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February 24, 1901 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-02-24

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..Our Special Line of....

Foreign and Domestic'
has arrived and is ar-
ranged for inspection.
We have the largest as-
sortment in the city,
6. H. WILD CO.'
io8 E. Washington St.
YOU KNOW where to get..
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. Sate Street.
Chocolate Chips
40 Cents per Ib.
*Tabular Analysis
of the
A framework of that part
B* ~ akto esCm m e naris
which relates to real pro-
Sperty. -
± Dean Hutchins says:
. In my judgement it is an
excellent piece of work, it
can be studied wih profit
in connection withBlack-
Istone. PRICE $1.0.

laead Tih- entetainmeits given by IWet- The New Additien te the echanical
Universities of Notre amle, Daean 4iev Society of the Law D epatment
Nebraska Nt Admitted to the Itot seve-ning n-scasi sis-ise s: Egineering _Wrk-Shps New in
Assciation hicsIa im '-ovtsl. wi(; iasdeter first Wring Order
a limwarisli- i Aissnnarbor. surpassedOi
sll expcitationfs. loos much csnnotsis t iro lu- ev l#litiol to the ssmes-lslial
Chicasgo 1t11"" Fets. 2, 101-(pecial sauidn pa-ise of ter oxeilent issding.
to Dlaily)-(osltens-e iOrgsanizsedlas iiersendsring of teanstasce-floins laborsitoo ish beles-isotesettor the
association of hoards of sotrist .lissn- Kin ngili. displayest ter swonderul use isr the stidents. with tie esptiols
aging rouimttee sif ltiiisii is toi on- drsamatis- poses. Thse seetionsc fromi sf the basements. Tie wliinery in
dulltI inet Nance. Interciollegiste Eigeiie Field ws-rio given ii erir ex- this Iirtisosi si the building is being
(Conference .Athiletic Acosistios.'sitsly naissvemonns-r. aitdimere en- rpilyb-paciedt sndt wittl500on te Iin use.
Cofsrense eosnittes- sit sligibility to tiociaslisclly resiceve.
pa5 sis n ll qusi-tiscof eligibility. __________ -tenssvnsc-isanast piping hssabes
I ssaerse leelines tss exipsisd. Notre put5 in, so aso to economni-ze the Isle of
isassis, Drakle sisd Nebirsaskanotistlad- TO THE SOPHS AGAI N lssis-i T'csssets of teass is icowere
sits-d. IEntranisc fee-toiasscsiationscosstruict, sne os- the larger picees
$75. Entrsnefions--t-- i iet lls fir all o it wr n h te o h
nld Cofeenc hs ntie-jursdc-Thte Freshmen Do Good Works in the sipisaps.ihsiepsilesr o lir frnels
tion. Meet bit Lose n Ttal Points that stas-ilsfromsstics-unisersity lowers-
--x. t. ir--i-t~xs 11.1.: -osean ea ti sed, or steaminfront the
withs musc-hsnoises hutsdtssattendig tbilssin thelii builing~. Solisisch posw-
Hayes anid Snow May Ctnmpete at s-tuisi-st te seconind iisoor iiss-et the srr is nowiInests-s thst oftess the main
Milwaukee sasl a ihl a' vensig TaWate cs-taer situexissinat supaleoalso
rc-sntstives of the twossnssisClassces si-sessostrucste-s, oerwscheru-sns to a
Yeste-rcasC hicigos itsrsaldstssthe in asll depaisrtmesiit.tHerstoforses-theiss-is rgscoieslcissr..nstthe others-openss
follsowiigtis asy: tFreshl-ssiiiss--Iisee icc-s ls-s pnoly toi ito liiioussideaitmssoshere. he
dss:pt. H-owasrsd tsyess ailNiil Snoss-htitshs t eeginees.bslithlii- s-c sic- lillis i shis-s-en sarrangec i the ens-
of the Mic-higsanitrsas-kstessm sisy russ tssstsrs i throwing it opestoss stheIr osithflurssmssnd5ha1eIssueondenosr
undetsr First itegisoe-nt athlticsclistsuniveirsity a~ sss h t rsss-sd tosseinn-aof hesir oiwi. Thes-wa-ler fromsithis os-
sohorsat51 Milsassskcr net Ssturdastsiy sis ssly tastirlshsr i iasig smores-gel- cds-ser is ransilbsck itssa cistcrn sand
evenisig inithe a. A. t. smeet. It tilerci-itlitsri-1stinofi-erig ise r- the iwastr isls-s a-srvsrland osersagsin,
solis an ssildslOthacss twis starss to fessiosl dprts tmntsisohssh5 c5 hisnsse o therbyhsasiniug si-sts-i-tx. .Sone of
their ti-sllsthis-- 555mir utortus rs-ssi-n ss-sper ini scompeititionlsouitsides of thurthses- iauisuws-srinithur osd building
ing to Chticasgos withi this-ttrohy. .Will--'vsrsiyisis-sh. 'iliiiattesnidsnces1111111-hbut ithers thast thsves beeisswnsd tess
ouit thus-llther coniest fuss-itebasnnues is isri- s ssussthiug or hissa. utascsit- yeasororen, uai- haduuto e stoed
expecste-d toshe si clise ausc-c-histasselstras of la~iste. thi sprsikling sityosugaaisshed sus. hews-siof sthetiles- ieng
tue First IRegimens-ss tit is-Uiirity womeuih n-s-ntlwas it ginerosus. lnolIrsiomufor thesms. 'this-sepups us.
