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January 24, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-24

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Published Daily (Monadays exoeptedlderiag
Colee year, at
Argas Hidg, Hale St. 336 S. State Street.
Hath 'Phoaes t3. New State 'Phone 183.
0. H. HANSt, 01
F. EGaELHottt,'0it L
ATHLETICS, - G. 5L. llctrs;T, 'Si E
A.H.McDeOALL,Ot1E. AZ.A. KNi:;es, 01 L
MISS tL, K. SA33INE'03 CAbs. DOoeaK.01
W. A. BENSCOTEe, '03 E. I. HOUSTON, '03
It is purpl-osed to have an AI-Amieri-
ea wseet betswee-ilthes victors of the
Western Intercollegiate- snd the East-
ern tIntercollegiate-contests. This lig
eventtAvilloccuri soon1aitelith le itter-
lot. At ally rate the I'llisersity will
to trepreseted tlh ii'ainiiAtrictiti
by a lar-ge- tiusil I of atihletes, hp-ob-
ale. fter maklintgsorcb a splendid
exhibition iat lith l0ysltiat:iaweits it
Pairis ltist soinite. lithe athiletes of
Ame~tricatn univirsities still lie aecouint-
id tiii, superiors if thie-aithletes o aiy
tither palet of the- Norld. A v'ictory at
St-e fll-Antlet-itati swillbI s itsretlil
Honor fot- the t-ollege-t-Milotse- colors the
v-itrot- swiars, its a sitoilar conquest at1
rige -,:"si-ntail iwtill Is- lissilule
for ia-: miversity entered because
theiosttoftransortationl osill Ih ee'
low ss icomnpatred swithithtei-tript to

Regents Fletcher and Kiefer Should
Be Re-elected I

As the regular time comes on for the
election of regents for the Univ-ersity
the friends of this institution look over
the field for the best material, for~it is
of great importance that the best men
he chosen.-
The terms of Hon. Frank Fletcher
sod Dr. Herman Kiefer are about to
end; therefore the question comes up as
to wehether to nominate them or to
select someone else. They have both
bieen regular attenidants at the meetings
of the board, enthusiastic for the wel-
fare of the University and its interests
-stromng, helpful men.
Front a political standpoint they are
popular mtent, who will command the
votes of the people. They represent
tswo important sections of the state-
-the. Fletcher. the northtern part of the
':ssver peninisula, svhere he has large
business itlerests, and Dr. Kiefer from
Detroit, the city which has always-
donte more f or the U. of M. than any
othter conmmutnity.
Notnesv men could come ne the board
andi do so muchel for the vast interests
thee- ut ireconsiderationt as Dr. Kioter
andu Mi. lFletchler. They htave been
tried anid tot foundiS soantinog in any
p~articlalr :is regards good busiest
Juldgmtll exp~erien:ce in large aflfairs
andtil highduals for the advancement
of Ilel:greateist of Miciligalto, treasures.
Dr. Iit-ft-c call be of immense advan-
tage- ti the Board of Begonia in the
petr settlemnt of the problems
growvinig out of the erection of Science
Hlalvli-h is the moot herded of any-
tilig ion thttettampus, while Mr. Fletchl-
er cani le if the greatest help in tile -
aesveatos of the University taking ,
chiartgieif forest retervations and re-
atoritig titber to thto state of wvhichi it
has b~eenlmonist denuded.
fromt every poinlt of views the colt-
cluisioni cat: only he reached that Dr.

S. L. A.

O ROS'I S Art Novelties,
They fit the feet..
THE They need no breaking LDecorations,
NE n..SHOE They are maodels of fine
FOR the . "" ar(~eps Frames, Poster Mounts
FR Tearthchaet ,WOMEN as well as the best.
Only sold toone retail-
er in each town...,. and all Art Supplies
212 S. Main- St. 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR

aParis. Kieher and1th l:. Frank Fletchteru . .. *
t is safe to say that liii contests a t Sld ieh t nr-toinated to carry on thiS John E. Young and His Merry Comic Opera Companry in
t::ore satisfacttory plani, thalt is for aei d arted foe to Dwell at Begents.1 e V1. T w o ~a g*a' b o n"ds
Olymipiani gamles Iltst year. ''heure- for- Last )light's offering toy the Yomig (RAANE
ig: mestthods held. Itt-re the( athlttes Ophtera Co. tragt"Lta Mascotte." The S-cate EMNE
uill eornpet(te huder rtulestso sohilt hiey t-omplany appteared to)letter adivantageop cate During Performance
itt- c ltcttoitit-t. Aitlld t-he rizes ittethantt hit tieviollso eteing andt vatiitt 55lt5
sure tobeit-:tagtiiiettt. swhiere-as at git--il a siry osanti ieruption. SIte hnt- MONDAY, JANU RY 2
tacit they so-re hardeuly ini acttrtd with sir of thious lahitr ehera 'was wecep- MISS SELMA HERMAN
Amert-icaniditeaus utf victry vlauurels," iotitlly swulhltrendered., Bat-hioffteR
tueig; pit-urle firames.tui aintinlgs, solutoshich-liere.failiarlteo thie antd!-I
et. tice t.h otltnttentcore. One fell- A Y U G W F
tutthet~ostts f llt-itltu ani tre Isi--of te e rrmancet-wits thia su-
Dr:. AWiliaiti T.. ttt-tultat: tp-otessorper-itor sitigitig tfthe thioruo, wichiett +hSretTete e ok
outs syst::: andt of ileetlo-thu-ru ilel- and1thm110e hreteItioutstiles. Ttie cono-T E D Y JN A Y 2
ties, r-eadt a paper etititled, --Ot t hiepily is tittuttu-uhe hlest that lois T E D Y'JN A Y 2
SkirmtishLi lne in: Netulology," it the iplayed iniinAit.rbuor ittuoputlttrprices MUKRY AND MACIK'S COMEDIANS
ieetinig of the iBrooklyns (N. Y.) Stui-it in any yeartis. ' lei 'Itro YVagabonds' IN
tty tor Neutrology hldecu Su. 27, 19001. tolligtti. _______ FN ErNS B L '
liere- is a git-t ii-ttiy o'it et situh-h Biest $3 hat nmatde is the Howard. OOOMAAAAA^AA-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
for dissee-tion iIhu tuhe ntichallotuu~- Watthams, Rtyanl & Retle, sole agents.
storuuy autu it it goinig lht - be uaserionus
dental studentsor tfu rni inhilroit Laundry Co. you will be convinced AT
thet yeiar. It is saidut hait 1teri tiiiit that you want no oiher. Agency 121 S.
iresenttbtit ibhoudiesfor the sbidtits. Slain.
wthereas.there- tgit t Ile ai least _________
tuntuinmes tuuhatbere otnts l. d Act Pictures for students' rooms, at E
seital 's Bookstore, 116 So. Alain St.
thle tJoht: E. Yountg Sttth- iui u)o. _________ --------___________________OE'
woil at~ : seeittiharugta::inttlinee i t
ttatuthr;i, itt2:3th1I. in.lii'h~e ices soill Chef td oeuvre d OE
be. tdutits, 3d cenlts, andtlchiltdretn, 10 i'Expositionl Universeile* i A .1* m
cetsi, toi lny part of(thiotuse. Thetstehnpir B BY~ i ~ -
huhgrutilliatintees have been vecry hhithith- WaIton, SagliO, and ChamApier~. * __
utOC wherever flits compatny has alp- ADDRESS,303 SOUTmH STATESRETR
hut-teed, and it is sate to say that every The publiesiers at this woelk eeceived the HIGH GRADE CIGARS, TOBIACCO AND CIGARETTES
one will turn Sut. The opera Saturday Grand Price sod Gold Medal at the Paris Ex-
efenoioilheteee ~nirpositionxhfor isexcellenice. Ati workeis sold on ElD AN D succESSORS O U TH
"Bohemnian Girl," and oilrequire ftSeo I9 TATE
entire strengthi of the tomupany. Redmond, Kerr & Go,,l L NQ w ROSENTHALER 3 2 TREET
CONTINUE RIGHST BY USING 41 Wall Street, New York r~ f~ l EETI ~sEChNADSPLE,
Royal Tigers, tOe; Tigerottes, 5C. 1,i* CHH*EECRS O NSTRCTIND ADS H ES,I
_________Trasacst a general banking business. ahntnSre. ARSISsiC GAo AND ELECTRIC FIxTUIoE&
Receive deposits sabletto deafth.Dnideads 207E.WsitoSre. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND GRATES.
ORATORSS, NOTtCE! and interest eolleeted and remitted. Ash as_
mmFiseal Agents tsr and negotiate the issue of
All those wh-1: intemud to compette i railroads, street railways, gas comtns ethc. We are headquarters for every thing in the line- of furnishings for
the chasoratorical contesssShould Seeurities bought and sold on commis o. suet'ros ildi lp nrbfr e.",t ebr e o --Ec ang.LMSOL.AS HT AK, SAE
the ecretary of flue Oratorical it 50(55- oEAL IN 'WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUJSPIDORS.
tion ghving; nameo, class anmd -subject of HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Oar Prices You (Will/ Always Find flue Lowest.-
orti- Lito urn feici-o aEpi voA 'o l1 . LR{YAI0 Secretsry, PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS.MA

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