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January 24, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-01-24

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An o nc m nt TRACK( TEAM MEN MEET Western College Athletes May Cor- THE MAY FESTIVAL
pete at Pa-Amsrican Exposition
Our special line A Good Number of Candidates Turn Prof.Stanley Has Completed the List
unOut and Listen to Talks by Di- logs 1111rkmvetla ie s of rrate wefit stal of-Artists-Some Old Favorites
Of foreign and rector Fitzpatrick, Capt. aaiara'frI'anz' and New Singers Will Be
domestic fabrics Hayes and Others ell epositn toaa belelad inki a aOloaaext Heard
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has -male to lhainn mgaa oaa mea~zlt ta'i of The Eighth aly festival will con-
arrived and is arranged for inspec ass igiat lamet trainthet itazz tiz aa inalessain t Cic aal r aato lstof five concerts, given zanaTiurs-
.ion. The ame careful attention laatrik adaaapa~t. IHayes ia Watermanaaa tlile aaatiaa o liaal la n aaaoaaeaday evening.Fsridy aternooss and
in ive tothestyes nd anih fnynaaaiunaata aicussnthe oaaiag nina as yea crrrazloaaaaanras lbaeearn ar-veazzzag.Saturdayafternoon and ven-
sngvntth stlsadfnsofsn aaacarase enthusasata. iea l aaaa n hisa nilc aaaaae at tala1,ag, May i, 17 and 0S. The Boston
every suit, whether to be ued for <t very large nunmber of maeaa taarnseaaadal aaaiaaiaainiaaaaslaeaa exteaaaed Festival oreastra will, cis zaisal, take
aut Besides the "10' snz of last to wvsteaoa aalletae. The( idea in tlaat part iaa all the Festival concerts. The
buinsspupse o fr ul res year's teanathere were Weerad thea' vastra acoallgasn, aabaoay shaall tallwing sloislave eezengaged:
occasion. Ieddlora of thefootall teams; Ufley, rcaaapeta' aaaaaaaaglheaaaelves anal tha sotran-lr. MaiensKnkel-Ziu-
\zflaszz t,,Ortbr Brret Stearn, anduisome 0 raepteaaiative eastaernaatletes nsaall narizaaz.
6. WI D CO~ atess1 large per ent of themare bladl iaalaat.rnina'soateveaits. Thea' laaatraatsifame. slaamazn-Heink -
Ii len;l uast frosms prep.sachoaol viat- viuaaa s of aarla aaantesshal zaeet t- .iss Fielding tRosele.
ro8b. Washington St. ries, geiaar aaaaaltSy tar thaz'chamzzianipaasliinTens-_1. Leva Aliaaaaz, _.
BieeeFitztatrik gavz iarnaizasqu aaftiSaaawhaal caauzatr. lleaaaz tal.
tI riesaaly talk ozn Sietrotects SoaniazASSlaheaaelieiag f thezallazaaagiangaaaanaa- izases-Sig. Cazpazaari, Mr. Gwiynz
nat lin igaificantsafnztescener: aazita'a llnthe a'Vitariaaalterp nia te ir. William A. Howland.
":Pis year offers neaw msazezafizbIet z'a'n'zaaiciazs fotazzaall fizze niea czlegas ' n 'zasl0 r. Aert Lockwood.
zihanzce to sakefizz'"'I' of ay yars SIzin a- az aztconfe raewr' lresant withia zlizist-Air. SBrard Strm.
lava' known. fizzeaexceptalionzaoatNrthwevsntern. Thzoe Viloancellist-Ai. Afredl Hoffmanaa.
W IT f y jiThereare only-our or Licea1atelt lrsntzzwoere' Henzr A. Btezla2\1Mizi1- .\tinztsons wondzerfuly dramatic
.ryns'Varsity-men aciazk. oand Siam gazl;A%Sot. rz lnn. Ciazgo; onzorao ionaEiah' azdiSulivan '' Gold-
zazzzy oazazt palcie nuzzzbeofhaillad. E.Pfe-ifer, Illiiaozis: Ruasha oButl oa; ez-zz ilzad. fzzwoel cotrastedl nwork
--at youa canzohanthyling at al. git SErnsa'iP. i-kazl. lzzzizaaa.AlredlI). anillaz- theapiniaal cizoral oferhgs.