sit Chicago. Su cs s-ia s-issisuto c nutts stusussisus (slush'the-is-555anysittieut kinds
"The suns st this-his-sutositthurFirst susn. howes-er. sr us-srly sll tis tehRsomsuss bsialieft fishcom-ousnd
Resgimenut tesamshasveraskseillHsyes to s-cs-stsswre- closesly-isisntestedislushthi-eusngines. lush yet i-eived u ht basdly
s-silos-thur iiset it Oihsisuuis. Ilsimars se swhlars- igh. ahis-hsas nee ed.ts-I' liii, engines- thast is uses tu
icosiicaththeur n~ivessity of (hisagowlsli fr tis-futuresu css o lihi- studentsuto te xptesriment i-iwiith ting
gyuulhssiainnWednesasy einhgsi-len gnu's5trsck tems.it spartish dslushistting it tgstie-cis
he defesatedcI8,.A. Molonesy ii it short This- wasrk sit 4 :,- scons aits iplacedh isisthis tlosr. slushsos this-Las-
haslf nmile, sattactedhthus- sttenthioniloft reschedsthisri-u-tineus inithess-45-Yasingen n bitt iy the studen-sts them-
tDr George-1-. Itermsan. pr-iitside t sisudas. ilsuassduHatshsu nser-thisesivss.swhichssill his-ru eitheris-rut-
this soldies'ssthls-tis-csrgsnizations,. aud spritesThus-fosmersuss hula si-llsusicoisthissistthig egine.
Matsx Bnerssirliri- neru. Afher the finlhhi-st fronsssus i l a hat d sie, ind uinthis-first floor is sillOlsen tseting
asset thney saskdl hit s lIc--tosunnt swekItr eusw atulthis-,judsgeshi-i-isisitSmausshine,. hislvigiscapacity of 100000
Saturidsay.illsuithesat iaillshisahinsittiesasmhe hi-- lioususs.usdt for ininisgthe- istimate
"Hysisaxiuio eeteredt st un- itiths inessl. lii sll aspeslsssi-sstrenigthhinlh hreskisg losdof steel.
tM ssiswakehbeausehe o iisscnfdntad ssuit y veynepesntssb ndwo. The oom is lss uphi
thast lbe canhhdefeat sut. --ill" Mlousey ssvesthe hiflrse ushi is uhusishasndss th)li ilelawiti i macihise tr testing
of hissagos.usiloshetaflfeh d~i iattyininiuil shsdec sisirsis-si thasshelash ishisigis I euis- uhisih aing !sric.
