the teeh-hlrait YliSI AN Tl IU DE'lWEAlI. 21 \ N ' t A T...…

October 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…TtIE AMICHIGAN\DAI.LY-NEWS Euth inal 'loath Past; 20C . =- Packer's Tar Soap - - 20c + +Stuart's Dlyspepsia Tablets - s5c Toayflaltine - - 85c5 Peruna 80 S c . ICALKIS7"PHAM ACY 324 SO. STATE ST.a MILLER'S ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS LI NEN PAPER MICHIG.AN Let us show you the q~uality' we sell at 15 , 20 and z je a l1)t Bieing a tioecettitnit o the 1mo(st imoportantt statutes arra'u-(A and ANNOTATED) for thse use of Students. Our Playing Cards ar...…

November 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…htR8T YEA&. ANN ARBOR MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1901. No. 54 MICHIGAN IS CHAMPION, I c rlein roka left half. SiO ASOE. held them for owns. Ilerrntei made ket h eal<fthe game Nlirhl' OHLAS 5 yards strugt tee ter and then on 'ilml at Coatrihted almocst. Solet. late te ext play' te fumnbled the ball but Mhian Defeats the Plucky Mten Fromnt oat renalned in nlerine htads t1e T~eir Teanl Crippled by tie Loss of pickediIt nlt and made a gain before ...…

November 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THlE AMCI1R6AN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT If1IL0R8 OUR FALL LINE is the hest we have ever showtn, containfing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in fbe state. oSoWahngton St TAR SOAPS PACKER'S 20C SPANISH ROOT i15c Grandpa's Wonder 5 and 10c Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better lTnEe I have the ilargtsit-t k...…

November 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC~IIGA Nl3A1LI" ,EWS , 1011* + i-+ + + E-f +44-F-F F ++4 +4 4. ++ Thle Most GoulviuGiuu Tino ta Vcould do that would tend to induce you to lie STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES '47Ould he to introduce you to a tmant who has worn them. We cannot command tihe language with which to tell you how good there clothes are. The niakers attach their labe] be- neath the coat colar of their coats, aid they are so proud of theiir reiputation, that nout the slight...…

November 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE AMICHtIGAN [)LILYNEW~ r + V the atuly preptridfwhir a -strong" 'tch'ctiaa f !'A l tN lR & CO oatf nea foreign aad Aome'.th a o'ensfor the ap- TAILOR~S proachintg seasne. If youare onsideringagny- 133 South Main Stret thing fot wens wear, lotfs atlk it over with yan. I DROP A POSTAL ...Whl~tiidesiring information in the.... LAW BOOK LINE T_- - E BETTER THPf N EVER The SCHLEEDE TEMPOR RY RIND~ Opene flat. Aun aI ailly adjunst1ti0e ant; i~i" ...…

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