outz. Weaita azkazanathlttizz ozizfMAlayaa. izanazia : lGeozgm Liald, Thtorwerzaz' woknkzazzit avey decided
P -A M I yous. Wiso-zzszindazazl.5IV. sel'naz. l'sz'ithinnn~iozznzihenalazttperfomedlhere,
sa Dont giv-a'uptzit yzouzdon't:zaerzzadke' Janum.y.17,196 wile the latter com-
thiistea m 5zzzStambesentaftfa (Chicago. .A temzozaryzaanorganaizationzzwoazaeffct- 5positznia hbaenzginzareeatedly at
InztheSazcal meaets wez'arenlilznns-n'n ezaal. HenryznAl. Ba teas ofa iicazza act- tie geaztfetivazl, btian zEnglaznzd
meznzzonlhr e fiz en i ne eizz vezzts; tiza' malis riazainurand a1a,.IP. tBiknellof anzd in tisincousnry, azinys aouszin
mzezz onill zoe to adoublenia zin izeacihIzdiazaasa a'la'..aza zazzil az'for ila' gzeatzst'nthuszizasm~tan. ft nwil laineth-
* a 5 a aai oazzl 'ave u-,zandzsac snilliavea'toaztalckefi a'Innzizg oathziva-onasitasiizzzz adfist ge'at oork ly anzzEnzglisha azzazz-
YOU KNOWT where o get.. 1 51partznseveral dantas. Dt ztget ak- bylaw os no-apo intediza nsi stzzziniag nat lstan-r h earzizArmArbo.rc.
a zzsszcal znotaevenzzit youzdo totat mak AV',Sott 5Br'ownzJohnazI7. ta'tms' andzzi'lelaapsie of seanzztikatnnoill re-
A GOOD LUNCH h eta m vazzthizsne-an. Nzevergiven-czt. II ana I I.Aayz. fiz'ea-z aziitec willmaainzasan heretore, .; ozethzuanzza
'oilai o la ale aa'tea'n frsztz iicking zakeza'its repczt'l zanz. 31. . rservedz'zSeaoill e solataS12 tie e-
NDto if. T1za' aznaasl izntcolgitec track an zszzaar at $1. All seats oil ic l laceds
SMOKE 'We arz laaszaicaatntn'itanlak at lat fildl zaet will bea held anssuazl inz nale at te saetim, inssalloo--
It. E. Jolly, 308 S. State StreetzIneraz- T1amgyzzabeing closednhaszzandzi-Izune, prnbabaly oastSaturuay, Issne 1 trizg Sian'choicento Sacmadeofitan'e ime
_________________________________ nappninzuszsouaz' azoate. Vi'mmay loeThe an'lot mzet onaheldl at havnzs-of fizz'resredztseat noe.
________________________________thze'cduzal zmeeita.ssnat'e azao got o waozd, andzatit is nexectd Sthat thze'cos- Sale'antreserved oats at bzota pricen.
wiztSlainistz'z-inzllgiati. W'ae o'got ttor 11,1 all n-ihiSceldat atinelineoaasz Ja. 20,1a. zz..at UziesitSchool
NOTHING t andazizt cuzp, aad tozao zan choool plazc. of .luleii.
LIKE '[H ll mszt oizana'he iter'czllegiate' three'fhe.aaaleiriozz of Ntre' Dimzaz'lzzi-Parties dsoinzg to azden ticket, or
tizme." isniytfor zatmisszon tan theirle of nreseedl seats y mail please adrss
Theatelluz foza' he fanirslt teamzzzzta 0 n t si-ersities u'zazzpisizg lth' zzinnoran- Oulinz'sztg P. 0. order) Tlozmas C. Ci-
(p set tot Chaiagzaonill bSac inzanez et. ganzatoatwas nzaco nnialeruedat tea:boo. ,seretary tttnesity Shooloof
Keanen lifzpaieizk wishezs all canzdai- zazzseaterazz, whienzaffatis a'z'tabt-
Chocolate Chips dtsespecially haol'o azltinz. s-igt tarrn nzing order. za' Pres. Angll Speaks to Almini at
(THlE ORIGINAL) mnsand zaijszampers, tza z'zszto te gymaThe' ola't zzazittI zazatheiz'Wesz'trntWtngo
for na i ztara'isa thea'morznsisg' whnzie tamtziezrolizgizteA' \nnaitfizzasta o zzt siao
hana-.zorezctimean. yt udisbaaned ..\zmet'ig nill Sna' hzld
40 Cents per lb. (Cat. tIzayes and azallantazgac tiazag- bythfiz'tzbozarofth11assozcatfionsFri atz thef z't'ti'nirsiy- of Aia-
stnaalso meshrttsaflks. da~y znoonzaithezShermnztHoufctse, (!Il- oanas wellrehsentedz'Sia eas-
'fiz' znly -trackunk ofsactItot yars azz. lhowevn'er'at wonli'zthan'isand rssza t"l n'n.nzshownao'b y at gazne