dinus. The,- fivs-usoo fasyes sa5y5)thast tsthus-frshumsuusbiy sigososifoot.Th lii- iu thus-csslt sdlsit rh ossmsknownvssi
thur Mic-higans runerdcus-sostidagre sserisioiun ssst dhowseversiahdit hesstie the 5computingiltrom,. whee studets
withi theiuc-dsigs ashos sesishdsinifavosiivlis sisu-isisn'l. hshicllhinuus lsas lshowuistand nfgur sit thie resusts.Lifter
oh Msshsuay usthusClose ass- isis itvssris- Irsiastrensgths st thus-fiiushedslalushcincshedssi iisld experisents. Ailcing asidn]-
wouod last Issums. Hayes says thast ie liii rsaces-.inthi sm meassshu:ls bsefsores. tipsi)-ilinaeinies srs-ouncihtie-f on
looksedl sces- his sholdesiir slushsias- fols- .4 ,-;secs.tthsir usleThis roomsshis astb(sc-en -n
sns) beindssl slhim sahisfinishedi. This-hurlscbIrought sutthis suelli reiss-a-furishedsi ;set othr parts
snowsawsaskisin theshot-put sdi 5ofthe 5econ his-la-suHaaaiiin -nrlcsi 15mo1e neessay to
highi-jumpstsWednsesdsay sasening asis of sandstRltsssaonuhasving 5e55s giuougsldush -tiss ete'swok
sill-i illexc-llent chasracster-s (o s- finisiuing liithis os-stunamedhiwith isi-illsdfoo i-alrg ro
sre points if le sonmues-Is ahIisau- Tukrrthis-siniiithus-xcesalent tiss-of for thi sesnior nuehonic-l drawing
lii is sutseshtt I- scrssss.elmus. Te rosin is filed aia large
lce. lie is expsectedsto baentrldif ac-blotsnds
Has rus.ssTirs on1 te115 allvedtcrua-1iobse s,-whic ncre entirey onstc-nt-
Thsre is siqisestionus s-hsthenrcur sot ixcitisng fil thse-extremes and ofte c-si bythe astents. tOn th south end
these smess could bIe eigihe Ito csmpte -teeists-s s-i-st i ounger,-lssadsitthe of the us ilding ohs bothsthe first and
tsr Michigans atr scpsssuig for the hilene sit it Thur threes-lsapsrascesass si-soust floors pessant sffice rooms
h-lut SIsgissu-sln ptisit gyears tfis-Jii ll usc-sts sutiasnd -l--lacIs li-his-nt hav -obsesuarsangd on the use of te
qustsionsof college:sathlhetes coisuuistisig thes winns -on tie timse madsie li-s usrsfesasrs.s These, halsac sot icc-n em-
fon the tathetic clubus bass sasusedtsomea this aransgmnthti thee lacsen-Oticlg unished btntiaill be is a short
conhtoversysusnd 'in tfothbsll, esticci- ltothi s ass hoIsusghu Sweet'0-b rm- ina-
slly in the rsase of this Chicago Athleticspnitiu aClose si-ronsd Iu to e rnsslu,
assoc-issioss there was an igreewnut tusasde the three critiis of fle cnisc-k!it I Seniors to Dane Fridy Night
sinong (he cleges that it a. malsshioce: settestismesthianss sitiesSuesley -os
playedl torn assthleticrislus le 'woldilUsuumaellantis wers- plsel.Issthe The bg jrioomhop cw-l out of the
theresiter he ineligible for at ollege ouiting0ag the othir clases are fallitg into
tesa. The case of Ut~fendelI n-io hiss Thus-lonsgen, 9-ap rsseawesit to the lise andci holdisg ther less pretesntous
gosa- trom fue first Regiment teashm freshmusenu, iHll PullisigIis runsning dancing paties wic-h are all the mnore
Is thast lat Notne Dame is sinsilsar." uists sarunsd the track fal eough to delightful bease of their informality.
Capt. Hayes iaas itenviewaed last give thi-m all plulaces sahesd of tie The senior lterary class announces for
evening in regard to the mnatter n sd soihomorse team, and finshing in the Friday evening of this we-ek a paty
said: "I didk not see tih- Chicag tiTmes rensr'lsblg gosd ime of 3 sinsutes and to be held at Barour gymnasiumTie
tHcrald today and dd not knowanfit 2-) secondsIss the siddle distance of U. of Ml.orhseta which rendered such
Snon is to te wit un I hope to 1cc six hlas Hish again showed Iis metal goodi damce music at the junor law
able to go but shall have to ace Prof. cv pulilui7 the sae out from Dilloway party aic-n-w nights sine, has Been
Pattengll in regard tou the matter la- in at splendid burst of speedh at the secured and in cossequence success
fore bc-eing able to stats definitely that finish, setinmg a mark of 1:48 2-) for from a dancerspoint of view is as-
cswill run with the First Itegisnent:- the distance. sred.
Prof. Pattengili Is now in Chicago t- Issithe field events the sophomores
tending the colicge eonferenebut, is were stanger and won the met there iss oung and -Mr. Alvord will slg
expected to returns this evening Clarkitafrehan, tied for first in the the duet, "Calm utsa(le Night,'lby
high jump, and Smith and Savage of (tete at the (Unitarian hrch ths
The Circus is epnmang stra town [Cotinued on Second Page.] morning.

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