a jS t zzanz' Izncolege' are Itals, iznatorthan' assnial zzonill bta o azsiulat thez'list atfsmzmzsuofc tonin
QUARRYl S Dinonzz. ,Arztrng. BlwnBrt-oe otaza zzldcitueutfla teenzthzannazszl bNzl--
CAMPUS DRUG STORE z'nbaachz, Robizsnzz.Blrookfield, Nufer q_________ut of SlaenWashigtgozassociationzof
_____ azzF Iiohaligh. Asote zaile wnalk izs Itt alunizazT uezsd t'aay znight. tere
lanazcutrut nas lia'lilzwil iprabzly Schedule of Entrance Examinations taigthrfianemzzbrs of thec hosse andza
. 4" 1I. . t..."'"F tz' votezi' llri ornn.Blan oneze naforazmozg te baqcter
4. cazasgia's Iza zassazzFridayzand SturdayFb. z a znd h9, Theu' diznn niicl uccurrd at fizz'Et-
+. wn zhas .aanaucda'z zftan'eoill nft iiao aza a
* bezou thasatflbyaato iariffl izrica-n'l'. havzznn' et aart byznzt haetI iu'hzly onathouassi, noas grcd by tec preizt
4. I a a z n~~~eer atera'znonstha n' zttig osquazdthan'lieray ndepnamnhzasttzoz'ez'Xttizza- of fresiudeztAn zgll, winanso oclazi-
w ~ A W illusraziceanntaelra'ca-z-a.aadiheflazinzs ftraznnzzioanor tand'zziatezs enatpnlaueduwhnzto led off the tiac Lazzl
Izzaz Poets iftor aitaotly ectatst'de,- lta'- in ebraa' in sh azle asaking nitlznnsaddess oa tI' ltfaa
+, luataaazy for fhezaasolzetl at Clal- as followis: gres of te Uniersity. Pesizdinat
4. eja-ags za' goozdn. lzueuon'ds amzay anot lFzidan S I. mmt az,:t nel none ht h ubro
4. T a'lih zonnr ota oa a ata.. Enlis liter in''aaut11. t., lays- ,tdnszn aowon aathe oln at is's Att),
4.had lazaagoodal lane to train. ology: 2 pln.as.. ferassaz3zp IllIs.. inl-is 3,469Sencaator tP. J. McCuzzzac '. of
4. Adams an Commissio lisa- aig fla(botany aaildizology: =1 pIna..ilain-Northla Iakota, spokec oat"Tize'Uznr-
fory. sity isa fhacSnate; B.E . Envet in
4. Prof. "dm n omsinDs- szzlnk alyS a. amapnzysis;: 10 i.ia, "Theive Sazrs'iy iza11amProrss ofznthe
4,.reeEn slil; 2 1. sn., ILatia5n . aa. GrekaSciesares of Cemaistry ad Pysc";
_________ iFreznhastrzonaomay; 4 p. as., chlezistry. tRepresentzlaie Saforth, of Colradzno
___ _- oa "The AV'eof; J. H. lcaowaza, oz
'ant. Henry C. )Adams, wonwoas DrI. Wilbert 5B.lHinasdale deaaof thsc Thae tegento sad tEarly istory onieha
I ~ ~ ~ ~ s istea of thec Joint rongresionallomeahic dslsepnelartmnmzt, hasaarranageaUziverity of Hlicligas."
c z'zazzzsisoiathat invetigtd the qne- anourse of leftsaes for thae seond Oters wo-a attended thle banqueta'z zc~t
B o o k-__lioaan of owheter railwa'zyionpanies' semeaser onz Diabeteo, owit Snecial alreay msestioed owere tie followinsg:
yecmznastions for znail cars azd for Rezferecae to Izfat Feedizg. TEIe Replsnstatives Bosius, of Pesnsyl-
a-zcarrying asails soa aof excessive,.lanescourseconill be oanen tle geseral nasa- asia, andulDisg, of Utah; Clevelanz
,,Izaade zz report thzat In at variane withlacIts'hle letures being given Mosday Abie.Fobn Barnaard, MarussBtaker F'
4. flsa' ~~~~~herenport fhatsthfle' uoaazaioioarsub5t- eveneaiags isanIthe homneopa'clo.pitl . -I.Nale, Arthunaz' Birsay, Doalu Mn-
nunted to congress. Profs. d ans say _______ Perso. M. F. iniley, Williamsz Doz-
S t r , tlaat a a redtion of Ci per cent wousld At tisa'! nier service toay, the pro- nll, Duane E. Fox, -F. G. Coldronz
lens wll be upheld by seneral of the Saul" sa Rest In the Lord," rofrom doss, C. A. iser, T. C. Snudiai, . E.

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